(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Chrisstan : OIC.. tat means it's wat I went thru last Fri... ultra scan the bb neck for measurement and take blood test..

apple : great !! I wonder why SGH dun hav tis service to call patient and review the test results.. Haiz.. I can only knoe my blood test result in 3wks time !

lovie : can drink bubble tea ah ????? I craving for tat very long leh.. but all ppl ard me say cannot drink !!! Very sad..

Chrisstan, Yvonne: Thanks! will give them a call..

Lovie: Hahaha... yup, u're so cute.. ;) Your hubby must adore u a lot! Hee..

Apple: My scan is at 8.30am. So if they open at 8am, I think still can apply before my scan.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Glad that your results are good. Now you don't need to worry too much about ur baby. Ur baby is growing well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Whoofy: The OSCAR scan is done 11-13(+6days) weeks. You can check with your gynae for more details, but they will check the thickness of the skin behind the baby's neck to assess the risk of Down Syndrome. Includes blood test.. Usually recommended if high-risk pregnancy or older ladies, but these days, most ladies would go for this. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovie : yes.. I did.. it's the test for DS.. and also some other tests to knoe the current condition of my body so tat gynae will knoe how to manage the whole pregnancy.. tats why in total they took 6 tubes of blood.. @_@"


my gal's whole head was wet when I took her out of the sling and the cloth is rather thick. I also find the sling difficult to use, so I bought a pupsik instead. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Whoofy : Can ah! But dun drink so muchie lah. I noe why u say can’t coz it’s TEA right? Hehe.. (Pretend not to know tat can’t drink TEA..)

Ask ‘em for discounts for drawing 6 tubes of blood. Hahahahhahahahh! I fight with the nurse who's drawing my blood as im very scared. Wahahahahahaha! She keeps on scolding me lor. Hehe..

Tam : Nah, im VERY WELL-BEHAVED infront of hb. He likes me being demure and gentle.. WAHAHAHAHAHHAH

Whoofy: i drink passion fruit with green tea wor. Not often lah, once in a while :p

Lovie: you?! demure and gentle?! hahahaha... yalah, demure and gentle in front of hb but when hb not around...tsk tsk tsk

wah, so sleepy after lunch, no mood to work man

Lovie: Hmm... You say until lidat.. I have my doubts leh.. :S Hahaha.. Think tea is fine ba.. as long as not more than 2 cups per day (according to the doctor)

Lovie: I dun think can drink bubble tea leh...

Whoofyjo: Thanks! I remember that time my HB take blood test, the nurse call up and told everything is ok. When i go for my next visit, my gynae pass me the blood test report. I think on the next visit they will pass it to us.

Tira: That time the oscar scan report did gynae pass to you?

Snoopy : Waaahhhh.. I’m hurt by ur remarks! Hahahahahahaah.. Always as cute as ever!

Tam : Dun doubt, I’m truly a SHY girl. Hehe..

Apple : Drink lah, why not? Maybe drink bubble tea, ur MS will be G.O.N.E.. Hard to say, right? Hehe.. Axe or Shang Biao to ur rescue?

Apple: Understand the bloated feeling.. It's really irritating.. esp when you want to rest.. I've yet to find a remedy for it also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lovie: Haha.. I'll try to believe u.. Hehe.. just kidding ah.. I'm sure you're cute and well-liked by many. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just went puke my lunch out.. Bun and apple juice.. Hiaz..

Christine: I only get easily agitated by one colleague. He really a pest! Argh, so smelly...

lovie : I dare not fight wif the nurse.. knowing she gonna poke me.. Jus wanna get it over and done wif soon, hopin her skill will be good.

As I'm the "bah bah" type, she was searchin and slapping my arm to look for my vein for very long time lor.. End up can't find on my left hand.. change and find on right hand.. Lucky can find..

appel : my gynae says they dun get the nurse to call and review the test results in SGH. Must see doc to knoe the results lor... Haiz..

Whoofy : Ahahahahhahah.. I will still fight till the end! End up got subdue by her and sit down quietly and let her POKE.. sweat manz!

Apple : Punch u? Then call 999 to help you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie: Hahaha.. yahlor.. so far.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] didn't know Apple works near Yishun too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw, where's ur gynae based?

Actually dun drink cold water, as mentioned by my mum that it is cool for our womb which is not good. We need to keep warm for our womb.

Tam : My gynae's based at Paragon. Am a loner coz not a SINGLE one mtm seeing the same gynae as i was lor! Hahahahahahahah

Apple : Hard to lah especially hot weather. How to drink warm water sia! Go and have some biscuit and at the same time walk away from ur colleague. Hahahahahahah

Snoopy : Next time if we have time, we venture out of Vivo k. Hahahahahahahah and i bring u to Chinatown for bubble tea!

Lovie: Haha.. u're very special mah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But where u planning to deliver at?

Apple: Yup, can't drink too much cold stuff.. like what Lovie said, try to see if u can eat sthg? Empty stomach will also feel nauseous...

Lovie, next time you go for your gynae appt at paragon, can jio me for lunch or tea. me work near paragon on certain days... so not lonely lah u

Lovie: My gynae's based in TMC, so would be delivering in TMC. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Marina : Wahahahaahah.. But i normally went during Sat wor.. Coz my gynae works office hours. Shiok eh! I dun have any leave so i try going on Sat! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tam : Yap, tat's what most of the mtb here does! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And dun tell me u also got apply galenic elancyl stretch marks cream!!!

Lovie: Hahaha... nope.. I actually bought a bottle of palmer's stretch mark cream quite early on cos got ppl say in 1st tri gotta start applying. Then i applied once and I couldn't really take the smell. That time my MS was real bad also, so stopped and the bottle's now collecting dust.. Maybe tonight I try again and see how I feel. hahaha.. Do u apply also?

TamL: Since you going down to TMC, you can go to the shop near the lift there and buy galenic elancyl stretch marks cream. Buy 1 get 1 free. Actual price is S$47+ per tube. Now 2 tubes only S$47+. So worth to buy. The smell ok. Previously, i also use the palmer brand, but cannot tahan the smell, now keep dust.

Snoopy : Wa seh! Lotsa lor! The hawker centre, duck rice, fish soup and the teow chew fishball noodle tat i had juz now! Thumbs up!

Tam : Yap, i use the stretch marks cream from my gynae that cost me $27.82 if am not wrong. Hahahahahhhah.. I used to apply palmer too but not that i can't stand the smell but tat teh more i apply, the more itchy i feel so i stop lor. I've got sensitive skin u see..

