(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Bel: I bought a standard pack of 11 pcs for I think $15-$16, dont remember exact price cos it was quite some time back. My gal is actually wearing Size M now for her swimming lessons, even though the pack says 11-15kg.

Blue: I think shld be able to sit until around 7~8 months bah. But by that age, most prob they prefer to sit in walker cos it allows them to move around, instead of the Bumbo. My gal also prefers her walker to Bumbo although she still dont mind sitting in the Bumbo for short periods of time for now. I can understand your feeling of seeing everything must buy cos when I go shopping, always feel that I must buy something for Kimberly, cannot leave shop empty handed. Haha...

Blue / Bel: Where did you buy your anti slip mat?

Aiyah, i just bought the little swimmers diapers... after hunting high and low for it. Now i am all set to bring my boy go swimming!

Jmi: When are you bringing your boy for his next swimming lesson at PP?

Gyan: You know the cap we bought at the BP thread? Very cute hor, my boy likes to wear it. hahahha...

Freesia, can get anti-slip mat from Kiddy Palace. I got it from KP to fit into Jared's Ikea blue bath tub.

We wanted to bring Jared to swim last night, but he slept on the way there and the shop wasn't open. So maybe will bring him this weekend. You wanna bring Kyden and swim together with Jared? :p

Apple, it is Babies Can Swim at Punggol Plaza. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Which day what time? I see whether i can make it... PP very near my place, i can walk there with baby and stroller.

Freesia, is Sat or Sun better for you? If our boys swimming together, I'll call and book the time so hopefully they can put our boys in the bigger spa pool together. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How about Sunday afternoon? Say 4pm?

Gyan, wanna bring Alfonse along? :p

Oh yah, mummies, i wanna ask but shy... Has anyone leave plenty of 'dna evidences' everywhere they go? Cos my hair is dropping like nobody's business! N its not helping that my ger loves to grab my hair when carried..! N also not sexy when DH feel hair on pillow when getting cozy! Is dis normal after give birth? Will it stop? Cos if dis goes on n if i plan to have 2nd one, il be one botak mum! Sigh.. As much as i hate it; i now fear washing my hair... lol

Freesia, 3pm is ok. I'll ring and make appointment tomorrow. Do you have a package with them?

Blue: Mine won't come off unless I pull it off. The suction cups of the mat seems quite strong.

Yup, can get the huggies little swimmers 2 pcs pack at $1.95.

I am dropping lots of hair too. It is normal. I am not sure how long it will last but I think some mummies here mentioned that it will take about a year?

Snoopy: Oh, my boy was about 7.3kg when he was 4.5 mths. I think he should be around 8kg now. I was still thinking that M size is too big for him based on the weight stated on the packaging. So the weight range stated is not that accurate la. Shall let him try it soon. Thanks.

Freesia: I bought it at Carrefour. I saw two brands there. One is lucky baby (if I remembered correctly). I bought another brand starting with 'A'.

Blue, Bel, Snoopy: Ryan has 'funny' pattern these days while bathing.. He'll suddenly bend forward to grab his toes in the water.. n his face would be so close to the water surface.. scary.. Sometimes also he doesn't like to 'sit' in the tub properly.. my tub has a bit of anti-slip bottom but doesn't seem to help.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mummies using the Huggies swimmers diapers, what size do u buy for ur baby? I saw the weight range on the packaging, it seems quite different from normal diapers.. the S size seems to be able to take quite heavy weight..

i oso tinkin of buying the little swimmers... so shd i get s or m??

re: dropping hair

tink i mentioned couple of days ago... my hair seems to drop lesser compared to previous... dono if its starting to improve or if the shampoo helped...

bbin: What shampoo are u using?? My hair loss problem is worrying.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Any mummies here using Drypers?? I've got size L Drypers to let go.. PM me if interested.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mommies...

Super busy at work today... Finally got time to catch up on the thread !

Re : Bath time 'patterns' frm LO...

Jolie lately too has new patterns during bath time. She will suddenly curl herself, bend her knees.. Makin herself sink even lower to the water ! I also feel scare at times when she does tat. If I try bathin in a sitting position, she'll start protesting and try to lean backwards to tat she can be floating on the water instead !! My hubby and I are now considering to get a bath tub... Cos the current plastic bath tub frm Mount Alvernia seems to be gettin abit small liao.

Re : Hair Loss !!

Yes yes.. I'm loosing ALOT of hair too ! Can easily drop at least 20 strands if I stroke my fingers through my hair each time lor ! Haiz.. Dunno wat shld we eat to reduce tis leh.. But I started drinking chicken essence again on alternate days lor.. Cos I personally find myself weaker in terms of immune system ever since given birth. Hope it will help abit to recuperate some of the nutrients lost...

Bel: I started bringing Kimberly to swim when she's around 3 months old and the staff there already let her wear the Size M swim diapers then. They also advised me to get Size M if I am going to buy my own. She weights 7.58kg when she was 4 mths and 1 week old, and is turning 5 months next week, so I think her weight shld be around the same as your boy.

TamL/ bbin: Dont buy Size S cos you dont use the swim diapers so often, maybe only 1 pc per week, so your LO will outgrow this size very fast. Size M is a safer bet.

Bel: A YEAR? i think il be bald by then....b.o.t.a.k....hehe

Tam: now that you mention it, yah..my ger also like to do that...she will want to bend forward and look down into the water...... then when i pull her up by her armpit, she will arch her back and start to squirm... i know they are growing inquisitive as days pass....but their curiosity really make us so worried...hehe

bbin: i just ordered and received today hair care products from Medilook off the BP....is that what you had tried? Its ex to me but for the sake of my crown of glory, il pay...hope it works for me....

Tam, Whoofy: me too..i do not dare to run my fingers through my hair anymore....and i never fail to see one or two strands in my ger's hand when i carry her... so sad! when MIL came and help to sweep the other day, she commented on the hair clumps and i feel like digging a hole in the floor sia....aiyoh....

I dunno if eating calcium pill will help?...but i hate calcium pill...damn big n so hard to swallow....during pregnancy stage, its my most dreaded pill....lol


How do I pass the ntuc diapers to you?

Hair loss:

I also drop a lot of hair. Will be going botak if this goes on. Sigh


Does anyone notice whether there's gluten in the semi-solid food that you give to your babies? I realised quite a lot of the cereals have. I read in babycenter that we should avoid giving food with gluten for babies below 6mths to avoid allergy.

Hi fellow forumummies,

I'm from the Jan 2o1o thread and selling some brand-new baby clothes.

- Brands: Mothercare, Peacocks UK, Adams Baby and Next

- 100% authentic, retail pieces

- mostly for girls

- 6-9 months and 9-12 months.

Please PM if you would like to view them. I'll send you the link. Thanks loads! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Bellamy's packaging says "MAY contain TRACES of gluten". I think it's safe & ok. Unless u r realy super "yim chim", u can try looking for those that really doesnt contain gluten. I am already very "yim chim" but i am ok with the traces of gluten found in Bellamy's (even though i have not started weaning my gal yet)


I started feeding my baby the organix white rice cereal. The box didn't say there are traces of gluten but my friend told me we need to feed semi-solid which is iron fortified cos our bm will not have enough iron for them after 6mths. So I bought bellamy's and started feeding him yesterday and realised there's gluten which I read in babycenter that we should avoid gluten to prevent allergies. I have history of asthma and my baby has eczema, dat's why I'm worried abt allergies.


Yr friend is right! We need to feed iron fortified semi-solids so start with rice cereal. Dun worry abt Bellamy's. It's only traces & besides, it says "may contain". I myself have eczema but i think it's ok. I bought Bellamy's as well. And now waiting for the Happy Bellies from Tam. I intend to start with Bellamy's and then intro Happy Bellies for variety

good morning mummiesssss....

been long time since i post here....

how is everyone & yr LO???

ME too start to drop hairs...... wash hairs drop even more..... so sian leh....how to reduce of situation???

Now the Most happiest thing is to step to the house after work .....my Jin yuan will give me the sweetest smile....that will melt my heart.... & his eyes will track where ever i go & demand me to carry him by making alot of noise.....


I'll be going to diane's house. Is kiefer still wearing M size NTUC diapers? I'm letting estovan to try L size huggies ultra already. The M size huggies ultra is too small for him. He's wearing M size mamy poko now but will leak everytime he poos.

Re: Hair Loss

Aiyoh...thot i'm e only one!

i thot i ate too much MSG stuff...

1year then can improve? sigh...botak patch at hairline liao! @_@

hi mummies... nw den got time to finish up reading the posts...

tam, i didn remember the brand of shampoo... coz i went to chinatown 'ocean' n asked for recommendation... bought n juz go... haha... will check out tonite n post again...

snoopy, so i shd juz buy size m for little swimmers ah? oki, got 313 cold storage voucher... shall use tat to buy...

Blue/Tam : The pink mat i bought is Anuka brand and it sticks very firmly to the tub leh... n when i pull it out of the tub, it still leave the round round suction stains on the tub!

Jmi : I can't join u gals... bcos normally i go on sunday arnd noon time den after that needs to bring Alfonse back to MIL place liao

Tam: That is pretty scary for us mummies. So far Xavier did not do that while bathing.

snoopy: Ok, so I shall use the M size swimming diaper soon before he outgrown it.

Blue: Not too sure exactly how long but someone did mention that it will take one yr. Same here, when I carry my boy, sometimes can see my hair on him. =(

That time after my sis gave birth, she too dropped a lot of hair. I could see her scalp when I helped her to color her hair.

Gyan: That's the brand of the mat that I bought. I bought two pieces that time, one for the tub at my mum's place, one for mine. Yes, it sticks firmly to the tub. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Snoopy: Okie, shall get size M..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Blue: Haha.. yup, they're at the stage where they're so curious abt everything and don't know the dangers involved..

bbin: Okie.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gyan: Is the bathing mat helpful?? Cos Ryan doesn't really wanna 'sit' inside but wanna 'lie down' n float sometimes.. so not sure if i shld get it..

I have a silly question for mummies who breastfeed exclusively. When I breastfeed, I realise my boy's nose is pressed against my breast. Will his nose be flattened in the long run? My mil says my son's nose is extremely flat. Sigh

Bryest, Jared already has a flat nose, his nose is also pressed against my breast when I BF him. Not just that, he sleeps on his tummy and sometimes he 'headbutts' into his pillow.

Bryest: My son is bf exclusively n i also notice his nose quite flat but i don't think it's cos of bf-ing.. babies features will keep changing n i read that babies r born with flat nose cos nature intended them to be breastfed.. i think dun need to really worry abt it.. i'm sure ur son doesn't press his nose so hard til will flatten..

Jmi: No, i don't have a package. This sunday will be Kyden's first swim! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw, what do i need to bring? Just the swim diapers? Need to bring bath towel and bb toiletries?

bryest: I too breastfeed my boy exclusively. His nose is still alright, not too flat. Nowadays he like to rub his nose on my breast while he drink. =.=" I am so worried that he will be out of breath that I push his head upwards so that his nose will not touch my breast. :p

Freesia, then you use 1 swim from Jared's package first and see if Kyden likes it. I'll go and make appointment for 4pm.

Just bring swim diaper, bath towel, change of clothes, ruyi oil, cream etc. And your camera!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Freesia, I PM-ed you my cell no yesterday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also notice that he likes to rub his nose on my breast esp when he's sleepy and frustrated.


I also will press his nose bridge sometimes but he doesn't like it.


Freesia, for baby massage which you have to pay, they will use their own cream. The oil/cream I told you is the usual ruyi oil/diaper rash cream which we apply on the babies after shower. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

