(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

SP: I started white rice cereal at abt week 17 when I observed she can lift up her head steadily. Also bcoz got one period she keep refuse to finish her milk.

Happiness: haha Cherish is almost same weight like Chloe, 6.9kg.... Thx for update !


Hi mummies,

Anyone wants organix cereal banana porridge ($6.90) n apple rasberry ($7.20)? Both r fr 4 mths onwards. I hv 2 boxes each to let go.

Pink bumbo with tray to let go at $35. Condition 9.5/10

Pick up at Tampines. Pm me if interested. Thanks

Lovie: oh!~~~~ Like tat ar... ok...

bbin: yep. oh! it's also my mum's practice to start porridge ard 4mths. But this practice has been onhold becoz mommy's insisted so! haha... :p

Tira, Lovie: . . .

Morning mummies! --> change to Afternoon Mummies!

happpen to read the post on yahoo.sg on SG's education systems... sigh...


Thanks. My gal now having her 2nd period of milk fussiness. Apparently, it's a combination of teething & no more growth spurt. I was almost going to wean her cuz desperate. But still haven’t cuz trying to “tong” till she’s 6mths. Did yr LO’s milk situation improved after u wean?


Thanks for the info on the Ikea high chair. I so not fated to own the high chair. Already made 3 attempts to get it already[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

apple: there's a survey or report on schools giving the kids a lot of schoolwork esp during hols, and the parents cant even take the kids out for holidays...

U all started solid food so fast!

i've decided to wait till my boy's 6mths+.

For now, i saw some brands sold in NTUC supermkt.

Can hear ur advise on these? Thanks.

- Frisocrem

- Cerelac Wheat & Milk

Chrisstan, I started Organix's First Organic Wholegrain Baby Rice on Jared last Friday. I rang RH Children's Centre to check and they told me to add 1 tsp to his milk instead of spoon-feeding. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chrisstan, he was ok with it. In fact he finished his milk very quickly. But I only feed him that once a day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


If u planning to start solids, start with single grain rice cereal. Save the wheat for later on maybe 7th mth cuz wheat is more allergenic.

I havent wean my gal yet. Planning to wait till she's 6mths. So i cant comment on frisocreme/cerelac except dun start with wheat


Yay! I think i better hop over to Ikea the minute it opens to get the high chair. Cant wait for my gal to sit with us at our dining table so that it's easier for us to entertain her instead of having to entertain her on her rocker chair/exersaucer. So tiring to keep bending up & down. Bad for the back!

Hello mommies : i've enrolled for the "Weaning Ways, Growing Babes" talk by Hougang Polyclinic for this Saturday, 10th July at 9-11am... but i dun think i can attend liao cos got another appt... anyone of you wanna go instead? It is $6.50 per pax or $10.50 for 2 pax... each participant gets an attractive goodie bag

Good morning mummies! Going to be afternoon liao.

Jmi: I also started feeding Kimberly solids by adding some brown rice powder into her milk. Then, kena scolded by her PD cos we are not supposed to feed them solids via milk bottle. Even the book, First Foods, also said feed solids with spoon, so no idea why RH advised you to add the Baby Rice into Jared's milk.

Snoopy, Portia is also feeding her Ethan the same way. She added brown rice to his milk via the bottle. Then again, Ethan & Jared are both RH babies. :p Jared's seeing the PD this Sat for his jab, I'll check with the PD again.

Thanks callalily!

Noted f e wheat thingy.

i'll look for e rice cereal type. ^_^

Snoopy: My guess is becos dun want to confuse bb?

As in spoonfeed is solid food & bottlefeed is milk only? :D


If u dun miz well, bb might not be able to swallow the cereal and will choke on it.

Also, if u feed using bottle, bb cant sit up straight and tat he/she will be eithe lying down or that in a incline position and tat u might end up choking him/her!

Snoopy, okie. I will update you after I ask his PD on Sat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Have you all let your babies taken the pneumoccocal jabs? Which month does your babies start the 1st pneumoccocal jab?

Jmi, snoopy: it's advised nt to put cereal in bottle cos baby has to suck harder as liquid is thicker.. also gt danger of choking.. use spoon for cereal so that baby experience eating.. put cereal in bottle is old practice that's nt approved by doctors these days..

Ivy Tan - $49.90 for just the bumbo seat? but think i wanna get with the tray leh..who knows might come in handy..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] may try to hop down to isetan to check out da price..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyone having a lil difficulty bathing your loved ones nowadays? my ger now think its time to show her 'strength' by pushing and moving around alot during bath time....She will straighten her knee joints and when i though its ok since she's pushing against the tub, she suddenly bend her knees and there i was struggling to hold her cos she slip forward...haiz...

So is a bumbo seat useful in the tub? will it spoil the seat....scared heart pain if spoil cos its so ex if i buy one.

btw, Mums and Babes having promo.

20% off to to all online purchases.

(20% off NOT INCLUDED Promo Set, Medela Spare Parts and Accessories)

but there's no bumbo set for me...what they have is bebepod....which is better? bebepod or bumbo?

Blue: Ryan also moves n kicks during bath time and I'm always afraid that his head will fall into the water.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Bel: Sometimes put in sitting position my boy will suddenly straighten his body n legs.. How do u make sure he sits properly??

Tam: Xavier likes to move and kick his legs as well. I usually hold him at his arm, under his armpit, the side that is further away from me. Having the anti-slip mat inside the tub helps alot. At least his butt will not slip in the tub when he try to move. Before I bought the anti-slip mat, he too looked like he might fall into the water. Pretty scary.

Bel: anti slip mat also no use....like Tam's boy, my ger will straighten her body n leg n da anti-slip mat goes out of position...lol...previously she was a happy contented baby in water..now she has a time limit...after few mins, she will do all these 'stances'..haiyoh..

Tam: yah..my ger's back of head almost hit the tub when she straighten her body...luckily i manage to grip her tight under the armpit....my ger's been in a sitting position eversince her neck was stronger....but also no use...she also can combo....grasp n pinch my arm which hold her and also straighten her leg....very pain sia her grasp but bo pian....just have to grit and hold tight tight...haha

Blue: Does your anti-slip mat have mini suction cups below? Mine will stick to the tub very firmly so even when Xavier moves, the mat will still be in place.

Before using the mat, it was very hard to bathe him when he move a lot. He almost hit the tub when he straighten his legs too. He kept bending and straightening them.

Luckily for me, he did not grab my arms. He will grab the sides of the tub instead.

Chrisstan: That's one of the rationale I've read and what Lovie & TamL said is also true.

Muffin: Are the cubes useful? I was also thinking of like making purees and freezing it but dunno if it's ok to feed my girl thawed frozen food.

Blue: IMO, i think can do without tray if you have or are going to get a high chair. Bumbo with tray also costs more leh. I got mine from Spring Maternity at $49.90 w/o tray. I'm also a little struggling to wash my girl's hair, currently i'm letting her rest her butt on one of my thighs, supporting her neck with one hand, and use the other hand to wash her hair. But now, quite hard to manage cos she will squirm and getting heavier too. I am now thinking to put her in a sitting position and wash her head down. I'm also using the same anti slip mat as Bel, and it does stick to the tub very firmly.

Lovie: Orrh :p

Oh yah, mummies whose LO is using Huggies Little Swimmers - Watsons is selling 1 pack of 2 pcs at $1.95, got both Size M & L. Meaning only $1 per pc, cheaper than the normal pack right?

Snoopy, I just rang RH again. This time round I spoke to the nurse that I'm familiar with, she told me to spoon-feed Jared. So I'm gonna try it tonight. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

snoopy: I thought $1.95 for two pcs seems cheap and bought one pack of M size for my boy to try when he is a little older. I am not sure what is the price for a big pack.


Bel - yup...my anti slip mat is da simple pink colour with suction cups below....i can say it is useful too cos at least when my ger move about, it wont be so much.... but it is still a struggle to hold her still to wash her....and especially so when i start on her neck fold....like as if kena torture like that..then when she really struggle, you can hear the 'clack clack clack' sound of the mat un-attaching form the tub...haha

Snoopy - i think u got a point there....niwae how long can a baby sit in the bumbo seat before they outgrow it? few months only izit? if like that, i don see a need for a tray unless she older also can sit there to eat...which i doubt so...must transact to high chair which is more feasible and comfy as they grow bigger... hmmm...but da actual reason i wan to initially get the tray is cos itchy see nice everything want to buy..lol

