(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

bbin2010: not sure y i din rcv your message... anyway you can look for me in facebook under Gyan Tan... I think i am the only one with picture!!

Freesia: you can also add me if you want.


No idea about him going on leave or not during our due date... I just suppose he will not go away since so many of us due at that period!


Oops! I got the dimension wrongly! I think the most common size in the market for cots are:

52" x 28"

48" x 28"

Mine also the 52" x 28".


There was a time i almost want to sell my cot so i got the pic in my pc.

Saw some earlier postings,

Some of u mummies can feel bb, some not yet.

Initially, it was bubbles/wave-like/stab-stab movements...

Currently, in my 19wk+, i can feel bb kicks more often now, when sitting up.

Sometimes, it's my hb voice or the sudden loud music on tv that triggers the kicks too!

Occurring quite frequent now...Hope u ladies can feel this phenomenon soon! :D


The optional side barrier is only 1/2 the length and very low one... When u convert to toddler bed which will adjust bed height to the lowest level, you can't fix back the barrier as shown in the pic, need to fix the optional side barrier given which is very low and 1/3 or 1/2 the length of the bed.

2 wks ago i passed by Balestier road and happened to see 1 warehouse selling baby stuffs, can't rem the name of it but as you drive down belestier road from the direction of TMC, pass by those shops selling lights will see it on yr left... I didn't check out but only saw they paste big advertisement outside their wall, saw bb strollers, car seat etc..... something baby hypermart, baby kingdom at Shun Li Industrial....

bbin2010: oops...funny leh, anyway i oredi sent u a message in your facebook, i've sent you my email address so you can add me cos i can't add you.

good afternoon ladies,

Busy day, now holidays, have to settle kids before coming here. Any good recommendations for good bbq caterer to recommend? Thanks.

Oh Jaspire, you knew that place huh? So you check out that place also? what do they sell? what brands they carry?


Went to the Taka fair again over the weekend and bought quite a few stuff.. Couldn't resist.. hee.. Bought baby cot (the convertible to toddler bed one that some of u have mentioned.. think quite worth it..), laundry detergent, nappies, 1 single baby jumper and 1 3 piece newborn baby clothing set.. Dun know gender yet so bought white and green.. Hee.. There're so many different types of baby clothes, so sweet and cute but too bad a lot of gender 'differentiated'.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] They should make more neutral baby clothes.. Even after I know baby's gender in a few weeks time, i also would want my baby to be wearing pink/blue clothes everyday..

Yvonne: I bought the $359 one... Hee.. think not bad cos mattress, pillows etc all in.. Maybe u can go down and have a look.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tam- i bought d...i bought the 399 one. i saw the 359 one also....not bad

gals--> how much is the babyplus? it's really useful?

raine, minime: I also have babyplus! My colleague recommended it to me, said it is effective. Haven't started using yet though, probably will start next week when i reach 18 weeks.... Ya, the thumping sound is loud, don't think i will use it in the office.

yvonne: I bought mine long ago.. . i think it costs a few hundred dollars? They have a booth at the taka fair, you can go check it out.

apple: I am also seeing Dr Wong on this Fri. What time is your appt?

Gals, what do you look out for when you buy cots? I probably will bring the baby over to my mum's place after the maternity leave is over, does that mean i have to buy 2 cots?

Freesia: i think for sure before you buy cots is to determine where you want to put and measure the space before going down to ensure it is able to fit in.

I don't think its neccessary to buy 2 cots. maybe 1 use mattress will do.

Tam L,

Though I also will not let my gal just wear pink next time but i am in love with pink so i guess most of her clothes will have pink lol.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aiyoh, not sure is it girl or not...hope this wed appt, can confirm the gender more accurately.


If you really need 2, better to buy 1 cot + 1 playpen. Playpen can sleep also + can dismantle and assemble easily, compact to carry along and store up, also price is cheaper. I bought my playpen for $99 only.


If you really need 2 wooden cots, if don't mind, can consider to get 2nd hand... usually the 2nd hand one is still quite good and at very cheap price! U can check out this forum on "want to sell"..... That time my GF bought her 2nd hand cot for only $70 cash and carry.

Yvonne: Oh ic.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Freesia: I agree with what Serene has said. For ur Mum's place, can get a playpen for your baby.. Not necc to get 2 cots..

Serene: Wow, this wed can confirm gender already? Hope u get ur wish to clothe ur baby in pink next time.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think to get mattress and let bb sleep on the floor is also very practical and economical. Last time my boy goes to my mum's hse twice a week. At first, he sleeps on rocking chair, then later my dad bought the 'yao lan'...he sleep until 2+... This year he is 3 and had attended school, he don't go to my mum's hse unless school holiday. So if he's there, will sleep on mattress on the floor.

Tam L,

2 wks ago at 15th wk, doc already tell me .... he says doesn't seem to look like a boy so high chance is girl but i wish to reconfirm again this wed... This week 17th week should be clearer to see yah?

Hee, guess what, i can't resist and had already bought 2 romper, 2 bibs, 1 pink tulled romper + 1 green 2pc set for gal gal....

Hi all,

I'm kinda new here and looks like there are a lot of good advices here. I'm due to deliver on 10 Feb. Currently, I'm doing my check ups at KK but am considering to deliver at a pte hosp. Preferably Raffles or Easthore as its nearer in the east. But have yet to make a decision. Any recommendations? I'm looking out for a hospital with a good anesthetist and midwives. Any views are appreciated!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Serene: Ooh.. think 17th week should be quite clear.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Wah, u went to buy gal gal stuff already.. hee... I agree that gal gal stuff really very sweet.. Some boy boy clothes also very cute.. Had to pull myself away from those baby clothes when I went to the baby fair.. Babies these days really very lucky.. got so many nicely designed clothes to wear.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tam L,

Ya, gal stuffs really has got tons of choices! But I also managed to buy alot for my #1 though he's a boy last time... really lucky children! I'm very particular about his dressing haa... vain mummy so make vain baby...

Aiyo, if turn out to be boy, means i must let go the stuffs i just bought haa!

I didn't buy any clothes from taka fair cos mostly are 2pc home clothes and pyjames, jumper... intend to let #2 wear the pass down from #1.


Welcome here. Sorry can't advise you anything about Raffles and Eastshore. My #1 was delivered in TMC and will deliver my #2 in TMC too. The midwives at TMC are good but as for anesthetist, I did not specify anyone so that time the one that did for me was so-so...hmm, i thought is very painful but some of my friends don't feel it so painful ....i'm not sure is due to his skill or diff person has diff endurance of pain...

Serene: Haha.. I think all mummies like to dress up their child.. whether for gal gal or boy boy also will buy nice clothes for them.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw, for home clothes, about how many sets do u think is enough? For the first few months, not too sure what do newborns really wear also.. Cos everytime see other people's babies during first month party will be swaddled in cloth.. Not sure what exactly to buy for newborns also..

Thanks, Serene / Tam... think i will settle with mattress first at my mum's home, then observe and see how it goes before "upgrading". [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hiaz, I'm not so sure if i want to buy baby cot or not, as it is so big, room already no more space.. Buy matress put on the floor ok ma?

hey has any1 thought about names for their babies yet? thinking of going down to a library one of these days to borrow a baby name book. The ones i saw in bookstores like not very impressive to spend $$ on..

