(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


Briyani? Wow, i like that too. but to have it everyday? cannot make it lah for me..hehe sure puke one.


Bo pian, religious requirements mah :p And I hate to think that I have to "make-up" for the days I didn't fast, so I just tried. I'm nervous about this yr though - I still haven't "paid back" my last year's fasting debt.

Re: weight gain

Nehmind lah, as long as we don't end up looking like a walking balloon... I think I put on about 13 kg last pregnancy. 25 kg is really quite a whopping amount of weight! The thing is, there's a danger of gestational diabetes (hope none of us gets this)...



i hate you!

i'm the breathe air also will be fat kind!

humph! *shoots dagger looks at joanne*


now i feel like eating briyani! die.

bb#2....ahhaha..dun like tat la...cannot blame me de leh...u shoot dagger at my mum...she even worse....got 4 kids and she looks like 40+yrs old (she is 61yrs old ald) and she weighs only 43kg!!! try beating tat hor...somemore last time no such ting as call SLIMMING CENTRE!!!...wahhahaa

just to add salt to wound

joanne, you know you are oni 39kg right? even IF you put on 20kg for pregnancy, you would still be lighter than me before preg!


*runs into corner and sob*

aiya, now i myself also tempting to eat briyani, but i am sure, confirmed, chop i will puke after that.

Imagine briyani is quite fattening with all the curry sauces, keke, i ate that almost every day i think near to 3rd trim last time. I didn't tell gynae i ate that, if i told her, i think she going to cut me off from briyani! hehe

ya lor joanne

what's your mum's secret?

quick tell us!

my mum was a size xss before preg, after two kids, she became a size s/m. i start off looking like my dad, he's size XL. so after one kid, i became XXL [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] how suay is that


comical? depressed is more like it

better stop talking to joanne before i get prenatal blues [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


briyani must eat the good ones. the laoya ones, eat like will puke on normal days. not to mention now. what i dun like about it though is always v giam and ganna msg attack the whole day and night!

bb#2> i tink joanne go hide liao... all say HATE her... hahaha she's not sharing her secret liao...

Joanne> come share share lei...

bb#2> dun be depress... come here talk talk lah... i feel better these few days ever since i'm 'soaking' in the forum during office hrs... good to know u gers... so informative and funny!

i confirm gonna get briyani for lunch later!

bb#2, i ate the one from changi village one, one whole big packet full of briyani almost equal to 2-3 bowls of rice hahaa!

haha kyxy

after seeing joanne's 39kg, now i have no appetite for lunch and dun feel so hungry afterall [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

aiyo...bb#2...joy...kyxy...dun like tat la...i dun wish to be this skinny...fyi...its not good as well...slim is ok...but im super underweight for my height...so u see a walkin stick or toothpick thats prob me...ahhaha...my mum's secret?? ahhahaa

HOUSEHOLD CHORES!!!!! she take cares of the entire family incl my great grand parents and grand parents and does all the cleanin...cookin...washin...ironing....so i tink we all living in luxury leh...whr got do all these...plus whr got so many pple in the family now?? ahhahaa

bb#2> i tink joanne dare not stand next to us... cos all giant she's the smallest size! we all surround her... muwahahahaha...

i can't imagine a bunch of pregnant woman in their 1st trim with MS meeting up!!!


you work near there?

alot of good food there

cheap and good

but v crowded and super hot

i like the fried udon too

heard the chef was from some restaurants/hotels, dunno how true

ay...bb#2...u makin me laugh in the office leh...u really damn funny...joker in the group...aiya...early knw i dun post liao...

* joanne slaps herself*

Slaps Slapz slApz...=(


ya, that's quite common

those thin people when i ask them their secrets, they always tell me it's alot of household chores

i'm too lazy to ever be thin

joanne> *tink tink* my mum also does those but she's quite big size lei... whenever ppl tell me IF i wanan know how i look like in future, look at my own mum... i tink i'll faint =x hahahahaha!!!

bb#2> haha guai lah... muz eat lunch wor... hahahaha...

heh heh joanne

you will be harm-tarm on the 39kg as long as i remember man. better pray we forget about it fast (unlikely cos i rem all the thin people)

now nobody dares to post anything for fear of being mugged liao. oops. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb#2> fried udon from changi v? *drooling* i love fried udon... shit man... tonite go where find fried udon?!?!?!?! Changi V is too far for me...

i'm too lazy to do household chores! =x

bb#2, not really near there, used to work in the east, but my colli was very nice, he drove there and ta bao for us everytime haha! oh ya the fried udon, ya, i heard abt it, but din try, cos if i go there, i will drown in their briyani and nasi lemak ahha!

ahahaa, wait all ms at the same time, i think the waiter will faint! lol!

dunno leh...she last time take care of at least 10+ pple in the family...incl newborn oso leh...last time my family stay in semi detached...imagine doin household chores for that size?? think really can lose weight lo...i pity my mum last time...

Joanne> tink u better tell us you put on weight till 50kg... if not bb#2 will forever remember u ~ hahaha...


ya. sometimes there's so much good food but we can oni stuff ourselves silly by so much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my ah ma also works non stop when it comes to household chores. super thin. no need to eat also

kyxy...tink 50kg bb#2 will stil rem me lo...wahhahaa....jia lat liao la...got gathering remember dun ask me go leh...wahhahahaa...i scared kena hump tum...ahahhaa

joanne> ahahhaa tat time i told myself if i'm preggy i gonna buy myself a pair of crocs... but now preggy liao, still haben buy... u intend to get?

btw people... do u need to dress up for work? i'm used to dressing up, but lately start wearing flat shoe, i'm like dunno wat to wear liao... anyone still wearing heels?


even if at the end of preg joanne put on weight till 50kg, she will still be thinner than me pre-preg!! *WAIL INCONSOLABLY*


crocs quite good. anti slip. safe on rainy days esp

ya...same kyxy...im tinkin of goin shoppin next wk to metro at paragon...saw one pair of suede alice range from crocs...very nice...wan2 go together?? nw gss leh...can buy can buy...wahahhaa

wa joanne and me post at the same time.

ya, joanne, clever gal. i will still remember you unless you reach 80kg. wa, that's almost 3 times your current size! scary.


suede alice is nice. but if rains, will leave spots on it izit?

joy...same taste...only metro at paragon have leh...the crocs stores no more...jus went last week...other shoppin centres i dunno leh...ehehee

bb#2> hahhaha juz make sure joanne dun mention about her weight can liao... hahahhaa...

Joanne> now GSS crocs got sale?

i knw if u have metro card then have discount lo...crocs no sale...damn xian....

im changing subject liao leh...ahhaha...

(joanne hides in corner)

hee hee

ok, enuf of weight (for now)

just had a few mouths of lunch and feel like puking again (what's new?)

i'm gonna catch some zzz and hopefully feel better

chat again.



Joanne> tat time i went compasspoint metro... no more size 6... i wonder now buy our usual size, later on in the pregnancy the shoe still can fit anot...

dun be happy too fast, as and when bb#2 still will remember ur 39kg de =x

haha kyxy

i can't help laughing at your "warning" to joanne

are you trying to rub salt to wound? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

