(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

only 见面礼 for BBs? what abt mummies??? hahaha
I thk we should be able to reach latest by 130pm.

calamari, u wait for us lah.... hahahah

Okie! See ya there!
Hi Ladies,
so nice to have lunch gathering with so many babies. I look forward to see the pics taken by ainsley and luwen later in fb. hehe.. surely very cute one!
Wish i can join too.

Sorry i haven been logging in for a while. But I do know there is going to be a Sept gathering. Im going to attend and hope to see more mummies and babies there. So far, i only met nicole, shirley and weiting when we went taka baby fair earlier this year. hehe =P

Just to share, i am going to stop breastfeeding this month. Currently, i have reduced pumping from twice a day (360ml) to once a day (180ml). But i am still latching baby in the morning before i leave for work and at night, when she will suckle to sleep.
When should i totally stop pumping?
Do i endure, let the breasts get engorged for a few days then the body will reduce milk production?
Is that the method to use?
Any other methods, can suggest to me?

Its a mixed feeling now.
I wished to continue to breastfeed endlessly.
Loved the bonding and everything about giving baby the best.
But as a FTWM, the daily pumping has worn me out. The hassle of going out with so many stuffs (ice pack,bottles of milk, pump, empty bottles etc), time retrictions etc.
The larger reason is becos i will be overseas at the end of Sept, so baby will have to live without me and breastmilk for a week. She has started drinking formula powder as well, so she will have that for her feeds and and porridge meals when im not around.
I hope baby will forget abt breastmilk after that one week...
(haha.. its as if I am asking my baby to break up with her 'boyfriend'(BM) like that.. )

Feeling guilty and selfish when i see breasts engorged but have to force myself not to pump out.
This is just a phrase and result of my choice, but guess its motherly instinct tads why feels sad.

Wonder any mummies who have stopped breastfeeding and gone thru this can share your experiences..

Thank you!

1x mummy (aka Jesline)

How dim sum?? Remember to post pic ah!!! Muz b so fun!

1x mummy,

same same wat u post above is how I feel totally.... Mi haven't fed Jaylen formula yet... Will wean him off Bm after this mth end phuket trip at club med....
1st one to leave dim sum place, ate until v full.

Nice meeting all mummies n bb's!!!!!

Ps: let me know how much the bill is k?
Hi 1xMummy &amp; genesis
my girl is also still on TBF. It's tiring to pump but I'm quite content with whatever I'm getting. My supply is not fantastic at all. Only 140 ml or so per pump.

I was thinking, even if you don't pump or want to wean, wud it be possible not to drastically stop BF totally? I mean, just stop pumping, but when you're with baby, just latch lor. You get the best of both worlds. Baby drink formula when you're apart but when you're together, baby latches. I plan to do that. Coz that was what I did for #1.
valkyriegal, genesis: I also have not fed my boy any formula milk as well but my ss also has been dwindling. Per day pump cannot match his 1 litre demand everyday, so now he will drink 1 feed of frozen bm. Thinking of stopping earlier as well but I hope to persevere till Dec, hopefully. I am going for a biz trip as well and thinking of throwing away all the BM i very sian also.
Annie: very sure, I had 1 siew mai, half char siew bao, half lotus leaf rice, 1 char siew sou, 1 plate peking duck ee fu noodles, 1 pc peking duck, half cheong fun....super full.

hemmie: hope Samuel is ok...
1xMummy, genesis28, Pe’ah, calamari, my gal also TBF and had not started any formula milk ….nowaday very busy and tiring to pump so my ss start to reduce ….so far just nice to meet her one day demand but I duno how much longer I can last…was hoping to last till Dec. Whenever I think of stopping breastfeeding, I feel very upset so keep on continue …then can switch to stop pumping and latch at night and morning….is it possible?

genesis28, which formula milk are u giving when u wean her off BM? i might have to start my gal on formula when I go for my business trip too …hope can stock enough to last her till I am back but still counting now

Pe’ah, that wat I intend to do when I stop pumping too…latch when with bb but stop pumping…is it possible?

Calamari, ur boy drink 1 litre? My gal only drink around 700-800ml….u stocked up a lot of frozen milk supply?
u wan to consider bringing back BM ? but seem quite troublesome…I got a business trip in end Oct for 2 weeks …thinking of pump and throw too ..not sure if my frozen supply can last her for that 2 weeks…
Want to ask SAHM, is it really tough to manage bb on your own? Did u ever tot of going back to work?

I discussed with my hubby and tot of being SAHM for the time being but now a little afraid if i am able to cope with bb on my own ...
Had a great lunch jus nw n Nw shopping with mummies. =)

Calamari nv eat the 流沙包! Lol.. Looking forward to ur Hse on 18th.. =)
yuki: i stocked up a lot a lot of frozen bm. Quite gross actually. I used to be able to store 300ml a day but that was the past haha.
1xMummy (valkyriegal), dun feel guilty, eventually got to stop lah, be it now or when baby older. So stop now and be happier also not a bad thing, most impt is you are happy, more energy to pass on to baby right. When i stop i also super sad, but now i see yuyu happy and healthy and eating well, tats most impt. I post an article recently about a mother who feel so guilty cos she cannot breastfeed as she got post natal depression. And her conclusion is, be it bm or fm, its all love from the mother and tats most impt. *HUGS*

calamari! we wanted to wave to u to come back to eat the bao cos ordered oredi. but dunno how to shout "YOUR LIU SHAO BAO!!!" with grace across the whole restaurant to the escalator where u were heading towards so dropped the idea. heh! well we can always organise another makan soon!
Hi Pe'ah, Calamari, Yuki:
Thanks for sharing. I knew i will have to stop bf, so i already intro formula to my girl first, so she can take it. Now it just withdrawing bm from her feed and change all into formula feed.
So i guess only method is to stop pumping to decrease the supply lor.

I also hope i can just latch and dun pump.

But i guess after i return after 1 week from overseas without daily pump and latching, will have no more bm le bah?

Hi Ivy,
thanks for the article and thanks for sharing and i know u understand how im feeling. =)
Yes, i have made the decision to stop so i have to follow through this.

How did u manage to stop? Can you share your experience with me?

1xmummy (Jesline)
Calamari: thanks.. he has runny nose, and I'm guessing sore throat as well because he doesn't want to drink milk the past couple of days.

Yuki: SAHM can be quite boring at times because 90% of the time its just the baby and you.
calamari, dun believe luwen, reyes ate ur bao!

yes decide liao and dun think so much, look forward, dun look backwards esp if its no pt right. It took me a long time to stop. Cos i reduce pumping from 15 mins to 10 to 5 to 3 to 2 to 1 to hand press the lumps to relief a bit. But part of the reason i took a long time, is when i was at 5mins going to 3, yuyu got viral fever which hope to latch, and i re-latch her haha, then she got teeth and bite me and i got to stop latch after the milk come back and engorgement was bad... I wonder why my life always must be drama drama one, buay tahan. So i bare with the engorgement, using hand compress to relief it only and now breast pon chek and saggy -.- cos the breast kanna torture haha.

FOR ME ar cos i have been part time ftwm part time sahm:
FTWM time (without help) - Limited time for chores, so do puree at night, prep porridge at night, wash clothes at night if weekend cannot finish laundry or weekend got to bring bb go out. Weekend vacuum mop floor on one of the day cos weekday no time. With baby in morning send to IFC and rush home to Fetch bb at evening. Treasure time with bb on weekend. Weekday if work busy damn tired at night &amp; weekend for baby.

SAHM - more time to do chores (but bb must cooperate lah), but more chores cos i cook dinner. Life is very routine. Feed bb, play/teach bb, coax bb to sleep. And it repeat 4 times a day. Morning, noon, late noon, evening. Can go out weekday when less pple in town, more time to go out if got kaki to go out, eg ainsley laureen carol luwen. More tiring sometimes cos almost carry baby whole day. Baby very sticky go toilet also cannot sometimes -.-

BOTH no time for myself haha.
Hey ivy,
thanks for sharing with me your experience..Yes i will presereve.
I expressed in the afternoon once liao. Then like now as i type, i can feel the breast is filling with milk again. Then by night time, engorgement will be quite bad. The breast will get warm and leaky..
I hope i wun develop any fever due to this.. and hope this phrase will b over soon.

Hee, I think u did a great job describing both life of a SAHM and a FTWM(although part time)..

Mummy and work: Forever so hard to balance. When we working, wish to spend more time with kids, think about them at work, etc.
When we are finally at home, need to find time for ourselves too (or else will go crazy!)
Esp when baby is cranky and using up our patience, we need to get a breather and handle her again.
I was 1 week SAHM.. and i decided im more suitable to go back to work. It was tough and i salute to all SAHMs(including my own mama! keke)
But i was brought up by my SAHmum(housewife mummy), so we also want to shower the same affection to my daughter by ourselves...(as compared to having them at helper, in-laws, infant cares)
So the urge to be a SAHM is always tugging at me..

Jia you to both SAHM and FTWM. =)
Gd weekend to all mummies and daddies.
Luv, 1x mummy
Sigh!! So sad mi cAn't go.. So looking forward to 流沙包!! damn sianz!! My lunch was onli 40 mons cuz ended 1220pm n next meeting at 1pm.. Boring!!
Annie, no cos other ppl booked le. N room only 1 table.. I nv brg stroller when I brg nn out cos she will cry n cry in within mins. So I gave up n nv brg stroller le. Lol.. Lucky nn small small petite petite.. Nt tat tedious carrying her. Hehe

yup bringin Jaylen along! There's a bb club med Phuket. Haizz... Dilema hor..wana stop bf like yi yi bu she...


If latch mornin n nite, bb drink enough milk??


requested few different samples also dunno which one to give
ya bare with the engorgement for awhile, at night hand press a little milk out to relief a little. Miu miu is extend her pump time say interval 4hrs to 6hrs to 8hrs and so on, so later pump i got mix with her method.

BTW i FTWM, partime SAHM haha. I also same as u lah, when working miss baby &amp; wanna be sahm, but when sahm very pek chek when baby cranky and hope to have some times for myself, even to shit lolz. But like my hubby say, most average income singaporean got to work and work, so he and me got to work and work and hope the $ will give enyu the education she want. Rather than like me, when i wanted to study my dad no $ for me, so bo bian now work like dog... :D

ainsley, thanks for lunch hahhahah. Ooi msn me or watsapp me the amount to pay you leh.
Ainsley- ya!! So sad lo!! Thot I can go but the meeting can't finish n hav to continue after lunch!! Reali TAMADE!!

Ya.. Mi is drag longer interval from 4 to 6 to 8 hrs etc!!
Wah every mummies/babies enjoyed the lunch ya. so envy** so long nv post liao but trying hard to follow the thread when i'm on my way to work....
I also agreed with what mummies had shared, it's not easy to be FTWM and SAHM...
I'm a SAHM for 4 months before i rejoin the workforce... and now back at work... i'm alway busy with work especially my senior HR Manager is leaving so more work load on my side... zzzz... but i look forward coming home and spending quality moments with Daphne.... so all mummies no matter is SAHM or FTWM are all "wei da"!!

Btw i hope i can make it for the 18th Sept gathering... hahaha...
Ainsley- sun u can c chubby!! Wat time is ur slot!! Ya ya!! Organize noble hse dim sum la!! Near mi n calamari!!
Woww so fun and so yummy!
Do remember to post some pics in our blog ya.
Hope I can go for the sep gathering to meet up with u gals...
Miu, oh ya! I nearly forgt.. Can see chubby on sun! They can take pic together! =)
noble house huh.. Okok.. I organize soon. Wat is ur lunch time?

Lollipop, 18/9 gathering at calamari's Hse. Clementi area. U hv facebook? I sent invites via fb. Will send add to cfm attendants nearer to the date. =)
miumiu: the studio is at NorthStar@amk
7030 ang mo kio ave 5
#08-96 Singapore 569880

its directly opposite hougang st 91 Block 964

bus no : 72, 88 , 43 , 70, 70M , 103, 156, 854 , 159

go up from lift lobby 1!
