(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Time cfm at 12pm at taka imperial treasure, level 5

1. Ainsley with nn
2. Ivy with yuyu
3. Carol with Chloe
4. Weiting with Ryan
5. Laureen with Zavier
6. Calamari
7. miu (tbc)
8. Shokel with ash (tbc)
9. Luwen with Reyes
10. Sarah with bb??
11. Liling with Braydon
12. hemmie with Samuel

wow amazing....so many...i cannot imagine all babies scream at the same time.....i think all customers run out...haha
haha.. i reserved 2 tables.. 1 table nt enuff. they only gt 8 bb chairs. i asked them to give me all alr..

early birds hv worm ah.. those early gt bb chairs. heeeheee.. or miu n calamari can help carry. lol..

1 peking duck duno enuff ant.. hehe
count me in for the dim sum too!!!
applied for half day leave, coming from workplace @ bugis. will reach earliest by 12.30.
ains, i will contact u when i reach tmr ya.

going alone so will be helper to all mummies for the day!
I can help to take care of your baobei's, carry your stuffs etc... at your service
Eh.. Mummies who gg can update on the list? With or without bb. Thanks ah.

If gt more mummies, I ask them to reserve one more Peking duck for us. =)
wahahaha! thats a lot of babies and mummies!! imperial at paragon sama anot? cos was thinking the baby room is jus outside.. like more convenient..
wow, I really feel like taking leave to do have dimsum....my goodness! are they any mummies who just go for their meals and return to work?
Posted on Thursday, September 02, 2010 - 11:54 am:       
Time cfm at 12pm at taka imperial treasure, level 5

1. Ainsley with nn
2. Ivy with yuyu
3. Carol with Chloe
4. Weiting with Ryan
5. Laureen with Zavier
6. Calamari
7. miu (tbc)
8. Shokel with ash (tbc)
9. Luwen with Reyes
10. Sarah
11. Liling with Braydon
12. hemmie with Samuel
Luwen, think stick to taka bah. I alr reserve the tables, baby chairs n Peking duck. 3rd flr gt baby care room oso. =)

Sera, gt it. see u tmr..
Time cfm at 12pm at taka imperial treasure, level 5

1. Ainsley with nn
2. Ivy with yuyu
3. Carol with Chloe
4. Weiting with Ryan
5. Laureen with Zavier
6. Calamari
7. miu (tbc)
8. Shokel with ash (tbc)
9. Luwen with Reyes
10. Sarah
11. Liling with Braydon
12. hemmie with Samuel
13. Pearlyn
wah!!! such ad hoc gathering like more response than planned gathering! hahaha

aiyo.. so keen to join also
ainsley , wah so many mummies tink 1 duck not enuf hehee...
dunno y dis few days chloe keep screaming in her zzz?or mayb she scream till 上瘾? so zzz oso scream???

luwen,but paragon wan is more like crystal jade imperial lor,serve dishes wan.taka wan better for dim sum.

cant wait to meet all of u tmr
mtdt, come join us lah... bring ur no1 since his cc close tmr. postpone ur plan.
i'm so excited meeting all of you for the 1st time tmr.
mtdt, same here.. very tempted to go but too bad.. already got business lunch apptment.

unless i go there drink tea n meet everyone.. then go suntec for my lunch apptment. haha
wah a bit a lot right....

btw yuyu morning always got running nose, afternoon then no more.. dunno is it flu or sinus like me.. So strange. So shld i bring her? u all think its flu?
carol, recently yuyu also scream before sleep and 1/2 hr after sleep. Her top teeth think coming out soon, drool and drool. My hk fren say give bao yin dang can calm nerves and prevent running nose/fever due to teething.
oki, 2 ducks so all get to eat 2nd pc hehee..
dunno is it nitemare le,scream v loud somemore,i got a scare tot she woke up...
ainsley, im fine.. thanks for arranging everything.. =)

may, haha.. dun wan lah, i super long no blog &amp; never update sia.. lol~~ u coming suntec which part for lunch tomorrow? the crowd from comex is crazy!!!
pea - ham bin is it?
most kids will hv this issue.

my baby these 2 days damn fussy! carry will push u and cry, dun carry also cry.. dunno wat he wants. see his gum - nothing leh.
pea, i bought mustela one. body shop also gt. but mustela more delicate for baby. taka should have at the baby dept bah.

carol, ya! 1 piece of peking duck not enuff! hehe...
roger: i sent email to your hotmail but no response leh few days back. I just sent another email to your aperturez account.
so chim... wat is ham bin?
my mil only tell me not to play too wild with her in the day.

found tis,

Q) Most children experience nightmares in their sleep. What are nightmares, why, and when (age of child and time of night) do they usually occur? What can parents do to reduce or prevent the occurrence of nightmares?

A)Research shows that nightmares affect nearly half of every group of toddlers studied. Most nightmares occur during deep sleep (stages 3&amp;4 of NREM sleep). Nightmares also arise from REM sleep. Some children wake up terrified. But we do not know the content of their dreams. The occurrence pattern of nightmares differs between children. Some have nightmares several times each night for a while and then not at all for months. Others wake 3-4 times a week for several months in a row. We don�t know what cause nightmares in children or adults. Nightmares may be related to anxiety and stress. Love, fun and a set routine will give your child the feeling of structured security, and would ease any strain, anxiety or stress.

In dealing with nightmares, attend to your child as fast as you can the moment you hear him crying. Cuddle your child and talk to him. He may need 15 minutes or more to calm down. Night terrors are partial arousals from Stage 4 sleep. They are more terrifying than nightmares. The children are inconsolable, screaming, often kick or push their parents away and do not recall their dream contents when they wake. Children often grow out of the night terrors by later childhood.
ivy, the bao yin dang can keep taking one ah? cos i heard this kind of 'chinese medication' not good to give often, like jin feng san.. does bao ying dang work the same?
pea,maybe its like wat u described. cos sometimes wen she scream i tot she woke up,but she still in zzz mode,but will push n kick all.
sorry ah, can i just ask something not related..? do u all use gps? if so what brand? thinking of buying 1 but am idiot in all these..
weiting, bao yin dang i think ok leh. I give say only when i find she is like having nightmares due to over stimulated day. Say yesterday at sentosa, it was hot and she barely sleep, &amp; i feel her body warm, no fever, but seems over stimulated. Woke up screaming, i give. Also becos i see her nose like running, but now i suspect she got sinus.

My mom would say give jin feng san. But both BYD &amp; JFS the calming ingredient is the same, which is Zhen Zhu Fen. I give BYD when i feel its more than over stimulation. Say teething and body warm. But i dun give often.
I agree with pea on giving more assurance to our babies to help them cope with fear n stress better.

Wt, why so shy?? Heh.. It's ok if u don't write often. Some friends only add me to read n comment on my journal. I have to lock it up to prevent public scrutiny cos some ppl very strange one, they like to dissect every word on the blog
pea, phoebe was like that when she was a baby! she would suddenly cry and scream and nothing could calm her down.. Till after a while then she slowly calm down. lucky nn doesn't. but she wakes up quite a few times a night thou
