(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Mtdt, what is jg? Any details online?

Ainsley, Friday I at taka in the morning with hubby, but dunno will stay until 1pm. Hope to drop by and say hi. Where u all eating ah?

alicia, 1pm should be fine for me.. or we meet up earlier, at 1245? then snowpear can join us when she's done?

snowpear, eh.. okok, i upload them when i got a bit of time ok? hee..
Annie, imperial treasure at taka is gd. It has other branches bt nt as much variety as taka. Their 流沙包 is v nice.

Jaclee, we will b at 5th flr. Call or SMS me lor. =)

pea, u wana join?

Fri- dim sum at taka

1. Ainsley
2. Ivy
3. Carol
ains: 很想 join. but leave subject to boss approval. then also paiseh too... i shy leh cos will be 1st time meeting all of you... arhaha...
Ainsley, oic, crystal jade competitor huh, imperial treasure...I have not tried their dim sum. maybe I am always so happy with the ones I have tried...anyway...eat more and enjoy.
Annie, I find tat crystal jade cnt compare to imperial treasure leh. Hehe.. I dun go crystal jade once I tried imperial. Keke
Oh friday huh? Friday I am on leave... Can't join liao.

If thurs-i can popby :p

Actually I like crystal jade at paragon. :p
snowpear: i dun have ur mobile. im mtg weiting at 1245pm at soup spoon, feel free to join us at 1pm. u can text me at 92375402 when u r reaching...cya!
Ainsley, I think if u compare Crystal Jade Palaca Restaurant or Golden Palace then I doubt is of any diff with Imperial restaurant...but again, individual preference bah.
ainsley: if 12pm on fri, i can make it
heehee, canopy i know what you meant. last night when roger emailed the link to me, i was outside too and my phone cannot download the link.. so anxious to go back home &amp; see the photos.. lol..

sigh ainsley, my boss super no time to entertain me still..~~ hope can be approved!!
got my pics too! thanks roger!!

wah dimsum!! yummy!! when and where at??

sigh was down with a bleb on nipple.. latching was painful! woohoo! went to parentcraft, sat my boy beside me while i lifted my top to show the LC. the min my boy saw my boob, he jus lean over and latched on while he xie yan to check out the LC. super farnie. n it felt super sweet too. haha..
Luwen, join us? I gg to book table soon

Fri - dim sum at taka

1. Ainsley with nn
2. Ivy with yuyu
3. Carol with Chloe
4. Weiting with Ryan
5. Laureen with Zavier
Ok.. Time cfm at 12pm at taka imperial treasure, level 5

calamari, u join us ya?

Fri - dim sum at taka

1. Ainsley with nn
2. Ivy with yuyu
3. Carol with Chloe
4. Weiting with Ryan?
5. Laureen with Zavier
6. Calamari
Wa.. So many post!

Annie, err.. No wor, i never met u.

Manu, my hb super glue to me coz i put "kong tao" on him. LOL! My bb is my "kong tao"!

Ivy, ya lor.. I buey pai say hor? Haha.. Terence super glue to u or u super glue terence? But i think my hb super glue to his daughter and daughter super glue to mummy.. So no choice, hb have to follow me everywhere, so cut short is that my hb super glue to me lor. LOL!
ok, i let u knw if i can come.. need to prepare n all lei.. u all eat liao then ko or?
cos need to bring food la, milk ma. blar blar.. lug my stroller la...
wah so many kakis for dim sum ,good good

mtdt,ainsley,actually the boss of imperial used to be the crysta; jade boss,but dunno wat happen den he left n set up IP . if u notice all IP outlet sure nxt to or near crystal jade wan cos got feng shui wan hehee...also easier for his old customers to hop over ma :p btw the peking duck @ IP paragon also damn nice,skin is crispy n not too FAT. Me n hubby can finish 1 wholr duck on our own keke....

btw,those joining us without bb can help us to carry wahahaa!!
Carol, isit?? I din knw. I jus knw the botak head is the boss.. Sometimes will b there. Tat time my mum went there, Jackie chan was there oso. Lol.. Bt I find tat IP gt alot more variety than CJ..
ainsley, ya tats wat my hubby friend told me wen we dined at d paragon branch.he also supporter of IP ma hehee...wow jackie chan lei,got take pics ?hehee
shokel, join in lah.. i also got a lot of things to lug.. pram for sure i definitely bring.. cannot keep carrying ryan.. =P
Hehee... I cfm w u all again, settle my boy for his nap now.. I like imperial Peking duck too! Carol: u can finished? Wah lau.. That time I bring my mum go eat, we 4 pax also can't finished lor.. Hehee ..
I go the one at paragon... Same bor?
