(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

hehe.. thx. tio consolation better than nothing. =)

so u got yours frm Robinson is it?

Ytd I tried the Sterilization mode on the high chair and diaper stn.
I could see thousands of dust mites running around but died b4 they could go into hiding!
(kidding lah, imagining this just to make myself feel better. =D)

I didn't get to try on the baby cot because our little angkuku was sleeping on it (oh btw, we r bringing our angkuku home every night now).

The cables (given its length) are indeed a chore to keep after the cleaning, but still manageable for me.
I guess if they include a compartment to retract &amp; store the cable, then the design will not be so compact. Pros n cons, but I do like the cable length so I don't really mind winding the cable manually and chucking it aside.

Not much experiment on this product yet, but so far so good, as in no surprises (why this why that).

oh, there was 1 negative review/feedback frm a website that I don't really agree, or shld I say it does not affect me at all.
It was on the complicated startup.

When I opened the box, I went to search for any additional special instruction to startup this device.
There's none other than the instructions in the user manaul which is really simple to me,
- plug in the cable,
- press the ON button for 3 secs,
- then select the mode you want and viola...
quite simple leh.. so dun really know what this feedback is about.

and btw, it was mentioned in the user manual that it is recommended to clean the filter after each use. So my spare filter comes in handy when I had the other in washing/drying.

Ivy, I think I need 2 filter only. Let me know if you need any of my 2 spares and I'll pass to u ya.

hello, my reviews on irobot, so far works very good, like what lileen says picks up dust and dirt very amazingly.. although i used to use the magiclean wiper once every few days and that also picks up dust and dirt, but I dont think it is that much.. and best thing is dont need to do it yourself, can let it wonder around and then continue doing own stuff. Though this model robovac recommends has scheduling, I will not use this function as yet cos we tried it for the first time and it tends to mess up the cords/wire etc. so probably after we make the cords/wire more roomba friendly then we will try the scheduling function again..

features of irobot that are no choice but to accept it include not being able to reach corners, especially in my home where I have a few of such corners.. also, they tend to repeat a certain area for many many times although we felt it is already enough.. so that day it took irobot one whole hour to vacuum the living room &amp; kitchen only (not including balcony &amp; bedrooms)..

cleaning of filter can also be a chore, given the huge amount of dirt captured. but like what robovac said, probably only the beginning, once you have regular cleaning then will not be so dirty and by then we will have got used to cleaning the filter..

but overall, hubby and I are still happy with the product.. =) really helps a lot..
Evon, St hilda's in Tampines is nt bad.

I oso tempted to buy the raycop leh. Somemore most prob gg to move by end of this yr. I read on it's website tat if we use our pillow for 2 yrs, it's 1/10 of it's weight is dust mites, etc. And for 10yrs mattress, double it's weight. Sound scary.

Ivy, u gg to buy?
shokel, np.

mummies, i have submitted the order for babymallonline. for mummies who have not paid, kindly do so soon. thanks!

ivy, haha.. i told my hubby that, and he wanted to tell your hubby: "actually we left the door open, so the irobot actually clean the whole block before coming back" .. *fainted*..
roxy, try the playhouse at rochester park cafe? but parking can be a problem there.
if not, there's another place for kids at dempsey. i think its called go-go bambini.
wow.. alot of robots ard! :p
Ivy/jaclee - both ur hubby damn funny leh! :p

2yr old bdae - I organised at Explorer kids for No1 that time. not bad lah but the structure play abit challanging for the 2yo kids. Ballpool is a big hit and they also gave all guest free ferrywheel ride.
does any mummies know whether robinsons is having 20% on pigeon's stuff ? i want to buy the bottle cleanser refill (2 in a pack) and the porridge maker..
so funny ur hubby, my hubby can have a new fren beside angkuku , or is it all men now likes to say corny jokes ...

I dun mind the extra filter if u wanna sell then I won't buy a set just get from u.

Ainsley I buy raycop liao, Terence saw it at Homefix n bought it cos I got homefix vouchers.
ivy, haha.. ya lor, i never knew men can be so corny after i met my husband. haha!! its a love-hate relationship with their corny-ness.. it helps to brighten up a boring/stressful work day.

mtdt, ya.. aspiring to be like iron man.. haha.. see his house can drool... all automatic one.. keke.. maybe can start another robot mum list liao.. then meet up with all the robots, matchmake them.. wahahah!! okok.. back to work liao...

update for peacock:
all mummies paid, except 1xMummy.
jaclee - aiyo, i havent watch ironman.. :p only watch ipman so far! :p

I saw on youtube - some pple really bring their irobots and let them "interact" wahahhaa...
btw mummies ELC having 20% disct today only at united square only from 9.30am - 2pm. Valid for ELC products only. Have to present sms to enjoy the disct.. so if any mummies need it, let me know, i can forward u the sms but dun know can forwarded sms.
roxy: hort park, SAFRA, jacob ballas...if want to include package fun can go Polliwogs, Playhouse, xPlorer Kids, Go Go Bambini, Little Gym, JWT Gym etc
Ivy, don't need to sell, just give u lah. I got 2 spare filter now. u r actually helping me to clear my storeroom space.

just let me know if u (or Terenace) r convenient to meet at Marina Sq area during weekday lunch hour, or some secret hiding place where I can drop it for u guys to pick up later, or some place convenient for us.
weekday bit tough weekend better, I can get Terence to drive to pick up from u. U pm me ur address?? We stay in toa payoh.

I can totally understand, the love hate feeling. Sometimes their jokes make us luff, sometimes when I'm talking something serious n not in good mood, Terence still joke.. Wah so angry n jus tell him shuddup lol. Then again I push him on the floor n stamp on him. So now he quite skinny lol. Eh...
philips having sales on 28-29 may i think..so maybe can wait and see if the blender cheaper? I bou the ditigal food warmer from such carnival sales last nov too....30% cheaper than retail price..
Mummies, where do u all buy the food warmer. Those for traveling kind. I saw one tiger brand one bt a bit big leh. How u all transport purée when go out?
Thomas sells at 380, i bought at 398 from home-fix, angkuku bought at 398 plus a pack of filters (filters cost about $35?) Robinson selling 398 then got less 10% = $358.20

Luwen i going centrept one.

Ainsley, i havent use, cos must use daily for 1 week for best results, i starting this weekend. Angkuku use liao i think.
Can someone recap wat is this raycop thing abt?

Somehow manage to persuade hubby to buy irobot but then he said no holiday oh darn......

Hai ya now there's a lump on my right breast! Arrgghh....
ivy! help me check out the philips avent steamer-blender can? if got hor.. can help me reserve? heh! then i ask my aunt to go buy for me.. but dunno whether she reach her staff disc quota anot liaoz leh.. sigh.. but philips carnival during Vesak day sure one million ppl...
Genesis, this raycop is a dust mite vacuum cleaner but not a conventional vacuum cleaner. It is designed to clean bed, funishes etc.

I bought it yesterday but only get to test one of its function (sterilization).

My 1st review after the purchase is here:
1st review after purchase

Here's some other info:
http://www.raycop.co.uk/ (the origin)
http://www.raycop.com.sg/ (local distributer)

Review before purchase:

Raycop advertisement:

My pigeon is on its way (pm u my contact).
Carrefour didn't have a price tag on the filter, otherwise can verify the cost also. I supposed they don't sell it separately.
I have formula milk and mum's milk to sell. I'm not using them as my baby is already 1 years old and I don't drink the mum's milk.

I have:
1) Mamil Mama 900g (2 tins)
2) Similac 400g (1 tin)
3) Nan Pro 2 400g (1 tin)

Sms me Abigail at 90086345.
angkuku and ivy, any warranty given for raycop when you buy at carrefour and homefix?
i wonder robinsons provide any warranty..
I bought at Carrefour and the booth had a label saying 1 year warrenty.

Best thing is, I could not find the warrenty card yesterday after opening the box.

Thanks for reminding me to follow up on this.
Sorry but I can't recall who asked abt stroller/pram opinion. Didn't get to post this ytd.

Personally I think it is worth getting a reversible (meaning the baby can face the front or you) type.

Mine is a reversible one and I find it really useful to watch my angkuku while pushing him around.
The mechanism is quite simple, just press the clip on both side to turn the handle to the other side.

But the downside of mine is that not all the 4 wheels are swivel (can be rotated 360 degree or any direction movement).
Only the front 2 wheels are swivel.
So you can imagine the problem of manuevering the pram when its switched to back-facing, meaning the front wheels are now in a single direction (non-swivel) whilst the 2 back wheels are swivel.

My opinion is to get all 4 wheels as swivel if you are going for the reversible.
Ice, we haven decide when to meet for lunch yet. We update each other ba

Ivy, me going to robinson tomorrow too with my friend. I meet her 2pm at center pt. then 3pm going angelsky for facial. If didnt shop enough then go again after facial. heehee.... can call mi if you wan to @ 98733564
lobang for extra income :
I am looking for mummy who keen to go for a 2hrs focus group:

Kid age : 1 to 6yrs old
Mom age : 25 to 39yrs old
Current Milk Consume : Dumex Dugro, Abbott Grow or Nespray.
Date : 20-22 May 2010
Time :10am - 12noon or 1pm - 3pm
Token : $100 Cash (will pay after the focus group)

Anyone keen....
Name :
Contact No:
Kids age:
Current Brand consume:

Pls email at [email protected] if keen.
Too bad I dun qualify.....;p
Luwen: still got stock when i left. Not sure if they have somemore in the store. Saw ppl buying.

manunited: yup, taka bb fair is $199 with $50 philips voucher.
I bought mine during OG sale..20% discount plus $50 philips voucher. I posted the details before. Not sure if any of you pick it up then.
i wanna go robinsons.. but today need to go pick up my girl earlier..
sadz.. cannot go liao..

angkuku, great! i think it may be according to your purchase date on your receipt. so must keep your receipt...keke..

genesis, since no holiday, get your hubby to buy raycop as well.. :p
cayenne i see... hmmm i don qualify oso leh.

about raycop, does it work on all kind of fabric? coz i did a search on amazon wanting to see other ppl's review on this machine. though not the same model but the 2 feedback points back that the light doesnt work on dark fabric. angkuku ur mattress cover is light colour wan?
jaclee, i like your answer.yah genesis, hubby say no holiday then buy raycop too. haha! he say no holiday bluff u de lah, scully he's the one dying to go away for holidays! when are you getting irobot? LOL..

moscato, the blender good to use? im also contemplating whether need or dont, but heard they say super easy to use thats why.. i got those type of simplified baby food maker as baby first month gift the other time.. but not sure if those are good, any views?
Just came back from Robinsons sale AGAIN...lol! This time went back to buy makeup cos with the $5 off, its quite worth it. Saw the Raycop at $358. Very tempting.
what? raycop at $358?! I supposed we can still use the Robinson card for further discount/rebate? wah lao eh.... heartpain again...

I havent try on my bed. tried only on high chair and diaper chgg stn. both are light coloured material. I'll try to experiment it on a dark material when I get the chance.

frm my testing done ytd, I hv to bring raycop very near to the surface in order to activate the UV light (for the steriilzation mode). I think it will cut off if more than 1cm (approx.) apart.

jaclee...robinson always hv card member sales. Missed this one can go the next one again.

so many mummies bou the irobot...very tempting too...But will this use up lots of electricity?
