(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Me same as you, staying w in-laws..So yalor will see how after 1st visit..I hope they should understand 'pandan' and wait till 3 mths then tell. ILs may tend to be overly excited and somehow news spread..

Dear new mummies to be
Welcomed to the thread! Wow, this thread is getting hot!

Hope everything will be fine. Try not to worry too much. Rest more yea.


Base on my sac size, Gynae said mine is 5 to 5.5 weeks, so no heartbeat can hear yet.

You how many weeks currently?
actually my mil dun think pandan, that time our wedding abt 2.5weeks after my hubby's cousin in Dec08, she asked me if my parents mind they attend the cousin wedding and drink the tea? I also dun wan to take responsbility (later said we said cant attend), so i told her up to her..if she wants to go then go...we never have such close wedding among relatives b4 so dunno if can drink the tea anot (usu pple said plus minus 4 mths cant attend other weddings before and after own wedding)...in the end, she went lo and even went to help out.....wat can I say?
actually haven visit gynae somehow mind not easy lo....need to see already then can feel better or at ease....now i just dunno how....me should be in 7weeks this week, but still no MS or anythg...oni sore nipples...no cramp already..sometimes abit stomach weird weird esp at nite...thats all....so i dunno how...just cant wait for the gynae visit lo.....

I also didn't experience any MS during my last pregnancy. So dun worry too much

Hopefully, this round my baby also guai guai, dun let mummy suffer
Hihi, so many new mummies.

Andreanie, sorry to hear that, yes the staff was really insensitive, never mind, wait for your hcg results first bah.

Hi, Charmum, you report here liao. Good to see you here.

Jenny, yes it's because you are referred by polyclinic (subsidised patient), the pro is that it'll definitely be cheaper and you can claim if you are your hubby is civil servant but the cons is you can't chose your gynae, whoever is on duty sees you, medical students may be around during your delivery. For me, I called KK for appt on 30 April and I got appt at The Private Suite to see Dr Loh just 3 days later.
congrats all new mummies.. this thread is getting busy

hi charmum
normally 5 wks can see sac and 6 wks onwards heartbeat.. but just general guideline only, some might take longer cause ovulate later
Oh. like that i should call again myself? Cos my 1st is with Dr Han How Chuan. Cos i dun like a lot pple looking at me when i had delivery. But if i opt for subsidised rates then later i can't choose other package like B1 package?
Yes, I know what you feel. Me also can't wait to see gynae next week. At least get some feel of how are things going. For me, no MS yet also (this week abt 7wks also).. except sore breasts and expanding breasts and slight belly..just went to get new bras with softer underwire.. At times I feel a bit nauseous but I don't puke. But yup, tummy sometimes feel odd...and hungry easily..and I get angry if I don't get food fast..plus cravings too...And I noticed I am more sensitive to smell...

And you wonder how is everything inside lor...till see gynae and do scan etc. Can't wait for my visit..
haitong n gg, me is the same as u all... havent seen gynae yet, no ms no sore breast except hungry n hungry haha...
this fri will be seeing gynae hope everything is ok...
can we assume tat no spotting or watsoever the bb is healthy growing inside our stomach?
Dear ladies..

Hcg result out. From 550 to 1007 (2 days) to just 1119 in 3 days. Not good. Gynae said it's a failing ectopic pregnancy and the sac is hanging at the exit of the left Fallopian tube instead of gng down to the womb. As this happens, the sac did not exit totally and some of it's tissue is still stuck at the exit therefore still introducing the pregnancy hormones to my body still.

As a result I was given a jab to terminate this pregnancy. I was given Methotexate jab at my butt. They said that the miscarriage process will take plc within 24 hrs. I expect more bleeding and will hv to come back to sgh this 22nd to check on the hcg level.

Hopefully this jab will make it all go as planned and my hcg level should go down as expected so that I dnt need any surgeries.

Still need your prayers mummies but I can't join you and your babies in December.... :'(
hi andreanie
Am really very sorry to hear this.. rest assured that 1 mc/ectopic pregnancy doesnt mean the next one wun be successful. You must stay strong and rest well gal. Pls ask for hospitalisation leave to gather your thoughts before gg back to work and during this period, do a mini confinement to nurse yourself back to health. Stay strong gal!! *hugs*
Will pray for you. Don't think too much. Do take care to recover your health is the priority now...
Hi roxy,

I am a bit KS...haven't confirm my pregnancy yet, but I have been seeing TC Chang. May I check with you roughly how much was your total bill in TMC with dr. Chang and how much cash to pay? And yea, what room type you used at that time?
I have c-section for my 1st one in GlenE, so I think this time will be c-section also.
Dr. Chang is a very professional and gentle gynae I have seen so far (I switched 5 gynaes in the past :p), this time i am very sure I will stick to him haha.
Hi andreanie,

very very sorry to hear that, do take good care of your health during this resting period. Me too will pray for you, God bless!
Hi ladies, I am back from my bad flu. I took Redoxon (vitamin C) instead of medicine and the effect is not bad. keke.

Do you ladies experience mood swing? I think my emotion is kind of weird these few days.

Adreanie, I am so sorry to hear that. I had a miscarriage when I was first pregnant before my #1 and I know it's very sad and disappointed. But you must take care of your health and eat like you are having confinement so that you can try for another one soon k..
Choco cat, my sis also have endometroisis and also fibroid. We are very worried about her fertility. I think her fibroid's position is quite a pessimistic position, around entrance of her uterus i think.. She has heavy bleeding when she has intercourse also. Anyway, will endometroisis affect fertiity?
Your sis condition sounds quite serious, endo will affect fertility, but doctors also advise patients to have "more babies" so as to improve the illness. Did her gynae advise her to remove the fibroid?

You got a bad flu? maybe can try my remedy, drinking lemon (half a lemon) + honey (1 ts)+ sleeping day and night. I also tried not to take medication during my last preg. i m KS mama
Have more babies? how can that help in improving the condition? Will her fibriod affect her pregnancy if she manage to conceive?

Honey Lemon sounds like a great idea. I always feel giddy and nauseated.
I guess that can also help me to ease this feeling.
i just had emergency surgery to take out my ruptured tube on sat...apparently mine is also an ectopic pregnancy..found out too late and the embryo burst...so dun worry just rest well..can always try for another baby
andreane, sugar
Sorry to hear this. Please take good care so you can recuperate fast.

Choco cat, Ainsley
Good to resolve the fibroids/endrometrosis before TTC. Sometimes it could lead to complications during pregnancy. Best to consult gynae before TTC.
hi everyone, i just found out that my EDD is 2 Dec. Can i join this thread. I saw and heard my baby's heartbeat yesterday morning and it was amazing. I'm 7w5days, baby is 12mm and heartbeat is 172bpm. Are these ok statistics?
Sigh, typed long post last night but forum under maintenance. :p

Andreanie &amp; sugar, sorry about your loss. Please rest well and take care.

Jenny, I think B1 is under private class, B2 and C class is under subsidised class. Think you better call KK to check.

Choco, I don't know actually, I only took duphaston for about 1 week when I had spotting from week 4 to week 5. Do't take it at a regular basis actually. :p

Welcome blessed.
hi choco cat
My first visit with him cost $185 inclusive 2 wks ss of duphaston. 2nd visit onwards can sign package abt $900, covers all visits till delivery except oscar($300) at wk12, detailed scan ($200) at wk20, doppler growth scan ($150)at wk32. I paid $1,750 cash for csect delivery last yr, including bb bill. I opt for 4 bedder with free upgrade to 2 bedder. My gf who just had her csect done 3 wks ago by TC Chang and stayed 1 bedder paid abt $3k plus in cash.

hi sugar
Im very sorry to hear your case. Please rest well and do a mini confinement

hi blessed
Your statistics sound abt right. You might be having a gal, heard read over internet that bpm > 150 likely to be gal. My DS maximum bpm only reached 152, so might be right
Pauline.. same here, i posted ydae but silly forum under maintenance... i have no spotting but my gynae insisted i take duphaston, he says strengthen the pregnancy.. makes me start to wonder again was there someting wrong with bb dat he saw but din want to tell me... haiz, never mind just leave tings till next visit
Roxy, don't worry, think your gynae just being cautious due to your previous MC history, I had no spotting for no. 1 too but my previous gynae also gave me. Cos I TTC quite long before conceiving so she classify as high risk pregnancy cos I was already 32 when I conceived. Probably some gynaes feel if no harm, might as well give.
Thanks pauline for your assurance
I certainly hope so... When is ur next visit?
My friend told me before normally no 1 takes long time to ttc but no 2 comes very fast when ttc again, seems true
Roxy, think my gynae more PR and used a better word (in my opinion )'support' the pregnancy.

Josephine, TTC is trying to conceive.
Andreanie, sorry to hear that. Dun worry, take a ggod rest and you can start TTC again. My sis had an ectopic pregnance too. Need to went for ops. But now she is already a mother of 2. And this is within 2.5 years. My nephew is already 2.5yrs and my niece 2 weeks old.

Feeling very moody recently. At times very hungry, at times no appetite at all leh.
Hi, anyone took clomid? I took it last month and this month could be preggy...gynae has asked me to see him this Fri if no menses, hope to join in this forum soon!
Hi Lileen,

I tink hormones runing wild. I am also having bad mood swings too. Easily upset and easily feels angry ..

Anyone knows if can take ginseng water now?
T-mum, you better check with the TCM shop when you buy. Cos heard that korean ginseng not so recommended. But for me not taking all these now. You can take chicken essence if you feeling tired. Yah hormones running wild. Hope this will go off soon.Sad
aiyo... i'm also having mood swings... one moment happy, next moment worried... then sad... aiyo..........
Hi Mummies,

Anyone suffering from MS? I'm only going to 6 weeks and it is quite bad already ... feeling so sick but still have to work ... heh heh ...
lileen, hehheh... i'm happy when i see my no. 1. think of your baby in your tummy, think u'll feel happier!
Nicnat, FTWM always like that. But if you work in ofice condition then better.

Tub, my boy super playful these few days. So make me more angry. Haha.

Josephine, I'm the lazy mummy. I bought 2 of the Palmer during my 1st. End up 1 used a little, the other never used at all. End up give to another mummy in this forum free.
Thanks a lot for the detailed pricing! Glad to know that his package can start from 2nd visit at $900! the charges for the delivery seem reasonable.

i see, duphaston helps to improve the hormone i think.

have you done the home preg test? I am too nervous to test...maybe wait till tmr morning or weekend haha. I took clomid for my 1st pregnancy and I got pregnant during the 2nd month too.

GG Lee is right, better consult gynae to make sure it is alright to go ahead for TTC. I have consulted 2 gynaes and both told me to TTC 2nd baby asap can help "cure" my endometroisis coz the hormone condition during pregnancy is favourable for natural healing.
Hi All, my edd is 12/12/09, i have try to log in recently but failing to keep track of any updates cos i keep feeling sleepy, im like a pig now.

Shall i update my details, who has the latest xls sheet? thanks!
Seems like there a lots experienced mummies here too

May i know what is your plan for elder baby, after this baby born? Will you put the older one to childcare? Or your mums/MILs will help in looking after both when u go back to work? Or you will quit, to become SAHM?

Mind to share share your opinions? Thanks
