(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

genesis : we bought the special voucher previously for the trial class for MLG so only paid $58 for 2 class.....;p
Now if u wat trial class think is $130 for 2 class.

MLG is similar to Shichida but they hv 12 lessons conducted in English &amp; Mandarin (split 6 each).

i c...ms tan which are the classes that you think is good ah?? or the rest of the mummies, can share your experience.... me ah...confuse man dunno which one to go...so many to choose from
Ms tan, i not free on both sat..

What is magic in Okto? I only let my boy watch DVDs. Hehe

Genesis, me also spoilt for choices. Wad have u attended?
Jeanie, nothing yet. I'm only on waiting list for the JG class the forum branch. 6 mths ago I registered but till now still no place.... I wonder really so hot meh....?
Genesis, currently they are having special holiday programs. I think maybe they will call u later in the month? As their term starts in 25june. For the bilingual playclub. I've yet to put name! will try at least one term with them. I'll go for Evans branch.

Calamari was saying they generate false demand. Hmm..
genesis: i registered my boy in JG bilingual playclub in dec 2010 and was put on wait list. (I only wanted Evans branch). Recently they just gave me a place oredi. Have gone down to pay fees liao.
GG Lee : I juz went for the trial class at MLG. Found that it's actually previously Little Neutro Tree.
They taught the same as wat Shichida is teaching but at a cheaper rate.
But they taught their class in 6 English &amp; 6 Mandarin-total 12 class for $680.
Mstan, How is positive focus compared to shichida? Can pm me the special rates?

Jeanie, which day/time u register for jg at Evans?
I went my little genius trial., v chime leh! They like teaching numbers 60+ etc my boy haven't even quite fig out first 10 digits! Is an eye opener for us cos first lesson ny boy ever attended.
Re : Positive Focus trial
IF anyone keen to sign up for their trial class, they hv promo at $10 off their trial class (original at $40) valid until June.
hi mommies! i'm looking for a preowned Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo. If you've one to sell, pls do let me know by PM the price, condition and location. many thanks!
Aha! So MLG is previous LNT. I thought I say wrongly.

How's it different to PF?

GG, Keith also can't figure the first 10. So they are at 60+? omg. Did your boy enjoy the class?

Jaclee, I'm looking at JG sat class.
GG tat time did u let yr bb try ling yang?

now my boy is having fever 38-39 sometimes 40... bought him to kk doc say is viral infection... 4 days liao...

any mummies encounter this b4? choy choy!!
Sorry mommies. I posted earlier about the FP rainforest jumperoo but realise my PM was off. have activated it. If anyone has a jumperoo to sell, pls do PM or email me at [email protected] Thanks!
Jeanie : I find Shichida &amp; MLG is the same as they taught the same stuff.
Positive Focus is similar to kindermusik.
I still unable to get a trial class for JG.
Jeanie which sat slot u looking at for JG? For MLG, my boy enjoy the music part more. Those writing parts he keeps wanting to doodle. Very chim leh those number 60 onwards flashcards. I am like 'oh my god', I can't catch also, just see lots and lots of dots, but how to see the difference between 61 dots and 63 dots in lightning speed!

Jo, end up I din give ling yang, only barley and fever medicine. But seems like a lot of mummies do give ling yang if got high fever and says it works. My boy fever was almost a week! Siong. Hope your boy recovers soon!

Any mummies yet to give MMR?
GG Lee : Positive focus is similar to kindermusik but not entirely like music class.
During the trial class that I attended, there are stretching/yoga exercises, bubbles-playing, quite a lot of music (can be background music or main songs), play balls, teaches "A" etc.

I find PF like activity-based + music + learning + bonding class.

Kindermusik is more like music class where u get to try diff music instruments but not in Positive Focus.

I find my gal enjoy music-activity based class more rather than sit-down &amp; write or see flashcards.....;p
Re : career opportunity for people currently doing BD/sales/account mgt in airlines or travel related companies.

Hv a client looking for a Mgr, Airline Account Management.

Anyone keen, plse PM / email to [email protected].
Plse put the following in your email :

Name :
Your current company name :
Your title :
Contact (hp) :
Email address :

Will ask someone to contact u shortly.

Thks !
Ms tan, JG dun accept trial class now. Got to call back first week of July. Seems PF more interesting then kindermusik.

GG, I'm looking at sat 1130am class. But Keith nap time is 12-3pm. Dunno if should go for 430pm but by the time it ends, it's late dinner. Still thinking should I skip trial n go ahead. The registration form is in front of me now. Hahahaha. But I'll want to start at term4. Which is 12 sept. Cuz I feel like gg to one round of PF.

MLG sounds really chim. Quite stressful huh?
Re : career opportunity for people currently doing Business Development/sales/account mgt in airlines or travel related companies.

Opening : Manager, Airline Account Management.

Anyone keen, plse PM / email to [email protected].
Plse put the following in your email :

Name :
Your current company name :
Your job title : (e.g.) Sales Manager / Account Manager / BD Manager etc
Contact (hp) :
Email address :

Will ask someone to contact u shortly.

Thks !
any mummies can help me out? I'm trying to convince my hubby to let Jaylen join the Julia Gabriel class. He was telling me at age 1.5 years is there a need for it? I told him this and that but he kind of refuse....haizzz....
Genesis, is this first time your boy go classes? Your hubby totally object or can go trial first? If he let u trial then at least he gets to see how it's like and may change his views thereafter? My hubby initially also din think should send classes so young but after recent my little genius trial, he is more receptive as long my boy enjoys the class.
Jeanie, me also thinking which time slot to go for. Cos now my boy nap time lhaywire Liao, not so same every day anymore.
Genesis, yea. Go for trial first? Has Jaylen been to any classes?

Seem men are more receptive bout sending our Bb to classes now. My Hubby is one of them too! But I convince him by saying Loads n loads of reasons till he can't stand it and say ok.
genesis28 : haaa.....my hb more kiasu than me said must send bb to class early becos bb absorb the most 1-3yrs old.....;p
He somemore insist on shichida becos he said his frds sent their kids there.
Now coming to 1 term &amp; I dun feel like continuing becos feel bb prefer movement-activity-music class but he said continue for at least 1 more term lor....;p
Jeanie, dunno leh. He like very high all the time refuse to sleep. Just run here run there, push things around house, self entertain but just wont sleep till he totally drained. Now his nap is anytime in the pm, up to his fancy. Else he will cry non stop if u throw inside cot. My trial classes so far we take pm slot cos we lazy wake up so early weekends!
Ms tan, hahaha! My Hubby keep saying I very kiasu! But I've read shichida need about two years to see results.

GG, then wad time does he wakes up? Does he slp late? Keith will be cranky if he dun haf his nap.
Jeanie, he sleeps around 9pm, wakes up 7 or 8am. He still naps but timing not so predictable now. Usually now just 1 nap about 2 hrs or if lucky 3 hrs.
Same timing as Keith. But Keith will feel tired ard 12pm. he zz sarong. So I'll just plop him inside n he zz himself. Usually wake up 2-3+..
Jeanie, my boy used to be same too, will sleep around 11am, get up for lunch 2pm. Now haywire Liao.

Any mummies been to both branches of JG? Is the forum one newer or bigger?
Calamari, u there? Wanna ask your kid attending which slot for JG bilingual play club. It seems the 9am slot is the most popular, longest wait list. I wonder is it the teacher is better.
Genesis : tell your hub that 1-4yrs r formative yrs which r very very crucial. Maybe should go for a trial class 1st; it might change his mind. My hub was rather cynical previously, but when we went to search for childcare for kiren, and spent a 1-2 hrs in each centre, he saw that kiren had so much fun hence decided to give the go ahead. Kiren is going to Eton in 2wks' time. =)
Hi mummies,

Anyone keen to sign up Positive Focus class (Positive Tots, 16-24mths) ?

Anyone keen to sign up plse PM me.
I hv special rate for 1st 8 classes provided 4 mummies sign up. Now only lacking 1 more mummy.
Tentatively to start ard mid July onwards / Aug.

Positive Tots Class : Sat @ 4.15pm @ City Sq Mall #09-06 (8 classes)

1) Ms Tan
2) Jeanie
3) Justalamb

Currently they having promo off their wkend trial class (until 30 Jun) at $30 (original $40).
GG Lee: yo yo! I m here! My boy is starting JG Bilingual Playclub on 2 Jul Sat 4.30pm class. I like the 2pm and 4,30pm teachers: Eliza and Liang Lao Shi as my girl was attending their class previously too. I chose 430pm because it coincides with my girl's Berries class hahaha. Then no child has to wait, both go for their own lessons.
Save time.
Calamari, me on waitlist 430pm. Dunno must wait how long though. Going gug trial this weekend, if good may sign up dunno will clash or not. If waitlist is it means wait 1 term at least huh? Cos I also dun wan sit around doing nothing for so long, rather put my boy somewhere while waiting.
Mummies who sent your kids to childcare, do they bath all boys and gals together? I went one cc and happen to see the kids waiting to bath and all naked. Was very uncomfortable with the idea cos some are already kindergarten age. How can boys and gals all strip naked waiting to bath?

Hi mummies,

Anyone keen to get Happy Baby Brown rice or Multigrain cereal at $6/tin including shipping ?

I am ordering from iherb &amp; is making up the no to reach 12 tins to order.

HB Brown rice :
1-2 : Ms Tan
3-12 :

HB Multigrain cereal :
1-2 : Ms Tan
3-12 :

Self-collect at Redhill or Tg Pagar area/mrt.
