(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

ooh can get refund tics! well.. not too bad leh

messy huh? hv a fren went to their last 2 events. the 1st one at esplande really sucks i heard. 2nd halloween at zouk - not too bad. 3rd one xmas - tot shd be experienced liao leh :p

Happymummy: I also got lost parcel.. Waited for a mth lor, sian.. Duno isit the Bp mummy Nv post out n eat my $$... Lol
Cos I Nv encounter lost mail before lor!!

Erm, Duno leh, some ppl say dun giv bm.. Anyway, I feed ash yakult he also dun like, now eating plain bread!!
Wah today so many post.

MTDT, mine is $388, for 30 adults. C for cupcake too, i book later than may so more ex.
lost mail - get the sender to go to the post office tat she send out to check. even tho not registered, they can still check one.

hope it's due to festive season, then mail got lost. will find it way back after the maddess :p
also from same baker!
she going to hv lots more orders... given tat she did such gd job for ivy and may! hahaha
shokel : poor ashton boy still not well yet? wad did cecilia say? i think bm is the best milk.. lagi better than soy..

may! the cake rotating? i had visualised it to be rotating with a lot of lil gingies. haha.. must show us videos of actual day! grand grand~ i cant imagine zach's wedding next time! haha

i feel old even standing outside zouk with all the xiao didis and meimeis! miss my late nights and mj and karaoke! now can only listen to reyes karaoke.. sianz!
luwen: ya, today stil LS little 2 x, then night time LS 1 x super lot.. gave med n monitor still... dr cecilia say monitor n see hw if by wed no recover then take stool test..
she say dun give FM , give soy based FM...
cos ashton vomitted after he drank FM yday n this morning.. so i went to the doc again ...

i gave him wyeth soy based FM jus now... he got drink ... see hw tomolo lor.. hopefully will recover!
wed my PS w ross duno can make it anot.. i told him to standby n mayb postpone...
so paiseh...

u knw wat, this mornin ash woke up ard 7+, i latch him he stil not enuff... i gave him FM 150ml nia.. after he finished, he immed vomitted everythin out, like reflux... so scary.. its the same w yday, after last feed of FM, reflux, came out everythin.. tats y i rush to clinic ard 8+...

dilly dally n went for lunch, reached hm ard 1pm.. ash already KO otw hm.. lay on the bed immed KO from 1PM - 5PM lor!!!! in the middle got fuss n open eyes a while... n cont sleeping!! see hw tired he was!!! these few days, hes jus sleepin n nuaing!!
haiz!! totally not as active as before!!!! like a changed person!! hahah....
may, I will be giving Friso3 bah cos that's what no. 1 is taking so I still got a few tins left.

Ginnie, oic, how did you switch to FM?

Shokel, RL is 8.8kg, how about Zach? Hope he gets well from LS soon. I'm supposed to bring RL to Dr Cecilia for her MMRV vaccine but either she is sick or me and hubby are down with food poisoning. :p

I ordered RL's birthday cake from C for cupcakes, just realised I never shared photo of the cake yet. Cos shortly after we got the photos, me and hubby flew to Taipei. So, here it is.
Morning Mummies/Daddies..

Quite awhile didn't post here.. cos an event coming .. so was busy running around... buying thing.. and coordinating..

Today on leave.. to go 'pai pai' those who need to 'huang tai sui' today last day hor..
Pauline: zach is may Bb! Mine is Ashton! Lol!
Ashton last weigh is 9.6kg after he ls so many days... I'm feeding him soy milk n latching him now.. He rejects plain porridge so I giv him plain white bread instead.. He happily eats...
Ur cake very nice leh!!!!! So sweet!!
My god!! I see everyone cake so nice! But mine is jus a simple Mickey cake cos I dun wan all the 3d handmould.. Too cute liao.. Hehe... More of a boy boy cake! Hah..
N the handmould all so cute! Hw to eat !! Can't bear to even cut the cake lor! Lol...

Tyl: Tks.. Hopefully he gets better... Oh the trimmer! Ainsley also hve I think, she say not bad use!
But my boy no hair still! Think no need to cut for the Nx 1 yr!! Lol... Got anyone still shave their Bb botak at 1yr old?? Hehe
shokel>I ordered a chocolate cake for my boy. no decorations at all! :p

not sure if you want to give wholemeal bread to your boy? mine prefers it. Think the texture is more interesting and its also more filling?

ainsley has the panasonic hair clipper. I was eyeing that too but the salesman at best denki recommended this philips hair clipper instead cos he said can use longer. Then I found out another mom uses it to trim her boy's hair so more or less decided on the philips hair clipper. so when I see the promo, quickly grab cos discount is not bad. :p
shokel, sorry, blur liao. :p

Calamari, shokel, yl, thanks, but in the end, a lot of cake left, I should have ordered a smaller one. but the kids were definitely crowding round the cake. Keke.

yl, the hair clipper can use for toddlers? is it selling at best denki for the promo price?
Pauline>no, best denki is selling the hair clipper for $109. According to the salesman, it can be used for toddlers.

most wu hua to buy it from philips website. If not convenient to go down to philip's showroom in toa payoh, you can top up $5 for delivery.
ya. I have a hair clipper but not the philips one. Philips one more for older child? mine is more for baby and toddler. As in, it "clips" off the hair so the hair will not fall on the baby's face and it also, the blades are "hidden".
ainsley>philips can also be used for babies. at least another mom I know does that. but I like your panasonic clipper too cos the hair won't fall onto baby's face like you say.
Pauline - Your cake very nice...a few of the cakes that some of the mummy ordered also very nice...like calamari, ivy, may etc...

Mine cake is just normal "1" design with strawberries.

anyone bb will cry when u bring him/her for haircut?

mine cried till very kelian that in the end have to sit outsde the shop to complete the hair. cos once u step into the shop, he started to cry again...we let him cry lor..no choice cos hair cut half way already...
pauline>in that case, maybe you get ainsley's model better. its less than $60 at best denki. can't recall the actual price. :p
Pauline : So sweet!!
C for cupcakes cakes are VERY expensive. That time i ask for the rotating HK theme cake, and is quite small not like Zach's bday cake, she quoted me around $500-600.. wahaahaa too ex for a cake liao. But i must say is very unique
Oh the panasonic clipper, subscribe young parents magazine will get it as free gift. I read it on nov issue.
Hihi mummies and daddies,

I remember some of the mummies here uses Pigeon Mag-Mag cup to train your babies to use the straw to suck.
Are your babies receptive to the cup, and were they motivated to suck?

Just wanna ask around before i buy one for Faith Faith.
Cos till now she still dun hold her bottle and she dunno how to suck.

Thanks for sharing! =)
Jesline, mine loves the mag mag w straw! Cos can suck a lot at a go. But sometimes he will spill out cos can't swallow all. I find it good when wan him drink more water! Cos use bottle he drink v little water one. Next 3 days robinsons got preview sale, can buy if got disc !
Hi gg,

thanks. in the beginning, did u start him out with teat on the cup first? or just intro the mag mag with straw to him?

Cos i saw Giant selling the "mag mag training set" that comes with the cup and 3 fittings which we can change: from teat, to sprout, to straw.
But i also can buy seperately the mag mag cup with straw itself.
Tads why need some advices. =)
i'm back to work from my 1 wk MC...v sian. haha.

Jesline, I bought the mag mag cup but my gal dont like, she still duno how to suck from straw and still not holding the milk bottle on her own.

I have just intro FM to Sophie, trying out stage 3 Gain IQ and Goats Milk. Both seems ok, so I should be continuing with Gain IQ coz its 50% cheaper. Goat's Milk v exp, 1 tin $48! anyone baby drinks that?
Hi 1xMummy,

You can start straight to straw mug.
I have the full set but my girl refused the teat &amp; spout. End up i only used the straw one.

She has been using that since 6 mths old.
Alicia, I actually use an adult straw to teach her first. I showed her how I drink then passed it to her to try.

After a few tries, she succeeded and started using magmag straw after that.

Remember to fill up the cup so that she needs lesser effort to suck up the water.
Pauline: I mix 1 scoop of step 3 milk powder with the remaining scoops of step 2 milk powder den slowing increase the amt of step 3 milk powder..

I also got the mag mag cup but baby also dun like.. my MIL also advise using the straw to teach baby first.. the teat is pretty useless i find..

Alicia, I like the cake! very pretty!

I think my boy's bday cake is the cheapest! Around $120 for a 3kg cake from Pine Garden.. haha..
alicia - haha.. actually hor, zayden started stealing sips from his bro water bottle first! we saw that he managed to drink from the straw bottle then I bought the magmag for him!

my no1 - also took a long time to learn leh! until i need to get a "rubbermaid" bottle for him, (as can press the bottle to make the water come out, and the straw is hard, cannot bite) then he finally learnt it! u can try!
Jesline, i bought the whole set but step 1 &amp; 2 kinda useless. Shay dun use it! She also go straight to use straw for many months already. Now she holds her mag mag bottle and drink by herself.
ManU, Happymummy, thanks. It was the last big birthday bash for a long time (next one will be when RA is 6 years old at K2 bah) so I went all out.... and BLEW my budget. kekeke.

Happymummy, my rotating cake not so ex lar, maybe not so complicated but still considered very ex for me. For my no. 1's cake next month for her BD party in school, I am paying less than $50 from Angie the Choice for a Smiley Face cake as she requested. Save so much. kekeke.

Ginnie, oic, thanks for sharing, I thought you are mixing BM to FM. I haven't done that for long time since no. 1 days so forgot the formula liao. :p

Ivy, I am a loyal Young Parents subscriber leh, why they never give me the clipper. Or, do I need to renew my subscription then have? -_-

Ainsley, thanks, it looks like the one Huaxia Taimaobi used to cut my no. 1 and no. 2's hair.
Hihi everyone, me back in s'pore from hk! How's everyone?? Realise tat hk really not as baby friendly in s'pore. So gotta use the mim sling all the time instead of pram. So for those going hk remember to bring sling or carrier. Oh ya....n also pull up pants has difficulty to find diaper changing area too at times gotta change bb jaylen's diaper while standing!

yup but i think he would prefer to go with his friends next time lor.. anyway how many would have the chance to change nappy in the premise of zouk hahaha. did you see their nappy changing station just outside the toilet?
