(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

adelynn, i suspected tha my gal is trying to wean herself off my boobs (sad sad!!), even when she latches on the right, its only for 10 mins...so i dunno whether its enough for her... whenever i try feeding her with the left, she will yell n yell! i dunno whether isit the position of the left or the milk flow... how long does ur gal latch per session now?

swanston, whats wrong with the bbs ah...all like right side ah??!! hahah

taurus, urs also right ah? thas why i get pissed off after she koon cuz i have to spend more time to pump the left side cuz it was "untouched"! how long does ur boy latch on now?

Yah right side too cause my right breast is also bigger than my left so maybe more milk too. My boy all along latch very fast one, 5-10mins at 1 breast. The time when he latch longer is when he fall asleep at my breast but mouth still sucking slowly. The older they are, the shorter the timing cause now better drinker. As long they can clear ur breast should be ok. Cause when he dun feed enough he will make noise.
taurus, yes!now my gal feeds less than 10 mins...sometimes i wonder whether she's drinking enough... but she still can koon from 10pm till next morning, so i presume its ok and my boob became lao hong after tha...so shd be alright!

rae2,marmite is too saltish for their taste buds now...
Yah as long breast lao hong, should be enough for her. My boy finally managed to sleep thru from 10pm to 6/7am cause i refused to feed him in the middle of the night like 3-4am and pat him to sleep. Hope he could gain some weight soon. I see ur girl and other babies all bah bah so envy.

Want to check does ur gynae ask u to go for scanning at around 6 months after giving birth?
Sporty: Last time when i still BF my gal oso like right one! hahaha so cute! Yes my ah gal crawl around very bo eng but her crawl is lazy type not the on fours lor so sian..crawl oso take short cut! Anywayz crawl or not ..they all end up walking haha ..not impt =) I like to cook the stock for porridge la..coz erm i think v yummy..sometimes i use the fish bone stock for myself too! I dun like the kelp one haha but v easy somedays i put in slow cooker hahaha

cljl: *pats pats* jia you.

mbj: Yah lor my HB say i always make my gal angry tat is why when she buay song she always say ma ma ma ~!!!!
taurus, great tha ur boy's sleeping thru! i very much wanna wean her off my boobs leh cuz sometimes very painful when kena bitten!! no leh, only went back for papsmear after i popped...think tha was like 1 mth or something...after tha no need to scan or what... think maybe u shd ask dingdong, u two same gynae rite?!

raerae, actually its good tha bb's crawls as it helps on brain development lor! seems like u enjoy cooking for ur gal (or urself :p)!! and ur gal's very lucky to be expose to many food! not like me so lazy, still dily daly! hehe
sporty - ethan have been running and jumping round and round the around we go as well .. think hes bored with the activity table after "EATING" all the toys attached to it except the bee on the curve rod which he didnt managed eat and the inner fishy .. but he did try his best to "eat" them ..
adelynn, sporty, swanston, taurus033, raerae, thanks for your concern...

PD came to check her and so far so good.... 2 diff types of antibiotics are fighting the bacteria away... fever so far so good.... need 3 days to know what is e actual virus.. Saw e nurse took out her phlegm from her nose...OMG! i hate to see it lo... tahan my tears but it just roll down....

Still need to camp in hospital for 3 more days... only can discharge on Mon.. haiz... Hopefully e results will be known soon then can go back fast...
i tried giving porriadge to ethan he hates it ... he happily gobbles his cerals and purees .. think my ethan is angmo pai ..

raerae - you dropping by bukit panjang nxt wk ?
ayukie, hahah...my gal loves to "eat" the toys on the ard we go also! haha

cljl, jia you jia you...hang on

raerae, i barely have time to zz lor, dun say cook...really utterly lazy lor! haha

angelbaby, i wanted to wait till my gal's 1 but gonna bring her for the jab soon...maybe like next week? cuz my #1 attends skool, hence i think its better to jab her... my #1 i only jabbed him after he turned 1!
sporty, thanks
it shld be quite safe to jab at 1 if not attending sch right? after 1 , need how many jab? i heard that after 6mth need 3 jabs
angelbaby, if ur bb dun come in contact with other kids or older siblings, rightfully shd be quite safe... if u jab after 1, it will be 2 jabs!
sporty: my girl latch on for a very short period of time only, usually between 3 to 6 minutes. i realized whenever she drinks from the bottle she can last till her next feed for 3 to 3.5 hours but on my boobs she prefers more feed @ closer intervals (2 to 2.5 hours) when she unlatch i put her back or offer the other boob she would refuse.

i have a girlfriend whose boy self weaned off her breasts at 7 months. after he learnt how to crawl, he just out of the blue 1 day decided 'i no want mummy's boob' anymore. the thing is that both sides of her boobs he also didn't want.

are your babies crawling yet? my girl's the lazy type, awhile on her tummy and she gets frustrated. so far she can only go round in circles or backwards - and then she screams to be put up in sitting position.
oh yar, i just remembered something. we ordered the thermal flask, whats the status ah.. (haha i lazy to go back and read the older posts) the thread's moving very fast
sporty, trying to tahan man.... heng my hubby is here with me since yesterday night lo.. if not i sure peng kui.....
Cljl-really hope ur baby will fight off the virus fast fast. U take care too ya n be strong!

My girl down with fever 38.6..only fever no flu, cough or whatsoever. Don know wat kind of virus trigger fever. PD say to monitor her condition. Hope she can get well soon.
Hi Mummies,

Greetings to all. have not been posting of late. In fact this week is my ML but I hardly got time to do anything for myself cos been spending time with baby and bringing him out.

cljl_please takecare, hang in there and hope you bb will have a speedy recovery.
Hi Swanston,

I have transfered $50 to ur acct. Trans Ref is 2975436802


1. swanston, ice cream milk tea, 25%, L, pearls
2. swanston, hazelnut milk tea, 25%, L, pearls
3. Ayukie, chocolate milk tea , 75%, L, pearls
4. Ayukie, grass jelly milk tea, 50%, L, no pearls
5. Shihui, plum green tea, 25%, M, pearls
6. Shihui, grass jelly milk tea, 25%, L, pearls
7. myboyjovan, milk tea, L, 50%, pearls
8. sporty, oolong milk tea, 70%, L , pearls
9. sporty, oolong milk tea, 70%, L , pearls
10. Mitsy, Hazelnut milk tea. No sugar, L, pearls
11. Mitsy, Hazelnut milk tea, 25%, M, pearls
im giving the p jab after my boy turns 1 ~

raerae - okie dokie

sporty - its pointless to prevent him frm doing so ive learnt but that means every night i need give the exersaucer a wipedown too!!
i also want koi!!!

1. swanston, ice cream milk tea, 25%, L, pearls
2. swanston, hazelnut milk tea, 25%, L, pearls
3. Ayukie, chocolate milk tea , 75%, L, pearls
4. Ayukie, grass jelly milk tea, 50%, L, no pearls
5. Shihui, plum green tea, 25%, M, pearls
6. Shihui, grass jelly milk tea, 25%, L, pearls
7. myboyjovan, milk tea, L, 50%, pearls
8. sporty, oolong milk tea, 70%, L , pearls
9. sporty, oolong milk tea, 70%, L , pearls
10. Mitsy, Hazelnut milk tea. No sugar, L, pearls
11. Mitsy, Hazelnut milk tea, 25%, M, pearls
12. Adelynn, Milk Tea, 25%, L, pearls
13. Adelynn, Honey Red Tea, (Honey got no sugar level), L, pearls

Can I have Koi too pls! 2 cups!

1. swanston, ice cream milk tea, 25%, L, pearls
2. swanston, hazelnut milk tea, 25%, L, pearls
3. Ayukie, chocolate milk tea , 75%, L, pearls
4. Ayukie, grass jelly milk tea, 50%, L, no pearls
5. Shihui, plum green tea, 25%, M, pearls
6. Shihui, grass jelly milk tea, 25%, L, pearls
7. myboyjovan, milk tea, L, 50%, pearls
8. sporty, oolong milk tea, 70%, L , pearls
9. sporty, oolong milk tea, 70%, L , pearls
10. Mitsy, Hazelnut milk tea. No sugar, L, pearls
11. Mitsy, Hazelnut milk tea, 25%, M, pearls
12. Adelynn, Milk Tea, 25%, L, pearls
13. Adelynn, Honey Red Tea, (Honey got no sugar level), L, pearls
14. Momoko, Grass jelly milk tea, 50%, L, no pearls
15. Momoko, Grass jelly milk tea, 50%, L, no pearls
Hi Chriszinc, I got one sling which I really use minimal. I will let go at SGD38 as I brought it around SGD48 from OG. Is the silk one. Let me know ok?

Thanks thanks.
<font color="0000ff">Starrz></font> Oh...hv you tried out other brands? I find healthy times pretty good, smells &amp; tastes great! Hv to trial and error. But one important lesson I learned - never force. I tried forcing him, when he refused to eat after 2 wks of semi-solid intro. Ever since then, he kept his mouth shut tight every time I brought a spoon near his mouth. I had to stop for 2 days &amp; intro cereal again, slowly. Now, he eats anything &amp; everything easily. However, once in a while when he's not in the mood, he still turns his head away. I take the cue from him. When he turns away, I stop &amp; play with him for a while and try again. If he truly rejects the food, I stop. Then, I make new ones and feed him again 3-4 hours later.

<font color="0000ff">cljl></font> Oh, dear... Hope your gal recovers soon.

<font color="0000ff">Sporyt></font> My boy still latches on, as he still rejects bottles up till today. He latches on any side I place him.

<font color="0000ff">Adelyyn></font> My bb also same. Don't have the patience to learn how to crawl. He wants to crawl but expects to do it immediately. Within a minute, he will be frustrated &amp; start complaining.
hi. no time to come here anymore.
been so busy at home.
also, may start teaching at a centre every morning 9-1pm, working things out still so, life's in a mess now.

sporty, yes, 2 on top, 2 below.
i night owl again.

starrz, jovan jumped off a slide and ended with a hairline crack on his shin bone. couldn't walk or stand since sunday. sob.
your baby taking cereal well now? HT not bad, most babies i know like it.

kimifin, i put before brinjal in baby's porridge, but that was when i cooked for my first one when he was about 9 months.

adelynn, yes, let's go again some time, keep me in the loop ok.
we can also have a playdate at WT's place - there's pool there too. can hor, WT?
at hougang. near your place too i suppose?

agata, hope you sort out maid's issue soon. it can be a headache. btw, i want to ask those of you with maid, can i check how much to pay roughly every month? salary with any other charges involved comes to how much huh.
and, is there any tax or condition before we can apply for a maid? one time fee roughly how much to fork out? indonesian or fp better?

sorry to ask these here when i should be asking a maid agency. sigh.

1sttimemummy, thank you for your concern.
re:cut nails - my husband cuts all the nails in the house from babies to dogs. and he cuts really in, such that you can't see any whitish anymore but it lasts only 2-3 days max.

piggym, isn't marmite too saltish for babies?
i only added a bit into porridge for my son when he was one year old. that's for the taste only.
for those of you who put marmite for the taste, why not cook porridge with chicken soup or veg soup? but if you are looking at the yeast mineral content then can put a bit brewer's yeast instead of marmite.

cljl, oh dear, how is your little one?
take care ok. husband also on leave with you? you must rest too ok.

sporty, mine also right side lei. high5 la.
sometimes jovin dozes off while latching and bites me. now she sometimes doesn't latch, just keep looking at it. worried she may wean off earlier than i want esp now may consider morning job...very headache recently.

adelynn, the status of the thermal flask is still pending, angeline has bought them already but i think she said she didn't manage to bring them back on luggage as it was overweight so she will post back to us instead. but these few days never hear from her liao.

angeline...you here?

hi Eastgal!
adelynn, yeah i agree with u...if they drink from bottle, they can "tahan" longer w/o feed lor... yes, sometimes when i noticed she drank until very "high" liao and i tried to change sides, she will reject and scream at me lor!! my gal is not crawling yet...she's quite lazy also...now juz flipping ard only!

cljl, yes family support very impt...jia you

rainz, hope ur gal's fever goes off soon!

cheryl, u have any plans to wean ur boy off? hehhe

mbj, u juz started ur night "shift" ah...LOL... huh? ur gal also same as mine eh...also like right side! have u tried introducing bottles to her yet?
hihi mummies,

anyone brought your bb to tui na? Is it good? Any recommendation? My gal had constipation for the 3rd time liao. She has been on medication but doesn't seem to work. I gave her fruit puree everyday too. Am v worried. I can't be bringing to PD to clear everytime ma.. Tot if tui na may help, I'll try it..
re: kindermusik
pls note i need to register for the trial 20th july latest and this is a non refundable thing.

p.s we are getting one FOC trial at their tanglin mall branch, courtesy of kindermusik. keke.
meaning, we can jio another time to meet at their branch liao.

re: KOI
keep those orders coming in!
Free delivery this time.
eh hit 100 cups hor got 10 cups free lei, next time our gathering must aim to have more people liao lol
sporty, why you tonight on shift? lol
no i haven't let her try anything, only spoon.
even those water bottle type also no. lazy hor.

cass, ask bidosoh for recommendation! she has good ones to recommend.
<font color="0000ff">Sporty></font> I wanna do so but can't do much if he doesn't take bottles wor. Have to do it slowly lor. Hopefully he can self-wean! Hehe...

He doesn't mind drinking FM from cups when I feed him direct with Doidy cup. But he doesn't drink much from there. Sometimes I spoon feed or use straw but it is not possible to spoon feed the whole bottle of FM ma. Any good suggestion? :p
mbj, u really lotsa lobang lor! even managed to secure foc trial at tanglin branch eh! kow tow to u ah! my 2 kids are asleep liao mah...so can do my own things lor...thas why online!

Mbj-Hope ur boy get better real soon.
Re: maid- every mth abt $300-$400 salary(depending whether maid is experience and worked in spore before), $170 levy. All in all plus makan maybe got to cater $700 - $800 for maid. Think no condition attached other than we need to take mom mcq test online to get the certificate. Personally I prefer indo maid coz my previous fp maid not good.
Re: koi
When must summit order for koi?

Cass- my girl oso everytime consti. Only poop every 3 days or more! *faint* she don like water so maybe tat's y. PD say can be quite "normal" for some babies though.
Adelynn &amp; agata- ya agreed tt sometime having maid also mean more headaches for us. Must "polish" them one a while ;p
MBJ_Aiyo didnt know about your boy..poor thing, please takecare and hope he recovers soon...

Cass_ I give my bb banana and papaya every afternoon on alternate days and so far it's been good and he does his big biz everyday if not alternate day..you can try.
Hmm. I give her fruits like papaya, apple, pear everyday le but she jus never poo. Brought her to PD twice liao. Each time cos she never poo for 6 days.. Today is 4th day again.. Hai..
mbj, regarding maid, i'm currently looking for one too. you have to pay the following expenses upfront:
1) agency fees - about $380
2) security bond &amp; medical insurance - $290
3) placement fees - $2400 (recoverable from maid)

you can refer to the following web to search for maid:

you can find some useful comments and reviews on maids/maid agencies through this blog too:
MBJ: U know i just engaged a fp maid right, Hmmm, if given a choice again, i'll choose indo maid

yeah, www.netmaid.com.sg not bad, thou some of the fp maids (esp fr agencies at Orchard) salary quite high, more than $400 and off every wk.

You can go Hougang Green, lots of agencies there.

Nation also has biodata on their web, they only allow you to change 2 times a yr (once for first 6 mths).

I got mine from Crislo, unlimited times for you to change maid, but personally i don't recommend.. :p

sporty and mbj, looks like 2nd time being mummy we have slacken alot. Last time I alway so eager to let my boy try new food. Now so slacken. So far she has only tried rice, brown rice, brocolli, carrots, pear, banana, butternut pumpkin, egg yolk and pork. All prepared by my MIL and fed by her.
