(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

mbj, does ur J1 attend LNT?? i didnt bring my boy for tha cuz he cant sit still la...thas why i rather not waste my monies... what age can start LNT?

swanston, happy mother's day to u too!

ayukie, yes...pls die die rem hor...kekkeke :p
ayukie, why going specialist?

sporty, J1 attended LNT when he was more than a year old. by then he was at the age when he couldn't sit still too, he ended up roaming around the class but i find the activities rather interesting. if at 6 months, i think it's good cos they won't walk or run around ma. haha.
i think as young as 4 months can attend.
if not, maybe gymboree 0-6 months class might be better for J2 cos she can't sit, crawl or move around much.

tml not bringing J1 to school. bringing him and J2 out. prob pasir ris park playground. then mac lunch...aiyo, spend money again...i really need to work man, anyone got kang tau or not, work at home or something.
mbj, ya...my boy attended GUG instead and i was always bz chasing him ard the room! hahah... if you keen to bring J2 for LNT trial, jio me hor...i think she can still more "still" than her korkor! wah...u wanna bring 2 out...peifu!
Hi hi all! I just started Nestle cereal for my boy 2 days ago but now i have ?? in my mind. Is the Nestle rice cereal (green tin) good? Also i make very little for him about 20ml of milk to half a tablespoon of cereal is that ok? The tine say 200ml milk to 4 tablespoon of cereal so i just average out. mmmm.... he dont finish the ceral but i just let him try after his FM feed. I totally stop pumping also as my SS is rock bottom...cant even hit 1oz liao. Give up! Feel so sad!
ayukie, oh..

sporty, GUG is good ar, "branded" sia. keke. then you bringing #2 to GUG? they start from 8 months is it?
ok, i jio you go LNT trial.
tml husband free, so we bringing both out together. i won't bring both out myself, hay wire ar.
hi Ayukie, i dun hav organic happy bellies leh. Mayb my fren hav but not sure if the price is low.

I have an organic fruit pack but need MOQ of 12 packs. See if you are interested.

Eatz Organic Pack @ Special Price $40 / Usual Price $45
7 NZ Organic Pacific Rose Apple
1 Tin Organic Dried Seedless Raisin (425g) *indicate red or green
2 Organic Avocado
1 Punnet Organic Blueberry
velo, dun feel sad la...anyways ur boy coming to 6 mths liao and u tried ur best already!

mbj, i like GUG la...yes will bring #2 to GUG lor...think can start from 7 mths but i think i will start from 12 mths la...7 mths i feel too young le...which LNT u go to? the one at hougang/serangoon?
sporty, i went to the hougang one nearer my place. you prefer which centre, tampines or toa payoh, think these two nearer to your place??
not sure if they have trial class though, tml i call to ask. i keen in GUG too, maybe can join together when they reach one year? heard the waiting list is LOOONG though, is it true?
Haha, i also scared of Jurong.
last time for J1 waiting list so long that i gave up. haha, so ended up i teach him montessori method myself.
Thank U ladies for the suppport & encouragement. Dont think can increase liao cos my boy also not interested to latch anymore. Feeling kinda sad cos BM is the best yet i dont have sufficient to provide. Now he struggle with FM everyday..i think he no like. No choice.

But ya on the bright side is at least i got this far! But 1 more month is 6 months leh! Ah ya! :p
Sporty, 30 May, Sunday is good for me! Momoko you available this date to go Gymboree Trial? I dun mind the HF one, Tanglin Mall branch is ok for me too. What about you ladies? Dingdong, wanna join us too?

MBJ and Sporty, wah say you guys anti-jurong ah?! :p
velvo - my boy dont latch me at all also .. in fact he seldoms latch me im more on exclusive pumping .. think still can increase ss lah just need to spend time with pump lor ... and lotsa KOI milk tea~
morning all!
TGIF but bz bz!

mbj, where did u get the montessori materials?

velo, at least u kno u tried ur best...thas more impt!

ashley, what are the slots on 30 may? any idea? i not anti-jurong la but jurong really far for me mah :p

ayukie, GUG is growing up gifted... its a enrichment skool for kids...
good morning all.
myboyjovan, you in hougang ah? Next time can meet up and play together. Who else in the Hougang, Sengkang, Punggol areas?
Are you Montessori trained too?

Nowadays young kids so many enrichment classes to attend. Very stressful hor.
wah so quiet now ah...

haha i going to be SAHM liao but only for 4 days. Got to take care of bb alone..hope everything goes on smooth
Proposal for the next Nov mummies gathering

Venue: A Staff Club in Dover area
Costs for booking of venue and simple tea buffet: about $30 per couple (min. 20 couples)
Date: A weekend in June hols
Time: 2-3 hours

1. Ice-breaker games for babies
(who stole the cookies, pass the parcel, call a name blanket game etc)

2. Educational talks on play and development, healthy weaning recipes and perhaps insurance for babies by our very own talented mummies(wondering if the SAHM gang would like to take up this challenge?
As for the insurance part, i was totally clueless and thought many first-time mums may be too, so can get momo_mummy to give a talk on what's essential)

3. Baby photo contests: Mummies to bring photos and all present has a sticker or something to vote. Most voted gets a gift.
Categories can include Cheeky monkey/ Smile Baby Smile/ Yummiest pig trotters/ Fashionista Diva etc

while mummies have fun with their babies, daddies can enjoy too.. Facilities in club include:
1. Pool table
2. Table Tennis Table
3. Darts
4. Karoke
5. Outdoor Basketball court
6. Gym
7. Wii
8. Magazines corner

Ample parking spaces. Lots of tables and sofa seats.

Those who are interested to help in any way (lots needed!!), pls PM me... e.g organize games, give talks etc..

Okie, end of proposal... for your consideration and approval pls!

(haha..been writing too many proposals at work lately...)

June Gathering at Dover Staff Club
1. chris
2. swanston (i auto include you coz it's our "home ground"..hahaha)
out at pasir ris park. hot weather. angeline i'm at punggol area. can meet up play date no prob ha. yes i'm montessori trained. sporty i made the materials. some bought online. wa next gathering so happening ar.
dev: changing gymboree lvl 2 class date? mb i can go then...

sporty: northpt got new yoghurt shop, berrylite or dunno wat... i tried the chocolate flavour, nice :p

starrz: u can do it, dun worry... lil K started on cereal bo? my ger's poo quite hard after taking cereal so PD ask me to stop for a while. so now give her apple or banana puree everyday instd.

momoko: i'm also bringing klaire to the zoo ard 3rd week of may
u going this weekend?
angeline, u stay in north east eh?

starrz, dun worry la...am sure u will do fine as a sahm...

mbj, next time i ask my son to join ur "private class" with ur J1 la...u teach him also...whahah

mel, got ah? i only kno north pt got shilin taiwanese snacks...always long queue! haha

chris, wahh...the gathering sounds fun!
sporty: yah, got berrylite. chk it out, near old chang kee i think. i nvr see the shihlin b4, if nt i will get the big chk cutlet! when will KOI come over to yishun? :p

angeline: i just shifted out of hg/sk... forgot to tell u I sent u a PM last week asking u abt buying gold in HK. can advise? TIA!
1. Ice-breaker games for babies
(who stole the cookies, pass the parcel, call a name blanket game etc) <--- har abit cheem for the babies right ?
i think the gold content in HK is higher than SGP. In HK they sell 99% gold, I think in SGP is 916 hor? But then, I am not expert in this area, so can't really say.
angeline, resent PM liao...

ayukie, HK sells solid gold at our 916 price, designs also nicer... so i want to buy from there.
mel - yeah but dunno certified gold content anot leh .. help me check if really gd to get frm there i wanna get a gold necklace for my ah boy to keep also ..
ayu: i'll chk and let u know.

sporty: yah lah, KOI shld come to yishun or sembawang mah, wahaha...

angeline: kk, i chk, tks!
chris - orh .. i thought babies playing then my boy will v stress cause he still dunno hw to call mummy yet whahahaa
Wow! Interesting gathering! I'm interested, but need to see which weekends first.

I'm also interested in the gymboree trial class. Is it confirmed??

Hi... I'm a Nov 09 mummy too.. My girl was borned on 20 Nov. Have been following this thread but haven been posting... I'm interested in the Dover gathering ... May I join as well?
