(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

agata, my mum did say my gal looked like me when i was a bb but i have yet to go "dig" out the old pics...i wanna see ur old pics too!!

stacey, yes...i juz eat kong ba pau and chix skin like no tom!! heheh... today i saw some new hair growing out!! so happy!!! hahah

Chris and Stacey, I love shabby chic / rustic / country style too! I think I will go to Great World City tomorrow....

Agata, my baby confirmed look like me when I was young. Hahaahhaha....cos I have photo to prove it. Everyone also agree she looks more like me than my hubby. Unfortunately she also inherited some "bad traits" from my hubby like bow leg and flat foot
I'll see if I can post pictures here to share with you all.
Sorry, dun have many scanned baby pics of myself. This is the closest I can find - me on the left pic and my baby on the right. hehehe...
Ok, I've publish my baby photos in Facebook
I never printed out my baby photos...otherwise, i can scan my old photos and lil Kaelyn's photos side-by-side to really compare.
wah sorry, turned out very big files, and I don't know how to put them side by side. I was only allowed to upload 1 photo at a time
Momo mummy, ya lor miss your jokes. Especially your nose and xxx jokes. You are so popular here. I think alot of people miss you.

Happy birthday.
Agata, older generation people believe that girl resembles father and boy resemble mother will have a blessed life. So you are one of the blessed ones.
wa, so happening today's post.
retro somemore lei.
agata, your dad more handsome with age eh.
i don't think my mum has any of my baby photos, come to think of it, only a few and none is whole family one. either myself or my bro.
compared to now, my #1 and #2 photos add up can cover the entire 5room flat liao.
momo mummy, happy bird day, wa, you very good lei, still lomantic sia, for me, xxx is the last thing on my mind, dun say bird day, whatever day also no mood lei. chiam
ashley, chris,
we share the same taste! haahaa..i tot im one of the very few in singapore who try to do up my home in country style =p i aso love those stuff i see on country home living magazines..so nice! In fact I once imported a range of country style items from US to sell in S'pore...more for interest than $. GWC a bit out for me since i dun drive else i think we'll have a good time there ooing and ahing...

tks for sharing! ya really looks alike so cute..
yours too! even more alike haahaa..wonder if she'll like the same as you when she's grown up...i like your mushroom hairstyle..
our "fats" different..yours more oriental type..my "angmoh" type ie. cakes, biscuits and chocolates..but yes, i like deep fried stuff too hahaa..hope being a SAHM wont expand my waistline too much since i apparently have more time to eat now compared to working times..hmmm....but for the 'sake' of bb rite?whahahahaaa
bz bz bz...

agata/ashley, thks for sharing ur pics...ur gals really look like u when u were a bb! nice!!

myboyjovan, u still take pics of #2 ah...i feel tha my #2 has lesser pics than #1...hee hee

stacey, i dun take chocolates la...thas why no chocolate intake for me...fried stuffs also my fave lor...heheh... ya la, juz eat lor cuz nan de can eat w/o gulit!!
agata/ashley : ur babies really look like u when u were babies, for me , my son looked 100% like my sis - in - law .

sporty: its normal, my colleagues said that to me too , coz 1st child excited ma, #2 not so excited, then #3 worse, that was what happen to my colleague
Stacey, I hope my girl won't look or be like me when she grows up :p

Hahaha...i used to have a nice "mop" of hair...now my hair is dropping like crazy.
Ru Yun, no leh...My hair always drop, even before pregnant. Worse when hair is long. Everyday I have to vacuum my house cos the floor is full of my dog's fur and my hair.
halo Mummies :D

came back from my tai tai lunch-library-facial-baby shopping outing with Jamie and my helper :p hahaha!!!

Feel so good when I managed to reject the salon to sign up more package!!! Shiok Shiok Feeling :D

Nowadays Shopping is all about Jamie manz :p Everytime I go shopping with my helper and Jamie, we will look at only Jamie things. Even my helper also laffs about it with me these days :p Check out the loots from my FB.

And I finally get my KOI GRASS JELLY MILK TEA~!!! HOHOHO~ Was at TPY Central anyway ^^

Ashley: my hair always drop too!!! Plus Jamie loves to pull my hair! Now I know why my mum snapped off her long hair after she gave birth to me! Hahaha... me and my daughter are hair-pullers!!
ya, sporty, i still taking photos of #2, lesser of cos, but will make sure to take and video some of her stunts. keke. also will try to update blog lor,else next time forget everything
ru yun, ya lor...if i ever have #3, maybe i will be like ur colleague!! haha

jolene, ur taitai life sounds so good! got helper to help even when u go out!

myboyjovan, can share share ur blog?
ashley: last time b4 pregnant i drop coz hair long ma, den after give birth drop even more, like i just use hand to sweep hair to the back u can see alot on the floor, so when i bring my son cut hair i oso cut till below ear.

sporty: thats y i thinking 1 is enuff. but i v stupid, bought too many clothes, thinking maybe can have 1 more to help wear the clothes, but if #2 is gal then orh bak kak , must buy even more new clothes
anyone is using cloth diaper instead of disposable? My friend my recommended me yesterday. Is it really good? Which brand are you using?
morning all!
very sianz last nite...my gal had fever...dunno why also...never go for jabs or what!haiz! think mb she's teething and she refused to open her mouth to show me!!
luckily today is fri liao...

ru yun, nvm la..#2 can wear blue color if its a gal mah...nvm one...heheh
Morning all! I MIA for quite a few days. After the gathering, I developed very bad cough. Now still coughing quite badly... Sigh...

Then my 2nd week at work is stressful!! Swamped with work. There are so many things to follow up, yet some of them are so confusing!! Need to sort out quite a bit of mess. Think I'm overwhelmed. Worse thing is the Night cough med is making me very drowsy (even after one night's sleep) and can't concentrate well at work.

Yesterday was on half day leave, cos I bringing my gal to 'pick' my hb from airport. I was so tempted to cancel my leave due to work. But in the end, I heck care and leave cos I'm so frustrated. Sigh..

Sporty, hope ur gal's fever subsided liao.
morning all...TGIF!

sporty, hope your gal is okie now liao.

PeiPei, u take care ah..

Want to check, lets say bb 6 months liao and want to introduce 2nd stage FM, we shld mix stage 1 with stage 2 right (intially) then also want to introduce cereals... these 2 canot concurrently introduce right? coz wait duno bb is allergy to which one...

Also, anyone knows where i can donate milk powder? Want to donate brand new milk powder but its not the improved version. Dun want to throw, want to donate to the needy, but duno where to donate.. anyone knows?
Tee Stacey, Chris, Ashley,
I also like country style furnitures, but my hubby don't like. Where is GWC?

Wah really bad weather, until so many people are sick. Hope everyone recover soon.

My hubby hasn't recovered from his viral fever. With medicine, his temperature is 37.3, when medicine ran out of effect his temp is about 38.6 degree. I have cough n a bit of diarrhea.
Pei Pei, hope u didnt catch the bug from anyone.. but it's possible that the KOI tea is bit too cold for your system... coz when i take very cold drinks or ice-cream, i will cough/feel unwell too .. haha.. like kids like that... take care ya..

tee stacey, would love to see pics of your home!!
ya, i thought it's rare too.. but i did found some country style fans during my reno as well..
Jolene, so your helper is good with your baby? Until u brought her out shopping with baby.

Bidosoh, cloth diaper got brand? I thought just use those big white cloth and use safety pin. But so ma fan, need to wash so many things...including my clothes when baby pee or poo on me. So I just use pampers.
morning ladies.

<font color="119911">bidosoh</font>, my mum is using the cloth nappy. i bot annuka and the gold fish brand. like no diff?

my girl nose ran away after her jab on monday. and now my nose run away too. looks like many pple are not well. bad weather. take care worr.
peipei, aiyoo...pls take care and rest more over the weekend!!

starrz, thks for ur concern...her fever subsided...u can intro either the cereal first or the fm...after a week then intro the other!

swanston, hope ur nose runs back soon! haha
Morning ladies!! Saw the updates on fb...seems like a lot of babies are partying in the middle of the nite!
My boy has learnt to shriek loudly when we are outside ....so embarassing! He also buuuuuuuubuuuuuuubrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr so loudly that I get a lot of stares!!! Faint! Lol!!!
Next wed, for lunch before the weaning class, shall we go to subway first, followed by udders, the ice cream place? Nvfm n I will be there early to get seats

Lunch on Wednesday (21 Apr) 12pm at subway ( united square ) followed by udders
1. superwalker
2. nvfm
3. novbaby
4. chris
5. ashley
6. Bpmama

Ashley, can u pls pm me your number? Thanks!!!

Superwalker, PM-ed you

Pei Pei, you poor thing...get well soon! I passed by your place yesterday cos I went to my fren's house (opp your blk) to collect some stuff. I really like Clementi....hope to be able to move there someday.
i am so tired. bb loves to flip in her cot and also she sleeps sideways. then everytime hand got stuck under her chest and she cries for help. last night from 2-5am she was awake practising her flip, i didn't sleep too cos got to keep flipping her back, then 6am feed her then she continue flip.
morning 8am wake up liao and then brought my son to buy guppy, now then settle him to school and going look after bb the whole day myself...i am dead beat.
mbj, try to sneak in a nap this afternoon if you can to recharge.

baby flipping is one worry, baby dun flip (like mine) is also another headache. Sigh.

ya lor, that time i keep complaining she not flipping, now flip become flip in the middle of the night, like now i put her on bumper mat she doesn't want to flip. i am going crazy

lunch wed i maybe able to go too, united square walkable from mrt is it? if husband not working, can he join in too? or ladies only...keke
