(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

On sat is 1.30pm - 5pm and Sun is 8.30am - 1pm. Weekends are usually crowded. On weekdays evening is normally from 6pm - 9pm. Do give them a call to check if the yishi is around. Better tiao ur boy's health, do u restrict ur boy's diet? Think better dun let him take cold stuff. Perhaps u can let him take sambucus to boost his immune system when he's having cough.

Funan yi shi also taught me to do massage for my kids and also read about the massage she taught me in a book which will stimulate and regulate the central nervous system and the body's defensive exterior. Now they dun do tui na as was told by the yishi is time consuming and they have too many patients.

Btw like to check have ur baby's poo changed? My boy's poo now not as watery as before, more pasty.

thanks for the advice.. ya.. i think my boy is not running ard enough... maybe i will as my hubby to bring him to the playground more often..

hav u taken the batt out b4, coz the instruction state tt if u take out the batt aft u fully charged it, the display will show tt the batt is not charged yet... so u will need to repeat charging it like first time charging..

thanks for the info.. hmm.. maybe i will bring him there on weekday evening.. i'm think of going there too.. thinking of doing accupuncture... dunnoe if they hav it anot...

my gal's poo is still rather watery...
morning all!
another new week!
seems like a few of u gals going back to work this week...jia you, u can do it oneZ!

velo, u still on antib eh? when are u stopping ur dose? capella is not very stable la...its up to u la...

nicole, u shd be able to wake up la...hehe...dun worry

taurus, my bb's poo is the same...watery kind
i'm here... last night #2 cranky... only managed to make her sleep at 1am... den i still got to pump etc... only got to sleep at 2am.... super tired now... yawn.....

this wk i'm off on fri to bring my gal for her vaccination... looking forward to my off day.. hehehehe... :p

happy first day of work to all starting work this week..
what is the limit temp ur PD suggested u to give baby paracetamol for fever?

i'm starting work next mon.. boo
happy CNY to everyone! wish all the babies well and happy too!

my gal was down with fever on 3rd day of CNY. lucky clinic got open.. her poo also still watery. last time used to be poo once every 2-3 days, now poo 2-3 x per day!!!
shihui, wahh...so fast ur first "break" is here...thas this fri!! i dunno when i can take my first leave man!

rue, so fast hor...ur turn next week!
Hi ladies!!

Sporty + Shihui: U both have like iphones or like internet fones ar! Pumping so early still log on!! haha i am awake pumping when u guys r..but really too lazy to turn on the com!

Shihui: hugz hugz * ming tian hui gen hao* hee hee maybe tonite ur #2 knock out liao ..sleep early..i bringing my gal for vaccination this wed :p hope she will not get fever le..

Alot of ppl talking abt allergies ar.. i think personally food restriction is the way to go..den let the kids gradually grow out..coz i had childhood asthma n i really resticted all cold & liang things..Nw i am fine as in dun need inhaler unless i am down with VERY bad cough.

But i wanna tiao my body too..coz when i had red date tea everyday for my confinement my nose bleed le...so i feel like somehing wrong le..anywhere to recommend??

Taurus: my girl poo is oso watery, occasionally den pasty..

sambucol/sambucus: Has anyone tried it? AS in i see a few of u using it for ur kids, but our 3mth old ...is it ok? Bcoz i dun like the idea of paracetamol dosing too..Very scary

Working mamas: JIA YOUZ!!! yah waking up is the worst bit but after u start pumping & all it will make u awake!!! At least we r nt alone..haha tat is wat i tell myself too tat's y look 4ward to come forrum ..nt so lonely hee hee
raerae, i usually on my lappy when i pump la...thas why will post at wee hrs! if not so boring leh and i will fall asleep!
Sporty: so i see..Yah i usu pray when i am pumpin..coz it kind of is the only quiet moment i have to myself haha other than that!! it is like havoc!!!
morning ladies.

any idea if suntec nursing room got power outlet? next week got full day course there. sian. dunno where to pump and store milk. dunno my cooler bag can tahan so many hours anot.
raerae, icic...my pumping time is my msn, fb, check mails time...hehhe

swanston, yes the suntec nursing room have power outlet...if not u can use marina sq's nursing rooms also, they also have

mel, kimifin smsed me saying tha she cant make it for the gathering, pls take her name off the list! thanks!
Starrz: Haii i know what u mean..Actually i v wu liao i keep feeling so wasted tat i may nt b around to see my gal's first step..or speak her first word!! den how?!?!?! haha so silly but working moms all have this gulit..Well comfort urself that u are already trying ur best for her!

The work part haha everyone sian!!! Today morning traffic from west makes it EVEN MORE SIAN hahaha

How any takers on sambucol?? I v curious coz i dun wan to dose my bb with medication, so i wan more alternative way...
morning! steal a moment to post here cos going to pump now.. hee....

shihui, me also going to take my first leave next mon... bringing my gal for her vaccine too... hee.....

so sian.. now is really officially full working weeks... no more work 3 days hols 2 days.... last 2 wks was so shiok....
raerae, pls dont feel tt way!!
although i'm still at home to look after my gal.. when she tried to flip on last sat, my hb was the onw who witness it, rather than me.. LOL~
Swanston, your pump is PISA rt? prep batt pack as well cos that time my fren and i wanted to pump at Marina Sq's nursing room near Kiddy Palace thr. there's a power socket but is not working! lucky i had the batt pack but my fren doesnt have. so we took turns to use the batt pack. you using the medela cooler bag? if you are testing it out, can let me know how long it can last? cos the most i use was 4 hours and is still cold. but haven tried the max it can tahan.

Raerae, i have exactly the same feeling as you. i really want to witness my boy's growth. that time i saw him talking to his bear bear for the first time, i was so thrilled!! then the first time he made the "oooo" sound as he talked to me, i as like over the moon. I really hope to see him doing his every "first" but it's really tough cos we still need to work.... sigh.... govt shd give 1 yr maternity leave and 1 mth paternity leave!

I going to bring my boy for vaccine too. i called the polyclinic. they say in their package for the vaccine, there's this HIV jab which is like a flu jab. is weird why they incl this in the package. anyway, in the end, decided to go PD for the jabs cos the diff is about $100 and at PD, still can consult doc and is the doc who administer the jab. Poly clinic is nurse administering. but the MMR jab in poly is free. so will just go Poly for the MMR jab.

i think this was dicussed before but can i know if it is ok to take MMR with chix pox? i feel like separating the 2 or even not taking chix pox jab.
starrz, ohhh u back at work too!

swanston, u can ask the suntec staff to keep in their fridge for you lor...if not, u can walk over to my office, i can help u put inside my fridge la...hahha

rachelle, some pple defer the MMR jab as there were some sayings tha MMR jab will cause autism...thas why some pple delay as long as possible
sporty: ok, kimifin's name taken off.

i'm still waiting for mitsy & alicia's info via PM.

hope to give you the confirmed list by tonight so
tt we can proceed with the preps
<font color="119911">rachelle</font>, yup. hopefully i will remember to bring lor. ok. will be trying tmr.

<font color="119911">sporty</font>, see how bah. they should be have fridge hor. or like my mum say, she bring bb there to drink the milk. lol.
raerae.. ya lor..
and i am so worried my gal will be close to my mil and not me since now my mil taking care of her and my mil lives with me...

ya back at work liao.... clearing emails and stuff... so long never work.. mind very blur now..haha..
HI all! Are you guys all Nov MTB? I am

I am joining this forum hopefully to know more new Moms and at the same time share our experiences...

May I know how early is your litle one (shd be 3mths by now) turning in for the night? My son is sleeping at 10pm - 5 or 6am.. I am thinking if its too late for him coz by 7+ or 8+ he will starts getting fussy and wants to nap for a while..
hi ladies, i have been following this forum though not posting :p Going for the gathering though! : )

any sahm here? i on no-pay leave for 6 months.. if not is supposed to go back to work today! -.-"

tearss, my son gets sleepy-cranky anytime from 8pm onwards though he lasts till 9pm sometimes. he then sleeps till 3am+ (or 4am+ if i am lucky).

if your son starts fussing, maybe let him sleep earlier? i also read b4 (on a random blog) that the mum let her son take a short nap at 7pm+ to 8pm+, before turning in for the night around 10pm.
Veryfatmum, I am still on ml... Planning to take some npl or resign so as to spend a few more months with my bb. Where do u stay? If u are nearby our bb can have play dates!
Veryfatmum, I am also a SAHM. Resigned from my job when 5 mths pregnant so that can "yang tai". Intend to take a break till bb is 1 yr old cos can't bear to miss all the devt milestones of my gal...
i think hor for my bb... she will wake up 6 hours later from her last feed... regardless of wat time she sleep...
today morning woke at 3 plus and 6 plus for milk and i can still feed her 2 times before i go to work today..
superwalker i stay at eunos.. you? bsby and i are very mobile (we can take bus wtih stroller ha ha) so distance is not a problem :p

xuanxuan, actually i plan to resign too.. but take npl first to try first : )
wow, envy the mummies who can go on npl or resign. I need to strike the 6 million lottery then can consider...hahhah...but i neber buy so can neber resign lor!! :p

Me now in office feeling so lost. Dusty everywhere...hee...feel like doing spring cleaning yet got to update myself with infos as later got meeting. Stealing a break now....

Sporty, i just finished my antibio yesterday so still have to throw the milk away. Anyway supply getting so low as i think i lost too much water thru the diarrhoea. Ya, capella not stable, too light, i put back behind it topple backwards. Lucky my boy not in it. I interested in preprgo but i want one which my boy can face me leh.
sorry for the last minute pullout.
Hub need to go overseas, so cant join.

oh, my bb hair dropping a lot suddenly, esp at the back of the head, he like to shake his head when cant sleep well. is this normal?
hi kimifin, no prob... but do u jus need transport or? we can go and fetch u over if u want.

so sleepy at wrk, yawnz...
U all v "wei da" mummies, i thk i cant take care of bb alone...
so thinking working might give me a space of my own n spend more time with him in the weekends.

today i at PIL house, only got my father in law at home, so at least get a bit of help where possible.

cos i need someone to help me while I pump, or else, i v kanjong..n can pump much. bb fuss so much...that I dun even hav the mood to coax him or play with him, so end up, force him to take pacifier n go to sleep, cos i know he needs sleep.
but he refused, so have to carry him different ways, finally, put in stroller n he sleep with a few pushes.

i find that i dun hav the patience...
especially, he still wakes up so frequently 3 x from 12 to 6 for feeds and maybe 1 or 2 times MORE cos he cant fall back asleep.
for my earilier post, he wakes up in mid nite i mean.

my last feed is 10pm, bottle n can last him 3-4 hrs. but i latch after dat, so back to 2hours...
he always latch 1 side cos he sleepy.

hmm, anyway to make sure he drks more?
change nappy n let him latch again?
They have accupunture which is done by Su yishi husband.

Sambucus/sambucol as stated in their pkging is for at least 1yr old. Actually u can go to TCM for babies fever too. For me I would rather give chinese med as is also consider natural compared to western med.

I'm also a SAHM but staying in the west.

Do take probiotics to replenish ur good bacteria since u took antibiotics.
kimifin: icic, ok

raerae: u're sooooo funny... haha

i'm busy trying to keep myself awake. tonight still got company dinner, yawnz
mel, okies will try to log onto msn tonite cuz had been really bz...

swanston, they shd have fridge la...juz ask them to store for u...if not, u can always call me... hahha

starrz, of cuz very blur la...u many mths no work le :p

tearss, welcome
my gal sleeps at 9ish till 5am+ everyday... but she will take a short nap frm 7ish to 9

velo, think most of those sturdy strollers...bb cant face u one...

kimifin, no prob

raerae, wakie wakie!!
bb napping for 3 hrs already! wha, he lah, din wanna sleep well at nite or naps at spreading out intervals...

shd i wake him up?
i think hard to get my bb on routine. wat i did was, to make sure he can fall asleep well at nite, from 7 to 10pm, do not allow any more naps longer than 1 hr.

really duno how he would behave once at bb sitter's place on wednes.
Hey MTMs

Hope you all have enjoyed the New Year and are doing fine

Anybody using iPhone?? I have this website to recommend.. Selling iPhone accessories at reasonable prices.. Can visit http://theipaplace.blogspot.com for more info..

Here's wishing all of you good health &amp; wealth in this TIGER year and most importantly give birth to a healthy &amp; cheerful "baby tiger"!!! HUAT AH!!

kimifin.. Nice meeting u the other day *winks*
my bb also droping lots n lots of hair..
sometimes i kiss her head and my mouth will have her hair de leh...
My sis comment that my bb getting botak liao..
going to shave her when she is 4 months old..
sporty: yah, i know u very bz, cos i nvr see u online! i waited and waited, haha... got stuff to discuss with u all

ayukie: nxt tm i can fetch u cos we stay same area, nw u want me to go there and back, i will faintz...

btw, i will bring airpot dw on 7th mar, for u gers to hv access to hot water
