(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

mm6j, ur 600ml created deep impression in everyone's hearts
sporty> i want ang kong kong one but out of stock liao leh!! saddddddd.....

superwwalker! where did u buy your ang kong kong cny romper from?

MM6J: omg, TWO times??! i half time also dont have ah.... nvr even hit 300 before! hahaha
carinez, nvm la...dun ang kong kong lor...as now as cheena enough can liao
sure have ang bao one!!

blessedcyn, yes u can...
sporty> yes lol, tht explains my nick to 'differentiate' me from other jane. lol.

carinez1> well, it;s really no fun being engorged/ sick. i usually pump 300 - 360 ml now sick can pump abt 400. nvmd lah, enuff for ur bb can liaos. i am lucky if not i under medication my bb no bm to drink..

you do not store backup reserves for your bb? or he doesn't like frozen milk?

I wan to stop bb from scratching his face n putting hand in his mouth. Other than carrying him n holding his arms, any better method?
kimifin> yes i store back up reserves for bb in both chiller and freezer. and thankfully, this round, he has drunk my fbm from today since the ones in the chiller have finished.

u can put one beanie pillow in between his body and each of his hand when he's lying down. i have tried this on my son and he cannot "reach" his face
mm6j, ya lor...love ur nick

kimifin, no better method other than the method mm8j mentioned la...unless u tie up ur son's hands lor ... juz kidding :p
popping by to say hi..
Had a terrible week as my #1 was down with high fever since Sunday nite..she became better only ytd but still feeling "sian"

^5..the post to mm6j was a gd one...haha

so this time no 600ml only 599ml nia?

I bought the ang kong kong romper from the same seller as well..but mine is the plain one no embroidery at the neckline...how come too big?which size u bought?I ordered mine very late..the rest of the ang kong kong designs OOS already..but luckily still manage to grab the last pc of red.
zentan, whahahhah :p i also like ur post to mm6j lor...kekekkekek :p hope ur #1 is better now...i hate it when they have fever!
Momo mummy, i removed cos the pic so BIG. a bit paiseh leh... haha... i resize and reload again ok.

Chen mama, you mean you are able to see a piece and reproduce it? That’s very pro leh. And I also want an overlocker, but have nowhere to put, so dare not buy. Hey... how about showing the 15 outfits you made for your girl??

Mitsy, your hubby knows how to use sewing machine? I’m impressed!!! My hubby looks at the machine like it's some alien life form.

anyway, here's the pic of my girl modelling a top i made. think i need a lot more practice to reach chen mama's skill level tho.

oh yah zen> hope ur #1 is better liaos! *hugz a horrible week it has been. it has alos been one of the worst weeks of my life with the spinning.
Carinez, i also bought form same seller. same la the red one OOS. but i saw similar ones (red) at causeway point pushcart at B1. but they selling at $23. somemore is big size. i bot size 70 (gold) but then seems too big. like can put chix inside hahah
zhenzhen, not bad... nicely made :D

zen, my ger also got fever after her jabs, scary... nw struggle so much during feeding tm, haiz... hope ur #1 will be beta soon...
carinez1 - i almost bought the fish design frm the bp but they dont comes with the cap so end up i got mine as a set from chionatown ..
sporty - you mean finally got time to ;post ... changed bedsheets brought my boy to polyclinic for his jab and rotavirus so now then finally back ... now pumpin hehe
zhenzhen, u also very "sewy" leh...nice top
i dun think i can do tha...i flunked my home econs in skool then esp the sewing class...LOL

ayukie, yeah...cuz seldom see u online if u are at work...ohhh u on leave toay eh?

I only start to let my boy lie on his tummy, he is not very good at it.
When I put his face by the side, his neck is not strong and his face is flat down.

Especially now his face got rashes, I may not try to give him too much "tummy time".
sporty - yea my son is my piority whahhaa ... bo bian nw clearin lotsa wrk shit .. some1 left and some1 new just joined so need lun ..

mm6j - the beanie pillow method dont work for my boy he will raise his hands together with the pillow and then the pillow will fall on hios face so dangerous .. my boy can be very determined ...
sporty - hes still around but talk to him i wanna cry .. ask him do something he ask me do more ... bth ... i almost wanna gorge his face soon .. but i lun so i dont need ot so much ..
chen mama, valerie very pretty, her dress very pretty, her mama also very pretty! aww..

sporty, u r not alone! i also flunked sewing.. luckily cooking not bad then managed to pass home econs one.. haha

superwalker, u better? tonight bleed again pls see doc! no joke leh..
sporty, thanks for the encouragement.

re: tummy time
been letting my girl sleep on her tummy since she was 3 weeks old, cos she could lift her head up at ard 2-3 wks old! and since a few weeks back, she can push her entire upper body up. i'm so amazed at her physical devt. my older girl wasn't so fast.
hey ladies..

i've been back to work for the past 2 days.. missing my gal badly at work. at e same time also worry abt my son cos this was his 1st week at childcare.. after work on e dot leave office and rush to pick him up.

i tried to pump at work.. but not as much yield as compared to home.. guess it's e environment.. gotta slowly adjust.. any mummies back to work experience this?

tml bringing my gal for her 1st 5in1 jab and rotavirus..
saintbaby, my milk ss also dropped quite a bit when i went back to work after #1. think it's the work stress, plus fewer pumping sessions.
there's really many "sewy" mummies ard! hehe

chris, hahah...ya lor, same same...my cooking part not bad but sewing part sucks :p

zhenzhen, i seldom let my gal on her tummy...maybe thas why she never really lift up her head yet and cant really flip :p

saintbaby, how is ur boy coping with CC? is he on full day now?? today is the first time i pumped outside my hse...so far ok, yield pretty much the same...but next week full force back to work, maybe will affect ss ba...not sure yet...
zhen zhen
not very stressful yet le.. i think it's e environment ba! haha.. got to pyscho myself!

he started CC on monday.. was on half day for e first 2 days. den wed was on full day le.. the mornings are very difficult. he will start his pattern from home! but at least these 2 days much better. he will just cry a bit den after i hug and kiss him, he will follow his teacher.. hope after the weekend, things will be better..
saintbaby, actually hor...after weekend, wun be better...the worst is every mon! hahha... so every sun nite we will start to psycho him again abt going to skool :p
chen mama, you've got a very creative pair of hands and the patience to go with it! pretty clothes and very artistic miniatures...

RE Bumper Mats
saw from BP section, SSW and WOK(World of korea) both bring in LG and Parklon playmats.. slight difference in thickness so cant really compare.. Pretty ex but i guess its an investment.. If someone's to organise a BP here, am interested to get one too!

Saw the doc today; still having blocked nose
Doc says to eat healthily as bf draws alot of nutrients away and resistance low when sick.. Get well soon too momo mummy
novbaby, yes bfing mums get sick easily esp after we start work...u take care!! i realised i have the most days of mc during my bfing days last time:p hahha

saintbaby, maybe ur son is diff lor...hopefully hes ok after the weekend... my son's ok already, everyday look forward to go skool lor...we juz worried tha he bully pple or hurt himself nia :p
aiyoh, so many mummies sick these days..
take care and get well soon for CNY!

I also wanted to buy the ang gong gong romper for my son, then oos, ordered yellow, then she told me got someone changed her order so i quickly grab a sleeveless one! just arrived, so cute! rachelle, i saw suntec pushcart got sell yellow one with small size $29.90

saintbaby, hope your boy will start to enjoy and look forward to sch soon

sporty, your boy is so man! bully other ppl
good then you no scared he gets bullied

ohh anyone like tried to drink your own milk? Just now i heated up a bottle of chilled fresh EBM but in the end latched my boy and he fell asleep, then my MIL suggested i drink it so not to waste..
OMG!! I had to squeeze my nose to gulp it down.. it taste sweet, a little like cows milk, a little fishy cos Im on fish oil pills! What have i been feeding my boy!! i want to puke loh.. hahah

and he hasnt been pooing for 4 days, read online its normal.. but still worried... anyone's bb also.. can i get some assurance from anyone? is he constipated? do i need to feed him water?
Hi mummies,

Left over unopened Heinz Pureed to let go at $12.. my boy grow outta it already..

Earlier expiry date : 11 2010..


Suitable for 4 months onwards..

PM me if youre interested!

Self-collect at AMK HUB!

hi,min (moonlightmist)! ya mentioned dat ya read online dat not pooin for 4 dayz is normal.. izzit true?? my Boy now poos once every 2 dayz (he used to poo once everyday).. he's comin on 3mths in another 4 dayz! haha!
Min, the romper at $29.90 very ex lei. spree only sell at $18.

I tasted my own milk before. this is the conclusion i have of the milk

1) fresh EBM - sweet and light taste
2) chilled EBM - a little sweet plus a little plastic taste (depend on how long you chilled. longer you chilled, the stronger the plastic smell)
3) frozen EBM - fishy metallic smell

I can only tahan freshly expressed milk. the rest really taste horrible. but my boy like can tahan them.

My boy poo a few times a day. so far he only had once when he din poo for a day. the rest is like poo 3 times a day....
Btw, my Boy is on formula milk... so izzit normal to onli poo once every 2 dayz?? i read b4 dat it's the consistency dat matters, not the frequency....

yah rachelle, they sell super ex..
i also bought from bp..

haha you did a small research on your own.. my bb drinks the chilled one but not the frozen, poor thing, i will not feed him frozen anymore.. fresh is still better huh..

ohh regarding baby's poo, i just researched more online.. after six weeks bb's poo may slow down. initially it is because bb's intestines are not mature and most of what they eat gets passed out.. after that it is considered normal if baby doesnt go even in a few days (the longest one dr saw was 14 days) this is because breastmilk is easily digested and most of what bb drinks gets absorbed, so no waste.. but of course if bb still goes its also normal. unless baby doesnt seem to be comfortable, is in pain. It is not the freq of poop that matter but the consistency of it. As long as it is yellow, watery and seedy when bb goes, he is fine.

so please resist other ppl's comments of drinking water, fruit juice etc. My in laws said to give barley water! Breastmilk is 88% water. drinking lots of water can cause sodium imbalance and can be harmful.

regarding eating solids, i rem reading that some bb are ready 4th month some 6th. As long as bb seems to be interested in the food that adults are eating. and can try by putting some cereal on the tongue, if bb loses the reflex of pushing his/her tongue out, he/she is ready for solid. but of course not advisable to introduce solids too early cos intestines might not be mature enough to handle solid food
