(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

haha.. no mini sewing machine lah
i use normal machine and i also have the overlock machine for the side..

sometime i copy design i see when i go shopping.
For the hat is trial and error..lucky, i got it right on my second try

can get free pattern online

Zhen Zhen,
my sewing skills is also very basic lah.. i also so shorts, skirts, top, last week i try to sew tutu..so cute

sorry, who is fritt? i try to reply u but face some problem..
you need to give me circumference of the head for the hat and measure the chest and tummy area for the dress..
sms me if you like to see more fabrics..

The physiogel cleanser is such a small bottle. If I put into bath tub for bathing, wah, very waste $, so I use as a cleanser by putting on the skin n wipe away, as instructed.

Ladies, wat u put into bath tub for bb wash?
I used to put pigeon foam, but PD says use later after 4 mth.
Isit cetaphil or non soap types would be fine?
zhen zhen
where u post the picture of the things u sew..dont remove, i want to see leh, share share

i cant sew seelve so all the dress i sew for myself is very simple.. i also sew myself a simply wedding dress
chen ma ma,
the loast time I used a sewing machine was when I was less then 10 yr old, the foot peddlar type..
even know how to string the thread thru the entire system. Cos my mum or granny asked me to put thread thru needle hole
Momo mummy > You still sick? Think you better rest more bah. Poor thing.

Chen ma ma > wow you are very talented! The dress you sew for your baby girl is so pretty.
yeah, i remember my mummy and grandma sew that foot peddlar sewing machine..mummy is have it.
they sew whole day, so i also heard the sound foot peddlar the sewing machine..hmm, miss it
thanks, this dress i copy the design i saw from united kids lah.. i thot is quite simple so i try to sew..
i sew my girl 15 dress with matching hat and shoes all diff design.. just like when i was a kid my mum also sew 15 dress for the cyn
Haha, everyday wear new dress
Now i sew for myself and my girl..hmm, sometime for hubby too

momo mummy
speedy recovery
Kimifin: I saw cetaphil selling at watson. issit safe for bb to use huh? I hear from a fren she is using it for herself cos she got sensitive skin... but for baby issit too strong?
some say comment shampoo sell in the market contain sodium lauryl sulfate that will cause cancer.... i m using johnson n johnson now.. it has that sodium lauryl sulfate oso.... but most of the shampoo has that... even pantene has that... like that how huh?

Verda, ya loh still not well... hope to be well soon then can smell n kiss my lucas again

Chenmama: wah u really very creative... I want to make Lucas clothing oso... i got sewing machine but dun noe how to use... Whahaha... *envy envy* must learn from u someday
momo_mummy, i want to know about the insurance plan too. pm me can?

chen ma ma, can i request u to make a hat for my gal. been looking around for a hat but the options seem rather limited.

rachelle, sporty, i have pcos too. i was on metformin to treat it. woman with pcos tend to have a higher chance of having GD and getting diabetic in later years.
Chen mama, U can do boy stuff? Cos mine is boy leh... i see so nice i oso wan to order from u... but boy hor can wear hat meh? abit funny rite? haha... got suggestion? can do same fabric for me and lucas?? Lucas maybe a top then mine a dress?
sure i can sew for your cutie..just need her head cirumference.
my hat can be use both side coz i sew diff fabric. Do u want the same? what colour u like?
Valerie also have demin hat for weekend beach use
i sew for myself and hubby..so we had a family demin hat on weekend to the beach or picin at botanic garden
momo mummy
yes i do sew for boy too.. sometime i dress my girl on shirt and jean pant
i will sew for papa same shirt and short pant too .Theny looks so cute..
Boy can wear cap lah
Chenmama, u got a picture of the shirt and pant? can i see? wah i am super excited, can i order for lucas, myself and my hubby? All same fabric... hehehe... so looking forward.... u got msn? can add me? [email protected]
momo mummy,
cetaphil is ok for sensitive skin, but the website did not mention anythg for bb. My PD gave me Milderm, also about the same. But Milderm packaging says can be for bb.

b4 u put lucas at nanny, how is your feeding routine? Cos now I TBF, so feed anytime i like or he likes. But once bb bottle feed, maybe can last longer or duno how to demand feed with my thawed EBM. Somtimes bb got bad habit, he likes to drk a bit to Z...or drk a bit to poo...
chen ma ma, you are my idol. can sew so well. I also have sewing machine at home but then now is white elephant. I tried to follow the free patterns but totally cannot understand the directions.
Kimifin: Hmmm lucas on 3 hrly routine before i send to nanny.. but his timing siaosiao 1 la... cos he also like ur baby drink and zzz... so at time he wake up ard 2hrs sometimes overslept until 6hrs oso have.... but if he wake up after 6hrs he will drink super fast n at times will merlion after he drink....
mitsy, give me 5! the sewing machine at home is only to do some simple job.. :p

sporty, so fast u back to work? how's first day of work?
Sporty, My gynae said once a stop bf and menses go haywired again must go see her. esp when i want #2. else it's going to be a long process of taking clomid and stuff

Ding Dong, I was on metformin too! and i had GD also
where is your godsis selling her pushdolls?

yeah! need to study the pattern for awhile before i got it too when i sew my sling pouch for Valerie
i perfer to draw my own pattern..
wow! your hubby know how to use sewing machine.. my hubby only help me to carry out when i need to sew..

received your mail. will reply with picture soon. Thanks
chen ma ma, the dress & hat u made for valerie is so pretty!!! I love it, want to ask u to sew a hat for my ger too! later i PM u

momo_mummy, take good care of urself & lucas hor...
sporty: why r u in office today? Thought u r only returning to work on Monday?

superwalker: think u r too heaty! drink starfruit juice... chia liang ok
chen ma ma, would you be able to make one side light pink and the other side creamy white?

regarding nepia, they don't allow orders for M size diapers on their website issit?
my boy has those white spots on his upper and lower inner lips.
Dunno is it thrush?
Doesnt seem to go away, been there for 3 days.
rehi all, me back home

was in office preparing for work on mon...

superwalker/funne/blessedcyn, yes i starting next week but went back to restart my systems, clear emails etc...

kimifin, i used gaia for bb wash...juz 2 drops and non rinse...so far so good... if ur bb has senstive skin or ecezma, better use other kinda soaps...

dingdong, really eh...women with pcos have higher chance of GD? then i better be careful if i intend to have #3...

rachelle, ya...after i stopped bfing, my cycles were like 40 to 50 days kind...

tanly, if ur bb can sit upright and is keen in food when u all eat...maybe can give liao...
my boy still cant sit upright on his own but he very long ago keen on food we eat .. he sees ppl eat food can dont b;ink 1 lol

o yeah he had his 2nd jab 5 in 1 and 2nd dose rotavirus today ..
momo_mummy u wanna try the doc that day i visited .. he gave me oxygen mask with some med .. nebu something and it clear my nose though had cough still .. but he gt doctor attitude tho but hje says he gave med suitable for bfeedin ..
ayukie, pcos is polystics ovarian syndrome...

superwalker, wahahha...how u kno i'm pumping!! juz now i already pumped at 11ish at marina sq liao as i didnt managed to catch my colleague who went nursing room as i haven gotten my access yet...
chenmama!!! i think u're super good with handicrafts and stuff! can i also order caps from you for my boy boy? cos my boy is BOTAK now and i bought a cny romper for him but cant find a china cap for him... hahah can i show u the romper pic and u see how u can improvise for a cap for him? you can really really set up a BP for the stuff u make... read ur blog and u're very xi xin! u do all the cutee stuff for ur girl sooooooo cute.....im someone who is super not creative.... somemore mine is a boy, worst, dono what to let him wear for CNY...

i bought this:

buti think it's abit big for him... wanted to get the red one:

but no more stocks liao...

chen ma ma can order from u for the china hat/cap? i also want to order another demin cap for my boy to match his other outfit... can? my boy's head circumference is 15inch exactly...

and i saw on ur blog u do miniatures also? my friend collects these kinda miniatures can she order from you? do you personalise them? actually i intend to find a personalised one for her for her ROM, maybe something like mini wedding dress or something...
chenmama!!! i think u're super good with handicrafts and stuff! can i also order caps from you for my boy boy? cos my boy is BOTAK now and i bought a cny romper for him but cant find a china cap for him... hahah can i show u the romper pic and u see how u can improvise for a cap for him? you can really really set up a BP for the stuff u make... read ur blog and u're very xi xin! u do all the cutee stuff for ur girl sooooooo cute.....im someone who is super not creative.... somemore mine is a boy, worst, dono what to let him wear for CNY...

i bought this:

buti think it's abit big for him... wanted to get another red one for him:

but no more stocks liao...

chen ma ma can order from u for the china hat/cap to match the cny outfit? i also want to order another demin cap for my boy to match his other outfit... can? my boy's head circumference is 15inch exactly...

and i saw on ur blog u do miniatures also? my friend collects these kinda miniatures can she order from you? do you personalise them? actually i intend to find a personalised one for her for her ROM, maybe something like mini wedding dress or something...
momomummyP: ya i'm interested in the bumper mat, much cheaper than smallsmallworld... but i saw previously someone know the ssw person, so if they doing bp for it and can get it alot cheaper i might go for that... but 90bucks SOOO CHEAP i don think ssw can discount so much hor?...
hey ladies,

found some time to post :p

on leave till next mon. been sleeping and resting alot. off the medication since yest so will resume latching/ pumping for lil J tml.

ss seems to have gone up though.

this has like been the worst week of my life what with work and lookin after lil J and doing the hse work (yes i did ALL the hsework this morn)...

hope tml will be a better day! pls x ur fingers for me!

ayukie, so eng today ah...u got time to post :p

carinez, the red cheena rompers looks the one tha superwalker's son also have...hehehe...ang kong kong!!

mm6j, hope u get well soon
rest more!! ss gone up!! great, so 700ml now?? :p
