(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

thanks agata...

Oh, to reduce my blues, I also try to spot interesting things bb does. Like he can say "an ge"(wah like bb universal language) after he sneezes...
cannot believe it.

bearycue, don't cry. My mum say during confinement cannot cry. Cry already next time no good.

I also very worried in how to handle bb alone after confinement. Can u imagine my girl doesn't want to sleep during the day and night and always want to be carried. That is very tiring. Now my mum do the day shift and i do the night shift. Can't imagine if I go back to Malacca, then left hubby and me taking care of bb, i will faint. Further more my bb is drinking every 2 hrs i hardly got time to rest.

Kimifin, I gave pacifier to my girl. Sometimes she take it, sometimes she don't. Really at a lost in what she want.
I'm also doing the night shift, while MIL or maid do the day shift, so i got to take short naps. Yup, my baby also cries more n wants to be carried. Kimifin, to reduce my blues, I also watched bb's expressions n little noises that she makes.

I did cry during my confinement :p Feel overwhelming when baby cries n I'm still learning to decode the reasons, and not enough sleep. Jia You, everyone!
Teo Stacey, how was your 1-mth party with Neo Garden? Last Sat very tiring, cause it was an all day event (from 1 pm onwards for about 50 people who came at different times).

My cousin who was due in mid-Dec (the one who stayed in Mt A for almost 2 months), gave birth on 30 Nov to a baby boy, 2.3 kg. Very tiny compared to mine, born at 3.7 kg. Now at 1-mth, my baby is 5.3 kg! :p Very big huh? Must teach my baby not to be a big bully in future.
I thk cry helps to relieve stress.. my hub also worry i got post natal blues. I think talking it out and thinking of ways to try to calm bb will help.
Like my case now, pacifier..
i think is a stage to go thru.

I thk enough sleep of both mum n bb is also impt...
Sporty> ya!.. Tmc parking super ex!... But I'm gg back to my gynae in another 6 wks time just wondering if i shud go let bb take the jab as well...

Kimifin> hey I think we facing alot of same problems But my bb only 3wks old already super fussy and difficult to settle him down.. Just last few days he couldn't sleep without ky breast and couldn't be settled without suckling on something... In the end I resortd to pacifier... Bu the moment the pacificer drops he cries... Whole night was just trying to push pacifier back into his mouth... But I only use pacifier as super last resort when he gets cranky... Nw he's back to normal routine... Hope it will last... *crosses fingers and toes* I doing entirely latching somemore... Now my nipples super super sore... Haizzz... Like it will never gEt Better like tat...
Talking abt the baby bonus card... There's 2 erm, priviledges given to 1st time mothers issit? One is gov give cash bonus for first child 1k and another one is dollar for dollar cda account issit?... Or u can only choose one type as in either or kind of thing?

I'm doing both day and night shifts man... Wth... My mil just cooks and washes... She don't even care abt the confinement rules nw.. She used to buy cang mao for me to wipe now she don't bother... And she's supposedly supposed to do day shift so I can rest.. But all she does is keep checking bb diapers and end up waking him up and make him unsettled before feeding time.. End up I got to latch and whole routine gone...I Am really so damn frigging tired but cNt take naps...Arghh
Carinez1, I heard dr Keoy is leAving the clinic to set up his own. U double check before u sign onto any immunization package. My bb is also fussy recently. So difficult to settle him. Cannot really nap during the day cos busy with latching, pumping, housework and now even worse have to settle him. I m not giving in to pacifier yet...although my mum kept nagging me to give it to him....
Superwalker> dr keoy really setting up his own clinic?... Hmmm lucky u mentioned.. Don't think will sign up any package at tmc... Very mafan to go thEre... U doing entirely latching?... Hmmm I doin entire latching but i don't pump leh... Initially I jus pumped to build supply... But now so tired to pump... Should I pump ah?
kimifin, to maintain ur ss, constant latching will do also... i take chix essence every morning after breakfast... ur hb gotten the blues?

tanly, dun worry too much...am sure u n ur hb will be able to cope with ur gal back in malacca...got ur ILs to help there too mah...

agata, ur bb's big! my bb now only 4.6kg but then she was born small so need lots of catching up!!

carinez, i dunno whether u can take the hep b jab only at dr keoy's, i heard he got package one... for bb bonus, we are entited to both cash bonus n cda a/c...
carinez1, ya, that what i heard from a friend today. i am doing latching for 7 out of 8 feeds, then for the 11pm feed, i let him have ebm so that my hubby can bond with him, and also so that i can give him more milk before he sleeps. i realise that my ss dwindles as the day progresses, so better to pump more during the morning and store some for the 11pm feed. i am also storing excess in the frezzer now.

as for pumping, its up to u. i find that pumpng helps me
sporty, your bb at 4.6kg is still bigger than mine leh.... i think mine now only 4.2 or 4.3kg max..... and she is older than your bb gal..... hee...
ok, me going out to shopping liao... robinson got member sale today...
Pls. advise.

how to store EBM in freezer? if my bb is feeding at 100ml per feed now, then do i store the EBM in 100ml/pkt? or how much should i store per pkt?

as bb might increase milk intake so if i store 100ml n bb has increase demand to 120ml then how to add 20ml to the 100ml frozen milk?
yes, only that day, cos maybe he cant settle bb...
But after dat hub got better.

Sigh, I hate it when I cant latch fll time, like need to go out for a while, or wanna pump to build excess. Cos it disrupts my supply, end up used my EBM..my CL used 3 bottles today!

I pump only 1 per day if i hardworking. U know, u duno how much bb drk, so may end up giving excess, also worry bb find it so easy to take the bottle then suck.

Stacey, ok will do.

Then, wonder if I can Internet bank to transfer fund from DBS to OCBC?
Superwalker> ohh tats a gd idea actually for the bonding thing.. But I think I try after 1st mth...cos my Hubby quite insistent in trying bottle feeding only after 1mth...

Sporty> I din sign any package with them leh.. They only asked me bring bb back in 2 mths I dono in 2 mths time or when bb 2 mths man.. They nvr say properly also nvr ask me book appointment..
superwalker, i also let my hb bottlefeed my gal once a day...to bond n to let her get used to bottle...i used to have a colleague whose bb cant take bottle well n will be on milk strike n everyday she had to knock off earlier from work to go home n latch the hungry bb!!

ariesgal, i also wanna go robinsons sale but with 2 kids diff la...nvm lor, save $$$

jazz, u can store in 100mls but when u need 20ml, juz defrost another pack of 100ml n this 100ml can make up for 5 feeds lor but defrost in fridge not outside...

kimifin, i trfed from posb to ocbc cda acc...no probs with tha...

carinez, they will write the date of jab on last page of health booklet lor...
Re: Vit K
Saw u gals mentioning about Vit K. Vit K is not a vaccination thus is not indicate in the health booklet. Vit K is actually to prevent internal bleeding.
does any of u gals use nursing pillow, like my brestfriend when latching you baby? does it help improve the latch and position?
sporty, i really hope not! but i dont think so la... my discharge only tapered off these couple of days back.. plus milk supply still at around 1.6l per day, no drop yet..

tanly, bearycue, kimifin,
if blues its ok, just hope it doesnt escalate into depression! really hope it'll go away soon.. i hate feeling unhappy! but i do get a sense of peace when i carry my #2 and he looks back at me with his blur face. my #1 is starting to be a horror now but i still feel happy when i play with him..maybe coz #1 feeling the competition, so these days keep throwing tantrums, and its additional stress to discipline him loh. that's why i feel so low..
Magical, I learn to overcome my blues by relaxing and leaving my girl to my mum. Well that is a very selfish move, but atleast I could have a peace of mind during the day if not I'll be too stress out by my girl.

But I am counting down to the end of my confinement now. Hopefully after the full month, my girl can get settle down more easily.
when weather are humid, do u wrap up ur baby? my MIL wrap him up like it's winter lor...

i told her he's hot but she say baby only scared of cold...hot no problem de..
finally can logon, been busy with the 1st month celebration last Sunday, meet up insurance agent and etc...

Finally, today i can go out to market to satisfied my craving of "teh si". My CL is leaving tomorrow and need slowly getting use to my gal patterns.

My gal now weight 4kg @ 1 month old. Today just increase her milk intake to 100ml. This afternoon while feeding her, i got a shock cause she vomit milk like merlion when i remove the bottle away, my CL says bb will just take whatever you give , think while i feeding she also pooing and struggle a bit, didn't notice that as she still sucking happily. Really got a shock, she didn't cry but next time I think i will stop between the feed to burp her safer, scare she merlion out again as she always drink very fast.

I know lots of you trying to increase the milk ss,but i want to ask, how to slowly stop bf? Cause after my CL leave, my mum will go back Ipoh 1 week later. I am worry i not able to pump then. Currently i pump 5 times a day yield around 600 ml per day. How to reduce the ss slowly and not cause engorgement?
tanly, baby should be more settle after 1 month mainly we might already know their pattern.
My mum also says baby bigger and easier to handle.

piggy, I wrap 1 of my gal hand only and sometimes wrap with her both hand out cause she will struggle her hands out till vomit milk. And i wrap her with diaper cloth only.

Old people scare bb catch cold that's why say want to wrap but my gal scare of hot,when we put her in living room with aircon she can sleep better we just need to make sure she i cover properly eg. wear long sleeves and legs covered.
aiyoz...heard that when drinking breastmilk, baby no need to drink water? correct?

my MIL repeat her ways of taking of baby again and again...everyday say same thing...walao..

i was wondering on the way she bath my boy..

she put a tub of clean water.

put baby bath on my boy and put him into the water (so logically the water is already soapy right?)

after washing of baby using the soapy water, she wrap my baby up and bring to wear clothes liao...

lidat can ah? won't my boy be soapy?
i read from some research (in news too) that bb less than 6 months shdnt drink plain water..can get some sorta poisoning..

swaddling, pacifier >>
i stopped that in week 1..no prob. Will try not to start pacifier..so far ok.

its officially the end of confinement for me after 28 days..my mom and hb didnt grumble when i take cold drinks..yeah! wonder if wind can still get into our body after 1 month? i have been blowing at the fan again..=p

tanly, bearycue, kimifin, magical
i get the occasional blues when i want to nap but both #1 and #2 crying/fussing at same time..just this afternn i screamed to my mom to stop her cooking and take both of them outta my room so i can nap..v mean hor =p

hb support>>
are your hb supportive? hands-on? my hb not the hands-on type though i wished he is..never bathed or changed diaper for bb ever..think it'll comfort the mommy alot if hb supportive hor? but lately he quite nice offer to stay up to bottle feed ebm for me at the 1-2am shift so i can catch more sleep..till the 4am shift starts for me..arghh..
juz finished dinner...preparing to go out again...kekkkee :p

mitsy, i'm using a nursing pillow at times but now i prefer not to use it as bb's bigger liao...but initally it does help in positioning of bb...

magical, maybe its juz post natal blues la...dun think too much la...#1 may be horrible now but they are still our kid...sometimes i feel so bad after telling him off also...hehe

tanly, hopefully ur gal can be more settled after manyue!

piggy, i swaddle my bb with nappy cloth but on the fan/window la...

karen, shiok rite...to get cravings satisfied...LOL... if u wanna reduce ss, u juz drag the intervals between ur pumps and also pump for lesser time, eg if u pump every 3 hrly now, u drag to 4 hrly...and if u pump for 30 mins now, reduce by 20 mins... then slowly reduce...

piggy, yes bb dun need water if on tbf... some bb bath are non rinse, if u put one or two drops, no need to rinse off one... but u must see which kind of bb bath u use la... any suggestions on venue are welcomed...u suggest la...

stacey, congrats on end of confinement !
my hb quite hands on, he will change diaper for bb if bb poo but so far he dun dare to bathe bb yet la...
i also using johnson top to toe wash, yellow colour one...a few drops ah? my MIL pump 3-4 times lor...lolz..still ok right?

i pump at 4pm..then just now latch my boy from 5.45pm - 6.30pm..dunno if he managed to drink anot leh..when i look at his mouth, at the side when sucking, there is white colour liquid, so i guess he's drinking?
at any one time during the day, mil n myself gotta be in charge of one kid.. plus when she does the cooking or bathes, i've got two on my hands! frankly speaking, i'd rather be in charge of bb, coz he's easier to manage than my super active 2 yr old. =D

actually i find that the first month is the easiest to work with because bb still blur about the ways of the world, and they sleep the whole day away. once they get older they need to be entertained and problems such as reflux and colic may start to come up..

feel baby's neck and body and if its unusually warm then unwrap him. my bb sweats like nobody's business esp while feeding, so its not true that babies dont feel warm!

and yes, total bf dont need to feed water at all.

i bathe my boy by cleaning his face with clear water first, then put a pump of baby bath into the bath water, put his into the bath and wash, then just take him out. not soapy at all.
actually its still possible to pump while caring for bb alone. i did that for a year with my elder one. i find the best times to pump is just after a feed when bb is satisfied, just fall asleep, or awake and feeling fresh. i just put him beside me on the bed and i pump, but i always make sure his pacifier is within reach la.

but if you really want to stop, just cut down on a pump day by day. last time i cut down to 2 or 3 pumps a day, supply would be so little that within a few days i stopped totally without any problems at all.

yeah i try to keep my spirits up.. i think this phase will pass but i hope it'll pass soon!
magical, same here, i always pump when my boy finished his meal..i put him next to me and i start to pump...entertain him while pumping...best is after meal, cos full mah, so will not be cranky..
ya sporty, very shiok when can have something crave for so long. However, i still have to control my diet cause my mum still not allow me to drink cold drink and some outside food for another 10 more days.
i read from an article that if we pump out the milk for babies, will be around 3 ounces per feed, 8 times a day... and this amt remains for 1 to 6th mths.. is this too little?

my supply still cannot feed more than 100ml at the moment... but if baby needs then no choice .. got to give..

now my baby is 6 wks liao.

how much expressed breastmilk u all fed?
hey ladies

been awhile since I last log in ...miss u gals
Nw waiting for my son to wake up for feed

my CL said that I cant take seafood till aft 3mths.
piggy, if u using johnson top to toe wash, few drops is ok, no need to rinse...

magical, chin up gal
me also prefer to take care of NB than #1, cuz #1 too active liao...LOL

karen, think my mum gave up on me liao...i take cold drinks like nobody's biz these few days :p hehe

catehcins, i feed my gal with abt 100ml of ebm...

re : seafood
my mum said can eat prawns la...but more "poisonous" seafood like sotong/crabs etc, she said another mth... but hor, tha day i already whacked mussels n sotong at fish & co liao :p reason why we cannot take is worry of "infection" becuz seafood is considered as "du" ...
my CL left last Wed...sianz ~ but like U, I'm glad that I get to do my own housework nw...but bz with the baby..so cant do much as well. Bb still feeding every 2hrly.
haha...u muz reali be so relieved to be able to do ur own housework. Tho having a CL ard is a luxury, I oso dun like having a stranger around. No privacy.

Ok i wanna go koonz liao ..will log in later during feeding time...he juz fall asleep.
yeah.. we gotta learn to be smarter than them! but hor, sometimes pump halfway he happily throw up milk then troublesome liao loh..

cannot take seafood coz got wound ma..but hor i already ate two prawns, a bowl of sharksfin soup and some clams during my friend's wedding over the weekend.. topped up with free flow of pepsi!! hahahaha... *smug laugh*

i guess for 2nd time mummies like us with a super hyper toddler, we learn to appreciate newborns better.. haha..

sigh, i guess i feel down because cant do alot of things i used to do, esp now holidays, all my friends go out for lunch i cant join, go kbox i cant go, play mahjong i also cannot go..n also new environment now, although have settled in quite nicely and i enjoy seeing my elder one the whole day everyday as compared to last time only see him a couple of hrs every night and over weekend only, but i kinda miss my privacy loh..

wah shiok,
pumping while typing my above post, my blocked duct cleared itself.

i observed how my massage lady cleared my ducts last time, maybe mummies with blocked ducts can try this.

before pumping, massage the lump toward the nipple for abt 5 minutes, and by that i mean press and squeeze it so pls expect pain! then form a 'C' with your thumb and index finger, circle the areola and squeeze forward toward the nipple. repeat as necessary. you should see some milk leak from your nipple if you've successfully cleared the duct. pump immediately after this and your lump should be gone.

i've tried this and so far it works. my ducts would be cleared after one or two pumps.
