(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

shihui - jaundice baby nt easy to care for my baby juandice also nt v gd ha dhis blood tets 2 times failed but doctor says luckily i top up formula feed so that allow baby clear the juandice so no need to continue the blood tests but need sunbath baby which i did a few more times lor .. the tmc missy says juandice babies sleeps alot thus harder to feed when i at hospital my baby always keeps sleepin when i latch him on haiz ..

aiya i thought he wont be around in the afternoon that's why i said ok to the late afternoon slot since i'm free the whole day anyway. ya loh, otherwise can see you.. =)
hehe.. he'll get it after a while. just that kids they tend to forget.. i'm also worried that my #2 will be pretty rough. but he listens to #1.. so i guess we have to remind #1 den she will pass down message..
saintbaby, ya lor...juz have to wait for her good news...

karen, no prob
glad u enjoy it

jocelyn, first day of ur massage?!

momoko, yeah...tha soup is quite impt lor...cuz it really helps...

magical, dunno leh...the nurse said ok for the slot wor...
shihui - v hard lah somemore esp when they wanna leave and then hor they nt seen baby haiz so my pumping session whole day crooked up and end up i gt lumps in my nehs sibeh sian took me one whole day today clear to a more comfortable leavel .. later need contnue again .. so sian ..
sporty - haha i nt as zhun as u wahhaha .. i dunno i read abt u meetin for check in at tmc mah .. paiseh i think i over tired anyway its damn good to be back in SemBAWANG !!
<font color="119911">sporty</font>, my labor so long, wait i scare the first time mummies who haven popped yet how? heehee.

<font color="119911">shihui</font>, i will write it on my blog. haven gotten down to doing it yet though. maybe tmr bah. i better go sleep before my mum screams at me. lol.
ayukie, meeting at check in...but dunno WHEN is the check in mah...kekkekke :p

swanston, how many hrs?! cant be longer than mine ba...mine was more than 24 hrs...heheh
yes... by then, we can satisfy our long time sashimi craving.... :p

hehehe... muz try to sleep more... once #3 is out, u will be expecting much much lesser sleep liao... :p

wah... so the yam soup actually cleanse ur whole body... lochia haven't end cannot drink yam soup ah? i juz had a bowl of it during my hosp stay... :p

for me, i juz ask my CL to cook less gingerly stuffs... still giving breastmilk... but i express it out so tt bb can take more...

saintbaby, ashm,
my #1 oso quite rough at times.. esp when he has toys in his hand... can be rather scary... but he loves to stay ard his mei mei.. keep wanting to sayang n hug her... quite sweet to see him loving his mei mei so much...
but at the same time, he can be emo at times...

ya lor.. really difficult to feed a jaundice baby... tt's y resort to bottlefeeding my gal.. coz latching is really a problem for her... she juz comfort latch n sleep... n all the while we thought she's full n slept well...

wah... den really bobian.. u muz hav had lots of guests... tt time i only invited close relatives n frens already very tired liao.. luckily it was a half day event.. so still not too bad.. :p this time round, not thinking of inviting frens liao.. juz relatives will do bah...

can give ur ur blog link? hehe.. i shall go there check everyday.. hehehe.. :p
Hi ladies...I finally squeezed out a bit of time to post something here. How's everyone?

I shall go back and read the archives when I have a bit more time :p Congrats to all those who have popped!

Just a quick update - my poor baby has been admitted to hospital this afternoon cos her jaundice level is too high
I am so sad!!! Hopefully she will be discharged in 2 days' time. I am pumping my BM for her when she comes home...during her stay in the hospital, she will be fed formula. Sigh...I really hope she didn't kerna breastmilk jaundice.
shihui, haha...ya lor...sashimi n oysters...kekkee

jocelyn, saw ur fb...u doing well in bfing...jia good job :p

ashley, aiyoo...hope amanda can be discharged soon... how come u dun pump and deliver it to hospital for her to take ur bm?
hi all.. sorry i had to miss the hi tea today. my appt was at 2.30pm (i tot it's at 2pm) and gynae was late. Did a VE, i'm 3cm dilated and cervix is soft liao. She just warned me anytime soon. I wish someone did a study to correlate 3cm dilation/cervix soft to the number of days to deliver but alas, no such thing.. since it's all about nature. Wanted to leave at 3plus but it's raining cats and dogs.. then waited for awhile. I went to taka to have honey/lemon tea and a thick toast of peanut butter alone :p Walked a bit then i realised my leg were damn sore. Then i left taka at about 4plus to pick my boy up from school. Came home n started packing my hosp bags (for real!). Now, it's all about the waiting game now....

congrats again to all the moms that had popped and welcome to motherhood for the 1st timers and enjoy!
Sporty, PD said her jaundice could be due to my BM...so better stop feeding her BM for these 2 days and see how.
Shihui, the yam soup supposed to plurge the "bad blood" in our body out lor. But I end up plurge toxins as well. Keke.
ashley, no need to worry about it. During my #1, my pd told me that mine was due to my BM. But she said it's ok to give BM. Mine din go for phototheraphy. meanwhile, i insisted of still giving BM and refused to give FM even though my mum and my CL were naggin at me (coz i told them the option of giving FM and let the jaundice level drop drastically; else you can always alternate FM and BM). It took about 3-4wks to go away. even during the fullmonth celebration he's still a bit yellow looking.. i went to polyclinic countless of time to check. I also restricted gingery and herbs for the 1st 2wks (but kena nagged big time by my mum, that oso stressed me out). I latched him on every 1.5-2hrly during the weeks when he's on the high side.
Thanks jeelomeelo. My mum nags me no end too regarding my decision to TBF. She keep telling me to supplement with FM.....and she also nagged about the restriction to ginger and herbs stuff. Sigh!

I hope my girl will be ok soon. Feels very heartborken to see her naked, 'blinded' by the eye mask and lying under the blue light. She hates to go naked and would scream and cry and kick.

My BM is not a lot too....just now I only managed to pumped 40ml in 30 minutes....very pathetic amount but I am already very happy.....hope to build up my milk bank for my baby soon.
ashley, it's ok to just pump 40ml nia. that's a lot actually, for a one wk old baby!!! say if you solely latch on, your body should be producing what your baby needs. When bb suckle, she'll send a msg to your body to produce x amount. think this way; supply = demand. You don't expect your baby to drink a whole lot since the stomach is no bigger than a fist. So now that you are expressing, means you are producing more if you are pumping every 30min interval for 10min each.
ashley, dun worry...i'm sure ur gal will be well soon... keep on pumping for her...

jeelomeelo, no prob gal...we can meet another time... whoa...3cm already... jia you jia you

tanly, thks for loading the pics
understand ur worries.. my gal's jaundice lvl is 277 today.. got to go back for another blood test tml.. if the reading is more than 300, will need to be admitted too..
shihui,ashley - my gal's jaundice level is 242 today and PD said it is acceptable. No need to rent the light and do the phototherapy at home. He said just to sunbathe her for awhile and he did not even mentioned that we must do another round of blood test. I checked with another PD and he said 242 is ok and suggest we do another round of blood test on fri or sat.

I hv just expressed out 150ml of milk and stored in the freezer. I am giving her formula for the next 2 days and hopefully the jaundice will clear abit. Dont worry and we jia you together ok.

Sporty - Could you please help me to update the table, Isabella's height is 52cm at birth... thanks!
Ashley, ur girl will be well sooner than u know. I was pretty worried abt my girl's jaundice initially too but I insisted on TBF so no choice gotta cut down the ginger and herbs n no wine so my tummy now still looks abit big. Hiakz. Let's all jiayou tgt! =)

Honestly now that bb is out, I really miss my pregnancy ALOT!
Thanks ladies for your consolation.

I just pumped and this time only 40ml for one freaking hour...and my breasts are still engorged but I stopped for a break...think my nipples cannot take it already.

Breastfeeding is such a challenge....I really adnire and envy those who can produce lotsa BM and BF for a long time.
congrats to all who have popped. =)

Paiseh, never contribute much here. Can I ask if the bh contractions are supposed to feel like cramps? I never felt any for no.1 until I was admitted for induce &amp; put on ctg then the nurse told me i was having bh contractions.

But this time for no.2 seems to be getting 'cramps' on &amp; off &amp; thought sometime like diarrhoea?

went for my check up last sat &amp; gynae said my amniotic fluid is a little low so I'm going back again this wed. Think this time gonna be induced again coz edd is supposed to be 15 nov. Gynae actually want to see me on mon but told him hubby still overseas. So he sent me for ctg. Gd thing bb very cooperative &amp; the report was gd. And managed to get hubby to change flight to come home tomorrow coz I think I may need to be admitted right after the wed check up.
Hi mummies,

Can check how do u clean the tongue of yr baby? I realised that my boy has a thick layer of milk on the tongue and it seems to accmulate as he is on total breastfeed. But I dunno how to clean them out. Anyone can help me out?
saintbaby, hope you have a smooth delivery. Jia You! =)

shannonbaby, what I did was to use a sterilized cloth, dip in boiled water and wrap around my cleaned index finger to go in and wipe the tongue. Be careful not to go in too deep or else he may vomit out the milk. You can also use gauze swabs purchase from Guardian. About $3+ for 100 pcs. Hygienic and convenient, just clean and throw.
Hi ladies,
can i verify that if one has engorgement (whole breast like rock), shd apply cold pack (ie cold cabbage) for 2 hrs then massage, then pump/latch.

Then if blocked ducts (only 1 part hard), use hot pack (ie hot towel or glass bottle warm w towel), roll over breast, then massage, then pump/latch?

tks for loading the pic. Will add u over the wkend.
hi morning ladies
me in terrible state.
since last night 9plus got cramps like contractions and they are so bad! tummy turned hard too.
told doc and he said i could be in labour already.
but i monitor and tong whole night the contractions never become closer interval or anything, waterbag also nvr burst, no show too.
but the contraction feeling still come every now and then, in fact, sometimes every 5 min.
can't even sleep well.

dunno what to do now, cos tonight 1030pm suppose to check in to induce liao but the pain now is unbearable...
Can I ask if anyone experience "cracked dry areola" at the base, not at the nipple, but nearer to the white skin area.

I suddenly got them...also got some bumps at the same area (like pimples but not painful), which I thk cracked, causing the dry flaky black skin.

applying the Purelan medela now.
mousey_mummy, thanks! will go n get it n clean for him. His tongue is covered with thick layer of milk. so scary.

rue, for me, I used hot towel even if there is engrogement. I dont dare to use cold pack, scared will reduce milk supply.
funne his clinic starts in the evening today.
plus i read i could be having false labour, cos the pain is centered at lower ab, but real thing usually is from lower to whole ab.
somemore if i complain to doc again he'll most likely ask me go induce now instead of waiting till tonight and i can't go now cos no one to pick my son from childcare and my mil can only make it after 8pm...
haiz...i super sian now.
myboyjovan, are you still feeling terrible? maybe shd check in hospital first? whether natural or induce wait and see...
Hey ladies

hope those who went for high tea yesterday enjoyed themselves!
shall go c pics later

me nw at gynae to remove my stitches whilst dh is st pd with bb so gt a bit of time to log on. Bb's weight has started to go up after he lost weight upon being discharged.

Ashley> jiayou for bf! I think just have to continue latching n pumping. Amanda will be fine
don worry ok

saintbb> MSG sala day . Opps :p

today is mel's c-sect, Mel jiayou!

Momoko> wah yam soup? Hmmm...

P/s: my boy peed on himself like a fountain this morning whilst dh n I were letting him "air dry" himself. He looked so curtly annoyed cos he didn't knw who "poured" "water" on him. We laughed like mad! Tee pee caps are so impt.

Have a gd day all no matter whether u have or have not popped! Hugs
sporty, from induce to delivery was 32 hours lor. some more is stranded in labor ward all the way, not like u can go jalan and do stuff at home.

shihui, pm u le.

saintbaby, jiayou!

ashley, hope ur girl get better soon.

morning all...i juz woke up...heheh

ashm, ok sure...will update the table
wow u can express out 150ml at one go...thas good

momoko, hehhe...u missed ur pregnancy alot la...then try for #2 lor...hehheh

ashley, bfing is really a challenge...jia you

mum2604, BH are like hardening of the tummy...quite painless... hope ur hb can change flight and come back by tom...

shannonbaby, another way to clean the tongue of the bb is to feed him a teaspoon of water after every feed...

myboyjovan, if ur contractions are getting nearer...better call ur gynae and go hospital if needed...dun have to wait for his nite clinic...

jane, so fast u removing ur stitches liao! enjoy ur day out!!

swanston, yeah...i hated being stranded in the ward!!
