(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

superwalker: Check the star shape thingy.. make sure its facing upwards n the round flat part is facing down.. means you fix it from bottom.. plus check tt your bottle is tightly screwed on.. cuz just nw momo cannot get it to wk because her bottle was not tight enough..give it a try.. if not den u bring it on Mon lor.. =)

Cheryl, ya lor.. PD ask us to continue to burp bb for 45 mins until the air/wind is out.
Hmm i didnt notice after the med, bb got burp more easily or not...
The med is not ridwind.. diff med...
Ya lor... need to write down everything...troublesome.. but PD need to know..
Hmm...I started writing, coz I realise that PD likes to ask questions like how many poops & pees a day, how often he feeds, sleeps etc... It's hard to tell at times. But after writing for 2 days, I got tired lor... :p Now I just monitor roughly. :p
alamak..seeing u all also have the symptons make me feel i too over-react liao..haha..
Who ask me have over gan jiong parents in law n me also easily paranoid...and previously bb had to be admited to hospital make me easily worried now...
ya lor.. PD like to ask this ask tat.. sometimes i agar agar tell her but she want exact value like sleep how much.. etc.. agar also canot...hehe...
Starrz> It's better to be safe than sorry la... I also almost brought mine to his PD, but hubby said to monitor 1st lor. I also noticed that many of our mummies here complain of similar symptoms. So, I agreed to monitor lor. However, deep down inside I'm still worried, especially whenever he 'merlions' or cries. :p
At least you feel more assured now that you've visited the PD ma... Dun hv to play the guessing game.
Starrz, my baby also got the same symptoms. I also went to see PD last mth. PD mentioned that the colic drop best taken before food. For best effect, take every 3hrs, if stop, then no effect already. My bb colic also quite serious, PD increased from 1 ml to 2 ml.
But is it uncomfortable to use binder? My boy seems to have suckling problem which only surface recently. Didn't have any problems when he was just born. My therapist said that sucking problem is due to cranial nerve issue.

Cause i was waiting for Dr Ong and they told me to wait when my baby was already at the vagina. This delay may have caused some structual problem which may have cause his suckling problem. And that time Dr Ong was like pek chek with me for not following his instructions like induce drip and bursting the water bag. And one more thing is to say the antibiotics i consumed will not affect baby which in fact it will as told by my PD. Maybe i'm petty but thinking that we pay so much to a gynae and yet things become like that. Anyway i'm bringing him to see the therapist who seen my daughter on Tues so shall see how it goes and hopefully it will help him.
Did u take antibiotics during pregnancy? If u did, then antibiotics maybe the culprit to all the problems u have stated. Cause antibiotics kills all the good and bad bacteria, with decrease in good bacteria the digestive and immune system will suffer. My boy also have a few of ur stated problems plus he seems to also have eczema which told by my PD maybe caused by antibiotics. As she had seen a lot of babies like that and their mother took antibiotics during pregnancy. So what i am doing now is giving my boy probiotics and at the same time i'm taking too.
ya nurse say feed the colic drop before feed but she also say can mix in the milk. I always mix in milk together... if feed bb with just the colic drop, bb always spit out..so i put into the milk...
hmm i was only given the anitbiotics during the delivery as i got +ve for strep b. During pregnancy i oni take aspirin till i was 32 weeks...
PD gave bb med... duno isit call probiotics.. PD say is to improve bb immue system and help in diarrhea ..
dozed off awhile with my gal juz now...hahha

cheryl, i think sometimes ur boy juz wanna suckle...not hungry la...then u feed and feed, he sure puke one... cuz sometimes my gal also like tha

carinez, bbs are more sleepy after jab...so rest while u can
hahha...if u will use the avent manual and will bf for awhile, go ahead and get it lor!

starrz, burp 45 mins? thas very long leh...i dun think i have the patience to burp so long...

nicole, i juz used a normal binder from guardian pharmacy...

taurus, it is quite uncomfy la to use it cuz u cannot breathe properly...when i used it during confinement, the binder is always drenched with sweat... also, i think it helps so tha u wun eat too much cuz its tight mah... ohhh ic, so suckling prob is becuz of tha...
ya lor.. 45 min leh.. must have patient.. in the day still okie.. night leh..
but hor in the day after feeding burp for 45 min, then change diaper.. then hong bb to zz then after a while its feeding time again.. then no rest time for myself...
starrz, ic...no wonder you're overly worried.
your PD so detailed which is good too. i never monitor the hours my gal sleeps. i only keep track of the no. and amount of feeds, and poo. the rest i never record. lazy mummy i am.

taurus, oic. i didn't know this can cause structural problem. what's wrong with his suckling? that time you mentioned that your boy produce some sounds when suckling and that was due to thrush right? not resolved yet?
can take probiotics at such a young age? I'm also thinking of feeding my gal some probiotics as i'm on antibiotics during pregnancy too. What kind of probiotics are you taking now?
Superwalker & momo mummy, I swear by my avent manual breast pump compare to my amenda dual pump... the white stopper/ filter ( I don know wat's call) is fixed properly shouldn't hv any problem.
just wonder for those who use baby carrier, wat is your opinion abt it? I'm thinking of getting one but contemplating which to buy baby bjorn synergy or air ( abt $80 - $100 diff in prx). I don think I'm a heavy user but most likely for my maid to ferry bb for bringing my #1 to & fro to school and weekend usage.
Starrz, Cheryl,
My bb also have most of the symptoms that you mention. Ask PD during her 6 in 1 shots, PD says she is ok and it is common for bb to have reflux, I asked PD is it serious cause i can smell sour smell after she vomit, PD still says of course sour smell cause is from her tummy but is normal. He says after feed, burp liao got to let bb sit upright for 30 to 45 mins.

Now we do that and the vomit and spit milk has been reduced but still have some when my bb struggle. Somestimes they struggle (like kei sai) is they don't feel comfortable and if you bring her up and burp, very fast they can burp very loud.

My PD didn't give any med for the reflux, but we do give ridwind when the reflux get worse, the ridwind is actually helps to burp bb more effectively.

Btw, when have reflux can't overfeed the bb. Feed less but interval shorter.
thanks.. but hor my bb very hard to burp one.. so stubborn... my fren bb so easily burp one... mine so difficult.
ya maybe my overfeeding of her plays a part in her reflux.. now i cut down to 100ml per feed. Ur bb drink how much per feed ah?
Starrz, my bb also very difficult to burp, sometimes fails after 20 mins, but we will hold her upright longer, or if put her down use the pillow to support her higher. If she asleep, when she wake up we will try to burp her to let the air out.

My bb is drinking 120 for EBM and 100 for FM. She only drink like 2 to 3 feeds EBM per day, the rest of the day all FM cause I condition myself to pump only 2 times per day as i going back to work next week, so only can last 2 to 3 feeds. My bb is now 9+ weeks.
Karen, ya i remember my bb around the same 'age' as ur bb.. this week also 9 weeks ++...
Previously was drinking 120FM but PD ask us to reduce to 100ml... her whole day amount can oni be 750 to 800ml.
wanna ask if you ladies feed ebm using the first-in-first out method or last-in-first out and the remaining ones store in freezer?
Starrz, actually for 100 FM, after you add the powder is like 115ml already. My bb has been drinking 100 for 2 to 3 weeks already. We only tried give FM 120ml on last feed but she also can't finish, end up drink about 110ml, but ok lah, can last her for 8 to 9 hours :D Yours whole day amount can be 750 ah? think mine is less than yours cause my gal only have 6 to 7 feeds per day. (2*120BM + 4/5 * 100FM)
starrz, karen. the total amount per day is around 750 to 800 because you all feed FM? my gal's been taking around 850ml - 900ml per day since 8 weeks. i wonder am i overfeeding her.
dingdong, if your bb can take is ok. I asked my PD before, he mentioned, as long as can last bb for 3 hours, then no need to increase the intake. So far my BM and FM can last my bb 3 to 3.5 hours, unless she can't finish her feed.
mine drink very little. he already 11 weeks old and 6.9kg but only drink 110ml every 3 hours, which is only abt 750-800ml per day. last week tried to increase to 120ml per 3 hours but he keep vomiting.
karen, i guess my one is a big eater. one feed can only last her 2 hours. per feed is 100 ml, sometimes can be up to 140 ml. her 'alarm clock' is very zun.
my gal also alarm clock very zun one! she's taking 125ml every 2 hours xcept for her last feed which is 150ml.. sometimes she will drag e interval longer herself.. but she has 7 feeds a day.. so she drinks abt 890ml a day.. i did ask PD if i can increase her feed so that at least e interval is 3 hours apart.. he said slowly increase and as long baby never merlion it's okay..
hello, my baby drinking EBM 120ml 7 times a day and about 60 - 80 EBM 1 time a day. so is about 900ml per day also. Just wondering how do we know when to increase the feed? anyway, sometimes my boy will spit out the milk but is small qty. sometimes is in large qty.

My boy likes to do cluster feeding at night. so quite stressful as we need time to warm up the chilled EBM. i feel like putting freshly expressed bm in room temp in the evening after i pump so that can minimise the time taken for warming. but then hb said like not so good cos milk will spoil. but i rem seeing somewhr can store ebm in room temp for 4 hours. anyone put ebm in room temp?
hi mummies, paiseh..i need some advice..
What colic drops are u giving to your bbs? Ridwind? cos the instructions for ridwind states that can give up to 4 times a day only. So am checking what other effective alternatives i can give for every feed? Off shelf i can only see infacol & dentinox. My bb is also suffering from the same symptoms stated above & has been rejecting milk..
it has been quite challenging during feeding.. sighz.

thanks very much! :>
my bb drink abt 8 feed per day.. ya can reach above 750 coz usually she drinks 120ml but today PD ask us to reduce to 100...

Dingdong, wats ur bb weight now? My bb before today can reach abt abt 970ml max per day leh but PD say she oni need 750ml per day.
U can calculate by using this formula:
BB weight times 150ml = amount needed for 1 day.

Misty, i calculate your bb needed how much per day... 6.9x 150ml = 1035ml
maybe u can ask your PD if ur bb need more or not..
the formula is given by my PD..
As long as bb is growing well, shld be okie lah, we also canot force bb to drink if bb dun wan..
the colic drop i gave bb is dentinox.
My PD say give up to 4 times per day...think thats the max can give per day liao.
I give ridwind, also up to 4 times per day. Normally we give during afternoon or evening feeds as my bb tends to cranky during this time.

is it because your bb have wind in the stomach? i was given ridwind too, beside this, you can also feed your bb with gripewater, (one bottle $4), for bb above one yr old, one teaspoon per day. i usually mix with 20ml water n feed her, she like it a lot and it help her to release the wind in stomach.

Rachelle, yes, breast milk can be in room temp for 4hours, my bb drink every 3 hour, so before the next feed, i will quickly took it out from the ridge and warm it in a glass of hot water. i understand what you are saying, sometimes my bb also cry until the whole eyes covered w tears while we warm up the milk, in order to accelerate the process, i change the glass of hot water two times to quickly warm up the milk...
Thanks for your advices, mummies :> Really appreciate for sharing

Gd idea! i think i will do just that~ To add either gripe water or ridwind/other brands of colic drops into her 7 milk feeds in a day. Think will most prob give the ridwind later part of day too..cos bb also tend to be crankier tat period :p

Hopefully this is just a phase that will pass very soon..aiyo..

<font size="-2">*chant: wind wind, go away..DONT come again another day*</font>
hey mummies, i swear by my avent manual too hahah! you can start by doing a quick short pumpings to simulate baby's sucking to achieve let down, then can just pump and hold the handle, you will see the milk just flow or spray out

regading wind in the tummy, can massage baby's tummy and i also heard can apply ru yi oil to the back and also massage the back.. use palm to rub bb's tummy or back downwards to help him/her fart.. can also bend his legs and bring his knees to his stomach, like a pumping action to help him fart too.. works for my boy..
my gp also told me to give baby some tummy time before feeding to warm his stomach and that will make burping faster..

hmm i have a question, can we warm up ebm with hot water from the flask? will it spoil the antibodies, but if use just warm water, v slow leh...

thanks shirlin for telling me about your carrier, sporty, just put a cloth or shawl to support the head? where to buy the infantino? and how much huh?
i also read about the beco and ergo carrier, anyone using them and finds them good? my boy absolutely hates my pupsik, cry so loud!

sporty, you make us all so jealous of your waist here.. i went to take my binder after reading your post hahha
i mamaged put my boy in 5the ergo carrier yesterday finally but i think i need lotsa practice but the carrier feels gd but i didnt manage put the insert for my boy .. think i need practise more ..

my hb while feedin my boy made my boy knock into the cupboard nw like gt a bump sooo worried manz ..
sporty - yeah YET is the word .. u all are soooooooooo tempting me to get fs manz .. and im sooo tired of luggin the pumps to and fro work ..
wah...so much talks abt colic drops etc...so far i haven use any for my #1 and #2 yet...

starrz, i cant imagine burping bb for 45 mins in the middle of the nite...very tiring leh...ya la, if in the day u really burp for 45 mins, change diaper then coax bb to sleep, really no rest time! *sayang*

cheryl, cannot "ignore" ur boy if he juz wanna suckle for comfort ah? sometimes i juz "act blur"...ahha

Caffe latte, tha day tha carrier i was using was from infantino...its cheap la...abt 80 bucks after discount, i think if its for ur maid use, maybe u can consider la...cuz no need to buy so ex one if for their use, sometimes too complicated, maid dunno how to use, its even worst :p

dingdong, ebm i will do the last in first out method as i am not freezing... previously for my #1, i do the first in first out...as i freeze whats gonna "expire"

mitsy, ur boy's of good weight

rachelle, actually we can store ebm in room temp for 4 hrs...thas what i usually do if i'm not ard to latch for cluster feeding...so at least its faster to heat up the ebm...

min, i normally use hot water from flask to warm up the ebm and i will test tha ebm is warm or room temp before i give to my bb... i think tha day shirlin bought the carrier at 69.90...yes, use a nappy or shawl to support bb's head as bb's head still quite soft...tha day shirlin bought from robinsons as they having promo (see link below)...


ayukie, hahha...i kno u so well tha i said YET for u...whhahahhhaha :p
o yeah i saw the infantino carrier at infant tree when i service my pump that day but nt sure same as the robinson anot comes with a fleech cover one tempted to get .. anyway yeah sporty u know me well lol .. i think im nt v gd with the ergo carrier tho still ..
Ayukie, ego is v ex hor... Sporty thanks thanks for being so nice n gave me the link! I'm so going to robinsons tmr haha!!

Just now hubby went out supper with friends I cry le.. Cannot go cos scared bb will wake up for milk.. Feel like he still can go anywhere he wants to n nothing v much has changed for him but me like tied to baby.. Hais... But me thinks I will miss baby if I go out without him too.. Haha it's complicated! So he batter bring me go robinsons tmr n get the carrier!
ayukie, alamak...dun get the infantino la...u got ergo already and u juz have to make sure ur son get used to it!! dun spend $$ already...hehhe... ur rotavirus ex leh...mine 2 doses 168 :p

min, no prob...very easy to find the link...hope they still have the stock for tha carrier...its cheap la and i managed to use a good few mths till 1 yr for my #1 previously even tho its not the same model as this one but still infantino...ya, if got carrier, u juz bring bb along for supper lor...btw, hows ur wound ah? better already?
