(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

saintbaby - remembers sia lol i can still remember preggy big tummy go st james renew membersip alot of queer looks at me sia bleahz ..

enjoy ya movie!

ya lor must find one day go down st james! before membership expire! mine expiring in april..

ic.. they have big sizes ma? i wonder if they have my size.. hehe..
re: frozen breastmilk
is there a smell for frozen breastmilk? i took out 1 bottle from my freezer and thaw for 12 hours.. after heating up, i smell e milk before giving baby. there was like a smell.. not sour or anything just a smell.. my mum said the other day when she heat up my other bottle of frozen breastmilk there was no smell at all.. but i thought fbm got smell one? mummies pls advice..
Hello all,
I'd like to tentatively plan to join next gathering. I love the sashimi at Kuishinbo.

Date: 7 Jan 2010 (Thurs)
Venue: Kuishinbo @ Suntec
Time : 12pm

1. Superwalker
2, Jane
3. Sporty
4. momo mummy
5. BabyLele (KIV)
6. dingdong
7. ariesgal (KIV)
8. jeelomeelo (KIV)
9. shirlin
10. swanston
11. momoko
12. Kimifin
13. Zentan
14. chriszinc (KIV)
15. sponge
16. ayukie (KIV)
18. Agata (KIV)
St James I never went before too.

Avatar 3D is a good movie to watch. I went with my sisters on Christmas Eve.

My hubby went overseas for work this week, lucky got my mom to help with colic baby at nights. He'll be back tonight but not sure if got any plan to go out or not. I've been a silent reader at night as I pump. I'll try to join the chat tonight. Hm, I should've bought the FS pump instead huh, so can type easier.
gals, i'm going out to eat sashimi after hearing that some of you get more ss after eating it. I'm really in a desperate bid to increase ss!

wah, din know this thread got so mnay mummies who were cheongster last time!

babylele, you bfing? if so, shd help to slim down faster. also, i realise that carrying baby can also help to slim down cos it's like weight lifting. sometimes i need to bounce to coax baby to zzz. so it's like a workout!
Hello! went out this morning for some 'me' time.. went back to office to talk cock n went to 'pei' my ah ma.. just came back n finish pumping..

sporty n chris: Dun praise me so much ah.. Ltr i fly up.. LOL! I where got so pretty.. still think jane look the chio-est.. =) chris, you can sit beside me on thurs.. den we talk cock tgt!! hee..

jane: count me in for the countdwn.. provided bb guai guai la..arbo i'll be counting down with her cries liao.. haha.. nxt thurs outing like so exciting cuz so many ppl gg.. Anw, the pigeon talk cfm gg ma??
frozen breastmilk has a strong fishy smell, for mine at least..I smell already also want to vomit..haha..so last time I threw away all the frozen ebm as I din dare to let my #1 drink.

so did the other mummies experience same thing? the smell?
me pumping now..cos bb only drk a bit n cant concentrate...since 1pm, he din zzz n wana cry, now wanna 'talk' n look ard the house...

so i give up n pump...let him starve a bit..

thk he growing up n more playful n wakeful now...
also not so hungry.
wanna know, wats the best way to feed bb at nite?

cos i find my neck v v tired/suan when need to c to ensure bb latching well n he n i not falling z.

but ended up with a bad neck in the morning...
Anw, yday saw PD.. Leann's weghing at 4.5kg at 5wks.. PD says shld b no prob for her to double her birth weight at 8wks.. haha.. Did the development check n everything's fine.. but she has this baby enzema on her eyebrows.. dunno wads the exact name of the condition la.. PD say it shld go away when she's ard 6mths old.. now everyday must apply olive oil lor.. And she has a higher risk of getting enzema when she's older cuz my hb has it.. so when I'm gg to wean her, PD will gimme a list of food ranging from low risk to high risk den slowly introduce to her.. just in case she's allergic to any of the food..
Babyqwert, my ebm has a weird smell also but is normal. I rem that time after i warm my ebm, my baby fell zzz and cos cannot keep for too long, i pour away (heartpain!) but then got this "chow sng" smell. i tot it went bad but i read from internet is normal.

Wah, we have many hot mama here in this thread huh? and many hip mummies too! can go party and lunch. I hope I can join you gals but then i dun have the courage to leave baby and party on my own....
Shirlin, my baby also need to be careful cos hubby got allergy also.

So, doc advise me to bf baby for as long as possible and avoid high allergic food like egg, wheat, dairy products etc. egg is the one that shd be avoided for the first yr.

my ebm also got a smell, like "chow sng" smell like. but i read is normal cos of the fat composition in the milk. if you are very sure there is no contamination when handling the ebm, then it shd be safe for the baby.

can anyone tell me what else can i eat to increase milk ss? i just ate 2 plates of sashima at sakae!
I took oatmeal (quaker oats), put into my milo.. drk as tea break time, or in the middle of the nite...cos nite time, after dinner to breakfast, that time, thk body need food to Make milk.

I also got hungry easily, cos its quite a healthy choice.
Hi all
been ages since I last post.

Wow so many chiongsters here.me don't really like nightspots..but I'm gg out countdown with hb tonite.I'm leaving my kids with my mom.

both of u no need to point at each other.

sporty-Best figure(big boobs slim waist)
Jane-best looks(looks so young n hip)

shirlin> ok, "See" you tonight
. u too slow lah. pigeon talk no more spacel iaos due to 'overwhelming' response. lol it's eCzema btw, don worry abt it. my boy got a bit of cradle crap. hope it goes away fast.

ayukie> so u XIAN ur husb or he XIAN u. lol

rachelle> can drink milo.

my fil not feeling too good, may haf to take a 'raincheck' for my hot date to postpone it to this sunday.

Ok, tonight's countdown:

Date: 31/12/2009
Venue: Comfort of your own home
Time: 11 pm onwards

1. Jane
2. Sporty
3. chriszinc
4. Shirlin
5. Ayukie
6. Agata


zentan> erm, my boobs and sporty same size, erm i tink waist also we same! LOLLLLLLLLLLL
enjoy ur countdown!
shirlin> no lah, i not "say" ur english
jus give u the name in case u need. yah lo, the goody bag damn good so no space liaos lo...
shirlin, thanks.. but hor at 33 33 33, some tree trunks curvier than me lor... so need wonder suit..

the eczema thing is like flaky skin on the eyebrows issit? think my boy also leh.. then i itchy fingers like to help him peel.. opps!

jane, where got fair like that.. good looks, good boobs all you take... hahaha.. dun tell me u also good brains ok.. or else u r "xian nu xia fan" le la..
hai... hb ask if he can go drinking with his frenz tonight.. i'm so torn.. of cuz want him to be with me but i also know he's sian le.. his leave started last wed den everyday spend tgt with us.. also nv really go anywhere.. hai hai hai..
erm chriszinc> thurs u see lo. i never say all i take lah. LOLL but erm better not beo me , i shy.

ayukie> oh yah, come on thurs lah! u haven finish beo-ing my tattoos... LOL. tempt u to come. pigeon talk tht time u din attend one then sporty adn i help u collect goody bag one.. all details same except this time instead of how to bathe bb the topic is how music help ur bb or sumting... can go pigeon site for more info

shirlin> ask him countdown this new year with u and ur daughter lah. don give u face but must give ur daughter face! am sure he'll understand then after tht u go zz then let him go out from 12:01 am. lol.
chris: No la.. you really look good~~ =) and yup.. its the flaky skin on the eyebrow.. my PD say better dun peel.. apply olive oil at night den nxt morning when bathing bb, just wipe the area..can lightly rub it away lor..not too hard..
jane: he say he will cfm with his frenz see if they got plans.. if dun have den he'll stay hm lorz.. seems like gg to become a quarrel topic between me n him liaoz... he say if i dun want him to go out den just tell him straight..
shirlin, better let him go.. "they say if u really love him, you got to set him free.." song lyrics from my era...haha.. crap aside, i think if not they feel very suffocated also..

i dun have olive oil at present..do you think the calif bb cream will work too?
my bb oso gt flaky skin on eyebrow leh,where to get olive oil ah?

wow u mummies are looking good, nt like me getting auntish!
jane: ya lor.. like only 2 of us chatting here.. just saw chris thou.. And yup.. gg to pump now.. scared ltr bb wake up den nust again..
And i stop the converstaion bet me & hb le.. told him i dun want to start a quarrel lor..

chris: I also wanna let him go.. but i'll be so ke lian..Countdown alone at hm with bb lehz.. And I shld be the one feleing suffocated lor.. since discharge i've been looking after bb myself wor.. he still can take breaks when he go for wk..
shirlin, not ke lian..got us and yr cute bb.. think positively... let him go and be extra nice to him then he will feel guilty and be super duper nice to him after that...haha..
my hubby always go for his night bike rides with his kakis until 3am kind..internal struggle for me also since I also no life after bb comes out but as the male species (not male bashing but..), they are less sacrificial... after all, they did not carry bb inside and then suffer hell to get them out... my hubby dun think his work is a "break".. he thinks my maternity leave more shiok.. sigh..diff perspectives lor.. but for the sake of long term compromise, it's always better when WE the wei da species give in lor... sad but true...
starrz> i know OG got. the brand is GINVERA. u also look good lah..

shirlin> got some others. i pump finish liaos. ok, gg to get ready for my 'last' dinner of the year. Catch u gals later...

Chriszinc> how come i never see u only shirlin see u? i sad
i understand how you feel.. sometimes i also very angry with hubby.. i feel that i should have some time myself also ma since i've been lookin after baby myself since discharge.. there are times i'm super pissed with him cos for me, i put baby's priority above mine.. he is himself first.. selffish hor.. haiz.. anyway, if i'm in your shoes, i will just tell him no.. lolx..
chris: I guess everything you said is true ba.. why must we always be the wei da one..hai.. well, at least still can chat with u girls.. just hope bb will be guai guai tonight lorz.. dun get cranky..
i mean after he feel guilty, he'll be super duper nice to u... but if u really wanna countdown wif him then let him know how much it matters to u that yr little family of 3 can do it lor.. then like jane says, he can go out after tt...
true lor.. we are the more wei da one.. but it's so frustrating sometimes.. i will give in sometimes.. depends on situation.. cos if everytime give in, he'll take it for granted.. e other day i told him, i'm not your maid le.. haha.. so easy to be parents meh!
