(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Ling> hahaha, yah i know what u mean about surprises!lol

FieDa> i also dunno if i am on ur facebook. blur liaos. Lol.

Sian, my husb told me he needs to work tmrw morning
swanston, stop saying u are fat la...u are not!! have confidence in urself!

jane, ya la...usually thas the case...maybe ur FB's pic will become ur bb's pic in nov liao :p hee
FieDa, yes ms Nat who married a uniformed gentleman, u r on my fb, just!

Sporty> haha yah i think so man. but i not cam whore lah! i got friends who keep cam whoring their bb's pics.... lol
swanston, post a recent photo of yrs on FB then we tell you if you are fat anot. Pls lo, i also fat now... everyone here is lo
FieDa, i not young lei
looks are deceiving i wanted to say you look young! lol

swanston> u not plump lah, u r just nice!!!!!!!!!!!!
jane, u definitely will take alot of pics after ur bb's born lor...i almost took one pic of him everyday during my ML! hahha

swanston, wahh...fieda "dare" u now to put ur recent pic leh...LOL :p
fieda, ok. i go find a photo b4 preggie.

jane, if my hubby and family hear u say tat they will laugh until their teeth all drop out lor. hahaha.
that time when i was married, i was already 3 mths preggie! lolx.. but luckily the gown can't really tell that i'm pregnant.
FieDa, swanston is not fat lah . i seen her bfore becos we share same gynae :D

swanston> now photos before preggie dont count cos we are preggies liaos!
Haha why not all of us post up a current pic of ourselves on FB. Dunno later i take liao can accept the blow not. Jane, i think my age is quite young to be a mum. 26 leh...

Ling, you got married 4 days after me?
swanston, think u kena "brain washed" too much by ur family and hb tha u are fat lor!

ariesgal, i added u few days back liao

saintbaby, how old were u when u got married?

fieda, 26's a nice age mah...not young la...my pic is very recent but cant see tummy tho...LOL
FieDa, see me older. i am 27!! lol

don wan lah, don wanan take, i look horrid nowadays, cant be bothered to brush my hair and wearing my geeky specs.
wah u all marry quite young hor...... i think i married at age 30 leh.... then 31 pop #1 and now 33 pop #2..... now i feel so old here... haha.....
saintbaby, i was 4 months preg then... think can see a little for those experienced aunties haha you very young la!!

what's your nick of FB ar, sporty?
wah.. i also want to see pretty girls leh! hahah.. but too bad my Co block access to FB.. grrr!

Will add u all tonight! *tiko look*... muahahahahahha
haha.. not first love la! my hubby 9 yrs my senior! wahaha..

lolx.. young ah! imagine 20 already first baby..
sometimes when i think back, i find tat time flies!
saintbaby, wah...u so young kena "cheated" liao ah...LOL...i was still in skool at 19 :p

ariesgal, i married young at 24 la but popped late cuz we actually didnt want kids...haha...but even u married late, but u are on "schedule" mah :p

fieda, see michelle ng

swanston, u very bad leh..."xian hai" ur hb...even put up his pic!
jane - wad hard core > i paid for the bottles wad ... so its mine then hor i had those minis moet chandon and i like the bottles so i smuggled two out home for display whahahhaaa ... i keep bottles wad (unopened) ..
sporty, the problem with marry late is then bb planning needs to come in soon and not really enough time to enjoy the er ren shi jie lor....
wahhh ... so young married ... i just customary last yr and rom yr before and i think i got married cause erm of the age thingy bleahz ..
how many of you intend to take maternity shots when you are bigger? hee.... yesterday hb was suggesting that i go and take maternity shots and even suggest to take nude pics (but got cover vital parts lah)..... but dunno i got the guts bo.... hehe..... then my girl also will take with me lor...... keke.... cos her tummy also big big and round round one.....
ayukie, u looked quite young from ur pics leh...

ariesgal, i took the maternity shots when i had #1, shd be taking for #2 also...i also took those semi nude ones but for personal viewing la...kekke :p anyways the photographer was female so quite ok...
shannonbaby, i already hit 3 liao and got extra somemore lor..... going into mid 30s soon..... that day i was having tea with my JC friends and we were just saying that we knew each other in teens and now we are middle aged liao...... how fast time flies by...
sporty, where did u take your pics ah? i also want female photographer leh...... i think semi nude ok lah but hor my bust not so pretty leh.... looks small compared to my tummy hahaha.... so may want to do the "demi moore" style.... hands cover top and leaves cover below???? keke.....
lolx! izzit.. keke.. now our secondary sch demolish already..

i dun feel comfortable.. keke.. esp in the later stage! the stretchmarks all red!!
saintbaby, u dun look like the mother of 2 kids lor! now gonna be 3!! u still so young lor!!

ariesgal, i took mine at studio loft...u can see some of the pics on my FB, those non nude kind la...yeah, i did the hands cover boobs pose and bottom was wearing skin colored underwear...hee hee
Sorry sorry was busy plus got to go online discreetly!! Therefore, have been minimizing & maximizing my window.. hahahaha!

Fieda, i was 3 mths during my actual day.. very sian cos cannot drink!!!! ur wat in oct? i dun understand leh..

ariesgal, i add u already

Wow you really married very young hor.. me too! Heh.. i ROM when i was 21.. customary on 23..and had #1 at 25.. teehee... my ah lao is an 'ahpek' too cos he's 10 yrs my senior

I can't wait to see all your FB pictures!
ayukie, at least still younger than me la...i 30 bucks no change liao leh...still have to pay extra "dollars" LOL :p

sponge, u also very young when u got married! wow!

wow! keke..
we seem to like older men yea? keke..

lolx.. mine all gap of 2 yrs! keke..
after this close factory le!!
