(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

sinkor, your hb is korean? cos grace ever told me about doing massage for a lady whose hb is korean leh.... wonder if that's you? your name starts with e? cos i think i got to know a mummy in this forum who is also having massage with grace then and the hb is also korean but somehow i lost touch with the mummy......

hahaha.. den it's the wrong grace.. hehehhe... coz i know of one grace fr the forum who does massage n facial.. hehehe... :p

i juz remembered tt i joined ur spree b4.. do u hav a new colleague who joined ur workplace in Feb? her name initial is Siew WL.. tall girl with long hair.. she is my ex colleague..

this is my #2, EDD 13th Nov (online calculator), gynae Prof Mary Ruff, NUH..
Hi Ariesgal! Yes! hubby is a korean... and Yes! my name is E.... no wonder i see ur nick so familiar lah.... is ur name is D??? haha.. wow lau eh...is ur #1 born in Jul'07 one huh??

yo shihui.... my grace also do massage and facial one leh! keke....

Oh ya, i have called Grace, her package is like $580 and she told me she will advertise in forum on Monday liao.... in fact she also dunno which thread she will be advertised bcos done by her friend....so Monday i shall search for the thread and paste over here and see wat is her package! haha....
Good morning Mummies!

MIA for 3 whole days, lappy was down

Hope everyone is doing great!

I be seeing my gynae in 2 weeks time to see the baby, i think it was too early to see anything when we visited him on Wednesday...hahahaaa..nothing was shown on the screen during the scan, was quite disappointed and worry. But gynae say could be too small to see properly and he didn't do a vigirnal scan for me since there is no bleeding or other complication. Just have to wait for another 2 weeks, hopefully i can see the baby soon.
Morning ladies! The thread is moving so fast!

I have no mood to work today plus not feeling well. Puked out all the water I drank this morning...sigh....

Too bad cannot call in sick today...have to haul myself to work cos there are so many things to be done. I envy some of you who are pretty free at work.

I will update when I see the gynae on Monday

TGIF indeed!
morning ladies

wow, thread is moving in a zippy that I cant catch up.

customary coming huh? dun wori, by then i dun tink much will be shown la..wear flare wedding gowns. I'm sure Hub dun mind rite?
Btw, I'm using SK-II basic sets.

yesh! finally it's TGIF!

U MIA huh? hahaha are u in your 5th week?

hang in there gal...it's already Fri...time will fly faster when U least expect it to.
morning ladies

shill, thanks dear. i had a great night sleep coz hubby with me. hehehe. sayang me and baby to sleep. he's on 24hr stand-by and is usually not home at night.

sinkor, thanks for the update on grace. hope she can handle all of us.

updated: <center><table border=1><tr><td>

NOV09_MTBs.xls (19.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>

I didn't know you put me into the list hehe...

Actually I haven't confirm one... I tested with clearblue the + and - sign type. I saw very very faint thin blue line to make the +. Then I think within 5 min, the line fainted...I can't even see any + liao....

SO I'm still waiting.

What kit you all use to test?
zion, i used the guardian test kit. $8.95. test in the morning coz our hcg is higher then. maybe urs is still early stage so ur hcg not high enuff yet?
I used the Clearblue Compact &amp; got faint line then. So the next morning, I used Clearblue (exp one) &amp; got confirm BFP.
Hi catmon &amp; swanston,
if we all took her packages...then her nov will be fully booked liao! haha... but me sure will csect on end oct...
Yo zion,
dun worry.... test again tmr morning... for me.. i test and is -ve.. then 2 days later is +ve liao... maybe u are in super early stage...so hcg is not high.

yeah...MIA :p i wasn't feeling well for past few days too...i think in 4th week only :p seriously, i am really anxious and worrysome when i didn't see anything on the screen. Gynae was calculating and say it should be 7th week.

Hi Zion,

You can use those digital pregnancy test kit, got it from Watson or Guardian, more reliable and easy to read. "pregnant" or "not pregnant".
I checked on the day that doc asked me to chk. The day that AF supposed to report...hehehe
I agree wit Sinkor...u may nid to wait a few more days k.

I went on my 5th week coz gynae suspected twins due to my high hCG reading. True enuf 2 sacs..but 2nd one was kinda small. So we shall see again nex week if it's growing.
reenie, dun worry...during my 1st preggy, i also go for check up and scan when i am only 4 week! really nothing at all and didnt do any vaginal scan... and only when i was in 6/7th week, then go for vaginal scan and at last see a small bb. I still keep my scan copy... :D

Don't worry. I used the clearblue on monday too. I got to tilt and shine the kit against the light then can see the faint line. After one day, the line totally faded as well.

I think we too kan choeng and test too early.

Today (after 4 days) i test using clearblue again. The line very solid. Wait a few more days lah. Remember to take a photo of your BFP.
thanks ...provided it's growing. Coz there are such things as vanishing twins syndrome. I was oredi overjoyed with the fact that I'm preggy ...what's more with twins, will be double happiness if it's true.
yah yah zion...take pic of BFP...~

I kept looking @ mine when I got BFP that morning to show to gynae. hahaha
Hi Reenie, dont think too much. I went for scan last night. Supposed to be full 6 wks already, gynae could locate the sac but couldn't see heartbeat. Gynae told me to come back again 2 wks later to see development. I'm worried, but just have to not think so much about it. Have to stay positive

I am taking folic acid and mutli vit given by my gynae. I have also started on drinking preggy milk.

I will also be taking Fish oil later... Forgot when I can start. Got to ask gynae when I see him.

thanks for your comforting words
i think Dr Paul didn't want to do a virginal scan for me because it might be discomfort i guess. But i really hope i can see something 2 weeks later...


wow...twins!! that's amazing! congrats! i hope everything goes well for you n babes.
u will see ur baby's development in 2 weeks time ok. dun wori gal.
tahnks for ur wishes. I wish they grow too

you need to eat well and rest well now!

btw, are u taking enfamama? those milk powder for pregnant mummy? i was tinking which one to drink, but have not got any yet.
Hmmm....i dunno wat multi-vit to take... haven't really gotten BFP, can't even visit gynae haha...

I hope can get a clear BFP asap

My sil used to drink Ammum, the children come out all big head one leh hehe...does it mean is gd?
so i am not the only one who took photo of the positive kit. hehehe. but my gynae din ask to see worr and din test too. just scan.

zion, i m taking folic acid only. gynae din give me anything else. but do take note that folic acid is heaty. so drink more fluid.

reenie, xynn, dun worry ok. i read from internet that u can start seeing the heartbeat from the 7th week. maybe urs is a little later? wait awhile more should be able to see le.
I havent buy it yet...but it was said to have the highest DHA amongst the rest of the mama milk. So I was tinking of getting it this Sat.

dun wori...u'll get ur BFP. Just dun stress urself k.
reenie, catmon,

I drinking Annum. Thats the only one selling in my NTUC here. Its the only brand that comes with either original or chocolate flavour. Heh heh.

Maybe I go for enfamama after I finished with Annum ba. My son drinking Enfagrow. Heh heh same family. I think can ask for samples online too. See if you like the taste.
show us your pic la..we all can post it here ma...hehe so it'll give zion more inspiration to look forward to her dark BFP lines...hehe
oh folic acid is heaty? no wonder...yesterday confirmed AF late liao then I start with that...

Evening got big headache le... looks like it's real heaty ya...
i tink i dun mind chocolate. saintbaby did tell me enfamama have got chocolatey flavour leh...hehehe...i like!
hihi all,
ooo i couldn't stand the taste of those mom's milk. instead i drink meiji nia

re skincare : i use dermalogica. and for strechmark etc... put a lot of no use. still come out.. it's inherent..
so i just put bodyshop cocoa butter just to moisturise and lessen the itch.
wah so many posts...
sinkor, yes yes, and i got your blog in my girl's blog ... haha..... what a small world.

me on leave today...... later going to check out nursery schools for my girl liao...
I am lactose-intolerant. That means I cannot take Enfamama right? Am worried that I will puke after drinking.

BTW, i really cannot tahan, so I sms my bosses and told them I will work from home today. Oh, one of my boss also quit after she see me tendered. Cos she is also fed up with the stress and late nights.
not sure tho. But I tink it's to drink day &amp; nite nia.

I use dermalogica for facial cleanser nia.
Think I am having..ahem.. Infection down there.
Yellow discharge, but no itch.
Should I see a normal GP or must go back to my Gynae?

I tink there's a med to take if u're lactone-intolerant. My colleague got it from US. But not sure if it's safe for preggy mummy.

ok...here's mine...

*devlina sprinkles bb dust on zion*
