(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Hi Ladies

I am soo sorry for the late replies to all the nice mummies who asked abt the Desitin cream. I tried to read back to see who asked me but besides Rue N Lemon mummy i cant seem to find

The details are this

2x Desitin Creamy 4oz/113g expiry June 2011
Selling for $5
Box is opened but I PROMISE I NV used it at all..Coz my small 2Oz tube having finish =p my gal dun really use this anymore ..using Seabamed Carecream now.

For those of u who confirm wan den u PM me okies? While stocks last though i only have 2 =p

Anyone wants Mamil Step 2 Gold? Coz I got the samples from my PD but nv use. Now using S26. I dun need to have exchange, if u wan let me know so i bring for Dover gathering!

hav collated the orders.. anymore?

here's the list.. order highlight in red requires clarification.. eg, want pearls anot, sweetness lvl etc..

Hi chris,

Think I have to give the gathering a miss as whole family down with cough, not sure by that time will recover. Will try to go for the next one.

Like to share that spinach are high in oxalic acid which interferes with calcium absorption so take note on the amount consume.
Hi Raerae,

u using S26 Promil Gold? Did u request for Friso 2 sample? If yes, can I exchange with you? ;p

PM me yah coz I might miss ur post...
Hi morning.

Shihui, no pearl for my milk tea and all large milk tea with grass jelly is $5.

Does anyone need Nan pro 2, pigeon breat pad and lucky baby nappy liner? Can let me know I'll bring along on Sunday's gathering.
hi Ashley, thanks for organising the gymboree class. Nice to meet other mummies and babies. So sorry that my gal fussed so much during the class, she was sleepy as she refused to take her nap yesterday before the class. So paiseh...

And also, Sorry lil Candice, think my gal kept disturbing her, touch here, touch there. Oops! Think my gal make quite an impression.

tanly, I need NAN pro 2.

Anyway, I have the following to giveaway cos my gal is not using them:
1. Pigeon teat L - 1 pcs
2. NUK silicon teat (std neck) size 2 M - 1 pcs
3. Nappy liners - pigeons and 1 other brand (opened, but used 1-2pcs only. Left 90+ pcs per box.

Please let me know if u want. I'll bring on Sunday.
Peipei, I'll bring the Nan pro 2 on Sunday.

My girl have very very hard stool and got difficulty pushing it out. Any mummy got solution for this? It sad to see her cry while pushing her stool
<font color="119911">shihui</font>, i want pearls for both. fyi, honey milk tea no need to indicate sugar level de coz honey is sweet liao.
where u going to order from?
morning all!

blessedcyn, yeah...my gal had high fever tha few days before her tooth erupted...

raerae, our gathering is sunday not saturday rite?!!
6th June SUNDAY..
Raerae, superwalker not going...

Shihui, honey milk tea no need sugar level and I think the pearls come with it... Thanks!
morning all,

so sad.. my gal had diarrhea.. duno wats wrong.
PD day due to her dirty finger sucking

Maybe i intend to switch FM, but duno which FM to change to..
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD></TD><TD>Status</TD><TD>Details</TD><TD>Photo </TD></TR><TR><TD>1sttimemummy</TD><TD>2A + Lil A</TD><TD>Trnsfr</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ardenz</TD><TD>2A + Lil A</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ashley</TD><TD>2A + Lil A</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>Sent</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blessedcyn</TD><TD>2A + Lil R</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>Sent</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cass</TD><TD>2A + Lil K</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>Sent</TD><TD>Sent </TD></TR><TR><TD>chris</TD><TD>1A + Lil L</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>Sent</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>DevLina</TD><TD>2A + Lil E</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>Sent</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>FieDa</TD><TD>2A + Lil R</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>Sent</TD><TD>Sent </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jamie</TD><TD>3A + 3 Lil N</TD><TD></TD><TD>Sent</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jazz</TD><TD>2A + Lil K</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>lemontee</TD><TD>2A + Lil JX &amp; JH</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>Sent</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Liciafwy</TD><TD>2A + 2 Lil N</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>Sent</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mitsy</TD><TD>2A + Lil T</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>myboyjovan</TD><TD>1A + bb</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>Sent</TD><TD>Sent </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pei Pei</TD><TD>2A + Lil C</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>Sent</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Raerae</TD><TD>2A + Lil R</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>Sent</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rue</TD><TD>2A + Lil C</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>Sent</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shihui </TD><TD>2A + Lil PH &amp; PY</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>sporty</TD><TD>2A + Lil A &amp; M</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>Sent</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>stmama</TD><TD>2A + Lil S &amp; A</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>Sent</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>swanston</TD><TD>2A + Lil XY</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>Sent</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>tanly</TD><TD>2A + Lil S</TD><TD>Trnsfr</TD><TD></TD><TD></td></tr></table>
Deadline for payment and photos TOMORROW 1st June by 5pm.

No payment= attendance dropped.

No photos= one less baby for us to drool over... :p

[email protected]

Baby Photo Contest
1. Cheeky Monkey
Baby in his/her cheekiest antics

2. Smile Baby Smile
Cutest, happiest toothless smile

3. Yummiest Baby
All those wobbly flesh… *pinch pinch*

4. Fashionista Diva
Lovely! Charming! Handsome! Chic! Babies all dressed up…

5. Ice Ice Baby
One word. “Cool!”

Interested, please send me your baby photos (not too big file sizes pls) and indicate the category u would like tp participate in. No limits to number of categories.

Email me the photos NOW please!!
Hi hi

NO more Desitin liao =) Hee hee

Tanly: my mum say try prune juice?

Starrz: Which FM u feeding ur gal? Juz for info sake, NAN Pro 2 made in Philipines ( Highlighted this coz the NAN pro 3 is swiss made) and i dun like it coz when u miz the powder there are alot of bubbles N is difficult to dissolve. good thing is got Probiotics. Besides Similac,Enfalac N S26 Promil. It seems all the other brands are packed in Malaysia or other places. My PD ask me try Mamil but i am fussy abt where it is made though i am sure it makes no difference. Also, when my gal took NAN she oso lao sai, so i switch..N in the meantime, Dr gave my gal probiotics too. Hope it helps u in choosing!
morning, finally can post with son in school and girl napping. tml son's school close again, will be another busy and crazy day for me.

chris, no mother/father and baby look-alike contest? haha.

superwalker, not every tue is sahm gathering ma?

starrz, did pd prescribe probiotics or something for baby?
Hi Mummies and tanly,
My son did not poo for 4 to 5 days. Having difficulties pooing too. He is fully breastfed. Because of that he had fever but recover within 24 hours. I remembered my girl having the same experience the last time. She even didn't poo for 7 days and had fever around the same time. This time my mil suggested I let her do enima on baby. She got the enima tool from Guardian (for babies). After a few hours he poo lots. Soft but thicker than usual. Yesterday he didn't poo again. Hope today he will poo. I read in babycenter that it is normal as long as the stool is soft.
chris, how much are we "short" for the koi delivery? i dun mind ordering another cup... can u provide the address for the dover club?

raerae, i scared u turn up on sat and no one is there lor
Sporty: Thanks =) haha I have alot of stuff going on these few weeks..so am abit blur liao =)

Swanston: U got my trf? Oso ar.. I erm not a big KOI fan *digs bomb shelter* hha ha hmm sorry to all the KOI fans but yes to each his own =)

MBJ: It is made and packed in Singapore ..I was debating between Similac, S26 N Enfa..sigh but erm yah wanna save a teenie winnnie bit of money lor =)
raerae, i used to give my son wyeth too, till they recall due to the new ingredient lutein or something..anyway, ya, i agree, the others are slightly pricier.

to think that last time i grew up on simple fernleaf and nespray milk powder only. now kids got all kinds of formula milk.
raerae, have u tried koi before? how come u not a fan yet huh? heheh

fieda, try oolong milk tea! or the normal milk tea

mbj, what brand of fm u deciding to let ur J2 try?
Hi Shihui, yes pearls for both my drinks. And correction for my order - it should be Grass Jelly Oolong Milk Tea. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks!
MBJ: Yah Lutein is added n ow..It just tat is wasnt approved previously..Not tat it has bad effects or something..Lutein for eye development..and erm since me and HB wear glasses erm tot wanna bu her eyes hahaha..I took Nespray oso!!! Yah i went to NTUC den got a WHOLE aisle of Fm..i stare very long haha den got one auntie come by say...now so many FM hard to choose hor..haha

Sporty: Hmmmm i did try b4..both pearls N grass jelly type but erm i still not a fan haha Ok we dun say liao...haha all the fans wanna knock my head!
Ok, can i have oolong milk tea and normal milk tea for me n hub! Must choose the percent for sweetness? 75% for both? haha i dunno sia
Mbj, weyth got recall the milk? When? What happen? My girl is on weyth leh.

These few days she lost appetite due to constipation. Haiz... so skinny liao still don't drink. 1 aunty saw her and thot that she is only 4 months because she is so small in size.
Sporty, either Swanston or me will send an email with full address, directory/directions and more details for gathering later this week k.. "jing4 qing3 qi1 dai4" ..
Tanly: the recall was some time ago. It was because Wyeth added Lutein into their formula which at that time was not an approved ingredient by AVA. Correct me if i am wrong MBJ? Ur gal started solids? Sometimes i think they prefer solids more den go milk strike =)
raerae, good tha u are not "hooked", its not cheap lor! hahah

chris, ok thanks...will "qi tai" then cuz need to "plan" my route there...

tanly, it was sometime ago..cos they added lutein a new ingredient but apparently at that time it was not yet approved or something like that. but now ok liao..no worries, keke.

raerae, i also chose wyeth for my son last time cos of the lutein..good for eye ma. but now he on friso.

sporty, now dunno what to let my girl try...can breastfeed will breastfeed lor..then when she one year old then see how. but i was thinking let her try some fm first along the way. if not like my son like that, reject all kind of fm when i weaned him off. what about you? btw, which fm your son drinking now?

chris, next time i arrange? later no one respond how. haha. i no hao4 zhao4 li4 one lei.
