(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

re: baby's movements

you could actually count your baby's movements and chart them up for reference to determined if movements have decreased or what.. take note of the time when you noticed your baby's first movement, then continue to count 10 movements and note down the time of the 10th movement. Do this for like a few times a day during the times when your baby is most active, and do for a few days. the timing charted for every 10 movements shouldn't vary too far.

for my case, baby's head has engaged and now i'm into my wk 38 but movements still alot. so i guess every baby differs?

ddnikz>> Its from this company called Peter Pan studios.. they are taking pics for babies at all hospital.. Those typical photos.. nothing really special unlike the photography which Astro had recommended earlier.

After u gave birth.. there will be pple coming to knock at ur room.. so far, the hand/foot print company.. and the Peter Pan Studios. Of cos. no obligations.. they just came to ask whether u want or not..

I was thinking.. since my niece and nephew have taken.. i might as well take also.. my mama is kinda "collecting" this kind of passport size photo in a photoframe.. Then, can give the passport size photos to the grandparents for them to put in their wallet..
ddnikz > sometimes i also felt the same as you! hahas.. but i remember these experienced mummies always say : you will know when the real one comes! soemtimes when i felt discomfort / mild contractions, i'd practise some of those breathing, then lie on bed and take rest. if it's real contractions, it will only get worst with time and you wouldn't be able to sleep through it. so dont worry too much ya?
i think my nesting instinct is in full force.. i kept having these urges to pack & repack my bag, and then arrange & rearrange my baby's closet! also felt like re-washing all those baby things haha. time to dust my baby's cot too.. one of the disadvantages of staying on 2nd floor, dust gets into my house very easily. grrrrr...
Congrats Miemie, mrs neo, vodkarib and other mums!

xoxo: hope your delivery will be smooth. I think what others say are right. safety is most important.

clumsybabe: I gave up counting. I just take note my baby is moving.

My in-laws so wanted 3oct for my boy to be born, but the day is over already. Next date is 6oct (Edd). I got so bored waiting I went out and bought myself a new super thin and light notebook with good battery life. Think it's better when I'm doing confinement, can lie on the bed and surf net.

Can surf net at TMC or not? So far I've only noticed some of you talking about the one bedder can surf net. Mine is 4bedder, hoping for free upgrade.

Also very swaku, just signed up for wireless@sg after reading Astro's post.

I also never go for hospital tour, so that day I asked the counter how to register if I was going to be in labour.

TOld my husband that I don't mind baby doesn't come out now. I can still have a bit more freedom. HOw eh? I still behave like small kid sometimes.
Congrats to Vodkarib & Mrs Neo!

Re: TMC room
I was told tat once you have booked the room, you are not allowed to downgrade but upgrading is fine. They only allow you to downgrade if the room you have booked earlier is not avaiable. Re the upgrading from standard single to premium single, I understand fr the staff during my hospital tour that the cost difference is at $50+. The differences between the 2 types of room is premium single is newly renovated & there is a extra terminal for you access pc.

Re: Epidural
Is there any side effect for epidural? Heard some develope back pain after epidural. Anyone can share your experience?

Mrs Neo, I read fr TMC's website tat they will provide the basic baby items. I am thinking of bringing only 1 set of baby's clothing plus the receiving blanket. Is it good enough?
Congrats to Vodkarib & Mrs Neo!!!

Annette: was supposed to get back to you about the herbal bath, da feng ai. My friend's medical hall is selling at $3, which seems to be double of what the rest have bought but I have yet to see the packaging and quantity. May be easier for you to just get it from hockhua or EYS...
Hi, Congrats to Vodkarib & Mrs Neo!

Hi glass, there is wireless service in TMC, this service is free for the 2-bedder and above. For 4-bedder, you need to pay for $10 for the service. Remember need to request for the admin officer.
annette/PY : VE is no fun for me. both times i do, both times got blood discharge. Can skip is quite good. Like what astro said, during our labour they will do it often.

vodkarib and MrsNeo: congrats!!

astro : s.o.p. ah the drip. okay.
thank u.
envelope>> Dun need to bring pampers and baby wipes.. these will be provided by TMC.. They provide Fitti Brand and Johnsons & Johnsons baby wipes.. I think clothes and receiving blanket will be provided when discharged.. i am not sure cos i havent discharged yet.
ddnikz: i only know the real contraction is continuous a couples of times at next interval.the interval shorten when nearer to labor. most impt is continuous if not most likely is false alarm

Angie: its alrite.nvr buy fr hockhua n EYS, theyre overprice.so far the one backpain mentioned one is the cheapest hehe i had gotta it this morning
if u stay in the west,u can go there n buy also,just beside pioneer mrt station.

gal: wa hhaha then better dun do.
Envelope: funny the lady told me I can downgrade or upgrade. The resversation of the room prior to check in is nt confirm one ha. If they dun allow me to downgrade I sure make noise one hehe
vodkarib & Mrs neo,

Ur qns hv been answered. Rem not to mix 2 diff batches of milk when they hv diff temp. And do make up ur mind if u wish to chill or freeze ur BM at the time of storage. Do not decide to freeze some 10+ hrs later. Rem tt bacteria wld hv muliplied and when u freeze, u r essentially "freezing" the bacteria as well. I juz feel its not right. For safety reasons, i always prefer to be cautious. Rather waste the milk than risk sthg happening to the baby for drinking it.
Recommended storage for FBM is 6-8 wks in normal freezer (coz they r not deep storage ones and the freezer is opened frequently thus the temp will drop). Not advisable to keep more than this period of time.
U hv to get some glass bottles for storage ti save on using milk bags.
For lumps under armpit areas, b careful. might lead to serious engorgement. U engaged any masseur. If yes, get them to help u massage away the lumps. Else u massage the lumps twds ur aerola each time b4 u latch. Hopefully will prevent any bad engorgement.
Happy bfg!
wa 2 days nv login.. i lost thread le LOL...

Super busy with my baby gal party ytd.. Finally can relax now till my new born comes
gal/ anette: I went to the coffeeshop nearby to buy dinner last week (wknights) around 7+ pm and they are still open.. so if ya going on wknites, then they still should be open.. Think maybe I will drop by there again if going there for dinner coz I've only bot the 10 small packs..

Angie: the ones sold at EYS and HockHua is the same as the one from the med hall at Pioneer MRT?
Hello Vodkarib

First of all, congrat to you.

It is okay to combine the expressed milk from different session within the same day
Just have to ensure that the milk are all cool to the same temperature will do.
Never pour in Warm (fresh) express milk into chilled expressmilk. As for the date stamp, you should use the date and time of the first expressed milk.

For more information, pls check this out :

jRRt (crystallized)
thanks for your advise on the storage of breastmilk on my previous queries
Mrs Neo, thks for the info. Rest well & share with us more when you are discharged.

PY, ur room reservation is thru the clinic's staff har? I think sometimes they are not very sure also. Coz I reserved my room right after my hospital tour, and the clinic staff doesn't seem to know abt this newly-upgraded premier single room until she called up the hospital staff to check.
re: contractions,
Just afraid that if my pain tolerance level high, I may just dismissed it as normal "false alarm".

today been fidgeting in different chairs. Non of the positions in the chairs make me feel comfortable. Kept having backache.
Envelope: I went to the counter at the lobby to double check with them if they have receive the hospital administration form and ask them abt this at the same time. Two ladies attended to me. First one was a noob I think cos she dunno how to check the system if they have receIved my form.. So another senior came to help her and she told me abt the room thing and ask me nt to worry cos upon check in still can change if I want to
thks all for the advice..
i was jus wondering cos at each session of pumping - sometimes i have too little (like less than 50ml) so i was thinkin of combining.
i got some glass bottles from TMC before i discharged..but problem is i don't have enough covers? (i only have 2 from the pumps). any idea where i shld obtain the covers for the glass bottles?

read above on some queries:
for TMC, they provide blouse, receiving blanket when discharge. fitti diapers,cotton wool and johnson baby wipes provided during the stay. they even provide a bottle of steriliser for you to bring home (all contained in a TMC bag)
i was very satisfied with TMC services during my 1-bedded stay. the nurses take gd care of you n bb, and understand the anxiety that first time mums feel.

wireless is free in TMC (password provided) for 1 bedder too.

but the few days in TMC passed in a whirlwind - i think it was a "waste" of money for me :p
i stayed for 3 nights actually - given that i was admitted to labour ward on the night before 28 Sep. ...*heart ache* the $ but oh well...
how many of you are actually goin to You Long Zi for baby naming? ..*Stress* i only have 1 week left to pick a name for bb. any other geomancers to recommend? any that i cna look for - face to face consultation instead of emailing all the name options to me?
gal^>> haha i shun bian ask them if they received anot ma.. then i told them that i didnt receive any acknowledgment from them... and they say no acknowledgment one ha... dun worry i think they received lah :D
lonerjas: yeap, i stay at the boon lay area, pretty near to jurong pt.. =) so will around the area to buy dinner back.. =p

Think anette most likely also stay round the area? else she must've specially made the trip over to buy the da feng cao wor..

PY/gal: the staff at the counter also told me the same thing, that upon admittance, I still have the option to upgrade or downgrade, depending on room availability though.

The gynae gave me an admission form with what is needed, like epidural etc, and asked me to bring it around with me.. But when HB and I went to the counter to enquire more on the charges for the usage of the delivery suite etc, the counter staff asked us to complete another A4 size form and kept that form with them wor..
Vodkarib: I bought the caps for the glass bottles from mt a retail pharmacy. Maybe you can check if the tmc pharmacy sells anot.
wow, the thread is moving vv fast now!
so many mummies have given birth already! congrats to all!

BB Aston is so cute! sleeping so sweetly!!

I've just went for my gynae check last fri, @37wks. My gynae also dun do CTG or VE or me. My bb has engaged, and its now a waiting game..
I've finally started my ML, and nw can sit home n wait for the signs!
Backpain>> yah! so i'll get really pissed if they tell me that i cant downgrade if i want to. hehehe.

shugar>> no worries i think Samuel will be able to go home very soon!
For those that stayed in TMC.. the best time to admit is after 12am ?? so can prevent being charge another night.. am i right to say that?
Waa.. congrats to all new mummies...

miemie: so u've given birth already aaa.. i thought that i would be earlier than u hahaha last check up, dr chen asked me whether i want to be induced on monday or not, but we prefer to wait until next week if haven't got contraction then will go to be induced :p. so how's urs? is it natural or induced?

Now, feel more n more difficult to breath ne.. waiting for the game, but quite nervous also...
. hopefully everything will go smoothly...
<font color="aa00aa"> dear all,

first of all, thanks for all the wishes. Asher and I are doing pretty well. He is total bf during the day and sub if he cries during the night.

my wound pain is tolerable. not as pain as I thought.

My birth story
2130 - on my way to kkh for inducing at 12 mn
2230 - worried I might start having contraction, gynea told her delivery suite nurse to put me in one of the suite
2300 - gynea set iv plug, on drip, anesthetist came,epi started, was inserted too deep and hit my nerve, got electrical shock feeling on my left leg, few times so he reinserted.

2344 - waterbag burst manually, urine catheter inserted, oxytoxin given at 6 ml/hr
within 30 minutes, increase to 12ml/hr and if I am not wrong, 18 ml/hr later. couldn't remember much as i was shievering quite badly and itch everywhere but I tahan and rest.

Then nurses and docs (except my gynea) kept coming into the room to check on the ctg reading and the sensor on my tummy. after a while, midwife even insert something into my v and said it can detect the baby movement better but failed.

0100 - on call dr, looks like a consultant to me, came into the room, titrate the dosage of the oxytocin to 12 and then 6 later on. told me baby's HR is dropping (lowest 70-80) when every contraction took place ( 1 min ), not enough blood supple for baby. observe for another 1.5 hrs.

in between, 2 midwifes kept coming to check the dilation.

0230 - on call doc came in again, check dilation, 5cm dilated. nurse manager came in, gave me oxygen, SHOCKED TO HEAR THAT BABY POSITION IS FACE UP AND -1, MEANS NO ENGAGED !!!told me they are not going to wait anymore, OT is ready, code green annouced and I was sent to OT room within 2 minutes. at this point of time, my gynea is still no where to be seen! and the doc told me the OT team will cut me if she is not back on time but she finally came and operate me.

Epi top up as I req not to be on GA, the aneathetist was nice, he said ok but if I felt sharp pain then they have to let me sleep. thank god I didn't feel any. IV morphine was given to me as well, on oxygen. the aneathetic was explaining to me every single steps of the c-section, the pressing, cutting, and congrats me when he saw my boy at 0244hrs. as I wasn't fasted and the inducing was merely 3 hours before they decided to cut me, I was so nausea and vomitted in the OT, another aneathetist was nice, to clean me up, I even vomitted on his hand.ops...

then sent to recovery room for 30 min and back to ward around 4am. Indication for Code Green Emergency C-Section : Fetus Distress, Fetus Brady and I was Tachy.

I scared the hell of out of everyone at home and my husband as well. thank god everything went well and baby asher is chubby boy, weight at 3170gm, 49 cm and YES, born on the mid autumn festival.

For Extra Extra Extra Information: my gynea is Dr. Yeap ML</font>
<font color="aa00aa"> oh yah, such vainpot, I was telling ppl my tummy shrink a lot, from 42 inch - 36 inch now.</font>
<font color="aa00aa"> yup it was very very very bad actually, hubby was so scare. I am pretty upset with my gynea too. she didn't come and see me today.</font>
<font color="aa00aa"> emergency c section hubby cannot follow, baby distress somemore so if there is any scene after baby is out, touch wood, no daddy will wanna see his newborn being resuscitate.

eh, that's why i put down my gynea name here. all along I never recommended her, got 2 ppl saw my blog and said wanna go to her, i told them frankly I am not a fussy patient so I will not say she is good or bad as I can only comment after my delivery, so now, I know who I should not go to lar.. to me la, maybe to others, she is still the best loh.</font>
hi mummies!! hows everyone? congrats to all that have popped!!! ;D i just got discharged today and bb titus is still in hospital due to jaundice.

back here to share my birth story..

290909 evening, gynae checked my cervix and i was 1cm dilated.. opted for induce on 031009

830am - i was getting up from bed and feel abit wet on my panty.. thought its just urine. got up as normal and went to bathe to get ready for work.. when drying up myself.. i find it funnie that why my legs are still wet after drying repeated times.. then got panic. i sat on toilet bowl.. tinking that if got water gushed out then that means that my water bag has burst, but no water leh.. but when i stood up again, i feel drops of water dripping out.. stupid me.. realised bb is the 'stopper' hence there is no water when i sat on the bowl.

840am - called hb and recalled him back for 'mobilization'.. panicky, i carried on to get changed... put on normal sanitary pad but got filled up within secs.. and changed into the pureen pad... hb got back home and sent me to mt alvernia.

915am - got admitted to delivery ward and nurse checked my cervix, still 1cm.

10am - gynae arrived, insert a tablet to my cervix to soften it...

5pm - gynae returned and checked my cervix, softened but still 1cm.. put me on drip to induce and trigger contractions.

920pm - the contractions got too strong and i have to request for epidural.

940pm - injected the epidural and it was so painful.. contractions were relieved..

10pm - gynae came and checked my cervix, dilated only 2cm, suggested me to go emergency c-section instead of waiting since waterbag has burst for 14hours.. baby's heart beat is very good and if opt for c-section, both bb and mummy is of very low risk. both hb and me nod nod to go ahead..

1017pm - pushed to operation theater, epidural made me shiver all the way thru the process of c-section.. can feel the pulling and thuggings..

1042pm - heard bb's cries liao.. bb weighing 3.51kg at 37weeks

wow, i am really amazed by mt alvernia's service and nurses, they really gave me a very pleasant experience and it's the first time i do not have the urge to get discharge asap and stayed for another day to let myself be more mobile before i return home.. i stayed at tmc for a couple of times during my first trimester but feel that mt alvernia is soo much so much better
my hb told me that my bill size is over 7k... (single bedder) after medisave tink stil need to top up 3k plus.. not yet go and see in detail.. not sure how much will bb's bill be. the pd visit him everyday.. just like my gynae..

okie, got to go now. have to go express milk and let hb bring to hospital... every 3 hours he has to make the trip... praying that titus's blood test for jaundice is normal and can come home tml..

take care mummies and very soon, you will all be carrying our precious on your arms!! and we shall have a gathering with all the bbs heehee;)

here's a glimpse on baby titus

Diana: i am normally a peace loving person. but if this has happened to me.. i will file a complaint against the gynae!..

PY: late come is one issue.. but engaged or not.. can screw up? quite horrible!
roxie! alamak. titus.. another stunner! so cute the way he yawns! :p he got cheeky face..
so cute the way u say recall ur hb for mobilisastion. heh.. i am right wor.. u didn't give birth to 4.2kg bb.. call me Gynae Astro? :p:p:p

i also water bag burst last time.. and it was a gush of water.. cannot miss it kind. urs is more civilised.. trickle. heh

rest well

i am still waiting. and i still havent got my name fixed.. haiz.. think yu he waiting .. and wun come out till i settle on his english name!
Roxie: think u will be the first to use kelly's service.. remember to call her hor.. less than 2 weeks old :p

let us know how the photography session went too..
<font color="aa00aa"> precisely!! A consultant can't tell engaged or not meh? she even suggested inducing a week before ! I was so shocked and thought I heard wrongly, asked hubby, he said YES, I didn't hear wrongly.

Service wise - still thumbs up, the OT team/recovery team/ward team are fantastic.</font>
Yes Astro!!! u are hottie gynae on mth!! hehee.. planned to induce but titus chose to pop earlier

heehee, i contacted kelly already! session booked on 13 Oct ;) will update u all again!!

diana: erm. i hope u wun take what i am abt to say to offence.. i am concerned.. coz all along u said u chose KKH coz they have the best pediatric team.. and even though ur gynae or KKH's maternity services not tip top u dun mind.. coz u only want the best for ur bb and ur welfare, by comparison, is secondary..

i hope after this experience.. u will learn to realise that u are just as impt .. for ur future pregs.. pls go to a better gynae.. i am sorry if i have offended
