(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Hi serenity, hi angelina!!
One other thing for me this week...I'm experiencing a full time sahm for one week. So today's number 2. Tired. But to see his face lit up, I guess I can live with that. Oh!! Today I went to a school and FINALLY manage to get one spot for a mother and goose playgroup for him complete with school bus pick up for him and one other adult..so hopefully he will have something ton occupy his time ... But the drawback is the class is at 9am and he naps at 9am...so between now and when school term starts. I have to manage to get him to drop his morning nap.... Any ideas?? Will you recommend cold turkey??

Hi all! Think it's been 3-4 weeks since I came in! Was so super busy at work, organising the bday party for Amelie, as well as a corporate event and spent the last week in Perth visiting family. It's our first trip overseas with Amelie, and honestly, I was glad to come home! I think A was happy to come home too. She didn't do too badly, but seemed much fussier than usual. Also cried everytime her father put her down. Real papa's girl. I was kinda getting impatient towards the end. It was rather tiring for us, since we have help looking after her at home. Initially tried to cook for her but she refused to eat anyway so decided to take it easy and give her jar food, which she took to better.

But the upside is, she got to meet her other family members from my husband's side, which was something that we wanted her to do. She enjoyed the company of her 10-yo cousin. And A really enjoyed seeing the animals. Esp the little animals. She was shouting and protesting that she couldn't pat the kid goats, and was so happy once she laid her hands on them. Bringing her to see animals was a little stressful for me though, cos she would pat them and then immediately suck her thumb! I let her touch some raw wheat at an exhibition and she immediately popped one grain into her mouth too! Aiyoh! Was frantically trying to wipe her hands each time she touched the animals. We brought her to the playground and she really enjoyed sitting in the bucket swing by herself. Would laugh and kick her legs. My conclusion from the holiday is this: Amelie is pretty happy staying at home and just pottering around. I think she missed home cos she cried hysterically at times and was more fussy than usual. She did enjoy some things like the little animals and swings.

Also, babies drink more milk than usual when they are overseas! Tip for mums bringing their babes overseas. My colleague already told me about this and it was true. She finished almost every bottle we gave her and we actually ran out of milk powder. Thankfully we accepted the milk powder we bought there. (BTW, Bellamy's organic milk powder is much much cheaper there.)

OK enough from me for now. Happy birthday to all the Oct babies! And a pat on our backs on surviving the first year! Well done mums!
Babymax : u read my mind, I wanted to ask the same question. About napping time n p,ay school time. I was thinking to put him in a half day ps, from 1pm to 7pm. Problem is that's when Josh will take his nap. N once he nap he will definitely sleep for 3 hours. Then how to change the nap time? Headache

Any ps to recommend around BT.Timah area? Why Eton is very expensive? Is it worth the price?
Funzee : that's sounds fun! Pretty sure A enjoyed all the experience that she had there. N good to let her meet her cousin also
Hihi, so long never login. Super Super busy with work and next week is the peak. 3 big meeting going on sigh.

Wish all Oct babies Happy happy Birthday.
Mummies anyone interested to get pediped shoes? Thinkin of orderig online and then splitting the vpost cost? I suppose it's cheaper than buyin in sg? Usd32 average per pair
haiz.... back from another disappointing trial, this time from jg

imo, the 90 mins was not well planned. i was very surprised that the first 20 mins was freeplay, for the bubs to warm up. then songs n story-telling followed by art & craft (to my horrors). after the bubs had paint on their hands which cant be washed off easily, it was 10-15 mins of snacks time. the bubs were then whisked off to the indoor playground for another 20 mins and back to class for more music (w keyboard). out of the 90-mins class, 50-55 mins was idling time. not as comprehensive as gug n i seriously tink jg is overhyped
maybe i shd haf gone in w low expectations.
Day 3 of sahm : had a few tantrums from my bubba today, threw everything on the floor, toys , etc. But he is speaking a lot of gibberish today. Unfortunately it does not come with a translation manual for me to interpret...but it's really quite endearing to hear him like that.. I had another appointment with another preschool on Friday but this one is up at the peak...rather long bus ride up.. But if he likes it, I will be ok. This class apparently has lesser students to a teacher. Very British sounding..I find this search rather daunting..what makes a good playgroup? Some say must have mandarin others say must have good facilities, still others tell me it's the affiliation with kindies...it's harder than me searching for a new employer!

Hi angelina: wah' 1 to 7, that's a very long session. Will they have nap times incorporated into the activities? Maybe if so, it will be easier? I think I have to wean him off the morning nap..but I'm worried he will turn into a grizzy bear!! Oh why can't they be simpler??
Babymax : half day here is either 7am to 1pm or 1pm to 7pm
Josh usually nap from 11.30 to 14.30 that's a bit bu san bu Si
But don't have the heart to wake him up before his 3 hour nap, cause he would be grouchy n grumpy , so difficult to handle
anyone keen to go kidsamaze this friday?
i wanna take half day off and brign teng and yh there play play before busy term starts again..

some pictures on this blogspot


oh.. there is this.. friday special..
come in groups of 5 friends and enjoy 50$ off.. for friday!!


keen? but might be more suited for older kids

starting the list..

kidsamaze @jurong safra
friday promotion: comes in gps of 5 to enjoy 50% off
when: Friday, 8 oct, 3.30pm.
cost: (refer to second url above)

1. astro
re: playdate @ kidsamaze

arghhh i want to go also, but have taken leave the coming Monday to recuperate from the weekend bday parties so this Friday must clear off some work leh...
dear Astro, anyway to reschedule the playdate to next Monday (11 oct) instead???

but if cannot never mind hor, can always arrange another one another day...
cat: but if on mondays.. then no 50% promotion for gps of 5 lei.. how?.. i tell u lah. half day fri.. and another half day monday!?
Ginger: So, in your opinion GUG is better? I am actually very keen in JG but can't enrol her now cos of work. Thinking of sending her for the bilingual class when she reaches 18 months.

Astro: Sigh..can't join...1) in Jurong -- to near IL for comfort, in fact VERY near! 2) WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey hey hey~!! wah so long nv come on here liao! oct is a really bz mth leh!

kidsamaze, wah i wanna go! but tmr cannot! and mon i am on leave actually!!! cos i will still be in NSRCC enjoying and it's KD's actual bdae!!! abit -_-" to travel from west to east for the staycation and then from east to west for this kidsamaze and then from west to east back to staycation and next day check out east to west again! ahahhahaha machiam like the sun wu kong.

take pics and share if it's fun ok? i think shld be fun! the place is ALOT bigger than polliwogs la.
Astro : sorry can't join , I have something going on at that time. U all enjoy okay

Btw just went to mindchamps at paragon. The place looks super clean n fully air-con but very small

Hope can get to go n see eton n pats soon
tien: yes, i m probably one of the rare oddballs who prefer gug to jg. 40 mins of freeplay is just too much, even if A enjoyed the rest of the class.
ginger: you are not an oddball lah. I'm actually signing up elgin for next term at gug. Just haven't had time to go down and pay yet.
I feel if I spend more time with him, he really learns a lot. So with a structured timetable, it's useful for me and him. Right now he can understand and point to addidas, nike, liverpool, clock, beijing 2008 and stuff because my FIL keeps repeating those things to him. So I think learning can start now.
Ginger and glass: But you girls will be doing the weekday classes right? Any idea which date will the new term start? At the moment I can only afford weekend. Not SAHM like u girls...sigh...
astro > glad to see the healthy you back in circulation :p enjoy your kidsamaze...i wish i could but i have meetings on that day.
Glass: So soon! I am waiting to enrol in November but I will still be busy then. You guys are enrolling where? I know you are keen in United Sq, right? SOBZ! This is when I always lament...WISH I AM A SAHM!!!!!!!!!!!
tien: i will probably take weekend, suntec but i duno if the teachers there r gd. any idea? next term so soon ar? i tink i go for term 1 of 2011 then... after A finishes his little gym term.
Ginger: Actually I have no idea about the teachers there. Maybe shld go for a trial again? At the timing we prefer. Problem is your little gym is sat right? Sun we have kindermusik. else can be in same class. Next Jan/ Feb my Edd...so if want to start must start around nov.
tien: me only sahm for a few more months. i think next year i have to go back to work already. Savings all depleted liao, must go and work so that i can pay for elgin's lessons. Sian man!!

Yeah, me at united sq. You can join halfway. they have prorated.
Hi all, am i right to say GUG and JG are the same just different styles of teaching the same thing? Anyone has friends who tried both and comments? Cos price wise, v similar.. I thot JG was alot more ex but apparently not..
Hi! How's everyone? Haven't been posting here for a while... busy busy plus tired and lazy!

Tien/Cat/Mie: I want to join you for the GUG trial can? I missed the one at mountbatten leh... I thot of taking up GUG/LNT after C turns 18mths but I think no harm gg for trial. Pls ask me alng. Thanks!

Oh ya... went for Shuana's class 2 weeks ago on a Tue afternoon and she's indeed good and very professional. She kept the babies engaged and there was hardly any quiet moments. As compared to the two other teachers, she's indeed the best but still, my impression of the quality of the other teachers there is also gd. Shauna is very experienced loh... And not sure if it's a weekday and her class is like an international class. Only 2 Chinese, 1 frm Philippine, 1 Jap and the rest 6 all angmohs.

I put Char on waiting list for Sun 3pm class though the staff said it's very long q. Anyway, don't have time to resume classes immediately too. But surprisingly, they called me few days ago to inform me there's a place this coming Sun for Shauna class at 3pm but we couldn't go cos of celebrations so we will start next Sun instead. Any mummies here on the wait list previously got the same time as me? Or all going for 1pm class? Tien, What abt u? Did you change the time and request for Shauna?

I enjoy viewing the pics of the bday parties! So many happy faces and so much fun! Too bad I couldn't make it for any of them.

Nonetheless, just wanna say.... Happy Happy First Birthday, October babes! Well done to our lil' ones and not forgetting the mummies who have done a great job too! Thumbs up!!
candy_white: PY, Mie & myself are on waiting list (under Shauna) for Sunday 1pm slot. So far have not hear from them yet, but we did mention we would like to start class from Nov onwards, after all the birthday celebrations... Think Tien had also made the request to change to Shauna's class as well. Maybe I'll give a call to Yenny tomorrow to check the status.
Think you got to ask. I'm afraid of giving up to my seat to someone I think is pregnant, but turn out to be just fat at tummy area. Plus you look so good, people can't tell.
HI Angelina, my colleague was telling me about wee care (near somerset). She sent all 3 of her kids there. Playschool for half day but I think quite ex. She said that the teacher to student ratio is low (e.g. 1 teacher to 2 kids). Can send the kids by school bus too. You might want to consider?

Poor thing, I think cos you are very slim lah, so people dunno you are preggers. BTW, I have only seen you in person once at Samuel's party. Next time hope to "da zhao hu"/say hello to you in person. I think Josh is totally adorable and I love how he made himself so at home at Sam's party, lying down in the pool of balls and looking totally comfy. Hahaha!

Quick questions to ask:
1) When can babies take seasoning in their food? I.e. share the food that we eat. I do let A try little bites but not eat in large quantities what we eat.
2) Can stop sterilising their stuff now?
funzee: i have a collegue who has both kids in wee care.. it is very exp.. and caters mainly to the expat.. they are supposedly to tbe the leading centres for childhood education.. there's another one at polliwogs..
LONG waiting queues...

1)good to wait till they are older.. 18 mths.. even that.. good to aovid the excessively salty, deep fried etc.
2)yes. in fact by 6 mths. u can stop sterilising liao..

xoxo: i didn't go in the end.. coz work :S
and no groups of 5 lah.. sian.
ok, today's is elgin's birthday, and I paid up for 1 term's lessons at gug today. He got his first school bag. Also bought his first pair of shoes now that he can sort of walk on his own, but I think it may not be suitable as it seems a little slippery, not enough friction on the soles.

re sterilizing, you mean can stop already?
me still sterilizing.
I'm thinking of stopping breastfeeding soon, since my supply has dropped super low, and I've done so far a year already.
Glass : happy birthday to Elgin

Funzee : ya met once only. Hope to see u n A again very soon. Josh is always like that, kinda thick skin just like me :p make himself very comfy everywhere

Wee care : Wah so good if the ration is 1:2 okay I'll check the website . So far imchecking mind champs at paragon, eton n pats school house
Cat: Oic... This Sun is the start of a new semester, Dew Drops, for the 3pm class. Maybe for 1pm class the prev semester, Dream Pillow, has not ended. I was told different classes has different start time for each theme. Think it shouldn't be a problem to get a class under Shauna. 1pm is too early for me. Otherwise I can join you.

Astro/Pigsy: Are you still going for LNT trial? Don't forget me!
tien: A's little gym will be on Sundays from 17 oct onwards coz he is moving on to birds class. the thing is i dread the idea of attending classes for both sat n sun so i will wait till jan ba.

is kay still gg to be attending classes next year? maybe they can be classmates after ur confinement
Ginger! Are you joining the current semester of Birds? Sun 11.15am? Then Bally, Amelie and Aiden will all be in the same class! Cool! BTW you look nice with your haircut from what I see in the pix posted on FB.

Astro: thanks for advice... appreciate that you always answer questions.
A loves toufu and screams for some everytime we have some, even the fried tau kwa. I just scoop out the inside for her. Yah, I also want to control the salt/sugar/fried stuff for her but it's ironic considering how I am such a junk food person myself!

Angelina: Thick skin is good - means he is not afraid.
funzee: yeah, will be in the same class as amelie n bally agn.
how is the pace like in birds class? r the bubs all walkers alr? usu papa or mama accompanies the bubs?
candywhite: yeap.. i will be calling up lnt this monday.. but wld be going for the one at toa payoh hub.. on sat, 330pm.. ( i dunno vacancies yet though).. venue gd for u? we would be starting in nov.. but let me ask first...

funzee: eh.. ha. i am just a kpo.. so pls dun mind me!
anyway.. u can do some tou fu recipes for A.. i think she will like it. let me see if i can find those recipes.. it is... somewhere.. :p
aiya. me also junkie.. and ha.. i limit teng's diet (when he was same age as bally) like anything :p

BTW, amelie darn kawali in the pinafore! and u are right.. the pinafore looks even better contrasted with the long white shirt! eh.. can i tag my friend (the lady who made the dress for amelie)? coz i think all the pieces i asked her to make.. are going to sell like hotcakes.. coz.. NICE!! hahahaha.. *thick skinned*

Mie: when are you going to upload belle's photo in that suit? :p

ginger: not all the bbs are walking. bally is not yet.. the pace.. hmmm.. i find it slower leh.. i dunno why. hahaha. anyway.. it is up to you to decide who to go in.. .. for the time being.. i am going to ask miser to go in.. hahahah
Astro: Is it? GUG teachers rotate? Hahah din know that.

Cat/Mie/Candy_white: Think we will just go for a trial and see how the place is like. We should be opting for Suntec. Likely to be after all the parties fever. Maybe Nov?

Candy_white: Wah you are lucky! I went with BB Kay last Sunday and honestly, I think teacher Jane got a lot to improve on. Yep Cat is right, I put myself on waiting list for Shauna's 1pm class too. 3 pm a bit of a problem. It's too near her nap time.

Anyway, I think chances of them calling will not slim. Cos many ppl in front of us including the OCt mums. Might not continue with them after the term especially if we are signing with GUG.

Ginger: I am thinking of starting November. After confinement I think I will still need a couple of months to get some energy back. Honestly, next year is a question mark. Just doing what I can for Kay now...still toying with the idea of JG when she hits 18 mths. But if really go with GUG, of course A and K can be classmates!
Astro: sure, can tag your friend who made the pinafore. I'm sorry I don't really have a good picture for you though. She was a bit fussy during that lunch cos we'd arrived that morning and suddenly so many unfamiliar faces. And yes, wld love any toufu recipes you might have. You see lah, 6 months on and I am still struggling with the eating problems. My cousin just told me to use pediasure for my picky eater. Will talk to PD about this next time.

Ginger: I don't go into the class, but yeah, I think there are some non-walkers. You can say that I am strange but I actually miss attending Little Gym! I like teacher Gerry's singing so much. This class has a few caucasians tho.

Anyone going to JG, or GUG again, I don't mind going for a trial.

funzee: does A drink a lot of milk? at this age, they need a max of 350ml of milk inclusive of any milk used in food preparation.. any more than that.. it can take away their appetite for solids.. Bally is only having 2 drinks of 180ml for hte entire day now.. sometimes he doesn't finish it also. but i leav eit coz he has his daily yogurt.. all the more makes up for it..
pediasure has a higher calories count as compared to normal FM.. good to talk to ur PD on it .. coz Amelie is not exactly fly weight. hence u wun want to beef her up too much till obese :p

tomorrow Miser wants the boys to attend little gym.. ahhh.. going to have painful ear drums with over tired boys for the entire day again.. haiz.. there's another teacher,. Amy.. she sings well too.. more animated than Gerry.. Gerry is just nice.. and gentle.. hence kids like her a lot.. but amy is more animated.. more experienced.. in fact for bao's class.. amy is the chief teacher..with Gerry supporting.. teng used to just want Gerry. now he prefers amy. haha. kids.. no loyalty one :p

let me go dig up the recipes and see if i can pass it to you during one of the sundays. ..
