(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

BB: ya now everything got to prepare double.. but luckily got some kind sponsor haha.. actually is hubby's sis & some of my colleagues who pass over their child's clothes etc... btw, do ur god-daughters slp in the same cot? hubby & I thinking whether we shld get one cot onli or shld we get 2? as for stroller, we think have to get those meant for twins ba.. *wonder if got some kind sponsor.. haha

Lynn: there was another lynn who was having twins too. oh or are you the same lynn?
Lynn Ng (baby_lynn) is the one having long feng tai.. mm.. suddenly i also having the same thots as shugar.. same lynn, different nick?
miemie: up so late? hehehe
went to the Robinson sale today. got some tops that can pass off as maternity wear.
but didn't have time to go check out BB stuff leh :S
heyo..anyone here experiencing a weak bladder?

i'm fast awake cos of frequent pee trips. the bladder fullness is almost always there..and it's worse when i lie down to get to sleep.

the weird thing is, when i make that loo trip, the babe will "move" downwards and enforce an almighty pressure in my pelvic area to "stop" the flow! midway somemore!!

waaaa..this is frustrating..not being able to pee in full..any tips to deal with this?

shugar >> haha, i nearly went for the robinsons thingy yesterday. will be going this afternoon..

lynn >> whoa..you appear 7-8mths preggy now? that's simply amazing!!
hi Lynn,

nope. luckily my fren was fortunate to get passed downs so they slept in different beds all e while. they oso din get e twins stroller as sometimes it's inconvenient due to e width / designs..so they took over passed downs too..

indeed. e tummy b bigger in a way
n weights too..u tend to b more tired easily so do take care..

hi Xoxo,

indeed. me too. no choice altho may not hv much output vs feeling 'full' bladder :p
is there a sales at robinson? i want to go to Bugis this afternoon. since gg out will c whereelse to go..been coping at home for at least 3mths..finally 'free' now..hahaha..

btw, Anyone here got pants - good buy? for me, enough of dresses n skirts as colleagues did start to pass down skirts & top + my own skirts ..feel like wearing pants / jeans but only got those straight cut loose cotton expandable types..yet do not want to grab ex ones as they say in Mth5 tummy will stretch..prob i shld wait till another mth first :p
Good morning mummies!

I'm not feeling very good.
Anyone had any problem finding a good Maternity/nursing bra?! I went to Tampines hunting for it but was disappointed. It's only 4 months into my pregnancy and my breast size had increase. I can't find a fitting bra at all! Mark & Spencer is my last hope.

Thanks ww for the fruits. My son enjoyed eating it.

I'm trying to control myself that day cos I felt that I eat too much... but this xoxo will make me feel so sorry for myself if I gotta see her eat! =P

I don't mind going to your place and swim. But that's provided your place is within my limited road knowledge. You know? I'm still learning how to go to our yoga place. 815am is too early for me though cos I gotta get my son to school. My free time is from 10am-6pm. So if you guys are meeting in that range, do give me a call!

Ha, I'm only doing myself a favor by giving it to you. I will only feel miserable if I'm going to stare at it any longer.
This is the bed that I mentioned. Is it the same as yours? I remember the price wrongly though =p

substitute **** with bayb
i dun appear very much pregnant till now... haha.. still wearing my old clothes!!

congrats lynn! both also Lynn NG??? very interesting.....

Wow, you are one fortunate lady! You make me feel so old... It's great cos at this age, you have endless engery to keep up with your twins! wow, when you are only 33, your children will be 10 years old! Envy!!!
Regarding bladder, I remember when I was having my contraction, laying on the hospital bed, I kept having this urge to go to toilet. But nothing came out when I'm there. When I return to my bed, the feeling will still be there. So I went walking to the toilet a few times in the mid of my contraction. In the end, the nurses use a tube to poke into me and release all the urine. I felt so comfortable at that time! If only they do it earlier, then it would have save me all those trips to the toilet!
*hands up* looks like i am ur "partner" in crime. I wake up some 3-4 times at night for toilet trips. Just before i head to bed, my toilet trips every 3-5 mins! And each time got urine some more!
LOL.. definitely nt the same Lynn Ng cos my surname is nt Ng, that is my hubby's surname.. My surname is Terng (Teng) since the last 2 alphabet is ng, same as hubby so I intend to use NG in my nick..

xoxolight: I duno if I realli look like 7-8mths pregnant now but there are pple who comment on that.. so I wondering lo.. maybe b4 pregnant, I already have a bit of tummy so when pregnant with this 2 babies, I look bigger..

now u all make mi wonder who is the other Lynn who is pregnant wif long feng tai too.. sure must make friends wif her cos so far I dun have any friends by the name Lynn b4.. so if I can get to know one & expecting long feng tai.. that would be great..
BB: ok.. but if get 2 separate bed, no space leh.. we staying wif in laws now.. house haven ready yet.. so if to have 2 baby cots in the room, our master bed room will nt have any space for movements...

now u toking abt the stroller... another pt to note is the width & design.. got to discuss wif hubby 1st & see how...
i just bought a few from OIO. quite comfy. somemore now promo for certain models. go and check it out. the model i bought is 1-for-1 right now. u get 2 for around $30+. thot its not a bad deal.

hey, i hope you dont have urinary track infection. do u have a burning sensation when you eventually pee?
i went to both the kaki bukit places yesterday. saw like tons of strollers. then today my fren told me gonna lend me TWO strollers instead of one. one heavy duty graco, and one lightweight aprica. ok i aint complaining. no need to check out strollers anymore! haha... but i did notice the weight difference. so far aprica and combi seems much more lightweight and easy to handle then the other brands. taka has a good variety to check out. have fun mummies!
Xoxo: saw that u attend prenatal yoga classes? Where is it at? Can recommend? My back is breaking n I need good stretches ;)
If only I can go for massages

By the way, just to share I bought a pair of really cheap maternity pants at dorothy Perkin sale. Elasticband which is adjustable. Although my tummy is not visible yet, but since I m growi g out of my current work pants, thought it was a good buy at $39. U all may want to shop there!
we are attending pre-natal yoga class @ costa rhu condo (in tanjong rhu). next week will be our last class (cos we bought a package of 4 classes). but i think we should more or less be continuing so you can join us for the next batch of classes?

instructor colleen (forgot her last name) normally teaches at mother & child in tanglin mall. but charges more expensive.
i just went to check out the baby hyperstore at kaki bukit.. they do have LOTS of baby car seats, strollers etc.. really a hyper store.. but the brands they carry is rather limited.. so far we have shortlisted quinny zapp (the cheaper version to quinny buzz) coz its really light and easy to manouvre, and maclaran... still looking ard, and then we went mothercare and we saw capella, also shortlisted that.. as for carseats, still at a total loss...
i saw combi & aprica @ taka today. very lightweight. all around 4-5kg only. friends have given me feedback that lightweight one actually end up being more used. cos easier to move around and all. do have a look.
mie" ya aware that quinny zap has a minimum hieght requirements for bbs to sit in hor? not meant for newborns.

welcome lynn: wow.. another pair of twins.. wah.
mine is capella.. with a full canopy and almost 180 recline.. can tahan teng's 18.5 kg.. from birth till now.. these days.. he not using it .coz we have started forcing him to walk since dunno when.. planning to use that again.. ha.
Hey ladies!!! Am so excited leh.. gng for my detailed scan tmr...

Am still thinking of wat brand to buy for stroller.. think still have time to recce and compare a bit.

Btw, are u gals gng to breastfeed ur babies? I think i definitely will.. Which is a gd brand to go for for the pumps?
morning all,

happy belated bday to u


u can try medela. not bad. if u have the spare cash, heard Pump-In-Style(PIS) has a good suction. I did not get to compare the pumps as I have been using the hand-me-down PIS from my sis since my first preg. but i have a frd who also bot freestyle n she comment that PIS has better suction den freestyle.
hi Lynn,

indeed. that's why my fren's house used to be v crowded as she lives in a small flat. so perhaps u might want to find a big one enough for 2
two pairs of twins with mothers sharing the same name! So cute.

I just had like super pregnancy talk with my colleagues today, coz today is relax day. One has a super close EDD to me, so we talked about routines and stuff. Plus our babies really active. Keep moving and swimming at all times of the day.

Then, I chatted with 2 mums who just gave birth. Talked about gender with one of them. Really huge disparity with too many boys. She said at her son's playgroup, there's only one girl, and 7 other boys. The girl is highly sought after by the boys. hee.

Then later on, another came in with her expressed milk, so I discovered the place to pump at my workplace. She said to get the double pump because it's really fast and good. Medela, dunno what style. The other one couldn't breastfeed much, and gave up. So this mum said she joined the breastfeeding support group and got good discounts. Going to check that out.

Whoever mentioned that Gina Ford The little contented baby book is really great! I borrowed from the library, and it gave me ideas on how to do up the nursery. Simple things like curtains, I never think about it. Coz now my curtains are quite see through, so at night I can't sleep very well coz the light filters in. They recommended curtains that totally block out the light and also dimmer switch and other tips. Reminds me of hotel stays. I read them to my originally reluctant hubby, and then he got excited as I went on.

I think I'll check out the strollers and stuff in June, when I have a bit more time.

My supervisor has just returned from a half a year course, and she's pregnant too! She looks pregnant already, and she couldn't tell I was pregnant until one of my colleagues told her. So exciting.

Think today I'm really excited about becoming a MTB.

Btw, has anyone of you started reading/talking to your baby? I'll sing humpty dumpty at night, and one or two other nursery rhyme. Then I try Mandarin, coz I want my baby to be billingual, but I only know the Chuang Qian Ming Yue guang, and another cruder Teochew rhyme, about ABC, prickled vegetables fry with bread. Hahaha. Think I'll borrow Shel Silverstein book of rhymes from my work place to read to my kid.
hahaha... you're quite cute. i guess when we're preggers, we tend to notice many more preggers around us. i was surrounded with mothers at my workplace. so i am quite "trained" by now about the ups and downs of motherhood.

yah, my ex-colleagues mostly use medela PIS i think cos double pump and quite fast apparently. we had 2 very nice nursing rooms for nursing mothers with fridges inside and all. so that was great. too bad i dun work there anymore. haha...

yah baygon (astro) was the one who talked abt the gina ford books. and i went out there and bought 2, including the one u mentioned. then another one about called contented sleep guide or something. find them quite insightful.

congrats! 2nd pair of longfeng tai in our thread. how interesting. most of us here are green with envy.
Hi hippo, i had been noticing that, because there had been a lot of mothers at my previous workplace and my current workplace. I would chat with them, but never in detail like now. But just now I still a bit blur when they mention the different brands.

I also told my husband that his mother must know the Gina Ford routines, so that we won't have problems. I think they wil come to my house in the day and leave in the evening. So in the evening, can put the baby to sleep without them interfering.
Been eating abit too much cabbage and lettuce. Could it be i m too tired to think of what to eat? Have a lot of unwelcome visitors who keep complaining that my cooking is plain and bland.
wa you make me feel so guilty about being a MTB.lol.You really put in such an effort to be a good mother.kudos to you. seems like alot of preggy women lately. I was at JB yesterday, and I saw like 5 in a 2 hr span.

Was doing my nails there, then I realise the hospitals in Msia will scold the mum if she was about to deliver and had nail polish on her. Cuz apparently if you had to emergency C-sec they needa check your fingernails for 'signs'..think gota do with sugar levels or sth..not reli sure.
But weird uh..never heard of such a thing before.

For durability and determined by also the up to weight load it can take should be 2 most impt points. I chose Maclaren cuz its lighter den Graco and long lasting and holds up to 4yrs old. Reasonably priced too.Not sure about combi.I find it too light and may be uncomfortable for my bb if go thru uneven floor. The wheels like not absorbent to vibrations.

Quinny is DE best la, but too ex for me..unless i plan to have #3, then worth the dough!
ong: got new maid already, so leon still sleeping in my room. im also quite particular about kids being too sticky to maid so prefer him to sleep with us while we can still manage. renovate the house, i think not worthwhile, as we do plan to move in 3 years time ... so i dunno lah ...
im quite a jialat mommy i think .. always try hard but never follow 'the books'

CONGRADS LYNN! I would love twins, one boy, one gal some more!

about stroller ya #2 i will try to train to use, but i wont let them use when they are 'overaged' for pram, that is max 1.5 to 2 years old for me? once they can walk well, they should walk is what i think lah.

sian monday. jus sian things happeninng at work.
huimin, no lah, once I get excited about something, I'll go all out. Don't ever feel guilty about anything.

I have this 'addictive' phase, like the time I was interested in scrapbooking, I went to spend more than $100 on all the stuff, but once I finally do it, I lost interest coz it's too hard work. I had been so stressed at work, so when I finally finished some major work, I have time to think of all these.

Oh yes, they were telling me about strollers, how some are too light, when you hang things at the handles, the stroller will flip. Another one cheaper one would not go in a straight line when pushed, and the wheels are just weird. But too heavy and steady, the person pushing it may not have the strength to keep the stroller or use it.

pups: where did you get your maid from? as in agency and country. how much do you pay in terms of levies, pay and stuff? I'm thinking about getting one becoz my in-laws suggested it, but suddenly my husband only wants to hire a part time cleaner to clean up the place on weekends. I'm the messy type that will mess up a place within a few days. When baby is here, I think I will super live in a slum if nobody helps me with cleaning.
jot: who are the unwelcome visitors? If they complain about your food, isn't that good? It means they won't come back and eat your food, then you don't need to cook for them! As long as you can eat your food, who cares about others. hehehehe.
mine is a transfer maid, after my last maid, i realised im keen to pay more and have a v specific criteria. ie older >30, hv kids, n i can speak to previous employer.
she seems ok so far. i need maid cos sadly i got no support from my parents at all, and i totally don get along w my mil, she is extreme case.
at some point down the road i will consider being sahm.
tough la being a mom. is like i wan 3 kids, but if i wan n if they shd ever want to consider studying overseas, i would really hv to work for the $$.
in the end im the kind work full time, and work full time as mom too, sure grow old dam fast.
pups, ok, if I'm getting a maid, I'll ask you for things to look out when hiring one.

Our kids shouldn't grow up to expect that we will sell our houses just to let them study abroad. That's 20 years the road, so don't worry about that yet.
Hi mummies!
What a big down pour! I was caught in the rain after I did my marketing. My mum is away to Perth for a month so I'm left all by myself to think of what to cook for dinner. It's not an easy task!

Come come, I will grow old with you together. I'm like you, no support from parent & mil. To make things worse, my hubby is station in KL during weekdays and only comes back on Sat. But we have plan to stay with my mil and employ a maid like you when my 2nd one is out. At least you do not have mil issues. I dread the time when she's moving in. I have no choice cos she's living alone and is rather old. The line I'm in is rather stress. Most of the time, I'm scolding people in my last job. So when I return to work force next year, I'm sure I will age faster with 2 kids & a mil on hand! We can't be 100% perfect. But I will be happy if I can reach 70%-80% mark. Sometimes, we just have to learn to let go.

Your ex work place is really pro breast feeding. How nice! I remember I gotta hid in toilet to pump when I'm breast feeding number one. That's also one of the reason why I can't get the electric pumps.

Basically I have tried all the bras in OIO and none of them fit well
I gotta say the sales girl is very nice though. She promised to check if there's more bras in their warehouse with my size.

Just tell your unwelcome visitors that you are having healthy eating!

Happy belated birthday!
sotong mum
good point abt the breast pump. If your office is not pump-friendly, have to remember to opt for manual. Besides for mummies who wana bf for long, electric can be more convenient and less tiring but weigh the cons when you go back to work. All that noise tooo!

abt childrens education, it reli is a scary thought. although it is 20 yrs down the rd, but we gota save in any case. Even if we dun have the full amount, we can help ease abit of burden.
I am very very fortunate to have parents who put me and my sis thru school in Australia without me having to take up a loan. And it is also because they have CPF money to help with the finances. But with the latest changes to CPF retire money, you can practically forget taking out any CPF money for travelling or emergency when you are old.
glass: haha ok. but i tell u first, im a real lousy judge of character! :p to me everyone is nice. but ya i prefer with own children. cos like us, once we marry and become moms, our priorities when we go out are v different from our single friends. however con is some married w children miss their kids too much, hence i prefer one with exp in sgp so knows what to expect already.
sotong mom:
ya my MIL is buay tahan too, actually if i am submissive n easy going, i can 'happily' live in their double story house. like u, my mil also alone, so sigh, it is not the best decision for her, but it is the best decision for my children n me not to stay w her. she is v bitter (FIL left for another woman in recent years) and feels her son is god's gift to me, and i'm some kind of lousy woman (can't speak chinese n cook) so i will not take living in her house. i'd rather carve my own living even if it takes the life out of me.

ya, so to a certain degree, i have to work lor .. especially my current plc so small n i do wan to fulfil our dreams of 3 kids ... but that said i can consider other options work part time sort of thing.
same here my mom supported my overseas education ..

i beg to differ. i wan an older maid with kids but no experience. mayb cos i have a bad experience with a very experienced maid n tat puts me off. i rather teach a new maid things den to bother myself with politics. haha
i agree both have pros and cons. well the way i hope to work around that is to have a vvv strong recommendation from ex employer.
i got no time to teach a maid from scratch. even right now, my maid arrived saturday, im at work today.
i send maid n my son to my moms house tis morning as the maid in my moms house (my mom is working too and my dad is home, had stroke 3 years ago) is good, and knows how to train my new maid.
i agree politics is sian.
actually the whole maid thing is a gamble that working moms take.

sometimes u mite be tricked by ex-employer. eg, if i so eager to get rid of my current maid so that i can employ new maid, do u tink i will tell u the truth? ie, she sleep, eat alot and bad attitude? is a risk lor.
everything is a risk with maids lor. i spoke to a lot. and this one was v sincere, she is a dentist, and she told me she was not keen to let the maid go. unfortunately they stay w their mom who is mentally ill and pointed knife at the maid, so they felt it was time to move on. also ex employer did not allow handphone use but this maid wants. the ex employer did give me her pros n cons. pros being she is perfectionist w housework, and her best selling point is kids. con being she wants her own handphone and does not want sleep living room.
so im agreeable to the above.
im q particular about language n i find new one language just too poor.
actually ex employer called me to say if i have reasons to let the maid go, she wants her back as she is having problems w new maid as her kids r v difficult.
but all this said, the con w experience also means they do things as per the ex employer style. i can tell ex employer is v dependent on maid, and i am not. i don bring maid everywhere, and i rather the maid shut herself in her room when im spending quality time w my kids. so far, this maid super enthusiastic about my kid. but hubby n me told her already, unless we ask for her help, i don need her to read to my kid etc.
yah, everyone has different sets of criteria based on their personal experience with maids. my mum gave me very specific set of criteria when i went maid hunting. afterall, if my empress dowager says no, then its no. hahaha...

1) age group 26-30
2) married, separated, or divorced. just NOT SINGLE.
3) have done domestic work before in home country
4) but never left their country before. (mum thinks that those that have been around e.g. s'pore, m'sia, etc has learnt all the bad habits of life outside already. easier to teach those fresh off the boat types. more kuai)

yah, so based on that my mum and i picked the same maid. let me update you guys after she arrives. hahaha... we'll see if this criteria worked.

but to me, a lot of it has to do with your luck. if u'r lucky, u get a good one. if you're unlucky, you get a bad one. simple as that.
ong : ya i have register with the employment agency but once the employer know i'm pregnant, even temp or contract job they also dun wan to consider me...so sad, hw come they so look dwn on pregnant woman, we can work also rite....

xoxo : i have call the CDC liao, they say since i'm pregnant they cant find any job that match me also....so all they can help is ask me to fill up a form for finanical help...

Thinking nt to tell them i'm pregnant untill i get a temp job since my tummy still dun look like pregnant yet...wait untill work for 2 months if really tummy show then let the employer decide whether still wan to continue the contract with me anot...wat u all think, is it a better ideal????

joanne: im surprised CDC can say such a thing! so much for non discrimination. given that sgp is such a 'rough' envt, best to go thru family or friend contacts. we will look out for you.

about not telling, i not sure, but i think a lot of forms will ask if you are pregnant or not
