(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

huimin: was so tired.. and busy at work. till feel ike dying! :S.. today on mc.. sore throat. yesterday late meeting.. missed dinner.. threw up and fever last night. now feeling better.. so come post liao lor..

wah. all ur lil ones kicked? haiz. mine still HIBERNATING.

babies all cute lah

haha...cannot lah...must tahan not to smile.haha..i know what you mean..sometimes after i beat my girl hand, i will sayang her back and at the same time i will remind her it's because she's naughty, that's why mummy beat..

aria is super timid too.. it took her 1 hour to warm up during the may day gathering!
wow... seems like all the babies are starting to kick aldy... mine still quite quiet but today my stomach feeling funny, like very hot n 'suan'
Hi All, wat i have fear most finally come, on tat day i know my amnio test result is ok & know the gender is a gal, i was kanna retrenched. 1 gd new & 1 bad new They only compensate me 1 month notice. Nw jobless + pregnant hw to find job??? Really depressed now, still hv 5 more months, hw to survive with only my hubby little 1.2k salary.......Y this thing will happen to me this time....wan to find temp job to help me tide over this 4 months untill i give birth also difficult. Once pple hear me pregnant liao all like c ghost like tat....why why why.....hw to survive untill i give brith if really cant find a job....my monthly gynae fee, hospital delivery fee, all need $$$$$$....How How How....any one have temp job lobang????
u r back!!!
get well soon k. u must be too overworked. thats why fell sick. *sayang*

i dun think mine kicked yet. but i think there's been some fluttering. ...

i spent 1/2 half day @ katong shopping ctr, cos all the agencies r there. finally found one that i was comfy with. do u need one urgently? if not, let me assess how is the maid when she gets here mid june first? if good then u go. if lousy then strike off the list!

thanks for the detailed description.
i think its fluttering i been feeling. not really kicking yet.

hahahaha... u r damn funny about the king breaking the skateboard. hahahaha... i dont think he'll be very impressed tho. never mind. secret between us.

actually my fren offered all those things to me. cos she has no one else to pass to already. so all pass to me lor. am quite grateful for all those things. i think will splurge a little bit on princess clothes first. hehehe...
u r back!!!
get well soon k. u must be too overworked. thats why fell sick. *sayang*

i dun think mine kicked yet. but i think there's been some fluttering. ...

i spent 1/2 half day @ katong shopping ctr, cos all the agencies r there. finally found one that i was comfy with. do u need one urgently? if not, let me assess how is the maid when she gets here mid june first? if good then u go. if lousy then strike off the list!

thanks for the detailed description.
i think its fluttering i been feeling. not really kicking yet.

hahahaha... u r damn funny about the king breaking the skateboard. hahahaha... i dont think he'll be very impressed tho. never mind. secret between us.

actually my fren offered all those things to me. cos she has no one else to pass to already. so all pass to me lor. am quite grateful for all those things. i think will splurge a little bit on princess clothes first. hehehe...
hug, don fret. what sort of work are you looking for? my company is quite a big firm, we take in a lot of temps every now n then.
any previous employers to contact? first pregnancy i found contract job whilst pregnant thru my previous employer hence the suggestion.
if u r ok to teach, sign up as standby teacher at pri schools near your home, there is a chance they will call u for relief teaching.
pupsandcups : i'm looking for admin job. I'm ok to work as a temp or contract staff, juz to let me tide over the next 4 months untill i give birth....wat important most is to have income in every month. Think after give birth i will rest only 2 months then start work liao coz no maternity leave for me cant wait till 4 months later then work....
joanne: i'm sure u'll be able to get a temp/part-time admin job. dun worry k? take a few days rest and then continue to look for jobs.. will keep a lookout for u also..
Hi all, thanks for all your congrats!

Hi Joanne, cheer up and I believe you are able to find a temp job and I will help you to keep a look out for it.
baygon: hahaha that calendar is for entertainment purpose also lol. cannot believe 100% haha..

my bb also hibernating leh but sometimes when i let her listen to music she will "poke" me abit.
baygon: whoa, if fish oil needs to be taken till delivery then i really need to source for cheaper alternatives ler, coz cant be spending $50 per mth till birth then still keep on spending during breast feeding period.. sigh, so ex..

sweetzinc, hui min: okie, if that's the case, then will be girl wor.. hmmz, coz i dunno my ovulation period and also due to irregular menses, chances of me getting a boy should be quite hard.. that's why hubby always have the idea that he will be getting a daughter.. but hmm, i cant really explain it but the maternal instinct that i got seems to hint at a boy leh.. haha, not sure why, but this is the feeling that i am getting.. haha.. so very interested in knowing the gender.. =p
Angie: haa most husband would want a girl.. lol maybe that's why there's daddy's girl and mommy's boy ha. but for me i'm fine with either coz first one most of the time wont hiam so much hhaa.. 2nd one then will more stress liao.

Do you dream of having girl or boy? my mom , hb and myself dreamt that i have a boy. haa which turns out to be the opposite. dreams are usually the opposite haha. but since doc told me 95% girl then my hb dream of a girl now ha!

any regards to the fish oil hor i didnt take it every day.. sometimes i dun feel v well then i wont take, coz take liao still will puke one lol. somemore mine is $60 per box leh so ex! which is $2 per cap =.=
sweetzinc: dunno lehz, haha, my husband very weird one, initially think he preferred a boy coz he can play rough with him, but later on somehow, given my irregular menses, he actually prep himself to have a daughter instead..

hmm, i dun have dreams of the future kid leh, but somehow when i know that i conceived, the feeling that baby is a boy just came along.. haha, my gynae appt's this sat, hopefully at 4mths will be able to tell.. =p
Angie: cool! hahaha my appt just over last week, also at 4 months but bb dun want to open the legs.. the doc tried to wake her up abit then she moved the legs. but still not v clear. haha gotta wait another 1 more month wah piang neck long long liao...

my hb also said if boy he can play rough with him throw him ard, play ps3 lah etc haha but he say girl will be good coz if have 2nd child, normally the girl will be more guai and will tend to help the mom ard the house. lol
astro: he just came out from my womb and he called me!! it was a freaking dream.. haha.. and my mum was the one who delivered the big baby.. on the steps of some building.. hahhaa....

I tried Amway omega 3 before. You interested? Content is much better then the 1 i wrote. 120 tablets cause abt $50++ let me know if you interested. I am not selling, my friend is. If not, you can check with any of your friend selling amway products.

I only know my Ryan is very handsome


Sorry, wasn't really paying attention when you call just now. Very Kan Chong cos I'm playing majong again with a very swee hand. And it's those kind that people do not know how swee is my cards.
You are right, preggie women are damn lucky!


Sorry to hear about your retrenchment. Do sign up with the agencies. I still get calls from them asking me if I'm interested in contract jobs even though they know I'm preggie.

That chinese calendar is right for my 1st and current baby. I was hoping it's wrong.


Not all boys will play rough. I love roller blading and always want my son to take up this sport. But he always said "No mummy, I will fall down. It will be very painful."
sweet: yeah lor. worse when i can still remember until now..haha...

fish oil - try to buy such supplements from a reputable brand. non-reputable/cheap brands may not have good formulations for absorption. hence, make sure u purchase the right type.

i suggest that angie buy back the brand that the gyne had for u.. in case anything goes wrong, at least u r not held liable, cos its the same brand..

hope i make some sense...

Ya, used to be so "sporty" till I ignore my studies
gotta learn through the hard way by taking up part time studies.

Come come, hippo, you and me (anyone else?) can have a majong cum gems viewing seission. hmmm, the thought of it already made me happy!
wahh.. sounds exciting leh!!! haha..
hey.. i'm preparing my gemstone appreciation workshop... u girls can join in... haha.. imagine a group of pregnant ladies attending a gemstone class.. haha....
i'll try to cater for some food also... i know that's what we need every 2-3hrs.. haha

on! We gotta see pretty stuff too right? So that our babies will be pretty as well. keke Ops, sign.. I got a boy.
Never, he can learn how to appreciate gemstone now so that he can buy for his ladies in the future! I will go! But that's provided I know how to go :p
hahahaha... no worries. i was stuffing my face with prawn crackers as i was calling you guys. so i got no time to talk to you guys too. hahahaha...

so did you win in the end? i won big on sat. won small on sun. i tell you preggers on a streak man.

gemstone appreciation workshop. hmmm... dont bring me to this kind of lau nua place leh. can see cannot buy very jialat one leh. gemstone means all the coloured/semi-precious stones isit? got special rate for us or not? i very cheapskate nowsadays leh. hehehehe...
loke>> i also dreamt of babies last night.. i dreamt that my baby girl was born already, and my mum kept waking me up to go feed my girl, and when i finally woke up, my little sister was feeding my girl... the other day i dreamt that my hubby was a fugitive and i went ard so many places to find him and finally found him hiding in a 3-room flat, and i just cry and cry and cry when i saw him.. and i was really crying when i woke up... all these dreams are giving me no rest at night!!
jRt>> i tink somewhere in this thread we were talking abt retrenchment coz retrenchment's in the air.. my company just had their rounds too.. seems like only 3 months before and after our EDD we are safe...
Sotong: haa as long as the boy dun become like abit soft soft, sissy can liao. i also like rollerblading i would want my kids to learn at young age too! hehe.
hey all, wow so many posts here just for a few days!
i have been feeling "flutterings" (if tat is wat it's called) from my bb. it's more like gentle knocks & bumps under e belly. i'm now at 18weeks! my hb can feel it too (if he's lucky).so happy everytime i feel e movements =)

sori to hear abt ur retrenchment.if u dun mind taking care of classes of kids,you can try relief teaching in pri schs.just need 2 take care of a cls if e teacher is MC or something.teaching is seldom req.

can update e list for me pls? my EDD is 14oct09, KKH, gynae is Dr Kang Wee. 1st child.Gender unknown cos only detailed scan 2wks later. Thx!!

Of cos I got win
I so pai sai cos I can even zhe mo when the only card that I'm calling is the last one! I'm thinking... if all 4 are preggie then all will breakeven in the end?!

That's why I said "his ladies" cos I will be one of his lady! The other one will be his wife. Only 2 ladies. See how good this future mother in law will be?

I missed roller blade! The last time that I blade is the day before I found out I'm preggie. Thank god nothing happen! I haven't give up. Still trying to pursue him to learn.

Are you worried about your hubby's job? BTW, are you a SAHM? Don't think too much ok?

I dunno what happen to me. Yesterday slept at 1am and woke up at 4am. Then I can't get back to sleep at all. So thought of going swimming today to tire myself out. Swam 15laps then followed by majong session. By now, I should be knock out but why my eyes are still wide open?! Hippo, trying your method now, drinking meiji milk now.
Morning mtbs!
How's everyone doing?
I am resting at home today. Feeling giddy. Just got my blood results from KKH. My red blood cells count seem to be lower than normal. Going to ask my family doc first because my appt with my gynae is still 2 weeks away.

Ting: You are with Dr Kang Wee! I was supposed to be with her.
Tien: my blood test result same also. Was given iron pills and also a vitamin b jab to help in production of more red blood cells.
morrrning mummiessss
Another shiok weather to lie in bed, dread coming to work. So envious of those not working!Nvm, tahan another week, and I am freee from this.

Im so sorry to hear that. I have heard many many many such cases to preggy women. Feel that such treatment to us should be voiced out. Have a talk with your HR or your boss, make them know the difficulty. But from my understanding, retrenchment is inevitable in our current situation. As long as it is fair across the board, and not only you get the golden handshake. Then, basically sad to say, theres nothing we can do.

can, I sure can wait. You be guinea pig first ah..hahaa..does your agency have myanmese maids?My friend had a burmese and shes reli good.Just the english abit terok.

I lovve to play mahjong. U ladies leading the taitai life, can play in the day ah. But regarding luck during pregnancy, I just played last week and lost $100 to my parents. The feng shui in my house too 'huat' for them. Cannot outbeat their good luck omen.hahaha

I also have lower red blood cells, eat iron like glass said. And feed yourself with as much red meat etc;beef and liver as possible. Cuz I also have this problem, and when I had #1 I always have giddy spells, It gets worsen when in our 7-9mths..take care of yourself and carry sweets with you at all times.
glass/tien: if you are taking iron tablets, remember not to take it with any calcium supplements, caffeine or dairy products as these will hinder with the iron absorption.
on the other hand, try to take your iron with vitamin C, as this will encourage better absorption.
