(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Connie, Kam

Naughty, fussy, loudspeaker cries, monster in disguise and my impatience all is stopping me to try. Afraid to go through all over again..
your blog sounds interesting. may i read it too? add my email add please, janeeeee at gmail.com

maybe you'll get 2nd time lucky like me? my older boy puked a lot when young, didn't want to wean off breastfeeding, was difficult to feed, very active, refused to gain weight, had serious allergies, incessant eczema. then when i gave birth to my younger boy, he was so so so much easier to handle and feed. he was really an easy baby. once you've gotten pass a difficult first child, the second one can only get easier =) *keeping my fingers crossed for you*

sad to hear about your performance appraisal. enjoy your trip to new york! you'll have so much fun bringing her to walk around downtown! museums, shopping, library, parks .... wow

I'm also more of a painting person. But I thought Nefertiti wasn't too bad haha.But the sculpture I really like is Michaelangelo's David. Woo hoo!


If you just do it, like me, bun already baking in the oven liao, then somehow you'll manage.


Invited you! Can I read yours too pls?

I also wanna be 2nd time lucky. I don't wanna go through the whole BR-ign thing saga again

yeah! me too! i feel like taking a holiday! but my hub said that moving house will take up all his leave and even though he has A LOT of leave, he can't go off as his projects are UP time. zzz

i wonder if it's difficult to bring yihui on a holiday on my own. everyone told me it's suicidal...

strawberries have a laxative effect. but i don't know how many you have to eat for that to kick in. I have eaten half a basket before and i didn't run for the toilet. hehe.

i freeze my soup and stock all the time as there's no way i can cook all the time. so i just do it over the weekends. usually i finish them within the week. at most 2 weeks.

the job market now is quite good still. don't worry about it. i'm sure you can clinch one in no time.

They do? Thanks for telling me! I'll keep that in mind in case I need some help haha

You could try going to Bintan Club med. I heard it's very child friendly. They even have babysitters. And it's just less than an hour by ferry so not so bad.
peanut butter sandwiches, spit. Corn flakes and soya milk, spit. Sweet potato, spit! What's wrong with him!!! Is it sufficient if I just let him drink milk?
I'll be in princeton for 7 days actually, i think i will be bored to death! I might take the train to Phili on my own with Kate. But good that the trip will end in Manhattan so I can shop till i drop.
Are you still working part-time?

I didn't go visit Nefertiti but I WAS at the Neues Musuem, outside...waiting for our bus!
I still remember how much my hubs wanted to go see David's sculpture in Florence when it was already near closing time, raining, cold, I was kinda pissed when I saw David! Bad first impression

ok, will keep you informed.
hahahahahahah - poke hole in condom method! hahahahaha....*faint*

I am not brave enough to try for number 2. My hubs wants 2, but I shall stick with 1

Ah... I haven't seen that many. And the only time I saw David in the flesh, so to speak, was 10 yrs ago. No further comments. lol
Try either Picasa or Photoscape, both are easy to use. Most of the collages in my blogs are created using Picasa. Some are created using photoshop by my hub.

Yes, yes, you are very right! If bun is already baking in the oven, then somehow you will find a way to manage. My #2 is a "real" accident, we didn't get to think whether we can manage, how close/far should be the age gap, etc. No choice is always the best choice ya :)

Mine is opposite. HR is an exceptionally easy care for baby/toddler. XY is more difficult. But somehow we have gone passed that phase. She is really a lovely girl now :)

No lah, K where got naughty? Every kid is like that leh. Whose child doesn't cry? Whose child doesn't fuss? Whose child doesn't get naughty at time? Though I never label my kids as monster :) Every kid IS different. Don't be put off of having #2 because of #1. If you think like that, it's like very unfair to K leh, he is just being himself mah.

If you have no problem bringing YH out for fun alone, then you can surely bring her for a holiday alone. It's not that difficult. For this trip, we even flew budget, no in flight entertainment, but we managed, somehow.

Maybe he's just temporarily off his feed. Just let him drink as long as it isn't more than a few days bah?


Haha I remembered our fren dragging us to see that fountain.. Was it Tritan or Tristan or something in Florence? I thought, "What's the big fuss abt this pigeo-poo covered, dirty looking fountain" haha

Yeah yeah, we were talking abt this for CC arrangements too. No choice, less headache!

Sam's also a LOT more managable now. He has little hissy fits here & there (Terrible 2s, I guess) but on the overall, he's less manic, more responsive, more disciplined etc etc. He's sticking to me mroe too, I wonder how true is that saying abt No 1 sticking to the mummy when No 2 is coming?
Okay. My kids only drink FM for breakfast on weekends. Then lunch at 12noon.

I think I keep a small map for manhattan. You want?
got the invite, thanks! my blog's really public, you can access it at http://janeeeee.wordpress.com/

jul's right. club med bintan's really a wonderful destination to visit with your kids. i've tons of photos on my blog from the resort if you're interested. i visited it last year. just click on the "holidays" tab to search for it. i might go try out another club med if the price is right (waiting for online promotions to happen) because otherwise the prices are very expensive.

since your mil is the caregiver then you will have to discuss with her on how to shift the schedule around. you can let her know that it's for the benefit of her grandchild. usually doting grandparents will do anything for their grandchildren. hehe.
It's TRUE for me!! HR stuck on to me like super glue right after my first gynae visit till I delivered! I didn't believe it when people told me that, but it happened to me (and many other mummies too)!

i just took emirates to and fro london. i took the a380. the plane was great and new. but the service sucks. sq is still the best. if you take emirates, rem to bring a bottle of water there. i almost died of thirst! they only give me water after i had to ask for it like 3 times!!!! maybe they are used to desert living, so need less water. :p
errmm... shanis do stick to me but not much more leh.. i dont find it's much more.. haha

short trip
also thinking of doing a short trip.. thinking of either bintan or batam... batam seems cheaper... or should i consider bali too??
yes i'm still on part-time and get off work at 4.30pm. 20% cut in working hours, 20% cut in salary/leave/bonus/increment. but 100% work still, that's why performance appraisal and career progression not affected aversely. i went to harvard with husband before. 7 days not enough to idle around the campus and visit bookshops and walk around boston area. ah, don't think you'll be too bored in princeton lah. maybe can google childcare facilities in princeton, nearby these facilities should have free-for-all parks and playgrounds that you/kate can visit!

i have a colleague who's same situation as you. her first daughter was a dream kid. easy in everything, and she got a shock when second son came along and he was a fussy sort. she didn't know babies could be like that, haa ... both children are grown up and in secondary school now.

but if i bring her to club med and leave her with babysitter, then we won't be having a holiday together.


bringing her out alone is still ok. i'm wondering how am i going to struggle with the luggage and pram and still be able to go out with her, if overseas.... hehehe

it's trevi fountain!! hahaha. you are supposed to stand with your back against it, flick a coin and make a wish. you can do it 3 times and the last time you have to wish that you go back to Rome. I haven't gone back there yet. hehehe

Wah! Only FM from what time till lunch? Sam'll tear the house down!

So it's true lah. I do wonder why Sam suddenly likes me so much more. We'll see after my first gynae visit haha.


Thanks. Btw how much is the diff between promo & non-promo rates at Club Med?


need youe email

So it IS true lah?




Babysitter could be an option if you find yourself running too ragged. Just to do a massage or anything for a couple of hrs.

Ah! I didn't do that. I did drink the water from the fountain in Barcelona though & guess what? I did return to Barcelona, but on the same day coz Hubs misplaced his passport & we couldn't fly home! After that, I told Hubs I wasn't gog near that fountain again haha
Travel light! Start with a short holiday, maybe 3D2N? You don't need a luggage, just a big-ish backpack will do.

For this trip, for the 4 of us, we packed into a cabin size luggage for 5D4N, plus a lightweight pram and a tin of FM. That's it. Even if you do bring a luggage, you only suffer a bit during the transit time, ie, from the time you pick up your luggage to the hotel, other times okay what, just leave everything in the hotel.

Haha, I didn't get a shock lah cos cannot expect every kid is as easy as HR mah, but I am very guilty of always comparing the two of them :-( But honestly, I was a bit put off to having #3 becasue of XY.

sent you my email. maybe i should jio a few friends and go there together. i was toying with the idea of doing a self drive in australia with 2 of my girlfriends and yihui...

then my hub freaked out and said, are you sure my gfs can help take care of her?!?! then he said he bu fang xin. =.="

ya. that's one of the options. i was thinking more of those driving trip with me and her. but my hub has put his foot down... sigh...

or any sep mommy want to go on a road trip together?? hehehehe
I miss Barcelona, was told that its really dangerous and all, but I went there with another girlfriend, flew with laopok Ryanair, stayed at a 12euro youth hostel and had the best time!

no, no, not alone! with the hubs...13hrs direct flight to Europe still ok with just KAte alone, but 24hrs with a 2hr stop over in Dubai, I dont think I can cope!
I am also dreading having to go to work the day after we arrive Spore at 9pm!

Thanks for the water tip

I am gonna go library and borrow a lonely planet or rough guide, so should have map, thanks for your offer, though

Eh, I thought you are trying for a dragon baby? ;>

100% work for 80% pay!? Sounds like extortion. BUt I guess that few hours extra each day which you get to spend with Kaizer and Titus is priceless.
since you're not co-sleeping with A, why not just try to train her to fall asleep herself in the playpen? i find that when i put kim on our bed, she never sleeps but only wants to play! leaving her alone in her cot, she wld play, talk to her soft toys and eventually zzz herself! try using the same words and yes establish a routine always around the same time try to put her to sleep. tell her something like 'ok, time to sleep...mama will see u in the morning. good nite'. then quickly exit the room.

oh...with your hubs, at least another pair of extra hands! but still 24hrs is no joke! but i think katey is a good gal, not little terror like mine! my hubs has flown on Emirates to dubai before. he said not bad, quite comparable to SQ std. you have a good trip ya!

what classes is yihui attending now? she's no longer at JG? kim's doing quite alright in class. i think for me, its good enough. though recently, her teacher wrote in her 'report book' that though she's doing quite well, she needs more home practise and she will be better! i'm quite careful not to OD her too much on home practise coz i don't wanna kill that learning spirit or kill my passion of wanting to teach her! =p

jul, itsy
u gals are really funny talking abt david! tsk tsk!!

oh dear...he's not eating huh? is he still feverish? there was this one day kim was also like that, i had no choice but to feed her more milk. i think its ok lah if its just for 1 day or 2. at least got some input!
Ya lor, my kids don't eat much esp at home, but yet, they are heavy, think it's the genes!

Oh, self drive. I am never a fan of self drive holiday. We did that at Tassie, and to be honest, I hated the experience.

LOL! Well, we haven't totally said no to #3 yet. Maybe yes, maybe no, depending on what's our next move.
#2 might be better than #1. I was expecting #2 to be worst than #1 cos got people told me the younger the naughtiest. #2 turn up to be better.

Heard job mkt now v good.

Clud med
I was thinking of putting kids there but hb find it not safe. Anyone opinion?
oh.. hmm.. so it the "company" bring pro-family.. but not the people managing the "company"..

i havent got ur invite...

my 9-7 & 9-1pm on fri is coy's arrangement.. it a Husband/ wife team.. they have 2 kids themselves in Pri. sch. so i guess friday half day so they can spend more time with them...

i get to reach home a bit earlier even though is till 7pm. kinda 5-10 mins shorter travelling time.

if Z goes to CC then i need to negotiate i need time off to go fetch him alternately.. but thank God for my mom for caring him now..
if really 3 years later, he goes to N1 liao.. hmm

Rach's CL seems very good in the confinement food.. im drooling looking at the pics..

good to hear!! im sure u will find a new one which is better too

pro-family coy::
a fren's coy gave additional 1 mth ML on top of the 4 mths, but then i found out u have to work there for 3 full years before they give u the total 5 mths ML...

apparently, another fren of mine worked in a coy which really offer 9-6 mon-thur & 9-1 on fri. very family pro.. but closing down.. but very hectic wkload.

it seems to me that either #2 always behave better than #1 or cheekier :p
Long time no come in....

Congrats to Jul!!

Just managed to speed read like 5archive!!!

and then the last post i see JEss mentioned my name.. wahaha.. so qiao....

HOw's everyone else doing? :p

Jul> RY stuck to me like superglue in my last 1 month... rejected everyone and nobody could touch her except me.... she wasnt so sticky in the 1st 7-8 mos.. hehe.. :p

waiwai> count me in for the crayon too...

Weekend Playdate in April??

can we join in too?? ;)

yeah she's still with jg. she's moved up to playclub. the program is much more interesting than her playnest one. she's the youngest in class and the great thing is she has older children to model after. During her last semester, she was the oldest in class so she was kind of bored.

she is still with bjg on sat afternoon. i wanted to take her out but hub wanted to keep her there because she's enjoying it. and i think he's enjoying it too because that's the only class he can attend with her.

i love to self drive or self train or whatever. because i can go and stop whenever i want. i used to just book the air tix and the car without booking the accomodation. then i just pick up the car from the airport and drive to wherever i want to visit and if i see a nice chalet or motel, i will just book the room on the spot. hehehe.
So much posts to catch up! it's been such a bad day at work today feel like pulling out my hair....must ren......end coming soon.


ya your confinement food looks like a feast everyday, breakfast, lunch and dinner!



Club med :

I think the kids area should be safe. when i went to bali with babe at 6 mths and hb, i hired a babysitter at USD 5 an hour so we can eat in peace. anyone planning to go bali and want the contact for that babysitter let me know. if want to go to holiday with baby, must be able to close one eye like let her play iphone all day long.
