(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

yes, I know is not good to give sweetened water but she is not taking enough so I'm more worried on that part. If no sweetened water means not even 1 bottle of 150ml. but she do takes milk.

did the spinning slow down or anything? so u see it spinning clockwise more. i think i see it spin clock wise more too.

Hiaz I can't see on my office laptop *sulk*


Super demoralising. They just don't see how doing such things will cause people to STOP working. After all, why work so hard when you'll get a poor grading anyway right?

Where're u gog?
oh...your office probably got firewall blocking youtube.

strawberries are good wat...why wanna eat more must think so much?! keke..
Yeah lor. My stupid office blocks everything!

Coz by now, I've already eaten 11 strawberries. Dunno if they're good for me?
Babies bitiing: yes i agreed with Kam. When he is in infantcare, there is a pair of parents very calculative and demanding. I know the infants teachers and they too told me they hope the baby can be withdraw asap and they did. They feel so relived. I been very nice to the infant teachers and at that time, my son also got HFMD, rashes, insects bites and falling but i never blame them cos i know they love my son. My son only change to the playgroup with different pair of teachers. They adore my son and i am only hoping they will do the same to him after the incident. I understand its avoidable specially in cc, even ourselves we also very careless that our son fall, knock as its part of growing. Guess we were thinking since they are professional, they should look after them with tender and care, better than we as parents who is first timer.

Sweetened drink, food : my son has been rejecting plain water since born. Anything not sweet, he will not take. As for food intake, he can take 2 adult bowls of rice/porridge unless its either sweet or a little salty. I have to either put fish sauce or light soy sauce or else he will not take. I think its moderate, better than he dont take at all.

Good that you 看开already

I guess a little seasoning doesn't hurt coz they're so old liao. Just make sure that it's not too much. I myself use marinate etc.. but I tell MIL NO SEASONING because that's the way to control her.
yes, it does slow down...is it not suppose to?

strawberries are good, rich in antioxidants! each more

Going to the states

I am super unmotivated, initially thought of not going as the 24hr travelling might not be the best for Kate (and me), but after getting the letter, I don't give a damn, I'm gonna just drop everything and fly off next tuesday!
Anyone got confinement lady to recommend?

1) Conscientious abt hygiene
2) Cooks well
3) Energetic (to take care of night wakings & day-nite reversed baby)
4) Hopefully not tooo old
5) Pro-breastfeeding
I would rather the kids drink less water than to drink sweetened water. Say now she is drinking 150ml plain water, aim that by next month, she would drink 160ml, 10ml a month, by end of this year, she would be drinking >200ml already! Slowly increase.

See what I mean abt demoralising staff?

Ok.. I already ate 11. Think I better stop. Feel a bit sick now, dunno whether it's too much strawberries or the other thing

Retrenchment or re-org? If I rem corerctly, your hubs just quite his job right? It's scary when there're kids depending on you, as opposed to being footloose & fancy
Think my son like us me and my hub don't drink plain water haha my son love yakurt yogurt bites honey stars and biscuits it's his daily snack haha..

abc soup: I heard we can pour the soup base into the ice cube tray and put in frozen . All we need to daily is to put one cube into the porridge and cook together.. How long storage ?
They decided not enough funding and wanted to winding down our operation. Yup, my hub just quit, but he is looking for job lah, should start working next month, he is those kind cannot don't work one. While for me, still have 6 months leh, so not too bad, hope can get a new job then.

Then I dun understand why Sam doesn't drink water coz we both love water lor haha

I think maybe 2 weeks storage? If your freezer is very cold & you don't aws open & close, maybe 3 weeks?


Oic. But luckily you have a 6-month lead time. Nowadays the thought of financial INsecurity scares me
Not only ABC soup, can be any soup. I don't use ice cubes though, I use zip lock bag. But I don't do it anymore nowadays cos I don't cook porridge that often now.

Agree loh. The financial insecurity is my biggest worry, cos have 2 kids dependent on us leh. Hope things work out well for my family.

All the best to you too!

Any idea where to get the bella band or belly band thing? You know the one that u fold over unbuttoned waistbands?
maternity exchange, i got my bella band from them. I did not own any maternity pants when I was pregnant, I just use my bella band!

Not too sure whether I should start the ball "rolling" by congratulating you here

oh dear!! u gonna go back to research? U wanna join Joon and me here? :p
Then again after hearing my demoralising story u might not want to put your foot into my field

Alright, i just bought my ticket to New York! Am leaving tuesday...not much time to prep myself but since I'm so pissed with work, I feel good that I'm gonna be away! yippee! wish me luck with Kate on the 24hrs flight.
But your place not hiring leh. I am actually considering your line.

And yes, you just got the ball "rolling" - CONGRATES, JUL!!!!
Thanks everyone! It's early days yet. Just 5 weeks. But like for sam, my body's impatient to get on with it. N my pants dun fit anymore! Honestly i look 4 mths preggie! But that's coz i din suck in my tummy also lah hee


Wah new york! Gog with ur hubs again?


How's the new workplace? I meant to ask you abt your different working hrs
wow! CONGRATS gal! no wonder u were asking abt the stawberries!! lol...

i like your attitude! lol.. pissed off go for holiday, say go means go 1 wk later fly off! but i really salute ur bravery! are u travelling alone again with katey? such a long flight like your europe trip heh! i dropped the idea of going london the other time coz i was so scared of the long flight! when will i have your courage!?
A Lot of posts to catch up.. Bit lazy to read though.. Need to Zzz n not be late for new wk..

Added u to fb!

Welcome back frm Disneyland!
Quite bad to hear such news frm ur boss after ur holiday hor... Hope u have gd luck in job hunting!!

It's bad to be wkin in a non-family pro coy. There seem to be none in sg... Very demoralizing ESP I feel that way,
and ESP when during last mth review, they say coy wasn't doing well so pay review will be brought forward to mid year. Booo..! But the fact everyone's wking hard n ot-ing and the cfm proj are over 10 for march 2011 already...
I'm just switched coy and going to wk hard but within the wking hrs. Other than that im just gonna enjoy my after hrs for family n myself.

Anyways, Enjoy ur trip to new York!!

Congrats again! Maybe can have a dragon baby Liao hor!
Add me to ur blog pls!

Feeling a bit weird still wking aft 6.30pm today! But I'm so looking forward to every Friday aft 1pm! Plenty of 'me' activities to do!! Dunno which to start! I so wanna rid my fats!!

Dampen my this Friday mood- ex-coy accountant wrote my last pay cheque with wrong name!! Argh! Cannot get my salary on time...

My first skool @ Jpt::
I registered online in the prelim form and gotten a call a week later. The lady told me: u r on waiting list fr 2-3 years later.. I was like o_O"

My boy is currently 9.1kg only. 0.1 kg incremet per mth! We were like feeding him 3hrly and he hasn't had any food strike so far. So the fm has smthing to do with it?? He is taking NAN Ha3 now.
pls add me to your blog.. want to read as well. Will PM you my email. : )

Have not really given serious thought of changing his nap time to once a day and shift his bed time fwd cos when I worked late and reached home late.. at least I can play with him for a while before he sleeps… hmmm..

Hi!! Looks like both of us were in the same “boat”.
How long you plan to stop work for? Can truly understand how you feel… I also put in a lot of hard work and effort, late nites as well after I came back from maternity leave… worked until past 12am, latest breaking record was 5 or 6am in the morning! Missed out ALOT of the precious time that I can spend with my baby but guess what… no promotion and my boss can’t even be bothered to do any appraisal with us. Say must do but words only no action : (
Feel like I was super not appreciated!
Have a new boss beginning of year and she has super high expectations loh.. super pressuring and stressed. I had enough and am looking around.

Not taking any vitamins or supplements… I don’t like all these stuff… I try to drink milk or eat cheese…

Drinking Water
My boy also doesn’t like to drink water… think he drink less than a bottle 1 day….
Sometimes he will just drink 1 or 2 mouthfuls just to “satisfy” our requests of asking him drink water. If not he will be holding the bottle, biting the straw and running around… had to wipe away the water dripped onto the floor after him.. grrr.

have a fun & safe trip!

looking forward to your HK pictures!
Drinking water: Yesterday I gave bread with blueberry jam and tear in smaller pieces in his bowl, I also placed his bottle filled with plain water .. Suprising he drink the water and finish it
is it he thirsty? Think I will use this method more often to make him drink water, yippie

Soup: I am a full time working mum and I got to rush home everyday to make porridge for him , sometimes bread with jam or cereal , I am running out of ideas .. At times very tired after cooking sometimes for both us got to pack this wash this but it's worth it cos we mummies love our family I am sure I am not the only one got to juggle between family and work , mummy is the greatest!
Sleeping time

Itsy – Ya, she will stand on bed and jump while I have to pretend to sleep. Have to repeatedly tell her to go and sleep. How do you make Ian sleep?

Potbelly – hmm, I shall try it but its my MIL who looks after her and that MIL will use the early mornings to do laundry & household chores, abit difficult though but I will talk to her

Joli – Ya, so little sleep can still tahan till 11pm, really make me fedup lo

Kiki – She doesn’t co-sleep with us on the bed. I would make her sleep on my bed then will transfer her to the playpen. Have told him many times not to play youtube videos to make her sleep but still doesn’t get into his head. Perhaps, a neutral party can tell him so then he’ll listen. He still insist that it is HIS way of making her sleep via youtube videos.

Jul – Ok have PMed you my email addy. CONGRATS to you! Could you pass some babydust to me?

Heh, how many of you all planning to have 2nd one?

Maelyn – I’m giving her Marmite, same as Bovril. Yes, can give half-boiled eggs

Kam – Welcome back! Did you have a feast? HK food and desserts are yummy!
Oh, you are?!! I thought they were hiring as it feels like we dont have enough manpower, hmmm, if they advertise internally I can let you know? ...but hor, must be ready to take a paycut if you come here, all of us got paycut when we came.
I was quite happy to take paycut then coz I had 42 days leave but now its only 21 day for new staf (we still have 28days

Yes, so since there will be free accomm, I shall tag along with Kate.
Am flying with hubs
24 hours, no joke, my dubai-JFK is already as long as my previous SIN-Munich journey!
PLUS, am flying Emirates...anyone flown Emirates before? how's their service?
(Hubs paranoid, do not want to fly via Narita and SQ is $1000 more than Emirates, siao!)

Mine's considered a stat board leh, and actually its quite pro-family lah, just that the career progression is shit. Basically no career progression. You just sit here and rot.
<font color="119911">Bernice</font>
By having a fixed routine, Ian knows when its time to sleep, esp at night. We just let him drink milk, brush his teeth, say goodnite, off lights and he KO quickly.

It's daytime nap that's more difficult. He sleeps on a bed so he has freedom to get on and off it. Must be strict lor, very sternly ask him to stay on bed, lay down and close his eyes. Usually he jump jump here roll roll there, will fall asleep in 20-30min. The longest I've tried was 2hr! By time he naps, should be time to wake up =="

Nope, mine will be a rabbit baby

It's quite nice to have ME Friday hor? Did you request for these working hrs or it's std co hrs?

What? Waiting list for at least 2 yrs later? By then you won't need CC liao.


I added you days ago leh. Nvm I just invited you again. www.kisiaomummy.blogspot.com


Need your email to invite you k?


Sort of.. Maybe more like 'accident', but planned accident? Hahaha


Added you. *sprinkle sprinkle* But I dunno mine is boy or gal dust yet, dun hiam hor? haha


Ah.. that's nice. I soemtimes wish Hubs' job allows him to travel so that I can bunk in too. But pls not India or Pakistan lah. Europe is good for me. Japan too, but now.. hiaz

Y no courage to try? I thinking of dragon but still wondering should I opt for it since now going around are more mobile.
Jess / Melissa / Bernince,
Thanks! No leh, no chance to feast :-( Only got to eat dim sum once and then a friend of mine brought us for a nice lunch, that's about it, the rest of the time were just ate whatever we saw when it's meal time. The egg tart at disneyland is actually not bad though (initially wanted to go to find the best egg tart in HK, but alas!).

Yes, yes, please let me know if there is internal opening.

No lah, I already knew it before I went for my holiday. Cheh, I won't be affected by such stupid decision lah. Stay positive always, it may not be a bad thing after all, maybe the next job is much better than the current one leh, I am not forced to move on from my comfort zone.

Why no courage leh? What's stopping you?

Planned accident? As in you poke holes on the condom
joli schedule

if it's outside, we will eat with her. but if it's at home, my mom will feed her first then bathe her then put her to bed. then they can eat in peace...

oh i was also interested in shichida but couldnt find time to attend the preview. how is it going? and she still likes her current gym cum flashcard class. if i want to switch her to shichida then it will be that same slot...

you must find good ones for cctv. some ppl install cctv at the wrong positions, end up paying and not able to see anything at all. you will prob need to get one that's linked to internet so that you can log in anywhere and see.

my girl doesn't like to drink milk too, so she's only drinking it once in the morn for breakfast and once in the afternoon. i replaced her milk with either beancurd or yoghurt which she likes better.

preschools in your area. my aunt and cousin have been raving about this kindergarten called cherrybrooks. it's a montessori school. it sounds very good. but it's just too far for me as i stay at the tip of the east part of sg. i'm not too inclined to drive my girl all the way there and i'm sure there's no schoolbus for my area and i'm not too keen to pick her up during lunch and bring her home then go back to work in the city again. hehe.

but you can check it out.

haha. i only let her practise self feedingn with her fruits. so while she's self feeding herself the fruits, i will feed her with the porridge and veggie.
