(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

that is a very nice tricycle. I am sure your son loves it very much! Yar, the process in the hospital sounds really scary.

yay! Finally my son is taking porridge. I think the trick for my son is to put lots of veggie (e.g. Sweet potato, pumpkin, potato, etc). And we also intro egg yolk by putting into the porridge. Yar, he likes it very much.

how to teach babies to drink from straw
I am starting to introduce straw bottle to my son. He likes the munchkin straw bottle. He was so excited when seeing the bottle. When we let him try the straw, he only knows how to bite. Hmm.. How ar?

BDay cake
U mummies planning to get normal cakes or baby edible cakes? I just had this conversation with my mum, and I told her they are selling baby edible cakes in SG. Then she ask me to buy from SG.. Oops.. I should not have mention that to my mum.. Another extra task for me now.. :p. So any mummies getting baby edible cakes?

I let my #1 to drink kids yoghurt drink from straw - squeeze the packet gently, then she figured out how to suck by herself lol
Hi mummies,

Like to seek your advise.. My son still can't say any word except ocassionally papa.. He also can't clap, bye bye, shake head yes or no despite we teach him many times. I read under baby development milestones, he should be able to say more than that. In terms of other aspects like walking, he is walking quite well now.
hi kaira : hmm every child develops on their each pace. My girl can't call papa yet..she also hasn't walked yet. So don't worry too much, sometimes these milestones are just figures only.

My pd says can give whole egg to bb now. So we give him steam egg every morning. We got from NTUC : Chew Kampung Eggs 6 for $3.00
Hi kaira,

my son also have not spoken any words yet. He is still loving his baby language. As for walking, he has not either started that too. He can cruise around by holding on to furnitures, but can't walk independantly. However, he does know how to clap hands and show 'no more' sign, but dun wanna do bye bye. I guess different babies reaches different milestones. Dun worry too much yar!

My boy clap clap is using two hands to hit on his lap... Other than that , he also shows no other sign. We try to put his two hands together to teach him to clap but he doesn't want..I got the play yard for him . Think that helps him alot as he enjoys walking from one end to the other. But some times he will fall .
Hi Kaira, My Girl also has not spoken any words. initially i was very worried.
She occasionally call papa (which actually dun sound like). She only know how to cruise.

we must bear in mind Babies develop skills differently, some more quickly than others.
Best is to ask PD when he reach 1 year old.
<font color="119911">Paige</font>
Glad you found PhoonHUat useful. Are you gonna bake Kate's cake still (after the "hint"? All the love that's gonna go in...

At least, you've got the venue sorted out, I am still looking for one! Need a place with tables and chairs, a room, then will probably cater. Wonder if NTUC chalet have such rooms?

<font color="0000ff">Helium</font>
Btw, anyone knows where can blow up balloons with heluim gas at good rates?
<font color="119911">Corsage, princessxiaomei, potbelly, sandwich, waiwai</font>
Thanks for sharing your blogs and blogging experiences. All of you really deserve a big clap for doing it so well! It sure takes a lot of discipline. And some of you keep a few blogs some more! salute!

I test-started one with my hb using his smartphone to see if it can work. But the app just wouldn't work. Says that cannot access don't know what file. And I don't think I have the discipline to sit in front of my PC to type religiously. So, till I find something easier, it'll be back to my bits-and-pieces-all-over-the-place notes. Must find time to put it altogether somewhere. Maybe one day when I'm old and the kids don't want me anymore, haha, if I can still remember that is!

Oh, so looks like it's true that uploading photos is a reeaal pain and time-consuming process, huh? Seeing so many bloggers upload so many photos to their blogs, I had thought that there was a faster/easier method that I wasn't aware of. Looks like not.

Anyone knows what is a good phone (besides iphone) that can take photos well? Then at least I can tranfers the notes and photos to my PC more easily, than having to connect 2 different devices. I think photos are important, pictures speak a thousand words!

<font color="119911">sandwich</font> You're really good at taking your own photos with the boyz. How do you do it? When I try to do it, I gotta stretch my hands really far, and sometimes, can't fit 3 of us in the photo. Then, gotta try and try and try, and before we succeed, xian already...

<font color="119911">princessxiaomei</font>
I also wanna keep them as memories, but already so difficult to squeeze time to write them down, now no time to go back and read them yet man...
Don't worry about your son too much unless the PD thinks you should. As the other mothers said, every child develops differently
I also read somewhere that babies tend to focus on learning one thing well before going on to another so since your son is already walking well - his 'energies' may have gone into learning that first! It is also great that you can feed him egg. My daughter is SUPER allergic to egg yolk (have not tried white). I've only given to her twice (she loves it) but both times the bottom part of her eyes swelled and her rashes on her arms got worse.

I write more entries when I'm freer and less or just do photo entries when I am not. I also don't do chronological recording because I am a LOUSY recorder of things and I will totally stress myself out =P Hope you find a suitable way/gadget to do what you want to do!

Helium balloons:
Anyone knows where to buy already blown balloons that can be delivered? I want quite a few and it is such a hassle to blow on our own!
jolimilk> haha. my boy quite stable in terms of sitting n standing. juz tat cant walk. haha. now he will try to stand when i m pushing him on his tricycle. so dangerous. so must look out

he's much better liaos. based on his mucus test report, it's viral infection. i think his lungs are just weaker. so olways kena this kinda infection. hope he gets stronger fast. tml bringing him to his followup checkup

tiwi> cot got hole? cot not made of wood?? how ur boy tear it?

maelyn> ya. today we came hm early. so after dinner, me n hubby brought him down to have a stroll ard the neighbourhood. he was so happy sitting in it. keep turning back to smile at me. haven seen him smiled so happily since he got sick. melted my heart =p

kaira> ya. diff kids diff ba. no hurry i guess.

waiwai> ya. they charge an additional fee. something like the cost of the clothes plus maybe say 2.5bucks per clothes, including shipping. so i juz pay. but tat time i bought 12pieces n total only charge me 15bucks for shipping+handling. but now i see her bp, no more charge cheaper for buying in bulk. so u might wanna buy a few to test the quality. so far those i received are of good quality though
Hi mummies-to-be,

I have a Medela Pump In Style Advance in good condition. My gal now is 1yr old and I have used this pump for 9months. Willing to let go at $380.
(Good working condition) local set. Items include are:

Medela Backpack
Medela Cooling element (use but still in gd condition)
Medlea cooler bag(use but still in gd condition)
1x manual piston (new)
2x bottle stand (new)
2x Membranes (new)
1x motor
1x DC adaptor
1x battery adaptor
(Accessories like shields/tubings/bottle is not include)
Interested, do PM me. thanks
<font color="aa00aa">Beetroot</font>
Tried making beetroot with apple and carrot for him a few days ago. Boy was it a messy business with all the red colouring. DOn't know if I'll do it again. Is it really high in nutrients? Or is there some other food that has the same nutritional values?

<font color="0000ff">Diarrheoa</font>
Princess, yes I also know the water from porridge is very good at settling diarrheoa. It always works for my tummy when I do get one.
<font color="119911">princessxiaomei, marie</font>
yup, I think whoever made that rule to ban babies from drinking on the train are xxx. I wonder if they'll count breastfeeding as drinking. Haha!
<font color="119911">maelyn</font>
What is "baby edible cakes"?

I also have the same "problem" as you. My boy now only know how to bite the straw. Last time, he did suck once, but maybe it was unintentional.

<font color="119911">waiwai</font>
Good idea. I'll try that too!
<font color="119911">kaira</font>
I think don't really have to worry. My kid also like yours, only that he can clap last month. He also don't know how to do all those things. In fact, he still can't walk by himself, cruising only. If you see his behaviour is normal, etc, then don't have to worry, and continue to encourage him even if he doesn't know, yet. But if you're really worried, can ask PD for advise.

In fact, he still hasn't teethed although he's been drooling since 4 months and we keep thinking it's teething. But no sign of teeth yet, which is just as well, so that he doesn't bite me.
Itsy/Jolimilk- 算了!forget about the trip. Seemed so troublesome for them. It's always because of breastfeeding issues which cause others to be piss with me. Just don't understand why! My journey of bf ain't easy and yet nobody understands.. Hack care! Urgh.

Bernice- my mum told me to get 1st born eggs for babies/young children so eversince I started intro eggs to Z, I changed my eggs to first born. Lolz. Initially only let him try out egg yolk.. Then when he was 10mth old Liao i just give him egg white as well. Hahahaha. Now I steam egg occassionally for him to mix with his porridge.. And he eats... But I usually share with him one egg.

Kaira- don't worry.. Actually boys learn to talk slower than girls whereas girls' physical movements will be slower than boys.. But of course it depends on individual. Don't worry k? You observe longer and if too worried can check with pd during the next check up ard 1 yr old.

Jolimilk- 加油! it's time consuming but worth it. Each time I hv chance to use laptop, I must spend sm time to upload daily pix and saved all into disk before crash again! Next I will do updates and backdate.. Before i start doing other stuff.. Most of the time I use iPhone to visit forum lo!! And i try to blog w iPhone but cannot! Give up le! Dnw hw to do it.. Stupid me!

Alright gonna sleep back again. Z just nw woke up frm 1.30 am to 3am then managed to sleep back... Dnw what is wrong with him to get up fr so long.. Nitezz ehh morning! Hahaha..

Baby edible cake = cake which baby can eat..

I am not sure if we can feed baby with those normal cakes which we find from the shop, like those with cream, and the amount of sugar and the ingredients they use are not meant for babies but for adults or older toddlers. I am trying to avoid those food for my son at the moment until he is older. So, the only cake that I think would be suitable for him are those cakes with less sugar, and hopefully the ingredients are suitable for babies.
Goodies bag

Does anyone know where to get ready made goodies bags? Or do we hv to pack our own? Yihui has been getting lots of goodies bags from the older babies in her class for their birthdays.
i used biscults bags as a goodie bag...
and those items inside ...i will source and pack it in myself...

ur boy getting better? my boy just recovered from fever last wk and now still have some coughing...
nowadays the bugs are so strong...
haiz...wonder if it's those antibiotics making them stonger and us "humans" weaker...
<font color="119911">bernice</font>
I sometimes give banana, apple, cookie; or I mix the cereal with grinded cookies (those that are harder type (teethers) cos I bought for him several months ago, thinking he was going to teeth soon).

He also loves the HT arrowroot cookies.

<font color="0000ff">Healthy Times</font>
If anyone here going to mass order, can pm me? Wanna tumpang buy the arrowroot cookie, cos my orders will be far from $250.
<font color="119911">corsage</font>
Yup, looking for a new phone which can help. I seriously thought it was a gadget/method that I'm missing, didn't know it was really so "painstaking" effort (to me at least) to write such beautiful blogs. Really must find time. Thanks for all your sharing.
<font color="ff6000">kaira</font>

its true tt all babies have diff achievements to milestones. a while ago i was a little worried also. cos jacob can't talk too. he will faintly say bye bye and dada occasionally and only mama and nen nen (milk) when he is bloody hungry (rascal hor? dun rem mama till he is very hungry...). i talk to him a lot so sometimes i find him repeating some words faintly after me, tt is all. he can cruise very well and loves to push stools ard to help him walk but tt's it. my fren was telling me her fren's baby who is abt the same age can say mama already so tt was when i got a bit worried. cos even my sis n hubs will say why he only utters "eehhhh" all the time. so i guess he is just talking his own time. sometimes babies may need time to digest also bah. we taught him bye bye and clapping for the longest time but he first learnt to do gong xi gong xi. then bye bye came abt only like last mth and clapping 2 wks ago. in between he does other stuff which we din really teach so he is very selective himself! i let him watch baby videos while i do work sometimes and they are songs which have some actions like clapping, rubbing stomach, etc and he seems to pick some of tt. can try doing it cos the rhythm of the songs and motion are very attractive to them but dun watch too long lar! n i also think boys learn language a bit slower haha!

<font color="ff6000">maelyn</font>

hahaha i was scratching head thinking how to teach him to use straw also! i taught him once with a drinking straw and he din pick up. then i forgot abt it till the ifc asked me to change the sprout of his mag mag. i din have a spare but i have the straw, so i just conveniently asked my mum to teach. and he learnt after a few min! made me a lousy mum in front of my mum! :p now he loves to drink from his munchkin so much tt his water intake increases like twice! how's ur baby taking to the nan pro? if nestle sends me stage 3 u want?

<font color="ff6000">work</font>

been busy lately cos in the process of changing job. gonna be a major adjustment to our lives cos i will not be ard jacob as much. hope he can adjust. nowadays when he is at home with my mum, when i leave house, he doesnt cry liao, will even wave bye bye! his bye bye very cute one, cos he will bend his head down and angle sideway and do it. very aaron kwok's "dui ni ai bu wan" style! if not he will wave his hand ard like mopping the air to do his new bye bye!
<font color="ff6000">jollimilk</font>

i think samsung phones have very good cameras. hubs' using and the quality of photos and videos are good! sometimes we dun even bring our cameras out. but quality of night shots of cos not very good. not too sure of the ease of syncing the phone to pc cos i m a nokia user. hmm... nokia's camera's improving but not fantastic but its very easy to sync to my pc!
<font color="0000ff">corsage</font> thanks for the info on Casserole. HAve decided to order from them

<font color="0000ff">jolimilk</font> yes, i'm so not gonna bother about his remarks and have decided to make her birthday cupcakes...bought all the necessary stuff from Phoon Huat already!! Will post a picture here if I suceed :p

Just back from a road trip to malacca and Kate enjoyed herself thoroughly!

So glad she's fine with bottled food from supermarts, fine with sleeping in a foreign cot/environment and ok with all the sightseeing
...must get her ready for our next trip to Europe in October!
So good.. your son know how to drink from straw adi.. the other day I asked my colleague how they teach their children to use straw, they say it comes naturally.. hee.. ermm.. Btw, I have register the Nestle Club, so i think I will also get the sample for NAN Pro 3. The thing is the NAN in SG not the same in Msia, they intro NAN Pro2 after 12 months, whereas NAN Pro 3 after 2 years I think. So, still contemplating how should I go about this. But of course you can also keep for me if there is no mummies asking for it..

Oh, you back from Malacca? Glad that Kate enjoyed herself. Wah, you so adventurous, going to Europe together with KAte. I believe it will be another interesting trip.

If any mummies need any help if travelling to Malacca, can ask me.. My hometown is Malacca
I also ordering casserol. They don serve ee mee so have to choose others. Think I have most of it as spicy, not sure how e kids gg to eat.
hi mommies,

I having a cold now, taken panadol. Will throw away the BM tonight, for tomorrow morning, do you think is safe to give her or should I throw too?
PrincessXM - Oh ok, haven tried giving her egg for breakfast, will try that..thanks!

Connie - Normal Panadol is ok, so bm is safe. But if its Panadal Extra, cold relief etc, i don't think i'll give as i remembered when pregnant, doctor said no Panadol Extra, cold relief but normal Panadol is ok.
<font color="0000ff">maelyn</font> aiyah!! should have asked you for advice, you know not everywhere sold heinz baby food? luckily i found them at Carrefour and one bottle cost RM7!!! more ex than spore!
BUt i enjoyed jonker street

<font color="0000ff">connie</font> i decided to order hokkien prawn me because i emailed them and ask what noodle is good and that michael guy recommended hokkien prawn mee!

I didn't opt for too much spicy food, i think the only spicy stuff is nyonya curry chicken

Wah, you still breastfeeding?!
I breastfed Kate eventhough I was taking panadol and antibiotic, doc never said cannot!
Just make sure the panadol you take does not contain codein.
gg to stop soon. My gal takin 150ml per feed n 5 times per day so still encouraging to give since still enough.
I don take e Big mee so opt for hong kong mee. Not sure nice or not. Tempted to choose hor fun but wif curry a bit weird.

Their choice got sambal stinray, Assam fish etc. Thk e seafood all spicy.
<font color="119911">michelle</font>
Good that he's better and made it out for his birthday. My boy also can cruise, but if I put him on the shopping mart trolley, he will sway forward and back according to my movement. So, I don't think he can take the tricycle yet.
cloudme> ya lo. these viruses are getting stronger aren't they? anyway broought him for medical review today. doc say he is better. can stop on medication n reduce the neubiliser dosage to once every 12hrs instead of the previous once every 6hrs. but once i stop the medication, i see his condition worsen. so i juz reduce the neubiliser first. maybe tml stop medication n try again.

jolimilk> no la, not his bdae yet. haha. his bdae is on 3rd sept =p my boy also jerky on shopping mart trolley. cos he cant sit still la. even on his tricycle, he will push himself forward n backward. kids like alot of movement n cant sit still -_-
cookiezz (cookiezz)

Thanks for your advice. Think will continue to talk to him alot, hopfully he can start calling mama

My son can't sit the shopping mart trolley cos he will want to lick the handle. Yucks ...
<font color="119911">maelyn</font>
Ah, I see. I heard of mommies trying to find eggless cakes for their babies so far.

Oh, you're from Malacca. I had craving for the satay celup when I was preggy, and Singapore cannot find. Which shop has the best? The one at Capitol always so long queue, and the food offering so so only... Are the other shops better? I think there are quite a few around. Must ask you recommend food la... Also the chicken rice balls, so many everywhere, don't know which is the best.
<font color="119911">Sugarless and eggless cake</font>
Can get it from here...


1.4kg Mango Cake Diabetic Friendly version is SGD100.

In the end, I didn't order cos no point spending so much on this while 99% eating the cake are adults.
<font color="0000ff">maelyn</font> talking about food, I went to farmosa chicken rice (the famous one, interior very nice) but the chicken rice balls so so only, i still prefer wee nam kee! hehe...
Oh and which is the best nyonya food place? I went to Nancy's which is quite good i feel...
Thanks for the link, but the cake sounds pretty pricey.. phew!!

Satay Celup,
Besides Capitol, another shop which is famous is the one at Ong Kim Wee road. Can try that too. My father lately recommended to me one of the satay celup shop in Cheng but Cheng is out of Malacca town. That shop is a new shop but the owner's father was one of the first seller for satay celup under the Hang Tuah Bridge.

Chicken rice ball,
From my personal opinion, the shop just beside/under the bridge near clock tower(opposite OCBC) is the best shop serving chicken rice ball. Cant remember the name though.. then from there, if you walk towards Jonker Street, there is another shop on the right hand side, also got nice chicken rice balls. Farmosa not nice, coz its very commercialize.

Nyonya Food,
Hmm... this one really need to ask my father.. hehe.. usually I go to Auntie Lee in Ujong Pasir. The owner is my parents friend. Her servings are quite slow, coz its a home run business but the food are really home cook kind of taste. hmm.. Nancy's ... need to try that next time..

Nyonya food - my 3 fave places:
Ivins, Dulukala and Kim Choo

nom nom nom. slurp!

I've not had chicken rice balls I think. Must make time to try!
