(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Baby Joseph
Baby Rayanne
As well!!!


Zheng Hao had 2 rounds of birthday celebration during the weekend though his birthday is on 9 sept...

Happy birthday to babies who celebrated their birthday!
Gina: oic... that seller spams every thread not scared being suspended by moderator?

xmarc: still no idea where to hold our birthday bash...

anyone can help to book function room in apartment? or we shall meet at a restaurant and have a gathering like what we had done in the past?? pls suggest
Happy Birthday to Baby Lucas, Baby Yunze, Baby Jaelle, Baby Thaddeus, Baby Joseph, Baby Rayanne and baby Hao Hao!

I'm tired too. Sat and Sun celebrate and my fridge choose to breakdown this time ..

Yes.. Happy birthday to all the xiao baobei.
<font color="0000ff">connie</font> I didn't order the Fish and veg from casserole coz I ordered the yang tau fu and sotong, but my sotong also let 1/2.
The chicken curry and black pepper beef is yummy!

Happy Birthday to all babies...sept is a busy month!
I didn't order the beef since not much people eat beef. The curry is nice, The noodle not bad too.

After the celebration, my gal kept wanted to walk at night. So maid hold her and let her walk. funny lor.
You can try prima deli. ASk for the cake design.

I bought the jerry cake with minnie shape yesterday. Very nice and MIL ask SIL to order from same source for her son 1yr old b'day.
Babies standing: he suppose to be sep boy but he cannot wait and came one month earlier.. my boi he don care whether behind got support or not. When he in the playpen if he wan hug u never give he got angry he will let go himself I so afraid he injure himself..
Thank you Itsy!

<font color="ff0000">Happy Birthday to all our September Babies!</font>

Had a small celebration with immediate family and some friends. A little noisy and chaotic with all kids and babies but good fun! Luckily Yunze was ok with the crowd and kids. Successfully got him to nap before the guests arrive.

Paige and Connie,
I ordered from Casserole too. Didn't order chicken curry cos too many kids. Their mee goreng was not bad. Overall quite ok. But they gave me 2 packs of fork, had to go get plastic spoons for my guests.

Formula Milk
Planning to supplement Yunze with formula soon as my supply is dipping. Do I introduce him a bottle of pure FM, or it has to be mixed with BM? I am overwhelmed with all the brands of FM. Don't know which one to start him with.
<font color="119911">Joopz</font>
If u express then it'll be easier for yunze to accept FM if u mix with BM. If he's already used to the milk bottle then it'll be even easier.
As for FM brands, trial and error lor. Ask for sample FM, then u won't have to buy.

Yunze takes one bottle BM feed at my mum's place on weekdays. He ok with bottle. Hmm.. so I need to mix with BM to slowly introduce FM to him?

Had requested for samples already, but I think it will take a few weeks. I just hope he won't reject FM.
I tried Mamil Gold, but Haohao doesn't like, then now ok with Similac.

Think I'll be stopping breastfeeding soon, less than 160 ml a day...
<font color="119911">Joopz and Wai wai</font>
Every baby is different. Ian rejected Enfa, Similac and NAN but takes Mamil Gold. HAha U just have to let Yunze try and decides.
Stage 3 FM
I tried to drag until Yunze is officially past 1 year old so that I can go straight to stage 3. :p I do have a Mamil Gold Stage 2 sample tin. Should I let him try it?

I can only expressed around that amount a day too. So when he latches on, I don't know how much he's taking.

Shall wait for the first sample to arrive.
Happy Birthday to all September Babies! May you all grow up healthy and happy!

Stage 3 FM
Kim's still on stage 2, i've received a small stage 3 tin from similac. the lady told me to switch gradually. Still left with half a big tin stage 2, i intend to let her finish that first. I think it doesn't really matter if u start a little earlier or later, shd be fine.

some brands stage 3 can start from 10 mths i think. i remember seeing...NAN was it?
feeding schedule
mummies, now that our babies are 1 yrs old or going to be 1 already...shd we change the feeding frequency again ah? can share share with me your feeding schedule and what are the changes u've made, if any? like how many times solids, milk and snacks?

happy belated ONEderful bdays to those i had missed out!! im 7 days late!!

and happy blessed Onderful bdays to coming ones!

And many more happy bdays to come for the mommies to celebrate!

For my girl, no change to her feeding schedule. And I think she will be keeping to this schedule for a long, long time, or as long as she is still being cared for by her nanny! My #1 is 32 months and his schedule is similar to XY.

For my one year old girl:
7am - 240ml of FM
10am - porridge
2pm - 210ml of FM
6pm - porridge
9pm - 240ml of FM
And of course she snacks on fruits, yohgurt, etc between these.

For my 32 months old boy:
7am - 240ml of FM
8.30 - breakfast at school
12noon - lunch
1pm - 240ml of FM (cos he still needs a milk feed before napping)
3.30pm - afternoon tea
6-7pm - dinner
9.30pm - 240ml of FM
Mummies besides:
Friso Gold
mamil gold
Simlac (gain iQ is next stage issit?)
Wyeth S26

What other brands available to call for sample huh??
any mummies using window mobile phone can teach me how to rotate pics on fbs?
b4 i upload it's ok on my phone screen...
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Birthday Bash</font></font>


  © Copyright Peekaboo All Rights Reserved
Design by ComnetSolutions
  10:00 AM to 8:30 PM Daily Phone: 6440 8355  
    E-mail: [email protected]  
  Leisure Park Kallang
(next to Indoor Stadium)
5, Stadium Walk, #02-12/13
Singapore 397693  

$450 - weekday
$480 - weekend

15 babies
Additional baby @ $25.

Can change to pizza to finger food like nuggets, sandwiches etc...

25,26 Sep - 10am-12pm &amp; 5-7pm slots available.
2 Oct - 10am-12pm &amp; 1.30-3.30pm
3 Oct - all 3 slots still available.

Deposit: 50% upon confirmation.

If we have 15 babies, it'll be $32 each.
If we have more, it'll be cheaper cuz we can average out the cost..


Its party time!

All packages are for a minimum of 15 children.

Time slots available:

(a) 10.00 to 12.00 noon (b) 1.30 to 3.30 pm (c) 5.00 to 7.00 pm
All parties are for a total of 2 hours:

1 hour of fun in our playscape + games + cake cutting and food!

The café area will be closed for you and your guests. Please note that the playscape remains open to the public unless you have chosen our exclusive option.

Children may continue playing in our playscape after the party but are encouraged to rest for 20 minutes after food before another round of fun!

Weekday discounts!!

Applicable on non-public holidays/local school holidays
Enjoy a $30 discount off all party packages and $5 off additional children charges


2 fun Peek-A-Boo hosts!
Decorations, set up and all required cutlery for the party food
Balloons for every child
Complimentary invitation cards
Party food !!!
4 x 10 inch pizzas
Mini eclairs and cream puffs (30 pieces each)
Free flow drinks (choice of Orange Squash, Fruit Punch
or Ice Lemon Tea)
* Additional children at $25 each (inclusive of drink). Extra party food is optional and to be ordered in advance.

formula milk
I tried switching directly to Similac Stage 3 directly when he is 11 month. So far, no issue on that.

Feeding Schedule
8am - 180ml of FM
11am - porridge (sometimes pasta)
2pm - 180ml of FM
5pm - porridge
8pm - 180ml -240ml of FM
12am - 180 ml
3am-4am - 120 ml
Prettymum> I posted the same question on my FB leh.. Hahahah... I may go check out peekaboo... Wanna join me??
Let the birthday prince n princess have fun together..:p

My night feeding schedule is similar to yours 12am and 4am.. Yesterday night , for the first time I stop giving him the 4am feed. I gave him water and he sleeps back. I fed him at 7am when he woke up, can feel he is very hungry, drink very very fast.. Hopefully he will be the same tonight. Going to try increase his 12am feed to 210ml.
i tried your method on feeding water. The little fellow sucks a few times realise is water and he stops then he wakes up in another hour whining again.

I will try again next week to fetch him water again. Keep waking up in the middle of the nite i will die soon!!!hahaha

Good luck to you too!
<font color="119911">KIki...Feeding Schedule</font>
6am 150ml FM
9:30am cereal + fruit
12noon 180ml FM then nap
3pm Bread/yogurt/fruit/biscuit
6:30pm Porridge
9:30pm 180ml FM

The diff is he used to have another milk feed at midnight but now no need. He refuses to wake up :/

Looking at other feeding schedule and amount, Ian seems to be drinking very little milk.
<font color="0000ff">kiki</font> this is Kate's feeding schedule:

7:30am - 150ml FM

~9am - cereal
~10am - 180ml FM
~12noon - lunch
~2pm - 180ml FM
~4pm - 180ml FM

7:30pm - Dinner
8:30pm - 180ml FM + sleep until next morning's feed
Thanks for sharing your feeding schedules mummies!

my feeding schedule is very similar to yours. so u think its ok to keep it this way then? kim's doing fine actually,but i'm just wondering if she shd be taking 3x solids instead of 2x.

wow..your boy is still drinking milk in wee hrs?! u're super hardworking!

for your feeding schedule, do u consider it as 3x solids? i also wondering if i shd slot in another solid meal for her, but not sure how or where to slot in. keke... coz she wakes up late at 8am then sleeps at 830pm! wah... ian is an early riser hor?

wah...kate is drinking alot of milk feeds! 5 feeds compared to kim only drinking 3 feeds! does she finish all the time? kim's drinking 180ml per feed but sometimes drink until 160ml then refuses to finish up.
Hi Mummies,

Any of you experiencing this?
My girl has been refusing to eat her solids now... regardless of what it is except for (adult food, bread) Anything I make for her breakfast/lunch , all she reject after 1 or 2 mouthful. Why? Her milk intake remains good though.. I felt that she is sick with her porridge, so I've tried avocado milk with cereal, egg custard, fish/pork/chicken porridge with veg stock, potato balls, mee sua...

Any advise, not sure if I should start on rice and soup?
<font color="119911">Kiki</font>}
He'll wake at 6am to drink milk then falls back to sleep till abt 9plus. Still, it's really tough to wake at 6am to prepare milk!
oh dear...poor u! so he wakes up like clock work everyday at 6am? what happens if u don't wake up to feed him at 6am or say... feed later at 7 or 8am?
Yes, amazing, like an alarm clock, he'll wake daily at 6am (plus minus a little). If he doesn't get his milk, he'll suck his thumb real loudly and then cries. After milk, he'll fall back asleep. I tried to break this 'habit' by pat pat him back to sleep. Doesn't work and he ends up very cracky which is worse.

Woah, your list of food sounds exciting, your girl is not interested? What kind of 'adult' food is she interested in?
It seems Haohao is eating quite a lot...

6am FM 120ml
9am BM 150ml + rice cereal
12noon porridge
2pm fruit
3pm FM 180ml
6pm porridge
9pm FM 180ml

same here, Haohao is my alarm clock that rings at 6am

Kriden's feeding schedule

7am - 210ml FM
10am- porridge
1.30pm - 210ml FM
6.00pm - porridge
9.30pm - 240ml FM - slp until 7am morning feed

Kriden feeding ok anot ar??? Seem quite ok. But pd say he is overweight =( he is now 10kg at 12 months 8days
