(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Mil food problem

Dunno why they wanting to feed our babies strange things. My hub has sensitive nose and is allergic to dust if there's a lot. I told him must be his mom fed him rubbish when he was baby that's why he has allergy!!!


not exactly chase lar. But I pulled her back and sat back then she kept pushing the mango into my gal's face. Duh!

And she told us must put brown rich porridge into her milk and bottle feed her after we told her that we ate feeding her brown rice porridge with puree. She insisted our way is not nutritious. Isn't it all brown rice??!!
congrats! r u the first mom here to conceive #2?

she looks ok to me in the pics u posted on fb leh. mine also not as chubby now although he still eatg normally. 9kg is good weight dun worry! if she doesnt want to hv more milk maybe u can incr her solids?
<font color="0000ff">milkway,</font>
There is no rules/guidelines of how many times per day a baby should take solid food.

What I think is at the early stage of weaning, the most important thing is to make baby get use to the idea of spoon feeding. If bb can take spoon well and eat reasonable amount of solid at 1 sitting, I would call that successful weaning already. And introduce as many natural food as possible (as in no seasoning at all). The old way of adding cereal into milk and bottlefeed bb is not an encouraged weaning method and should avoid this as much as possible.

Then the second stage will be slowly replacing more feed with solid and cutting down on milk feed. This stage varies a lot among babies. Some "converted" to eat solid more while some like to continue to be a milk baby. You just follow what your bb prefers. If she likes milk more, maybe you can offer puree as snack, so she still get to eat reasonable amount of food from spoon. Before the age of 1, main source of nutrients are mainly from the milk, so don't cut down the amount of milk too drastically. As long as you don't force food into bb, it is very rare to overfeed baby, as baby should know how to reject food as this age. I would be happy to give as much food/milk for my girl as long as she is willing to eat/drink.
Mango is a safe food for baby woh. From the wholesomebabyfood.com

My defination of natural food = give the food to baby as it is with minimal or no cooking and definitly no seasoning.

Commercial puree should be okay. I never bought one, maybe you want to read the label to see if anything is added? My guess is there should be nothing added.

Cereal is processed to suit babies. Not natural but very safe to take.
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">kam</font></font>
thanks for the picture info.. I never knew pumpkin is a fruit!!
I always tot it's a vege!! Haha...

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">michelle</font></font>
ya... Babies shld take only natural foods with no seasoning... Definitely no sugar And salt Added...

But last nite I was eating yoghurt n Rayanne was following my spoon everywhere n so I gave her a dot(the spoon touch the yoghurt then come out liao) of yoghurt... She loves it!!!
Haha...But I told her no more till u are older...
Usually I bring a tiny tub of happy puffs out n feed her with it when I'm eating...
So at least I'm enjoying my food n she her puffs... :p

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">happy bellies batch 5</font></font>
collating orders... If anyone wants refer to my spree or PM me...

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Spiffies</font></font>
anymore orders??
I also thought pumpkin is a veg :)

You know you can get baby yogurt? Go find the Yoplait baby yogurt (Petit Miam), suitable for babies from 6 months onwards.
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">yoghurt</font></font>
haha I know can give yoghurt, but not my pink guava 100% fat free yoghurt with strawberries, mango n Koko crunch.. Lol...
I went to Carrefour can't find baby yoghurt... So cold storage has huh?? Okok!!! So nice!!! Mix with fruit purée... Yummy!!!
kam> oo. so de apple, banana, papaya, mango tat i scrap n give bb direct is good?

maybe i shuld check the commercial purees, cos i seriously got no time to cook. most of the time my boy take purees with cereals

rach> yup. i know no salt n sugar definitely.

u can trying getting her baby yoplait. it's yogurt meant for babies from 6mths. den u can add ur own fruits in? like papaya, blueberries?

i oso give my boy puffs as i eat my meals. so he dun get so grumpy seeing us eat
Hello mummies.
Long time never log in already.
Same as Ning, having #2. Never expect to be so soon. This is really a surprised for me and hubby.
I tot I was the only person, too paiseh to tell. So i'm not alone now =)
Will be visiting gynea this evening.

Hi Ning
Congrate to u! Think we are about to have the same edd, in Dec.
Becoz I'm also about 6-7 weeks.
I tried to give Arielle pumpkin porridge last night and again she rejected…dunno what is wrong..maybe she doesn’t like porridge..

Ning and Jiahui – Congrats to you on your #2!

Michelle – wow u let him try beef, chicken liao…I haven’t, I intend to do so soon…

Girly – Haha she prefers her papa to feed her porridge, funny ley…

Kam – Yoplait baby yoghurt so hard to find. Cold storage don’t have it. Any idea where can I buy?

yep mango is one of the low allergy food. But that was her 1st trial day for a new food. Didn't want to wonder which one causes allergy if suay suay something happens. If she's allergic to fm can give yoghurt?

my baby ate 2 spoons of banana then refused it after that. She even made those retching sound then turned her head to refuse it. Thought she'd like it since it's sweet. So strange.
Oh yes, giving fresh fruit is of course a wise choice. If you go for organic, that's even better, but I am not an organic person myself lah :)

My gal doesn't like porridge also. But I don't have to cook. Her nanny is the one who cooks all the delicious porridge for her, she is very lucky to under the care of a very good nanny.

I got mine usually at the Cold Storage at the Holland Village. Other places I don't know. The Marketplace at Fusionopolis doesn't have this also. Some NTUCs may have. But ya, quite difficutl to find. And expiry date quite short, so can't keep too much also.

Oh okay. Now I understand what you meant.

Not sure leh, think yogort contains cow's milk also? Better check to label. And monitor closely when you introduce.

Banana is my girl's favourite :) But I am happy that recently she is willing to take almost everything! Think her teeth have finally cut and so eating better and sleeping better liao, phew!
potbelly - yoghurt is made from cow's milk. Since your girl is allergic to FM, can't give her yoghurt.

Could your girl be full after eating banana?

Kam - It is very reassuring for you to find this good nanny huh? She looks after your girl only?
I tried to find it at Cold Storage Centrepoint but no stock. Always no stock. Can feed them the whole tub of yoghurt or half?
jiahui> wow. congrats too =p haha. but i olways think edd in dec bo hua. cos maternity leave will lugi xmas, new yr eve, cny =x anyway it's still a good news =p

bernice> beef was de heinz one tat i got for him to try. den sch cook porridge with chicken/pork. so i guess dey gave it to him too. i m ok with it la. cos after 6mths i think can introduce some meat? =x

yoplait yogurt hard to find cos i last heard it was oos. used to be able to find easily. even ntuc

potbelly> diff baby diff ba. my boy likes banana too

kam> haha. cos my parents give us fruits after every meal ma. so i gave to my boy oso lo. apple, papaya, banana or mango. others like orange, kiwi, pineapple, watermelon i dare not give though =p
<font color="dc143c">Ning &amp; jiahui,</font>
wah!!!!!!!!!! heheheh..so finally we know who's the 1st &amp; 2nd liaoz. hehehe.. :p
I dun want a Tiger baby..so no way will i get one now.. hahahaha....
After June can try.. lol....

<font color="dc143c">Mango</font>
but i dun like to really give mango coz its not a good fruit leh.. from my uncle and mum la.
Its quite a sip luah (heaty) fruit..scared later constipation also..
though I'm a MANGO LOVER myself!! hehehe.. :p

<font color="dc143c">potbelly</font>
same..Rayanne dun like banana.. tried 3 days..she didnt finish it...
till now its still pumpkin and avocado favourite! hehe.. :p
Yes, the nanny is so good! We are so lucky to find her (actually introduced by my son's teacher). She used to work in the infant care also, so she is a certified child carer. She is also highly educated, she quit her job because of work stress and want to spend more time at home. Can't get anyone better than her! She takes care of my girl and a 3+ yo boy. I don't know how she can do it, she cooks/prepares 3 meals for her family and the 2 kids, and still have enough time to make her home sparkling clean and tidy and neat everyday.

For yogurt, I feed her as much as she is willing to take. The rest either goes to my #1 or my tummy :)

Your parents are so nice :) Kiwi is from 8 months. Citrus (orange etc) from 10 months.
<font color="0000ff">Ning &amp; Jiahui</font> Congrats!
wish you girls a very smooth pregnancy

<font color="0000ff">milkyway</font> wow, Shanis really doesnt eat much, but 9kgs is a very good weight! maybe your mum secretly gives her loads of other 'supplement' to boost her growth, heheh...

Kate loves the porridge at infant care, maybe i should go and be an apprentice at the IFC kitchen and see how they cook their porridge.
kam> hehe. my boy is 8mths liao. maybe can try kiwi =p

paige> same lo. my boy oso love de porridge at ifc. according to them. their porridge use alot of ingredients like chicken, bones, etc to cook. so very tasty ba
CONGRATES!!! You are another brave mum!

Paige and Michelle,
My #1 too! He ate so much when he was at IFC. I tried their porridge before and it's really yummy! Paige, yes, you should go, ask them politely that you want to learn, so at the same time, you get to know what they use in cooking porridge (make sure they don't use seasoning), 1 stone kills 2 birds leh :) I did that last time for learning to bath my baby, while in actual fact, I wanted to know how they handle my baby and how they do things :) My #1 really grows up very well there. If not because of the cost, I would have sent my #2 there also. But now we have this excellent nanny, so no complain lah :)
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Ning &amp; Jiahui...</font>

I also cant forsee myself with another baby that soon... hurhur~

Congrats! May u both have a smooth pregnancy!
Take Care! =)</font>
hi mummies...

It's been long tome since i last posted here..however i have been reading this forum on and off whenever i m free...can only do this during the car ride using i-phone...been so busy with work !!

some updates..i withdraw my baby from infant care, as we just find it too tiring, and baby fall sick every 3 weeks. Thus, decided to get a maid to take care of her, and install cctv at home. Hope it's a wise choice.

Feeding baby -> read that some mummies feed porridge. I tried that with Elise too...first time rice + fish + carrot, she doesnt like it, haha..in the end i ate most of it. Another combination is rice + chicken + Pumpkin, this one is betterm she can takes more. I noticed that no mummies feed fish to their baby? Can we actually feed fish?

wow...congrats to the mummies who are pregnant! anothey joy coming up..

Rach, i will sned you the happy babies order in a while... :p
Thanks mummies for your blessing =)
I will be getting more busy than.
But i believe I can handle it.

Hi Kam
Actually I'm not that brave.
This is an "accidental" one. haha....
Initially, planning to try for the 2nd one next year.
Since, this is "tian yi". So we just accept it.
We are also happy, only that the plan had brought forward and finacially "siong"
Got to be thrifty.

Hopefully, the MS for this round will not be as bad as the first time.
Ning $ Jiahui> congratulations! My hubby also kept pestering me to have #2, better not tell him that the mummies here already preggy, if not he will make me preggy too! haha.. anyway, I plan to have a rabbit BB, so may also try after June too. Rach, *High Five*! Hehe..

Sept 2009 Mummies in FB...
Ling, I have send a request to join the Sept 2009 Mummies in FB club. Please grant me request. Thanks!

Last weekend when I visited my son, I happen to see 2 teeth sprouting at the my son's lower gums, haha I am so happy to see! Lucky me that my boy does not have too much problem with teething. He is eating well, sleeping well, and playing well. Did not fuss much, but the only problem we had was to clean his gums. Now, he doesn't let my mum clean his gums..
then how ar? any other alternatives?

My boy has constipation again! This time he was crying when pooing, so kelian and I feel so sim tia.. last few weeks, my mum fed him with banana and papaya, he was pooing really well. Then he started to get bored with papaya after taking for one whole week. We also let him try prune puree. Then, when his Nestle oats with prune finished, we switched to Nestle Rice cereal with apple and cranberry + Gerber prune puree. His poo became a little dry. The worst was last Sunday when he cried during pooing. I think it might be the rice cereal. Btw, he is drinking more water now then he used to. So now, since the rice cereal has finished, we started the HT barley cereal + pear(since i read that pear helps in constipation in wholesomebabyfood). Hopefully, this can curb his constipation.
congrats! take care! my #2 was kinda "accident", thought i was still breastfeeding #1, didn't expect so "lucky" to "win top prize" haha. actually good to "siong" one time, then both kids grow up together
it is so sweet to see my 22-month old #1 playing happily with 7+ month old #2 now
MIL and Mother feeding Baby..

I think I am one of the lucky ones. My mum was a nurse before she pension, so she is quite careful in feeding my son. She understands what food should be taken and what should not. Sometimes, I do update her on the info. For e.g. she first time fed my son with banana, then my son started a little cough. Then she immediately stop giving him banana. Until when I found out from this thread that we should try "tali jiao" instead, then my father went to buy and let my son try. Then, my mum gave the "tali jiao" to him instead of other types of bananas. Sometimes she brings my son to PD for the injections, she always ask advise from PD and listens to PD advice. Anyway, the PD is one of practicing medical student when she was working in the hospital. So, she quite trust what the PD says.

As for MIL, she doesn't get involve too much into how we bring up our child. At times she may give some comments on what to feed, who and who feed whatever food, how they look after their babies, but she never do it herself, so we do not have much problem with her.. hehe..

oh btw, one of my cousin fed her baby (6 months older than my son) with outside cooked food. After that, her baby didnt want to take baby food like cereal and puree. Maybe her baby start to find outside food much more interesting compared to baby food, haha! So, she also advised my mum and me not to feed BB with outside food until older..
Bernice, Kam

ya. I was thinking that she may be allergic to the cow's milk in yoghurt. Let her eat other things first. Still hv a lot of other food that she hasn't tried. No hurry.


Maybe she's full. She refused to eat her porridge too. Zzz. Must try banana again another day. I think she doesn't like fish. My mom tried to give her the salmon today she refused. Not sure if it's because my mom didn't mince it properly or she minds the taste and smell. I shouldn't let my mom feed new food to her. The last time my mom said she refused to eat peas. Then next day I purposely stay at home to feed her. She ate up the purée. Dunno what my mom did. Sigh.
<font color="119911"> Yoplait baby yogurt (Petit Miam) </font>
Tot I saw on the tub that it's suitable for 1 year old and above? Is there another type that is suitable for 6 months and above?
Haha, I totally understand you, cos my #2 was also an "accident", and now she is already 8 months :) It's challenging to take care of two young ones, but it's sure doable. Thinking positively would go a long way. Take good care! I wanted a tiger baby, but the tiger became a cow :)
<font color="dc143c">Kam</font>
LOL!! i like the way u said the tiger became cow... lol!!!
But Tigress very fierce leh...
glad u have a tame moo moo..so pretty and adorable.. :p
congrats to Jiahui!!
wow... tat fast...
my hubby dun even dare to "touch" me... in case of "accidents".... lol

Wishing all mommies <font color="0077aa">Happy Mother's Day!!</font>
<font color="dc143c">Jess</font>
hahahaha.. I'm the one that dun wanna be touched in case accident.. hahahah.. :p

Mothers Day sunday leh... today only tue.. ;p
<font color="dc143c">Just wanna COMPLAIN!!</font>
wah lao.... i cannot stand niao ji...
those who have my FB.. can go read what i just posted.. i'm so fuming mad loh..
clearance also so cheap.. got even more cheapo people.... wah kaoz....
And say i got poor attitude... kaoz....
She's the only one out of the few hundreds mummies i've sold to that says that of me.. HALLO!!!???!! what the h*ll is she thinking???????
Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to do join surveys? Got tokens one... Any mummies with babies taking Friso Stage 2 Follow On / Friso Step 3
Mead Johnson Enfapro / Mead Johnson Enagrow GUM 1+, do pm me..
<font color="dc143c">Corinne</font>
shall i copy the whole conversation here???
Mmmmm...later she sue me how..........
i PM u can or not... heheh.. ;p
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Thanks Jess, Waiwai &amp; Stephanie
My gal is 8 month, now very clingy.
Always want me to carry her all the time.
Not sure is it good for a preggy or not.
Think i got to be more careful.

Hi Kam
Agree with Rach, the way u said. And its funny.
For me, I'm planning for dragon, but the tiger came in first. haha...

Hi Rach
Cool down.
I know it can be quite furious to get such feedback.
But you had done ur best.
hahaha just read ur fb.. But why u post on FB? anyway, there r all sorts of people lah. Take it easy. Chill. Haha

Jiahui, can one lah.. I was expecting #3 when #2 was 5-6 months...

Plus #2 was a girl, and is super clingy... so it was really tough... but if ur hubby is supportive, one can help look after #1 and you can look after #2
