(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Okie!! off to squeeze milk make cereal!! LOL!

fitti m is small cut? hmm... maybe i shd open my fitti L size n see if she can wear that instead.

those cupcakes look so pretty and cute! do they taste as good as they look?

haha...your hb hopes for the gal coz your #1 is boy mah. same for my hb...since ours is a girl, now he hopes to have a boy next. i guess its all parents wish to have a pair. then can close factory already!

take care! hope your boy gets well soon!

i think any major changes u make in your life, you're bound to feel some loss. it takes time to adjust. if u're unsure u'd like being a sahm, then why not try to take no pay leave for a while? will your company allow that?

caterpiller ah. ok thanks!
<font color="0000ff">cookiezz</font> Where in bukit timah will you be going for car servicing? Aiyah, if mon or tues you can pass to your hubs, ask him to pass to my hubs....i don't mind sharing red apples and bananas. Eh you buy so many how to finish, you are not following the 4-day-rule thingy ah???
<font color="0000ff">kiki</font> yes, M fitti can just nicely fit the width of her big buttocks, any larger her butt cheeks will be out!! This is fitty premium lah...for Fitty Basic, she can still fit...
i think i need a live demo to better understand what you're trying to say. i need to like adjust my girl's arms before trying to flip her over from tummy to back. she does try to flip but unable to do so, i noticed its the arms, always in a funny position. i think she hasn't figured it out. i kinda keep practising leh..but still not getting it. so tiring always got to go rescue her and she DOES love to keep flipping from back to tummy all the time unless she is strapped down to the swing or sleeping!
step goh, rach

yalor... i go to swensen side lah... =.=
didn know there r two taxi stand.
cotton on kids to c whether any new stocks anot. then remember u all mention bout this petit bowl.
welcome to the non-sterilizing club then!

paige and cookiezz,
i think both of your husbands taking the same course right? then convenient for you all to share things.

if they fit medela bottles, then i want to get one or two caps from you. i've recently started using the medela harmony pump because of paige's rave reviews. so far it's working quite well. i use it for day time pumping in the office.
yours is three room flat right? my current three room flat is already super squeezy even though i don't think i own many things. i can really imagine that you have no space to walk at home with all your loot arriving for your BPs. hahaa ...
<font color="ff0000">rach</font>

yessss it's working!!

You guys reply really fast. While I was busy looking for the bracket signs on my iPhone there are like 5 posts already !!!
<font color="dc143c">kiki</font>

yes they are really very pretty...
and its nice too..

not that sweet.. i've been eyeing them since ROM to wedding to first month...
and finally got it for first month.. hehehe :p

<font color="dc143c">sandwich</font>
yup.. my mum's place is a 3 room flat..
hahaha.. u can ask those who came to self collect stuffs before.. i only have a 2feet walking pathwaY from the main gate to the kitchen/rooms..

Not to forget i have sofa, coffeetable, and WALKER!
Poor Rayanne only can roam in a single direction and sometimes stuck between the kitchen and living room.. coz got step down.. she used to cry once she droppped to the kitchen floor.. now she clever lioaz.. used to it.. she'll run to the kitchen.. but still stuck.. coz i close the glass door a bit... her whole walker too big to come all the way down to kitchen.. wahhaha..

Its a BIG MESS at home la...
as long as nobody start complaining at home yet, i cross my fingers.. hahaha.. but i can imagine next week when more BOXES arrive.. i hope my dad wont start to make noise.. hehehe...
<font color="dc143c">potbelly</font>
yah..iphone abit leh cheh..
so nowadays when i'm on iphone, i dun bother to color or bold it.. unless i have time.. hahahha...
gotta change to 123, then change to another sign... hehehe....

<font color="dc143c">cereal + carrot</font>

knew it.... prepare 3 heap and she only finished 2 heap... wasted a about half an oz... :/

giver her water on milk bottle, she play with the bottle, squeeze the teat with her fingers n see water dripping out.... lol..

but since its water i leave to her to discover la...
rach> ya. usually wat i do is increase abit daily. but sometimes he dun eat cos he too tired, but not becos too full. but than again, i feed him at 7+ when he juz finish 160ml at 5pm =p

babiesmeme> wat do u mean by little caterpiller on pampers diapers?

kiki> haha. i told him boy or gal i m closing factory. actually immediately after my boy came out, i told him no more #2, cos i dun like de feeling of epidural.

sandwich> sure. u can either pick up from me? or i can drop in ur mum's letterbox, let me know. anyway i think of asking u help me pass de cereals tat i ordered from cookiezz, i can pick them up from ur mnum's place if u r ok
<font color="0000ff">sandwich</font>
I also joined your camp already. Have not been sterilising for 1 month. And yesterday pack up the steriliser to the store room. Feel good about it, a bit more time in the evening. Nice.

<font color="0000ff">jolimilk</font>
Not all women made to be SAHM. I know I am not. I know I am definitely a better mum when I come to work and only take care of them at night and on the weekends. Cos I appreciate the time spent with them a lot more, and I get to be so patient with my kids, and we get to do more things, cos we know times are limited for us. It's not easy to be a SAHM. My hubby knew what I am thinking and he knew I would never be one, or maybe I would, when the kids have grown up, then I want to stay home and be taitai :)

But honestly, to share with you, I really feel like I have been a better mum to my kids cos I don't have to face them 24/7. Even when they make me angry during weekends, I just turn away and think, never mind, I get a break on Monday morning, and then on, I never lost my temper on them.

And more importantly, I don't feel that I miss any of my kids' development milestones. Cos I monitor them very closely. I spend all my time with my family when I am not at work. I don't think I miss anything. For both my kids, I am the one who gave them solid for the first time, saw them flip/sit/crawl/stand/cruise/walk, saw my #1 done his first ever puzzle, he called mama and papa first, and he is definitely loves us very much and we are his preferred carer and friends. When I really want to spend time with them, I take leave. So it's been great for me so far. Having said all this, I gonna be thankful that I am so lucky to land myself a stress-free job and that I can knock off in time everyday.

It's all depend on yourself. If you are not sure, try to stay at home with your kids for 1 month or so?

Doesn't matter a SAHM or a FTWM, we are all great mum doing our best for our little ones. All the best! Jia you, ok!
kam> i know how u feel
cos i prefer to be a FTWM more too. i find coming to wk not so much of a chore now. cos i can understand how it's worse to be a SAHm =p n now i appreciate my boy more, cos i seldom have time with him =x
Wow Lau sian leh.. Bonus really prorated!!! And my boss says I shld b lucky mine is ave given I was out for more than a qtr.. Bohoo!

You don't want a 2nd one?

Where do u find the help button?

MIL feed bb with avocado and she eat. After that vomit out. Means cannot take or need to add other stuff to it?

Just now MIL only put cereal into bm and feed bb. ASk her y, she say easier cos maid nvr steam carrot/sweet potato, cereal will turn watery easily. Thot they are suppose to learn to take solid. anyone only feed cereal without mixing wif puree?
i feed cereal with bm or cereal with water. all without mixing with puree.

today and yesterday my boy ate avocado. he's a big eater, polished off half an avocado at one go. luckily i bought a bag of 4 so can last one week.


sure, no problem. you arrange with cookiez, so that the next time i meet her (maybe this weekend), she can pass the happy bellies stuff to me. the bottles i can get from you when i pass you the happy bellies stuff, don't have to post inside the letter box.

next time rayanne needs a playgym, she can climb up and down the boxes, hahaa!
<font color="ff6000">paige</font>
will be at nissan, quite near sixth ave i think. will be stuck there for a few hrs! some of the stuff can keep first mah, cos my fridge is new one, haha so quite powerful. can keep fresh for quite long. so will make puree for those more perishable foods lor. the min to order is $30 mah so no choice got to buy many stuff! also tt's y need to share! hehe yeah we share bananas n red apples k? u want half half?

<font color="ff6000">sandwich</font>
hehe yah same course! so qiao right? ohhh u like the pump? tot there was something wrong the other time? u want the fruits? cos we may be meeting tis sat to exchange loots? oh yah, michelle says pass u her cereals, u ok? haha just saw ur reply, okie! oh yah tt time u said daiso got sell the spoon to scrape fruits right? where huh? went there a few times and cannot find....

<font color="ff6000">sandwich/paige/kam</font>
hehe i also contemplating if i shld stop sterilising leh cos i never sterilise the bowls and spoons liao! the steriliser is so big and ding teh!
Connie, i jus feed cereal with BM only...I haven start any puree

3hrly, i feed 150ml of BM with 1 tablespoon of Frisocreme cereal...


How do we give the cloth book to our bb?

Mus we wash First b4 give it to them?
Can they suck/chom on the cloth Book? isit safe?
Hi all... can I just check about feeding patterns?

How much milk do you gals feed and what's the duration between feeds? Also, any advice on the introduction of solids?


(from the ever so kc and sotong father)
i'd like to have another if possible, but just not at this moment. i think it will be too taxing for me to be pregnant and looking after my girl too.

for avocado, hmm...if vomit out means never really go down or cannot digest. did u feed alot? try mixing with milk to make the texture smoother and thinner. it should help. its perfectly ok to feed cereal with just BM alone. cereal is also considered solid food for baby.

wow...your boy can polish off half an avocado? my girl only takes about 1/4. and i think she doesn't really fancy avocado pure puree, she won't even finish that 1/4. but if i add cereal and milk, she will finish it.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Happy Bellies</font></font>

Vpost side has updated! I have a feeling they will reach me tomorrow or the day after!

my girl is taking 3 big feeds (abt 120ml) of milk and 2 small feeds (60ml) of milk 1 hr after her each solid meal twice a day. 1 solid meal is cereal + puree and the other solid meal is usually pure puree only. the intervals is about 3.5-4 hrly. advice on introduction of solids? - patience patience and patience!! if baby doesn't want to eat, the mouth won't open so don't try to force. if u're frustrated, better stop or ask the other parent to do it (if available) or just try again the next day. the 1st few times it WILL be very messy! so prepare for it. prepare the wet towel to clean up that messy mouth or cereal that flies all over. remember to put on the bib. last but not least, remember to praise your child when he does it right!

good luck!
milkyway> pro-rated as u new in company? or becos u went on 4mth leave?

sandwich> keke. okie. i oredi arrange with her to pass to u =p hee. okie will pass de caps to u when i get my happy bellies stuffs fr u
sorry for de trouble though =p

cookiezz> hehe. i oso thinking of stopping sterilising. but haha. my hubby is de one sterilising. so maybe no need stop. since not my job =x

gerald> my feeding schedule is this:
645am: latch
9am: bottle 160ml (sch)
11am: cereal (2.5tbsp - sch feed)
1pm: bottle 160ml (sch)
5pm: bottle 160ml (sch)
715pm: cereal+puree(abt 70ml)
den EITHER 9pm latch, followed by 1am dreamfeed 200ml (this way he will sleep till i disturb him at 645am)
OR 12am dreamfeed 200ml depending on my mood =x (this way he will wake up at 6am n ka chiu me, but can dun feed him till 645am)
<font color="ff6000">bibs</font>

i rem one of the mummies ran a bp here selling bibs with collars like t-shirts which babies cannot pull out. who issit huh? haha! need more bibs!
Michelle to recognize the balloon stretch pampers there is this cute little caterpillar printed on the pamper plastic bag I found quite good usually I use for night
Portbelly burp, thanks for the info on the bp, shall check it out. I think i will also stand by some disposable ones - this is so that I have something to stand by if they poo after putting on the diaper and before going into water.

all the rest, thanks for letting me know the price of the diaper.

cookiezz and jolimilk, i am also contemplating if i should quit my job....difficult decision.

Rach, usually they eat about 8 scopes of cereal mixed with milk. My maid gave my boys 12 scopes of cereal before. They also managed to finish but thereafter, just sit there and not move because they were too full. So I guess 8-10 scopes is enough. They are big eaters. They can finish one bowl of porridge.

Experienced mummy, is there such thing as over-feeding babies? Can we feed babies cold puree? (anyway, lazy mummy here already fed them with cold apple puree. I tried microwaving the puree in the baby cube and the puree splattered all over the microwave)

For those feeding FM, when you say 120ml, is it the ml after adding milk powder or the water level before milk powder?

Connie, I don't add puree to cereal. Only milk to the cereal.

Michelle, I thought my babies eat/drink a lot. Yours drink a lot of milk!!!
<font color="dc143c">cookiezz</font>

hehe.. u are good.. i'll have headache browsing the archives...

I wish i can be SAHM also.. no need to bother about closing sales and hitting targets...
but its too nice a job to let go... So i'm still hanging on..and doing whatever bit i can... hehehe.. :p

As long as company dun terminate me can liaoz...
And i miss going out meeting my clients... and going to office and chit chat with my coll!!!
All very nice people...
but now i need to prepare 2 persons before i can leave home.. very hassle... sigh....

So most of the time i'm home unless my clients call.. heheh.. :p
Or I'm OUT shopping or meeting other people for fun.. kekeke.. :p

I always say Rayanne is a very street smart baby and will be very street smart when she goes out coz she goes everywhere with mummy since day 40... hahha.. :p
<font color="0000ff">michelle</font> Ya, i have extra solid caps from medela bottles because the feeding bottles i bought all come with feeding teat+ring and also solid caps...yay!! now I have caps for all my glass bottles!

Wah, your hubby so nice, help you wash and sterilise...I asked my hubby to wash once and he didn't even clean the teat properly, can still see milk-fats in the teat!!!! argh!

<font color="0000ff">printznsuch</font> I also don't label clothes for infant care, only bottles &amp; pacifier. You can get labels which are water resistant, dishwasher resistant from BP site...its called BrightStar something....saw them on <font color="0000ff">sandwich's</font> #1's bottle and really liked it...

<font color="0000ff">cookiezz</font> wait later when my hubby comes home, I ask him whether sat he can go Tan Chong motors collect the apples and banana frm your hubby (am assuming your hubby going also)...eh, they don't have their project meeting this wkend hor....hmmm.

<font color="0000ff">sandwich</font> hope the let-down lever on the harmony pump works for you....so far, i find it really useful when pumping on the go and also for holidays
My PISA is now sitting gathering dust!

<font color="0000ff">babiesmeme</font> oh, hahahaha....i see...ya, i saw the balloon stretch thing, its new, huh....I think mine don't have

<font color="0000ff">milkyway</font> huh!? 4 mths leave kena pro-rated? I expected mine pro-rated because i went on no-pay! But maternity leave is our entitlement, leh!
<font color="ff6000">paige</font>

hehe okie sat we will be there at 11am. he has to be there cos i cant drive!!! think now no more group projects wor... individual project now i think. he chionging now haha! now waiting for him to fetch us home *yawn*

<font color="ff6000">rach</font>
hehe i use chrome for browser so i just type words and can search the history automatically. i can nv search our archives lor. sure cock eye one!
i add the FM then add water to 120ml. suddenly i'm wondering if i'm doing it the right way. which way are u doing it? but i guess the difference is slight so shouldn't be a big problem.
<font color="119911">rach</font>

yalor. iphone is lechey... have to keep flipping the keys here and there.

<font color="119911">bbq</font>

oh, it hasn't occured to me what to do if my baby poos. but if she poos before going into the water, then take it off, wash it and let her wear it again? can't be that suay right? hehe.
<font color="119911">kiki</font>

my confinement lady filled the bottle with water and then added fm to it. so we did it her way. not sure if it will affect anything. anyway, i stopped feeding my bb fm since week 2. so haven't been doing it.
Kiki. Say 1 scope of similac = 60 ml of water. So, if I want to add 2 scopes, I will first put 120ml of water, then add the powder. However, the final ml will definitely be more than 120ml. The difference can be substantial if say your baby drinks 150 ml and above. Difference can be at least 20 ml.
Don know avocado can add to cereal too. After mash, avocado are very watery too. Will tell MIL to try.

Ur bb can take half avocado. a lot lei. Just retry giving her some cos I trying to finish the balance 3/4. She ate it, hope she won;t vomit it out again. Any idea, is it ok to feed it when the avocado is cold? MIL feed her ice-cream this afternoon. FAint.

MIL only feed bb 2 scoop using similac spoon with BM. Bb started solid last Tue. By how many days, must I increase to 5=6 scoop?
for mommies feeding fm, the correct way should be pour water first then add powder la.

bbq u r right. for 150ml water the end pdt with the powder will be abt 170ml
mama to 6j, long time no "see"! so, in this case, would you have considered your son having drank 150 or 170ml of milk? a bit technical :p
hihi!!!! yah been v busy! the boys been hvg one test after another! i very chuan!

haha.. i still tell ppl he drinks 150ml leh but actually he drinks 170ml hor?? i just totally stopped breastfeeding him few days ago so now he is on total fm and his poo stinks like mad!
<font color="119911">bbq</font>

ya.. ice cream is cold and sweet. that's why i'm surprised.

my mil gave meat to my niece when she was 4 mths old....
I was about to answer the question on FM. Yes my answer same as yours.

How did you manage to stop BFing so easily? I know my supply is bad, only 60-90ml per pump. So I wanted to stop BFing too. Tried on sat. Last latched my girl at 7am. Then didn't pump or latch. When at work, I pump at 11am. At 12+pm, got very bad engorgement, can't clear till next morning. Sigh, thought can stop pretty easily since I am already very low supply. But it seems like I got to do a proper planning.
babiesmeme> caterpilla? erms. nv notice de pampers bag. so u mean de bag hor? not tat u found caterpilla in de diapers? stressed me for awhile leh. cos i use pampers at hm, n drypers in sch

bbq98> alot meh? erms. i dunno leh. keke. maybe he nv finish, cos i juz give. too much milk, dunno wat to do oso. de freezer got loads more which i dunno wat to do oso -_-

and my boy so skinny, let him eat more ba

paige> keke. sometimes men can be careless. agree tat my husband is nice, he helps me wash de storage bottles and sterilise de pump n bottles when we reach hm. help me dream feed baby while i pump at nite, den after finish feeding, come out accpy me pump till i finish, at the same time pack baby's milk for nxt days feed in sch. den he wash de parts when i'm done pumping while i pack de pump for nxt day =p maybe he's de reason y i still hold on to breastfeed, else i might have given up long ago =x

ERr??? Why not just send to Kindermusik?

Wow! That's one caring husband. I think it's great both parties appreciate what the other is going through. There are times when things get done but yet go unnoticed, but great to see that it's not so in your case.

Cheers to all and nites!
