(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Gina my girl perspires a lot too. Leaves a wet patch on cushion or bed. I figure that it's a common thing among babies. And the el niño is not helping either. :p

cookiezz yeah I'm thinking of getting a big playmat for her. What's the diff between lg and parklon? I googles and I found a website selling it for $300!!

mamypoko cutting is big? hmm..but i used to use mamypoko S size cut like very small, very fast can't fit. petpet never tried before. maybe i can try that. thanks!

the BPs here sell playmats, should be cheaper. why don't u check it out?
Feeding on the go>

thanks to all mummies who contributed..

ya think have to bring cereal out in the milk powder container.. Haha..
N bring a few baby jars ba..

By 9months can they finish a jar of 4oz??
Might have to bring 5-10 jars there then..

cookiezz, cannot bring milk out cuz all milk are inside my breasts!! What I do now at each feed is put cereal into a bowl n squeeze my breasts for the milk direct into the bowl.. Lol..

I do it in the kitchen, hope neighbors opposite didn't see anything.. Haha..

But outside will be a mess n quite funny if I take out her cereal n then put on my poncho n start squeezing n then emerge with a bowl of cereal + milk..

Think my frens will freak out.. Lol!?
potbelly i got mine for $160 hehe. 15mm and i think one of the biggest mat. main diff bet lg n parklon is tt lg supposedly better hence more ex. u go read the bp threads, they got explain

kiki issit? when jacob was using small, mamy poko was the last diaper i used cos it was the biggest leh. i din buy m though.

rach kaoz!!! freaking funny leh u!!! haha! but true lar since u latch 100%... where u gg? some countries sell quite a lot of baby food one. like kl, so much more than sg wor!

lunch hehe juz cooked myself some beehoon soto using premixed sachet. hehe yummy!
okie thanks! i will check it out. balloon stretch is something new? my girl used pampers S before, but nv noticed is it the balloon stretch or not.
potbelly i bot mine for $160, preloved. sometimes need to check want to buy thread cos some of my preloved stuff bot frm there as some sellers cant post in wts yet

Does anyone know where can I get nice cakes/cupcakes for 3 year old birthday?

My gal's birthday coming. Wanna buy for her celebration in school.
<font color="0000ff">babiesmeme</font> wah,Hwa Xia mat so cheap hor? how is it as compared to LG or Parklon?

<font color="0000ff">michelle</font> eh, i dont need the caps anymore coz my MEDELA caps fits the glass bottles!!!
made carrot puree this morning and i sterilised another batch of glass bottles for freezing and one of the bottles got accidentally "capped" by my medela cap...hehe!

<font color="0000ff">cookiezz</font> wahh!! you are cooking up a storm for Jacob?!
How come when i go KL and Penang I can never find baby stuff...where did you buy all your baby stuff in KL?

<font color="0000ff">rach</font> you are so funny! but seriously, I can never squeeze milk out just like that...it goes all over the place! My best investment so far, my Medela Harmony manual pump! Very good for travelling...

<font color="0000ff">kiki</font> try pampers, cutting is big...M is still ok for Kate...Kate has thunder tighs too....her M size fitti i bought from Penang getting super tight, but didn't know fitti cutting so slim cut...so must faster faster finish them up! I find Fitti Basic's cutting bigger than Fitti Premium...I kinda like Fitti Basic, will bring that to infant care since teacher told me to bring 6 diapers per day! (Fitti Basic is like dirt cheap!!!!)
potbelly i got mine at $160, preloved. check out the want to buy section cos a lot of mummies cant post. i got some of my stuff there

rach ohhh... i miss the food there!! went there jan last yr. ate like crazy! i wanna go back again! but i wan cool weather haha!

paige yeah i hope it is a good storm! my first attempt! in kl, we are tourists so usually go to the city area. pavillion got jasons i think. got baby food. if not will go parkson to stock up pigeon wet wipes. very cheap there. i think other dept stores have also. if go during sale time can buy clothes cheap too. this jan we were at mid valley, so bought organic cereal, food jars and rusk from the cold storage there. i think some of the pharmacies also got baby food, so need to take some time to walk ard. was accompanying hubs' on a work trip so had time to walk ard
<font color="119911">Kiki</font>
When bb is on her tummy, just gently turn their legs so they flip back on their back.. do it on the bed lor. I remember I did that to Ian, then he keeps trying to do it himself, even in the middle of the nite when he's sleeping. Practice practice and soon he can flip himself liao.

<font color="119911">Rach</font>
Wah so good.. I also wanna go traveling. Ever since seeing kiki's Bintan photo, I've been so gian. But dunno if I can cope or not.
Can I check with you something on the Medela Harmony manual pump?

Did you ever use Personalfit breastshield instead of the Softfit on the pump? I tried once and it seems like cannot.
<font color="dc143c">Gerald</font>
I dun sell LG/Parklon mats.. :p

I still have about 20sets <font color="ff0000">baby cubes</font> at home. anyone still need??

<font color="dc143c">Prettymums</font>
Cupcakes Momma!

I got Rayanne's 1st month from them...and so far... none of the cupcakes seller i search beats cupcakes Momma in terms of designs and price!!!


<font color="dc143c">Paige</font>
Hua Xia's mat cant be compared to LG/Parklon at all..
its just... a mat.. thats all... its not the same material... its like.. a bit foamy kind..
very light..though size wise its pretty big also...
but its not as sturdy and solid as the LG mats..

hahaha... i gotta hold the bowl (with the spoon still inside...) just below or half covering my breasts and then squeeze... :p
see where the squirts come out from.. hahha..
usuall 3 or 4 fountains.. kekekeke...

Sometimes i need to bend over my body etc...and my mum will be laughing at me... commenting...
"wah lao.. need to like that ah...??"

<font color="dc143c"></font>
<font color="0000ff">prettymums</font> I have never tried personalfit, only used their softfit....but cannot sterilised too often else it will get out of shape!!

Nowadays i don't sterilised anymore, unless its for storage purposes...I'll join <font color="0000ff">sandwich's</font> camp

<font color="0000ff">playmat</font>
How about the foamy pink/yellow/blue/green ones which comes likes a 'puzzle'...i don't know what you call those, but can buy from kiddy palace...some of them have alphabet on it...are those any good?

<font color="0000ff">cookiez</font> hahaha, cannot 'mop around the mat' only lah coz my sofa has legs, so i need to mop under the sofa, so need a movable mat...my dog's fur often gets trap under sofa

<font color="0000ff">rach</font> hahaha, you are blessed with a full bossom....if like mine surely cannot make it! haha :p

<font color="0000ff">kiki</font> ya, ya, so hot!!! I turn on the aircond whole day now...my electricity bill is gonna go sky high this month!
ya, been having meals at insane hours also....Kate's putting me on a slimming course...been loosing weight even since I had to take care of her alone at home
....hope to start work, so i won't loose more weight!
kiki> lol. my hubby wans a gal now. he so excited n ask me go test when i told him my period din come -_-" heng all along i was not having period =p it was juz spotting n i tot it was period =p

kam> same, my boy's infant care no need label clothes. all put in pigeon hole. but i doub they remember clothes la. cos my boy got so many. keke. cos i went on a mad shopping spree even before he was born -_-

n oso need to label his bottles n pacifier, juz in case.

gina> it's ok. my boy oso flip to sleep on his tummy now, and he actually learned how to flip back n crawl in his sleep =p

now when he's awake he knows how to flip back, but not yet know how to crawl =p so interesting how he actually learns all these in his sleep

kiki> ya. drypers is small. think mamypoko is big. pampers is definitely bigger den drypers too

cookiezz> keke. so apple sauce is apple puree. lol =p

rach> think 4oz abit too big? my boy can finish abt 2/3 of a bottle each time. usually give him 1/3+abt1.5oz of cereal.

paige> hehe. it's ok. n ya. all de caps are de same size. juz din know u have so many medela caps. de pigeon caps oso same size
<font color="dc143c">Paige</font>
nah..mine arent full..but i must say... it got fuller after i started BF...and its got bigger only ard 3rd month leh...

I wonder how it'll be like after we stop BF...

Experienced mummies, are our boobs gonna look like how it looks like now when its deflated???????

And the areola hor... issit gonna stay the same?? or go back to last time????????

sad leh... ahahha...
Haha... :p

The problem is the school. Not too sure if they require me to certify or not. Very troublesome.

Thanks. Will take a look.

Ya... that's the reason too. the softfit seems like not able to hold my breast well. that's y like not efficient.
<font color="dc143c">Michelle</font>
ooh.. i dunno leh.. coz now i only give Rayanne 1oz frozen puree (from Petit Bowl) and 2 heapspoon of cereal + fresh BM. hahaa...

Coz last week she didnt finished when i gave 5 spoons..so now i dun dare to try too much in case go into the sink again...

so far on 2 occasions she finished 2 heap spoons..
maybe tonite i try 3 heap spoon.. kekkee...

<font color="dc143c">BBQ</font>
how u feed 12tablespoons huh?? u increase whenever not enough and until 12 u stop? or when u give 13 too much so u go back to 12??

Very siong leh.. like 1 tin few days gone liaoz like that.. wah......
It seems like everyone has started your babies with solids liao.

I haven't start yet. I wanted to give my son last weekend but I was down with bad gastric flu and spread to my son too. Now he is having high fever. Cannot give. Sigh
<font color="dc143c">Petit Bowl</font>

this sat i got 2 Baby Showers to attend leh...
I dun think i can make it for the gathering... SOB SOB!!

March like super busy..alot of wedding and birthdays...1st month..1st year... 2nd year....

I've been to 1x1st year, 1x2nd year, 1x21st bithday over sat and sun.. faint...
I think we need to reconsider our Petit Bowl gathering... cause they say Sat they will be very packed cause of the kids whom attends school there will go have makan there too apparently...

Unless we still go and dun mind the crowd.
<font color="dc143c">Foogo,</font>
I got 25 orders liaoz.. like i said, i'll place orders this sunday.. ask them to deliver on Tuesday... to coincide with healthy times.. cloth books likely will reach ard wed-friday...
Happy bellies ard Mon-Tue too..


Come next week, my house will be a WAREHOUSE!!
If short of babies supplies know where to go!!
hahaha.. ;P

Amd Fitti too....

aiyo... i sound more like garung guni!!
<font color="119911">kiki, itsy</font>
Thanks for sharing your experiences and thoughts. I've been thinking so hard. Did you feel lost after quitting? I'm just afraid that I would, after coming so far, and giving it all up sounds like a pity. But at the same time, I totally agree with being around especially during his milestones, once gone, gone forever.

<font color="119911">Kiki</font>, heng! and just as you were saying that she might be your only child! hee hee

<font color="119911">cookiezz</font>
You are not SAHM mom. I thought you were cos you doing spree for HB. Same like you, hb is ok with me not working, but don't like the idea of getting $ from him. And after working for so long, it's like wasted leh...

Looks like most mommies here are working moms...?
<font color="119911">Kam</font>
Wah, your son very clever leh...good helper at home. I always thought that only girls can be good helper. I must go and look at phones already, so dificult to find one that suits all my requirements!
<font color="119911">rach</font>
Thanks for explaining on SippyCups. My boy hasn't reach that stage yet. In fact, I'm still waiting for him to do 180 degree flip unaided. He can flip only 90degrees now, from side to on his tummy and back. But if he's on his back, he's just totally contented!!

I was reading your post on squeezing milk out to mix with cereal and laughed out loud. My hb looked at me and asked "why you laughing"? haha!

Hey! U going HK!! My hub juz asked me when's the best time to go! R u planning to bring dd to Disneyland. If you are, do watch over her hor. My HK friend told me that some parents "lost" their kids there before, never to be found. Sorry to sound like I'm stressing you over this, but it's too big a price to pay.Just keep an eye on her will do, anyway, she hasn't learnt to walk yet...so should be fine.
<font color="119911">Ginack</font>
My boy sweats even when drinking milk. And sometimes when he sleeps even though aircon is on! Patch of sweat on bed.And always have to help him wipe off, otherwise, side and back of head always wet!
<font color="dc143c">jolimilk</font>
haha..thanks.. dun worry not gg to Disneyland.
My trip planner says $100++ per ticket??

dun wanna waste that money..and i cant play with her...and she cant play... no point..when she's bigger we go Japan la.. wahahahha....

Oh.. i'm also FTWM leh.. haha. but staying at home and not gg to work.. wahhaha... bad...

oh ur hubby at home at this hour?
Hi paige, i do not have lg bumper mat very expensive over my budget hehe. the hwa xia playmat quite big about 200mm i found ok la my bb never complain when i put him lying to play, sometimes he sleep on it also. Some mummies said those foam ABCD not so good cos some bb might bite on them
Petit Bowl,
aiyohh.. so diff to find leh. i went united square jus now.. walk 2 round also cant find. i remember 1 mummy say near taxi stand... i go taxi stand also cant find. or maybe i cock eye =_=
myfavchoco... did u go to the swensons side? if you go to the official taxi stand which also have the Junior League children's salon, you will be able to see it...
potbelly gong xi ni! haha i also juz learnt recently

jollimilk i do sales so as long as my clients dont miss me too much i can afford to shake leg at home! next mth my mum can come over to help out so i can work part time. the thing abt being a sahm is tt u also will be forgoing tax reliefs and childcare relief, which can be quite substantial. so i will still be working part time, if not bo hua leh haha! give gahmen earn $$$!

organic fruits and veg
anyone keen? i think delivery will be fri so if any mum wans to share fruits and veg like corn, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, carrots, apples, bananas and papaya to make puree let me know. cos they sell in packs of abt 500g each which i dun think jacob can eat so fast! so we can share like 50-50 so tt we can more varieties yet smaller and fresher quantities
hubs and i gg to bukit timah area for car servicing on sat so can drop by for mummies who stay ard the area! if not can pass u ard redhill/tiong bahru area
<font color="dc143c">potbelly,</font>
thats why i say i'm supposed to be FTWM.. but i've yet to go back office.. wahhahaa.. so i'm living like a SAHBM.. hahahaha.. :p

<font color="dc143c">Petit Bowl</font>
its at the side where TOAST BOX is.. if u walk towards TOAST BOX, then u will see it..

There's 2 taxi stand at United Square actually.. even the 2nd time when i wanna go there... i also cant find it until i found TOAST BOX...
so now i'll just look for TOAST BOX... been there a few times.. but always still like walking a maze. hahaha....

<font color="dc143c">COLORING WORDS</font>

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Remove all the spacing between the commands..
Replace the word blue with red, orange, purple, green etc... and u'll see... but not all colors can... unless u use rgb coding...

Go to HELP at the top of the page and look under FORMATTING...
