(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

how did u stop bf so easily?? I wonder how I'm going to stop successfully. How to deal with engorgement?? I'm pumping lesser times now and limiting the amt.. But I still latch leh. Jen says I shld stop latching first but it's so easy to latch on the go and also at nite! Sigh.. Mayb I shld stop latching if I really wanna stop..

Michelle, Paige
yes I'm being penalize for giving birth n taking ML.. Sad to say it's the truth.. Guess that's y birth rate is low.. Need to plan my next step if I want to continue working, change job or stay at home. Each has it's pros and cons.. Not easy and i've procrastinating...:p

sorry I'm going to ask something abt constipation.. Hope I won't spoil ur breakfast :p

does ur baby gets constipation after starting cereal?? She took her 4th cereal ytd and she hasn't poo poo ytd. It's 1day already. She used to poo ard 2-3x a day.. And suddenly it drops to zero. Shld I b worried?
<font color="119911">milkyway</font>
When Ian started taking cereal, he didn't poo for 3 days. I was worried too and fed him banana puree on the 3rd day, then he poop twice on the 4th day. Ian was on total BM b4 starting on cereal so I'm quite used to him pooing once every few days.
when he was on full BM, my boy pooed twice a day. just after introducing cereal, there was a 3-4 day stretch that he didn't poo. but after that he started pooing once a day. think you don't have to be worried for now since it's only the day 1
i share a lot of your sentiments about being a FTWM. i think i'm a more patient mother in the evenings after i've spent some time at work. i cannot ever imagine myself as a SAHM, especially since i cannot cook for the family and clean the house.
Actually bb not advisable to take ice-cream but MIL gave her while I'm at work. My maid told me last nite.

Last time my gynae told me to gradually stop the pump. Start by shorter the pumping time, then guadually pump when engorge, pump till not pain then stop. Not engorge, no need pump. Like that, milk will reduce. It took me 1-2 weeks before the supply stop completely.

That time, I was pumping 1-2 times per day.
itsy, sandwich
thanks for ur reply.. ok then i monitor and see. my gal was on TBM too before i started her on cereal on sat lor, then ytd she didnt poo so got worried.. wonder if the brown rice cereal cause constipation.

yet to start on puree...
hi morning mummies!
I saw my boy flipped twice continuously this morning on his playmat: : )
when he going to flip fr his tummy to front, his bumper chair was in the way but He still stay sideways in tat position for few seconds n didn't flip back.. Hahaha,.. Quickly went to remove his bumper chair n he continue flipping. : )
yes, i know what u mean to say. come to think of it, when i go out, i do it your way. water into bottle 1st. but somehow at home i do it the other way, maybe it started out like that and became a habit! :p but baby never had issues before leh. and since she's been taking solids, i also feed some water aboout 10-20ml a day so i guess it makes up for it.

just wait another 2 days and see what happens. yes, brown rice can sometimes cause constipation. if u're very concern abt not pooing or not pooing regularly, u can change to white rice, or mix with white rice cereal. but white rice cereal is not as nutritious as brown rice. why not discuss with your PD. shanis shd be going for jab soon? because kim is going this friday. hehe...
**hi-5** We are members of the FTWM-and-don't-sterilise camp.

Before having kids, I cooked almost everyday and cleaned the house weekly (note it's past tense). But now, only cook occasionally during weekends, and no longer do cleaning cos we engage a part time helper. ALL my time goes to the kids and hubby :)

My problem will be the same as milkway, ie, I latch my gal at night. So I have to stop latching first? But I don't know how can I stop latching without my girl crying.......
Why freeze banana??? It's so easy to make. Give baby the size he wants, then you eat the rest lor. And most likely, you are going to buy 1 bunch of banana, so use 1 everyday. You don't eat banana? Fresh is best!

<font color="ff0000">For those giving banana, before you give banana to baby, please make sure the banana has ripen enough, ie you can see the black spots on the skin already. Unripe banana has some proteins that baby is unable to digest and hence may upset their tummy/digestive system.</font>

i went for a trial class at kindermusik. They didn't tell me that there's so much hidden cost. It's only when I want to sign up they told me that there's a 50 bucks enrollment fee plus the material fee which is $68 comprising of 1 bk 1 small ball and 1 dunno what for every semester plus the school fees. So I want to see if there's an alternative school out there.

Michelle you are a lucky girl. Your husband is so hands on.
Both banana and avocado CAN freeze. But if it's possible, give it fresh, both very easy to make mah. Also, after freezing, both may turn dark-ish.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Happy Bellies Cereal</font></font>

They will reach me today! Those who need to collect urgently, I will be going to Chinatown and Tanjong Pagar later, so if you need to collect cereals first and can meet me there, let me know. Else I will be at home at Redhill
ya, i got to freeze the banana, because i don't like to eat banana. so...if i were to buy a bunch, even a small bunch, it won't last and will turn bad before baby can finish everything. so usually can freeze for how long ah? 2 wks ok or not?

actually the annabel karmel top purees bk says that both avocado and banana not suitable for freezing. but mommies here say can leh, so since it been tried and tested before, i think should be ok? i do wonder why the book say cannot though...wonder if any nutritional value is lost while freezing or not? hmm.....
<font color="0000ff">cookiezz</font> argh! sat cannot go collect fruits, i think i will pass this time round...plus Kate starting infant care on monday, I will go kaypoh and see what they are feeding her first on monday, if its only porridge, then i might make some puree and bring over for this month since I will be at home...if that is so, and if you have some leftover fruits/veg i'll let you know? then you can pass to your hubby on tuesday, he can pass to my hubby during class

<font color="0000ff">Kam, sandwich</font> I can't wait to go back to work....after taking no pay leave and staying at home being a temp SAHM, I realised that, in order to preserve my sanity, i so so so soooo need to get back to work!
CAn't face household chores, baby, cooking, etc mon-fri...!
SAHMs out there, I really really salute you girls....!!!!
ermm.. Shanis has no more jabs till 1yr old leh.. M I missing something?? Wat jab is Kim taking??

Won't banana turn black if u freeze it?? Hmm... Just my tots.. Mayb I shld try banana purée.. Hope it helps my gal poo?
kam and kiki,
thanks for the info. didn't know that avocados shouldn't be frozen. i've frozen three cubes of it so far, mainly because good looking avocados are so hard to come by, so i thought i'll just freeze in case i'll need it on a rainy day (when i can't find nice avocados). i'll get him to finish those ASAP and not freeze the avocados anymore.
Not me who said it leh. I say <font size="+2"><font color="119911">CAN</font></font> freeze.

This is what I found on the web (http://www.superbabyfood.com/vegfruit.htm), and it says:

Freezing avocado: Peel and puree avocados with a little lemon juice (1 tablespoon for each whole avocado) to prevent darkening. Freeze for up to 3 months.

Freezing bananas: Yes, you can freeze bananas! That's fortunate for those of us who bought too many at the 29 a pound sale or who let their bananas get black. Just fork-mash or puree and freeze in ice cube trays. You can add 1 tablespoon lemon juice for each cup of banana to prevent darkening. Or, you can just freeze them right in their peels--place the whole bananas inside a freezer bag. Bananas will keep frozen for up to 3 months. When thawed, they'll be mushy--perfect for your little one or as an ingredient in baked goods.
kim is going for 6-in-1, after this jab, no more till 1 yr old. maybe shanis went for it already is it?

i don't know leh. but when i freeze my avocado, i don't puree then freeze as adviced by jenifur. i cut into slices, then i freeze, leaving the skin on too. when i want to feed baby, i then scrap it and mash it up. but for banana, i mash into puree then freeze. and yes, the colour does turn brownish. so far, my girl has consumed frozen avocado n banana and nothing bad happened. if u search online for info, most say can be frozen. so i guess up to u?
i read that baby below 1 yr old shd not consume anything citris. so i didn't add the lemon juice. but another site that i read said that 1 table spoon is not the same as say a whole cup, so apparently its ok? but if adding the lemon is just for 'pretty' sake so that the colour does not turn browish, then i rather not add it. just my opinion only.
yah she took it 2wks ago.

sweet potato
my mum gave my gal sweet potato and my gal keeps spitting out.. So my mum says don't give purees of any sort.. n no cereals too cos she hasn't poo today..Just give bm will do and mayb porridge.. Sigh how to educate her??
was the sweet potato pureed properly? u used fork or blender? maybe not smooth enough? u fed pure or add BM? i feel for my girl she takes better when milk is added. or it could just be the tongue reflx, over time will improve. initial feedings especially if its something new, your bb will try to sort of spit it out or keep sticking out her tongue. have to be patient and slowly introduce. but if shanis doesn't want to eat or really totally hates it (could be various things...texture not rite etc), she would probably voice it out. mine definately will :p

just feed bm now is ok actually if your mum really concern no poo poo, but later u'd have to try again lah. if u just started out, cereals/puree not really meant to replace the milk feed. after kim takes her solids food, i feed abt 60-80ml of milk about 1 hr later. if just feed plain porridge not much nutritional value leh. hard to convince that generation leh. they probably have never heard of pureeing and freezing baby food. my MIL eyes open VERY big when i told her i making bb food to feeze. :p she said i'm crazy btw. haha... later when she comes my hse and see the various frozen purees i have in my freezer, i'm sure i will be nagged at again!
<font color="0000ff">poo after cereal</font> Kate went on a record breaking <font color="ff0000">7 days</font> without poo! On the 8th day, she poop like there's no tomorrow, a HUGE mountain of poo, i used nearly half my wetwipes to clean her butt, front, up to tummy! *faint*
<font color="dc143c">potbelly</font>

yah..thats why i never leave my girl alone with anyone.. even my mum...
sometimes they will just be abit adventurous and try some funny food on them..

dun wanna take the risk.. hehe. :p
<font color="119911">Kiki and Milkyway</font>
Same here. My mum and even my hubby's eyes were big big when I said I'm going to prepare puree weekly and freeze them. Fortunately they didn't object... I guess mainly cos I'm the mother and main carer of my bb so they can't really object lor :p

How to not freeze them? I can't possibly prepare fresh puree daily? Or feed Ian with baby jar daily?? So ex, that'll be abt $2 per meal!

<font color="119911">Paigey</font>
Wah, sounds like an explosion of poo! Hhaha did u take a photo? It'll be funny when u show it to Kate in the future.
haha, ya lor! mummy shd have final say. :p
btw, how many times n hrs does ian sleep during the day?

saying maaa-ma-ma-maaaammy
my girl just looked at me and said that continously! wanted to video it down, but when i took out the cam and she saw it, she just stare into it and stopped talking. lol.
<font color="0000ff">kiki, itsy</font> didnt take photo,, but yes, up to tummy! and can you imagine, it was playdoh like poo, not the watery breastmilk poo, so it was really A LOT! she "kek sai" until her face all red, and sweaty all over...it was quite funny coz she was actually concentrating on poo-ing.

Today she gave me a LUMP of poo after not pooing for 2 days, it was quite the hard kind, i think can pick up, like dog's poo,....hahaha!
does kate always have 'no poo' days? kimberly poos more after i started her on solids leh. now 1 day 3 times instead of the 1-2 times previously! u mean kate pooed a solid pc out? is that normal for this age??
I was passing by Waston Juz now n saw the pampers active with caterpillar (balloon stretch)... Now is on offer, $29.90 for 2 packs. Only saw L and XL size.

Bo Bian. Hv to work. Leave with mom better than with nanny or maid. At least won't get ill-treated. I just needed to tell my mom cannot feed this or that until a certain age cos the nutrition book says so and show her the page then she'll agree. But at my mil place I'll keep a tight watch over her. Cos my mil fed strange things
to my niece when she was a baby!
<font color="ff0000">any Isetan member??</font>

there's a sales selling the Tiger food jar cum cooker.
Heard it's $39 only..
Need coupon then can buy..
This Friday only..

<font color="ff0000">teething</font>
felt a shar. Edge on Rayanne's lower gum this morning while I clean her mouth..
No wonder she wakes up n cries last 2 nites n so cranky at 9plus for 2nites as well..
Tot it was cuz I brought her to hospital visit ppl she got scared or wat...

Just popped the teething tablets n she stopped crying this morning while feeding her cereal.. Suddenly she started crying after 2 mouths of cereal, I tot wat happened...
I really don't know if the sweet potato was purée properly cos my mum was the one who does it and feed her.. I'm at work!! Think my mum didn't add bm so abit dry?? She says no need to give my gal purée now cos she didn't give us any then... Then no cereal cos she didn't poo.. I told her it's ok if she don't poo for a few days.. Sigh..it's tough when I'm not ard to supervise lor.. Guess she'll do watever she wants. She gave my gal sweet potato also cos I say give. Initially she also says no need lor.
u can try giving her grape juice. 1-2 squeeze the juice out for her to drink. Last time the fruit stalls aunty teach me one n it works on my son,

I give pacifier to replace latch. Do note that weaning pacifier is diff between children. I'm lucky that my no 1 stop by himself when he is 18 mths old.

I give apple puree to my gal but I do it daily. Mean everyday steam 1/4 for her. Not as sour as it is taken fresh.
gerald> keke. yaya. agree my husband is good. but cannot praise him too much, wait he fly to the sky n dun help me =x

milkyway> wah. tat's so unfair. i know my appraisal was affected cos i so called "left my job n never finish my wk", but than again, dey give me wk to complete de day i deliver -_-" how m i suppose to complete. zzz. i oredi told dem be prepared tat i wun be back de nxt day, cos i got feeling

kiki> ya lo. i nv freeze banana. i usually give him the amt he wants, den i settle the rest. cos it's so easily available. but i try not to give too much banana. think it causes phelgm

potbelly> no wor. i train him by the day. slowly let him start by helping me feed baby, sterilise, wash the bottles, pack baby's dirty clothes, pack the bottles from steriliser den now finally help in preparing baby's nxt day's meal n now help me set up pump when we reach hm. i tell him i m also a FTWM like him. cant expect me to do everything =p

but haha. ya. lucky in a way, he listens =p

paige> dun stress urself la. let ur gal go sch n learn to eat diff things. i think it's good for babies to try out diff food. dun worry too much. the sch knows wat to do with ur gal. btw, which infant care is she attending?

n same like u, i m not SAHM material. i rather go out to face my wk. i find my wk so much more enjoyable than before now =x

milkyway> i m evil mum. even if my boy trys to spit the food out, i put it back into his mouth. eventually he'll learn to accept it. i wanna train him to be not so fussy like me =p

rach> keke. i m not member, but i got coupon from colleague n ask one of de aug mums to buy for me. cos i cant take leave on tat day
Banana doesn't help in curing constipation. Infact, it's the opposite. Eat banana when having diarrhoea.

Kam, you mean can't feed bb apple puree till 8 mths? Opps, I just fed them apple puree daily for the past 4 days.

I lazy, didn't steam it, just blend.

at least he's "trainable". A lot of my frens' husbands aren't even trainable!! Hehe. Sometimes you've to praise him a little so that he knows that he's being appreciated.
Potbelly, yes. I believe all of us were told since young that bananans cure constipation.

Michelle, if I go and they still have it, I call u.
<font color="0000ff">kiki</font> nowadays, she doesn't poo everyday

<font color="0000ff">kam</font> oh dear, poor girl, no wonder she was red in the face and perspiring while trying to squeeze out her poo! Thanks for letting me know!
got to up her water intake...normally i giver her about 10ml (pour into bowl after meal and feed with spoon), she doesn't like to drink water form bottle

<font color="0000ff">michelle</font> Kate will be going to Cherie Hearts@Gombak. Was talking to the person in charged this morning (need to get camp pass :p) and apparently they only feed porridge for those >1yr, less than 1yr old, feed cereal for breakfast and milk throughout the day! i think i might have to make puree for her lunch until she is 1 yr old,.....anyway, will go talk to her teachers this monday.

<font color="119911">Kiki</font>
9am - Wakes
11:30am - 1:30pm - Nap (f I turn on air-con, then he might sleep till 2:30pm.)

After this long nap, he'll take another 15-30min nap in the evening then sleeps at 9:30-10:30pm.

Wakes to latch abt 2-3 times at nite.

WAHH your gal can say mammy??! U must be so happy and excited! I hope Ian says mummy first.. then all my 24/7 spent with him will be all worth it
