(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="0000ff">kam</font>
regarding your Braun handheld blender, does Braun make only one model of handheld blender? am thinking of getting it from Penang if its cheaper here
was telling my mum about buying ready made food from Petit bowl, she scolded me, say 'how you know ppl's kitchen clean or not, utensils, veg dunno got wash or not, blah blah', so ask me prepare myself

<font color="0000ff">cereal</font>
Happy bellies, healthy Times, bellamy's - so many types, I'm also confused...<font color="0000ff">Rach</font> you let rayanne try all the different kinds of cereal?? dunno whether i should try healthy times as its more readily available at NTUC...but what's this with all the consistency comparisons?
Anyone feeding their baby non-organic cereal, veg/fruits?

thanks! i will steam it then. steam for how long ah? 15mins enough? will it be soft enough for me to use a fork to mash into puree or do i have to use the blender? also...how long can i keep it frozen? 1 wk should be ok? then i can decide on the qty to make.

banana puree
oh..i just fed my girl healthytimes banana puree. i think she loves it! she more readily opens her mouth when the spoon is approaching. i would say, she likes it better then avocado or apple. normally when i try new flavour, i only give 1oz, but she wanted more so i gave another 1oz and finish! looked like can eat more, but i prefer to stop here just in case anything bad happens like an allergy.

4 avocados for $2.99 is cheap!! i bought 1 for $2 at cold storage. but i think its organic thats why so ex!
Paige > my babysitter recommend the Frisocrem rice cereal and i try to fed my gal last weekend and found it quite sweet. So intend to stop it and change to healthy times as it is more readily available at NTUC

Kiki > it is really very cheap..but i don't need so many also.so pass 2 to my collegue for her baby boy
Not sure how many model they have. But any handheld one will do lah. Choose the one you like. You are not flying back hor, if you are, remember cannot bring blender on board, ok.

If you can spare a bit of time, yes, try make the puree yourself. It's very easy, it's fun and it gives you some sense of satisfaction for cooking for your baby, only takes up <30min of your time. It's only for these few months only.

Me, me. I am non-organic person. My girl takes Nestle and all the veg/fruit I bought also non-organic one.

15min should do. You can use a fork to try poking it, to see if it has turned soft enough. Should be okay to mash with fork, add some cold boiled water if it's too thick. Can keep frozen for quite long leh. But I usually try to use within 1 month. Banana is sweeter than avocado and apple, that's why baby usually would like.
<font color="0000ff">Rach</font> thanks thanks, saw your sms

<font color="0000ff">kam</font> ok, thanks
yes, flying back, but can check-in right? am still thinking how i'm going to manage stroller with baby plus check in luggages on my own!!
yeah, i guess if infant care gonna give salty porridge, i might as well make a batch of puree and bring over for them to feed...

<font color="0000ff">michelle</font> what cereal does your infant care give to Javier?

<font color="0000ff">mademoiselle</font> yeah, i also heard from other mummies that frisocream is sweet....so far happy bellies is ok...though am still on my first tin!
I think its quite strange, I've tried Sophia with many different things. The 1st time she will open her mouth very big then I think oh she must like this very much. The next time i give her the same thing she won't open her mouth big big. :S So confused. Maybe she not hungry i dunno :S
Kam> How is the taste of Nestle , sweet ? confuse le. dono really should go for organic cereal or not ,coz it seems meaningless if my girl take organic cereal and non-organic vege/fruit at the same time.
Avocado, my hus scare fatty fatty n i feel it tasteless hehee
Yes, should be okay to check in. Take minimun hand luagage lor. Stroller not a problem right, cos they will take care of that.

The infant care my #1 went to assured me that they didn't add any salt and MSG in the porridge. I tasted before and it's true. Just puree alone is difficult to make your gal feel full for a long time (ie to replace 1 milk feed). Need some carbo (porridge or cereal) to fill her stomach.

Nestle plain rice cereal now has 2 types. 1 with milk 1 without. The one with milk is sweet. The 1 without (is a new product, last year didn't have) is not sweet.

The fat from avocado is good fat. Not need to scare.

It's up to you to decide to go organic or not. My #1 took the Nestle rice cereal with milk which is sweet, but he didn't have any problem later with plain/tasteless food.
Hi mummies,

had been vy stress..didnt sleep well for 2 nites cos my bb is have recurring fever and had brought him to c PD yest. He had bronchitis, sttill dont know how serious but hv to observe his situation. My PD charges r so ex.. $390 w some medicine oni but its worth it as long as my bb is ok.

Any advice fm experience mummies and food to avoid. Please help T-T
my hb said may cos by the food tt he eats like cereal cos heaty. is it true?

i remember one of the mummies's bb oso got bronchitis but dont know who?
bronchitis in children primarily caused by viruses. Any smoker at home? Wash hand more frequently before handling your bb.

$390 is very very very ex. What med did the pd gave?
Berry even if he doesn't smoke at home he'll still have fine particles stuck to hair, clothes etc. So when he carries baby, your baby may still breathe it in. That's called 3rd hand smoke. I think I read an article on that in the newspapers.
kam> wow. 5th mth. my boy now 6th mth still cant sit himself. as in without sitting without supporting by his hands. but than again, he was borned 3wks early. maybe i shuld not expect too much from him =p

mademoiselle80> i got the playmat for my boy to put in the living room, so i can watch him play while i'm in the kitchen or in the living room. at least he got a big play area, and unlike a matress, no need afraid of him falling off, since matress are pretty much higher?

kiki> same same. last nite i made banana puree + happy bellies brown rice cereal for my boy. made like more den double what he usually take, den upon finishing he cried so badly, guess he juz wants more. keke. gonna get more banana to make banana puree for him =p

paige> keke. i nv ask wat cereal they give wor. shuld be cheaper one ba. dey nv charge me for the cereals =x maybe i'll ask them one day. i seldom have time to go there. every morning i drop my boy n quickly run off to wk, den at nite cant make it in time to pick him, my mum picks him up for me -_-" poor boy seldom gets to play with mummy n daddy, cos we're both bz at wk

my bb started w a flu which fm the infant care. i tot he got it fm there, didnt know actually fm my hb..gg to scold him tonite.

Is there anyway to help my bb to recover soon? Food to take?
<font color="ff6000">Marie, tlisa</font>
Fitti was just delivered to my place. Can check your emails and let's arrange pick up.
<font color="119911">Hello to all mommies who have just joined this thread. I just simply can't catch up</font>

<font color="119911">Paige, Jen</font>
the words Penang &amp; Kajang are so making me miss the food &amp; satay there!
<font color="0000ff">Porridge jar</font>
I heard that the Tiger brand one is quite good, apparently some mummies said can it can "cook" porridge in it.
<font color="119911">Kam</font>
SOO cute, the 2 of them. Gor2 even know how to playplay sneeze, or was it real? DD is really growing fast man. I think she's the fastest in this thread? Can stand already? Mine has yet to do a 180 degree flip by himself, hahaha...he happy can already....at least for now while he's still innocent

How do you manage to capture all these wonderful moments?? I always miss all these moments. By the time I run to get my videocam, it's over already!
Berry maybe a combi of both. Viruses spread v easily in infantcares. Esp babies hv v low immunity against viruses. Maybe your husband shld shower or at least wear a fresh shirt before carrying baby. That may minimise it.
<font color="ff0000"> Healthy times @YISHUN</font>

any more orders?? Else I'm closing orders tonite liaoz..

I got the expiry dates listing.. Some are expiring may 2010, like the sweet potatoes apple jar n some hugga puffs as well.. But majority is 2011 or even 2012..
okay...i'm lost now. Who is doing which BP now? and what are the collection points? *blur* after not logging in for a few days!
<font color="#6600ff">Had A Seminar and workshop today thus slept early last night. Before today is over, I'd like to wish...</font>

<blink><font size="+2"><font color="#6600ff">Itsy... A Happy Birthday!</font></font></blink>

<font size="+1"><font color="#6600ff">Hope you enjoyed this day with Ian! Wish you no more salty veges in your life!!!</font></font>
happy baby cereal
healthy times cereal
cloth books
foogo food jar, sippy cups
fitti diapers

collection Yishun or tamp on weekends(prearranged)
<font color="0000ff">berrypie</font>,
bronchitis can be caused by virus infection or by allergent (eg, smoking, fur, dust mite). You can't tell what caused that to your son. But I am guessing the virus is more likely. DON'T scold you'd hubby lah, he didn't know mah, just ask him to be more careful loh. Nothing you can do really caused it's virus, no antibiotic for virus. Those nose drop and spray are only to help your baby breath better. You mean a neubuliser? Ya the rent for it is quite ex.

My PD advises for baby <1 yo, better bring baby for consultation if baby is coughing esp if it's phlegmy cough. Delay treatment may lead to complication.

thanks! My son invented the ha-chiu to make meimei laugh. I use my iPhone for video-ing. No longer using video cam already cos mine takes too long to be started up.

Ok lah. Maybe it's the genes cos I myself walked at 9 months :)
Hi all, haven't been logging in for a while. wow, seems that all had started their babies on solid some kind or other. gotta start my little gal after her jab tomorrow. now gotta look for rice ceral.
need more advise on puree...so after i finish steaming and pureeing rite..its still abit warm. do i have to wait for it to cool down before storing in the freezer? if let it cool down, will bacteria go in? thanks!!
jolimilk> i oso heard abt the porridge jar fr tiger tat can cook porridge =p my mgr told me. say her sil uses it to cook porridge for her son
HR can walk at 10 months plus is really very fast. but your 9 months is even faster! smart genes run in the family =) have you read about the local child prodigy ainan celeste cawley? his father claimed that he crawled at four months and walked at six months. so amazing right?

paige and kam,
the school that my boy goes to honestly told me that their food has been salted. the former principal told me that it needs to be tasty else the children will not eat. and they don't provide cereal, preferring that parents get our own. not every child at my school eats cereal anyway. some eat food that i've never seen before in my life. apparently those food are specific only to their race/ethnic groups.

the fruit shop just below blk 202 sells nice small-sized bananas. my mum always gets those for #1.

if cost is a concern, bring your bb to a GP to get a referral letter to a PD in a hospital. that way, your bb gets to see a PD and you'll pay only subsidized cost. both my boys are subsidized patients at NUH. we pay about $25 per PD consultation, if i don't remember wrongly.

jolimilk and sharon and michelle,
are you referring to a thermal cooker? for those, you'll have to boil your porridge/soup for about 10-20min then place inside the cooker and the food will be ready for consumption in a couple of hours. one of the brands is thermal chef (http://www.thermalchef.com/). by the way, OG orchard carries quite a good range of these. besides tiger and zojirunshi they also have cheaper brands that work just as well!
Good nitez mummies!

Those who still want Healthy Times please email me by 12pm today...

I lost my hp..think it was left at the foot reflex place..( i hope!) so please dun sms me or call me (till i get back my phone....)....

you can still PM me.. i will still get it on my home PC or Iphone..
rachel... No wonder i sms u bo rely. Can u let me know 16oz thermal pls.
Also mummies, anyone selling philips avent sterilizers????? My son whole mouth area got rashes. I think is e bottles n pacifer nt clean enough? Haiz.... Nt handsome liao!
sandwich> oo. my boy's infant care give cereal for breakfast n porridge for lunch. keke. but i have no idea how dey cook those stuffs, cos i got no time to ask =x

hehe. my hubby everyday take one banana hm from office, cos his office provides food which olways ends up in de bin at the end of de wk. this way we wun waste food n no need buy too =p

oo. thermal cooker? de one my mgr told me is no need cook de rice one. juz put in this jar den it will cook by itself? sounds so magical =x

connie> jenn is having a spree on california baby product + desitin rash cream
Sandwich, don't you hv to
get referral letter from polyclinic to qualify as subsidised patient? I rem that I was referred to kkh by my gp for something but they classified me as private patient.
Connie> yah u can refer to jen's BP or other overseas spree for cheaper pricing..

me not pro with CB products leh....

My SMS phone> aha!! It's found!! At the shop I went for massage yest.. Called them to check.. HB will go pick it up later.. Meanwhile, I'm still handicapped!!!

Feel so.... Handicapped!!!!

Cindy> I fwd u the list later ok??
RE: nestle rice cereal...step 1..

the cereal w/o milk is on the market for a long time liao..my #1 took them in 2008 (so def not a new product lah)

but most of the mums that i observe in the supermarket tend to choose the one with milk...dunno why...

the <font color="0000ff">blue</font> tin is the one with milk while the <font color="119911">green</font> tin is the one w/o milk...

<font color="0000ff">kiki</font>,
It's better to bring the puree (or any other food) to room temperature before storing in fridge/freezer. During the cooling down process, just leave it on the kitchen bench, BUT remember MUST put on the cover, as in no need to close it tightly, but must make sure it's fully cover to minimize contamination. Probably takes 30-60min to cool the food down.

<font color="0000ff">sandwich</font>,
It's not smart genes, but active/naugthy genes :) My friend's #2 started cruising at 6 months!

Wah, your cc put salt into the porridge ah, but at least they are honest about it, so the parents can make decision to let thier kids to eat or not. My cc cooks porridge separately (from the older kids) for infant, so they don't season the porridge. They cook the porridge with 1 type of veg and 1 type of meat, then blend the porridge with blender, very yummy :) And they provide cereal, all Nestle, all different type of flavours.

<font color="0000ff">cindywang</font>,
Rashes got nothing to do with bottles/pacifiers being unclean, or has it??? If it's unclean, it would cause something inside the body, like diarrahe, and not something on the surface, like the rashes like you said.

I have stopped sterilisation bottles and everything once my girl started solid. Being a lazy mum, I don't even wash the bottles with soap. Just rinse with tap water and then with hot boiled water. Suit my lazy genes :)

<font color="0000ff">cloudme</font>,
Oh really? My #1 was born is 2008 and I didn't see that leh. I remember when I was at NTUC, one mummy approached me to help her read the content on the tin (she's from China). She wanted to look for a milk-free cereal cos her baby is lactose intolerence. But after going through all the tins, found nothing for her lah, all said has milk residue.
