(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


U got extra tin of oatmeal? I think I get one BR & 1 OM from u. Unless u tell me the expiry is Aug or something! Lemme know can? Reserve these 2 for me first pls?

Btw I help u advertise on Aug thread. Maybe some pple will email u to order hehe

Cookiezz I try feeding my bb today too with healthy times with fm of 3oml with 3 tablespoon brown rice cereal it's watery ? How much you mix to get the right?
today i also gave my gal her first cereal! yes yes it's super watery till it's like milk but feeding with a spoon! i gave 2 tbsp with 30ml lor.. think tmr i will add very little milk and see how..

can any mummy advise how to make healthy times more googey??
<font color="119911">midnightblue448</font>
This is what I heard from a friend, she said eating pig liver will decrease bm. But if you wanna do it by the book, then u just have to slowly decrease expressing or latching your bb.
okie will reserve for u! can only advise the expiry when i receive okie?
Thx for your advertisement ah! haha did receive some orders but brown rice is very low liao. oatmeal and multigrain still hv some

babiesmeme, milkyway
hehe i nv measure leh... agar agar one. cereals is abt 1 tblspoon. milk usually 10ml or slightly lesser. dun keep stirring k? cos healthytimes one will become watery fast. so hor throughout the feed, the cereal changes from very thick to watery! cos as u feed u will stir and baby's saliva also gets mixed in. u play ard a few times sure will get it one! but must feed water after tt... cos i realise jacob's not pooing as regularly liao, scared its constipation, but today 2nd day only. i will feed some water or rather let him feed himself and play with the magmag then followed by abt 90-100ml of bm. super power lor, i fed at ard 4.30pm before leaving for hub's classmate housewarming then all the way he din want milk till like 10.30pm wor!!! and only 1 tblspoon of cereal and 90ml bm!
cookiezz, my babies usually drink 80-100 ml of milk, then eat about 8 spoons of cereal (those small milk powder spoon). They can eat up till 12 spoons of cereal each for each feed. So you say I need to stock up not?
hahahahaha big eaters u have there leh!!!! but at least they eat
hehe i also intending to use e fm spoon to scoop but now i lazy, always pour out!

really? haha maybe 1 wkend shall psycho hubs go there look see!!
<font color="119911">cookiezz</font>
I'm feeding Ian with HT brown rice cereal too, and he didn't poo for 4 days liao. Getting worried cos sometimes he seems to be tryign to poo but can't. Wondering if it's due to cereal. I feed him abt 2-3 teaspoon a day.

I found that mixing cereal with only milk will turn watery quickly so I mix the cereal with puree, sometime I'll mix with both cereal and milk.
i think i put more BM than cereal so end up it was already watery at the start.. haha.. i think my gal still dont really know how to swallow with spoon feed. tmr i try to add lesser bm then.

i only just started feeding brown rice cereal today, can i add puree already?? as mentioned earlier, my gal still dont really know how to eat with a spoon
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">bbq...</font>

u place the HT orders liao ma? I will need u to send me your acc details for transfer again.. I lost everything in my old mail. Sigh~</font>
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">jolimilk...</font>

i need ur contact again... please pm me or check ur pm. Thanks!</font>
milkyway, babiesme etc

u try adding less milk to the cereal. i heard happy times is more watery than happy bellies. personally, i find hb turns watery too, but not v fast lah.

for myself, i use roughly cereal:bm = 1:slightly more than 1.5 eg 20ml cereal, i use prob 35ml?


i think u better try a few days of cereal b4 starting any new food. 4 day rule mah

luckily sam prefers drier cereal, so i make it quite thick. i think 20ml cereal to slightly less than 40ml bm.

yup i know u'll only get exp date after receive. but if expires v fast, say july, then maybe i wun get 2 tins ok? as long as after august, i'll get 2 tins. scared can't finish lah.
i'm soooo hot! just spent 45min re-org my freezer n now i'm sitting in aircon pumping coz so sweaty! grr!

i need a freezer!!!

anyone got lobang? i want the vertical ones, not the horizontal ones
jul> lol. mine is like 1:1. so i add 15ml of cereal:15ml of water. den add watever heinz puree i wan =p

hehe. wait till one day i show u how terrible mine is. zz. so much milk, no place to put, now i'm pumping lesser n shorter to reduce supply. how come u need to pump on a wkend? i latch my boy n only pump once at nite while he bottle feed for his dream feed.

n once again, mine ameda pump konked out again!!
Cookiezz I feed my bb 30 ml cereal with 30 ml bm and since it's watery I put in milk bottle and he finish it. Follow with 160 ml bm . He still can take again 200 ml bm in his next feed hehe I am using step 2 similac very sweet
Btw how you measure cereal in ml? I tablespoon = 10ml is it?our normal tablespoon ? I choose healthy times cos very convenient to buy but happy bellies like very difficult to get...
<font color="119911">milkyway</font>
I started feeding Ian with HT cereal once a day (abt 2 tsp) for 2 days and found the cereal too watery. Even when I use more cereal, halfway thru' feeding, turned watery again... thus on the third try, I added cereal to puree. I say 3rd try cos after the 1st 2 days of cereal+BM, I stopped for 2 days b4 trying cereal+puree. I thought if there's allergy, it'll show on these 2 days. Dunno... just what I think.

So far, I've tried mixing with sweet pea, applesauce, prune and banana (Pea tastes yucky :p) Consistency is better. I either add more BM to thin down the mixture or a bit more cereal to thicken it.

Then again, you mentioned that your gal dun really know how to eat with a spoon.. is it tongue reflex? Perhaps she's not ready for solid. Perhaps u can wait for another week b4 trying again.
Jolimilk>sippy cup is for babies to sip sip water.. Haha.. Check my site for the pics..

foogo> mummies any more orders??
I'm giving a diff price for mummies here.. It's not what u see on my site.. :p

Babiesmeme> it's not difficult to get happy bellies la.. Cookiez, Jenifur n myself doing ongoing spree... See where is convenient for u Lo...

i can pass frm AMK to Woodlands if it's not alot per mummy..
Other locations will be up to my convenience if I pass by..

Aiyah u forget ah. I dun latch at all. Sam doesn't know what my boobs are for liao hehe.


I use a cough syrup spoon to scoop, so I know 1 scoop = 5ml lor. Convenient mah.. light n plastic n can leave inside the tin.

HB very easy to get. Got sprees quite often.


It looks full but freezer v small. Only 17L lah, not say 100L or what haha.
Discount Card for Square2 Baby Carrier Shop

Anyone got?

I'm thinking of buying one. Not cfm-ed yet, just gog to look c n try this pm.

But got 10% with disc card right? How does it work? I use someone's 10% card then pass the new card back?
Jul> yup. Use the mummys card n you'll be issued another when u buy.. Then u can return the new discount card back to the mummy..

Each card has expiry 6 months so it's a good thing to lend ur card.. But I dun have one..

U gg this pm a bit rush leh.. Dun think mummies who has will log in.. hee.. U can try angel.. She has iPhone maybe will happen to see if u are lucky.. :p

Thanks! No lah, I wun be buying tdy. I just go look c first then think abt it, coz not cheap leh.

The card is for when I go back next weekend

supposed to train him to hold bottle using the magmag. it's pigeon brand. cannot = he refuses to hold it himself! angry..
can be both. but i use water coz less messy. he waves it ard lor. imagine milk all over the floor, clothes, face n hair!
jul> ops. really dunno tat u dun latch. so shiong leh. i like wkends cos i can latch n no need pump. if pump, means cannot go out whole day with baby?

yup cannot go out mopre than 6h, coz with getting ready n settling downb after coming back, it's 8h liao.

so i really 'suffer' these 6.5 mths liao. i tell myself if can go to 9mths, then go. if cannot, i also dun wanna mianqiang.
Jul, it's the same for happy bellies. Actually there is no hard n fast rule to the proportion of water to cereal. it all depends on what you child likes.

okie!!! hehe sam looks so cute topless with his mag mag! i feed jacob without his top also! will i get to see sam? haha!


heh, i tried giving some applesauce just now. he kinda likes it! i tried it, not very sweet or sour so shld be ok. hands itchy leh, so gave even though he is only on cereal for the 3rd day. he got poo, just tt not twice a day now and not as much. his poo got smellier even before he started the cereal!


i am still feeding similac stage 1 cos have half a tin left. i am thinking of not getting stage 2 cos wanna give all bm liao. forcing myself to pump more. now only like pump twice a day! and fridge only got abt 3l spare

jul, babiesmeme

yeah mag mag is the name of the pdt, by pigeon. i kinda swear by all pigeon pdts, say other than the bottle cleaning liquid. i also bot the orange one! mine loves to hold bottle wor, so i will give him water and let him play on the bumper mat so tt its easy to clean. usually will give before bathe time so he can feel free to pour all over himself! initially he dunno how to suck, now he knows liao. cos i got the 5mths spout for him though he was only 4mths then. i see no point buy the 3mths nipple hehe! his expression quite funny when he takes in the water. now hor, he likes to hold and then chew and suck the handle. he can hold his milk bottle pretty well also liao


is it recommended to give baby the commercial baby fruit juice? or plain water better? i am scared tt the juice is too sweet. cos i am thinking of getting something to entertain jacob in the car. cos he gets really cranky at night when we drive for no reason. quarrelled with mil last wkend over it cos she kept carrying jacob out from the car seat when he cried but we insisted tt he cry it out. then she called up my mum to complain some more... sianz! and last wkend got tp somemore when we passed by bugis cos they were escorting the floats to chinatown i think. luckily the tp were bz! now even fil is scared to sit behind with him in the car liao! cos toys sometimes not enuf to entertain him even though there are a LOT of toys/teethers!

sent him to in-laws' place so tt hubs and i can do some work. really very efficient man! did a lot of housework so now house is sparkling clean! even took out blender and tupperware to wash liao to prepare to make puree! but i am so tired now!
Cereal mixing> I mix cereal + bm+ purée then feed Rayanne.
She likes the Apple purée bought frm united square.. Finished all 3capsules liaoz.. Gonna give carrot tonite.. Hehe...

I tried to give her water in Pigeon milk bottle but she dun really drink.. Only 10ml then she dun want liaoz. She held the bottle n played with it like a rattle!!
Only 2nd try last nite then she drink. 1st time she drank a few drops nia then suck n pull n suck n pull at the bottle...
2nd try on cereal and this time it's much thicker. And my gal finished everything! can't upload a short clip i took on FB cos the video upload page is down...

jul, i passed mine to my fren but i didnt get it back cos i dont need it. If u dont need it urgently, mayb can wait till i next meet her? likely will be beginning of apr.

itsy, yah i think she has tongue reflex by pushing the cereal out but she can swallow the cereal leh and finish it up. think need to get her to practise eating with a spoon
Swimming diapers

I remembered that some of the mommies here bought some swimming diapers. Is it huggies? I tried to find at the MarketPlace forum, but I cannot find it anymore.

Rach I think you also did try to collate something like that is it? I want to buy some swimming diapers but not those reusable ones.

jul> soon i oso cannot latch wor. my boy hor, keeps bitting my nipples. grrs. so pain until tat day i hit him =x

i gonna dong until 9mths now. n once i reach 9mths, i'll adhoc decide whether to add on another 2mths or so. so dun stress myself. cos i moving office soon, n de new office not very pump friendly. meaning only can pump in toilet. so got to c how lo

cookiezz> wat is applesauce? where u all buy it? de only apple i give my boy is either self mash, heinz apple puree, or heinz apple juice. have not heard of apple sauce. where u buy it from?

i oso give my boy heinz apple juice. but one bottle i feed 3days, mostly used to mix with his oatmeal/brown rice cereal, so it's not so boring for him
not really for drinking. will force him to drink water after eating
