(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


i gg to prepare frozen puree to bring over to infant care. The infant care will give you the menu for the whole week but i told them to feed my bb later cos i need to test out whether my bb have any food allery to certain 1st.


my bb don't even like FM. Previously I tried and she finishes everything. Drom last week she decided that she don't like milk and will only finish 100ml from the previous 180ml. So I scared I'd I dilute the milk she will not have enough carbo for the day. Hubbs don't want to give her anything else but just plain water.
<font color="#6600ff">Before I forget</font>

<blink><font size="+2"><font color="#6600ff">Happy Birthday Jess!!!</font></font></blink>
ya..actually your boy seems to be quite a big eater...or maybe he really loves cereal and puree! hehe. my girl is abt 1wk older then your i think, but she is such a smally eater. i'm feeding her once a day cereal abt 1.5 tbsp and now i'm trying to add a small feed of puree just for snack only. you're feeding just once a day cereal or more then that? then again, your boy like progressing alot faster then my girl leh. wonder if its got anything to do with food intake or not? he looks like he is learning to crawl already. when my girl is on belly, she cannot move, only her arms and legs moving :p can your boy flip to belly and flip back already?
mummies, besides that foogo,
i prefer this also..


checking prices...hehe..
initally when i fed my girl water, she also kept spitting it out. now she's ok n likes to drink water,but don't feed too much water at this age. u got to be quite persistent. make it like a habit. i think drinking water must train from young, else nextime in toddler yrs rejects water then its gonna be a headache!

your baby might be on a milk strike, like a lot of our babies here. my girl also drinking lesser now, sometimes also just 80-100ml, previously she drinks up to 150ml. but i think its not so bad, coz i've started to feed her cereals and puree.

oh, your infant care so good...will help to prepare your frozen puree? didn't know they'd do that.


eat puree till how old?
i got a question. babies have to eat puree till how old ah? is it abt 8mths old then can stop already, coz thats the recommended age for to start porridge?
paige> my boy's infant care provide cereal for breakfast, n porridge for lunch for 6-12mths old baby. i juz asked them to let my boy start on cereal for now. so he stll drink 9am, 11am 2tablespoon of cereal, 1pm drink again, 5pm drink. soon gonna let his cereal feed replace one feed of milk, den let him try porridge at 7-8mths oso. i dun haf to bring my own cereal n puree there. it's provided.

i oso thinking of buying petit bowl to let my boy try. maybe we can buy tgt, den got more diff flavours =p

tlisa> my boy oso refuse to drink water lo. when i feed him water he show me funny face, than start pushing out de teat with his tongue n than blow bubbles with the water -_-"
thanks..but i need HA FM..dun tink they will give?

im trying supplement FM too..my boy dun like water too...u may want try feed water when its feeding time..my greedy when drink abit then push away..else sometimes i put abit of gripe water..but he is still drinking v little water
<font color="#6600ff">Cereal,Puree</font>

I'm letting Kairi take cereal now. In fact, She has finished 1 whole tin of Happy Bellies Brown rice cereal. I had no choice but to buy healthytimes as my order hasn't arrived yet. I wonder why Healthytimes cereal is so watery after mixed though... 2 and 1/2 tablespoons to 1 oz of milk for Happy Bellies makes it abit thick. 5 tablespoons of Healthytimes to 1 oz and it's still watery!

I just finished feeding her and I would like to know if 3oz+ in total for cereal and puree + BM After/Before is too much for a 5 and a 1/2 mth old baby?
My girl is only taking 2 teaspoons (= 1 tablespoon) now. But think by this weekend, she should be able to eat a lot more already cos starting yesterday, nanny feeds her cereal on a daily basis. Then I give her puree in the evening.

In my opinion, as long as baby can take (that you don't force her to eat), it's not too much.
oh..ya ya, i meant they will help to give the frozen puree u bring. thats very good! i thought they will just give babies the mass produced food that they prepare. because to prepare those you bring requires additional work!

sounds like XY is taking abt the same amt of semi solids as my girl. how much puree u give XY? mine takes abt 2oz each day so far.
i already sent my healthy times order to the distributor. only me and cookiez ordered. have to chalk up $250 to get 15% discount.

the healthy times cereal dissolves very fast, so you've gotta add the water/BM very very slowly otherwise it becomes too liquidy suddenly. for my feed, i will use 6 heaped tablespoons of cereal mixed with 60ml of BM to get a nice texture for feeding. if i add banana in, i will add even less liquid.
pamelia> dat y dey say happy bellies like more value for money, considering it takes lesser amt to make more amt of cereal
With Happy Time cereal, i get my baby in the chair, everything ready and then quickly add the milk and feed so it stays puree like instead of watery.

So far she's had rice cereal, now gonna start barley. She's also had organic apples, squash, parsnip, broccoli, carrot, peas (jar). Tmr - sweet potato, woot.

She turns 6 mths on Thursday.
I didn't how much cos I don't use the cube. Maybe 1oz. Definitely not a lot cos I have just started her on solid. She is still learning how to take in the food as sometime she would stick out her tougue and so out come all the purée :) luckily not messy.
can feedback after u go for the trial. looks quite interesting.

lucky u if ur girl is a neat eater. mine always very messy! or maybe i'm just not good at feeding. =/

wow...u've tried alot of stuff already! did u start very early or u feed different things everyday?

welcome to sept moms! oh..your gal is cute! very chubby!! 1 day age difference from mine. whats her weight?
Hi mademoiselle> oh so u are a fellow sept mummy.. Saw ur Nick on a few BP threads before.. Hehe. welcome.. :$

Rachel> wow!! Ur girl has pretty eyes!!

avocado> rayanne had her 1st serving earlier n she likes it!! She finished everything, abt 1 oz mixed with ebm..
Heee.. First time I see her finished all as she didn't like the sweet potatoes n carot I prepared previously..

Kiki> I only puree half the avocado.. N can be separated into 2-3 servings i realized.. The other half I kept back into the fridge.. I hope it'll stay fresh...

BBQ> if it's ripe.. Definitely can use fork n even spoon to mash it..
Berrypie, I keep it in warmer for 2 hrs if it hasn't been drank before. Cause we pour out the Ebm to mix with cereal. If drunk before, maybe cannot keep so long cause it has been in contact with saliva.

mademoiselle80 - welcome to our thread. Ur girl's beautiful!

Mdnightblue- your girl has very nice eyes! Are you a Caucasian?

Kiki- my boy latches on in the morning, 4 hours later take cereal with purée mixed with Ebm. Then within 2 hrs finish the left over Ebm, play for a while then take afternoon nap. Wake up normally about 2 hours later, then eat cereal again at about 5 plus, finish that bottle of Ebm at about 7 plus then night is latch on demand.
actually not a lot leh. I estimate his milk intake only 150X4 plus 2 cereal. I still scared he's underfed loh. Hee hee
thanks rachel,kiki,rach,steph and mama to 6Js

Rachel> no le, don't think she is very big, normal to me hhee.your gal is cute, v nice eyes !

Kiki > last Mon weight was 7.5kg.now on milk strike..very worry she lose her weight.what's your gal's weight ?

rach> spend lot $$$ on BP n Spree :p
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Mademoiselle...</font>

u were here in this thread before we all popped right? i remember updating ur details in the list wor~

very fair n chubby princess u've got there! </font>
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Rachel</font>

I love ur gals' big brown eyes...

PS: did she wear my Freshkon Alluring Eyes? haha...</font>
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Babies weight...</font>

Jaelle was only ard 7.3kg last month wor..
Wonder if she's managed to gain more. Bringing her for her jab this friday... Shall weigh n see~ </font>
Long: hahha i expected her to have dark eyes but she surprised me.

Your daughters weight i think is normal. Im quite concerned about sophias weight. Shes 9kg almost going 10!
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Rachel...</font>

Ermz.. i know im very tall.. but im not known as "Long" here.. hahah (just kidding;i noe it should be typo la)

she should be fine la... She does look big for her age tho'</font>
abt 3 wks ago i weigh her, she was 6.5kg. so i think she should be at least about 6.8kg now.

9kg almost 10kg?! wow!! big girl u have there. how many wks old is she again?

from your photos, janelle looks like she put on weight definately! more chubby now.
Xmasc, don't worry if your baby is not pooing. PD told me the number of days is not a concern. It will be a problem if his poo is hard. Mine has record of one poo in 8 days while on total bm.

Kiki, Kam, Rach, Jen and all who replied regarding the puree and thermos, thanks.

Sandwich, can you pass me the contact for bulk order for healthytimes? at the rate my babies are swallowing solid food, I may really need to buy in bulk.

I run out of below 6 mths fm and just started them on fm for babies above 6 mths, keeping my fingers crossed that they won't have diarrhoea.
errrrrr......u must make the transition from stage 1 fm to stage 2 fm slowly leh! recommended to do so within 2 wks by mixing both and slowly increasing stage 2 amt until don't need stage 1. gosh, u better cross your fingers! did u get a sample tin from your PD? your PD never give you the 'instructions' meh?!
Kiki, hahaha, i know. thought we will have time to go get another tin of stage 1 today but we had to work late...so I just let them drink stage 2. consolation is that this morning, they have been drinking stage 1, so effectively, only 1 out of 5 feeds are on stage 2. die die, must but the stage 1 tmw.

No, my pd never say anything but i know this transition process. learnt it the hard way because they kenna lao sai last time when i switch from the old similac stage 1 to the new similac stage 1.

that reminds me, i need to order the fitti in bulk. everything also need to buy in bulk!!
hee...yeah, u better get a stage 1 tin soon! i've just started to do the transition too. i noticed that for the 1st 2x, her poo poo got changes leh. got white white specs in her poo and also less 'sticky'. i think its because her system has not learn to recognise the stage 2 so it can't digest properly and she passes it out. now its back to normal.

u got 2 mah...so everythng must order in bulk. but hey...order in bulk also got good, can save money! ;)
oh...then ur girl must be about 26 wks old now. mine born on 11th, so mine is older then your by about a wk. i think my girl is 1 of the more petite or lighter baby in this sept thread. but many says she doesn't look her weight because still looks chubby. i think its because she's got 'big cheeks'. haha...
Hahaa so cute I saw ur baby as a new born when I look in the archeives. She's very cute really got chubby cheeks! I hoping for Sophia to slow down her weight gain she gains 700gm a mth on tbf now I give her solids I worry is more

nah..don't worry too much. heard that during active toddler yrs, they will start to lose their baby fats. i then have to worry!! my girl seems so small and lighter compared to other babies, worried in her toddler years she will look like a scrawny toddler! later people think this mommy doing a poor job feeding her child. :/
