(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


Gog off then saw ur post..

I used the Braun handheld blender tdy. Works miracles! I only puree-d 1 small apple n it did the job in seconds. No prob reaching any bits of the fruit at all, n the puree came out smooth.

ok off to bath.. had a very tiring day

so how how?? u alway lots of 'idea', or...shd we try petit bowl?

potbelly, midnightblue, itsy
any ideas? which day is good?

i can mash my avocado with the spoon leh. u can try a fork. if u have to use blender, maybe it was not ripe! shouldn't be THAT hard that it requires blending. puree, i thaw n put in my bottle warmer, bottle warmer can also heat up frozen puree. same for bottled commercial puree. i transfer to my baby cubes or avent via storage cup then put in warmer.

my hair been dropping ALOT since my girl abt 3 mths...dropping for almost 3 mths now!! scary.....
oh yes! my girl prefers her toes anyday to sophie too! sometimes i find her socks wet wet coz she's been sucking them! grrrrrr....
whats this sophie that everyone is talking about? my friend had a baby in dec and her name is sophie so i giggle when i read about ur boys chewing her toes and sophie tasting like rubber.
Kiki, so u heat up fruit puree as well....never tried eating warm fruits..hehe

Jul, how much is that handheld blender? Thought of buying the Avent one but it's so expensive at $199.

Thought it would be fun feeding puree but I have been so tired working, looking after my 2 babies and managing the maid and everything in the house.
Sophie's a toy giraffe made of natural rubber. It squeaks when chewed, so called 100% safe for babies, thus it's so pricey..$40. Forget about that..I find Combi teethers so much better...my 2yr old fighting over it with my 5mth son.
yes, i heat it up for sure. nextime u heat up then u take a spoon and try lor :p i try everything my girl eats, so far everything tastes really quite awful (to me).

i think handheld blender range from abt $60-90+ for the different brands. u mean u use your big blender or what? normally blenders come with 1 big and 1 smaller one that looks like a 'bullet'. use the bullet one is good enough! u know... if making puree is not fun, there's always 'not bad' commercial puree too. i have also bought some to store in my fridge for my 'don't feel like making puree' days. i bought organix and happytimes organic brand.
my gf told me foogo is good. i got one but have not used it yet. i don't think they eat porridge till they're abt 8 mths rite?
Rach- I'm getting a baby starter pack from them once a week. Baby takes two cubes a day mixed with his rice cereal. Those 3 flavours were what I first took too. Sweet potato is thicker. Got zuchini last week and it's very watery.

Mwerkz, I offer u spree price if u get 2-3 pcs k? I bought them locally at $11 each but if u want to get 2 or more, I sell it to u at spree price loh. Then can arrange pick up at my parent's place at bukit batok. Pm me if u interested k
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">kiki</font>

Funny thing is Jed dun suck his toes if he's wearing socks. He will just stare &amp; stare @ his own socks.

<font color="aa00aa">potbelly_burp</font>

For swimming you will have to get the SPF30+ range which is more water resistant.

<font color="0000ff">Stephanie</font>

Where did you get desitin locally? It's 4 oz??

<font color="aa00aa">bb198</font>

I've both Tiger &amp; Zojirushi Food Jar.. I find Zojirushi better.. keeps warm longer.</font>
Kiki, my babies are already eating porridge though not regularly. They hate milk but love everything else (one likes but one neutral to avocado).

I don't even taste the milk my babies drink coz I think they smell yucky. Maybe because I don't like to drink milk powder milk. I thought those commercial purees are not that good because they contain preservatives?

Foogo...ok, I go robinsons check it out. Or our resident lobang queen aka Rach has any lobang?

Robinsons having sale this week.

Potbelly, I know of babies who love Sophie. Of course, for everything, there will be some who love and some who hate it.
Jen, you know now our babies will suck their fists and arms, is it safe then to apply sunblock on their arms and hands since they sure will get to "taste" the sunblock?

zojirishi, is it the one that comes with a mini tote? The interior is not the shiny metal, but plastic right?
commercial purees i think these 2 brands are ok, no preservatives. u can read more abt them here give u the links.

foogo can get from spree or bp here. i got mine from spree, cheaper then robinsons i think! but if robinsons got sale i'm not sure.

i never apply sunblock on my girl's hands, she doesn't suck her arm, so its ok for mine.

ok..going to feed my girl her last feed then go KO already. damn tiring day for me today coz my girl was very cranky today. i think its the stupid hot weather!
Petit bowl nearest mrt is Novena.

Jen, got desitin from TMC pharmacy. $22 for 2 boxes.

Sophie- my baby loves it. Keep sucking the head and bites the leg.
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="aa00aa">Itsy</font>

United Square is near to Novena MRT Station... I was telling my DH bout e shop &amp; he went.. "see I told you so".. Yrs back when I just started doing puree for Janelle. He mentioned tt I shld open a shop to sell that.. I was like.. huh?? why wld anyone pay for this when you can make yr own?? Now someone prove tt my DH is rite &amp; I'm wrong.

I see ya tmr @ compass point ok.</font>
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Stephanie</font>

Oh.. den yrs is e 2 oz ones?? U shld hv got from spree or BP... it's 4oz &amp; still cheaper ..</font>
Jen, I think mine is 4 oz leh cause i got it at a sale price or at least that's what the pharmacy said. I saw the 2 oz box at kiddy palace or cannot rem where and it was smaller than the one I have leh. Sigh that time thought buy to standby for own use so never think so much. After that my friend help me buy the 16oz one end up I only use 1%. So end up I got the think 3/4 boxes of 4oz and 1 tub to sell.
Jen, thanks. Which is the one that is good?

kiki, thanks. I will read up on wkends.

I am going to start my bbies on 2nd stage formula and also need to find out which brand is good.

So much things to do and so little time.
<font color="119911">Jen</font>
AHhaha when I first saw the shop, I was like you.. " why wld anyone pay for this when you can make yr own??" but hor, now I think if the shop is near my place, I might end up tabaoing from them instead of making my own :p Cos I'm so unsure of how to prepare puree and also seems mission impossible with Ian stuck to me all the time. Then again... I'm telling this to a mummy who have 2 kids, 1 bb, organises BP and still have time to bake! Sigh... I'll see you tomorrow at compass point.

<font color="119911">Tea at Compass point tomorrow?</font>
Anyone interested in having tea at Compass point tomorrow? Say 5pm?
Kiki, Healthy Times seem to be the only organic brand that is easily available at supermarkets. How do you find that as compared to brands as happy bellies and organix or bellamy's? Is it comparable? If so, I will just stick to Healthy times intead of other brands which we can only get through bp or spree.
new mummies,
welcome to our sep thread!

i also tried avocado over the weekend. managed to buy a really nice, brown skinned one on saturday. but my boy isn't in a mood to eat these days. he's either teething or coming down sick. started having running nose yesterday.

mummies interested to sell their sophies,
how much are you are selling it for? if it squeaks when it's chewed then should be quite cute! contemplating if i should get one. my boy is actually happy to be chomping on anything: fingers, toes, romper, nursing cover, rattle, blanket, and even tissue paper.

zojirushi and tiger both have a big range of thermal jars to choose from. my food jar is from zojirushi and my hot water flask is from tiger. i find that the quality of both products is equally good. just visit taka/robinsons/metro when they're having sale to get the jars. if you're bringing both boys out then you'll have to get a bigger one. healthy times is good. i'm tried their cereal, teddy puffs, arrowroot cookies and teddybear cookies. all tastes great, according to my toddler.
I have been to the A Famosa Resort, a few years back though. Not very nice, but if you are not too picky type, still okay bah. The water play kinda ok, food sucks, and other things below average:-(

oh I didn't know can get purée from the shop. what's the price like? I also have the same thought, ie who would pay for it. Looks like it is a viable business, surprisingly.

that's what I told you all, handheld blender is the most suited for making purée.

Sorry no offence, but do you all really believe that the commercial purée can last for months with no added perservative? How could that be possible?

if I remember correctly, desitin at TMC is the 2oz one. Cos I told hubby in front of the shop that I get double the amount with the same price. But then again, I could be wrong.

if you pick the apple from the tree and consume right away, yes, definitely eat with the skin. But those we get here are heavily coated with wax and other pesticide etc.
Petit Bowl baby food shop- baby starter pack has 3 cubes of 3 flavours costs $8.90. I end up tabaoing from them with a detour after work every Wed. Cause I'm worried that my helper doesn't handle the food well, so rather leave to the experts.

They have really interesting flavours for 9 months onwards so I'm quite sure I will continue to get baby food from them. Or maybe I should go tomorrow since I'm on mc.
paige - haha i got order extra cereals too!

jen - my memory of a farmosa not very good leh. pretty boring... went there 2-3yrs back i think. quite agree with wad kam said. a bit run down also. i like cameron though! partly cos of the weather. its boring there too but at least got the cool weather. love the strawberry ice-cream, scones and steamboat!! oh yah i saw desitin 4oz at guardian the other day. quite shock to see them! think price was quite reasonable also

sophie - aiyo mine loves sophie to bits lor!!! when he fusses sometimes sophie can calm him one. cos of the squeak and he loves biting her legs and pulling them out

now he also sucks his toes and loves to blow bubbles and spits out a lot of saliva as a result. quite comical!!! but a bit rude lar so now we kinda scold him when he did

bbq - haha i also dun taste the milk jacob drinks and tt includes my bm! i hate milk! and fm stinks big time! i refuse to make last time and will ask hubs to make cos i wanna puke! and i also nv test temp b4 feeding!

sandwich - mine wanna chomp nappy, changing mat, towel and the pigeon wipes box!!! and also on occasions lick my leg. super ticklish man!
steph> ya. isit 4oz? cos local one only 2oz rite? ya, usually i get 2each time from jenn

jenn> my boy suck his toes even when he wear his socks. hubby says it's salty n he loves it =x

bbq98> remember i bought my thermos from robinson the wkend after cny. having 20%+20%, so much cheaper den bp price too

sandwich> keke. for sophie to squeak, he must bite really hard. only recently i hear sophie squeak when he bites it =p
sophie> Rayanne doesnt really like it too...she rather play with her butterfly rattle..and she really bo hiu sophie no matter how i try to attract her with it... >.<"
waste exp money...

yummie tummie> Still wondering when i'll ever get to wear it...any mummies who bought previously tried wearing it?
even the shortie.. i dunno when to wear leh...

FOOGO> Let me try asking..
Cameron Highlands> Ya, i missed the cool weather there..esp local weather these few days..totally cannot make it... both Rayanne and myself will SWEAT like mad...and both are hot and sticky! Gosh!!!

Tea at 5pm tmr> itsy, issit confirmed? I see if i can make it and i'll let u know? whatsapp me okay!

Then can pass you ur loot as well...
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">bbq98/potbelly_burp</font>

Actually e base ingredients of the SPF30+ range are the same. The difference is the essential oil scent used. The SPF 30+ “Citronella” Sunscreen 2.9oz is good for beach use as it has the effective bug repellent properties. Everyday/Year-round” Sunscreen 2.9oz has a very nice smell of lemongrass.

<font color="aa00aa">bbq98</font>

Think you can get Earth's Best organic food from Cold Storage. Was told this brand is good too but I've nv tried it though.


I don't trust Heinz as it has done so many recalls.. just in Feb-10, They did a recall in UK as 1 of their baby food was suspected to contain contain small pieces of plastics. In Dec-09, they also had a recall for their cereal as it was suspected to contain elevated levels of ochratoxin A.

There was also reports of replacing real food with water and thickening agents in the baby food.

<font color="0000ff">Kam / Cookiezz</font>

Thanks for yr feedback bout A Famosa Resort. Looks like I can forget bout going anyway then. Just be good &amp; drive MIL back to Kajang.

<font color="aa00aa">Itsy/KiKi</font>

I taste my children's food too... only thing I don't taste is milk as I've lactose intolerant but I made my DH taste

I ever tried 1 of e jar food.. A mummy friend was feeding her gal who kept making awfulest faces so I volunteer to taste. IT TASTE GROSS!!! I cldn't rem which brand but it was like a mixture w meat. I heard a fren said those just purely fruits r quite ok.

<font color="0000ff">Paige</font>

Pls b careful if u r using e glass jars to freeze bb food ya. Those commercial baby food jars might not be strong enough to withstand e expansion of e food that occurs during the freezing process. This may cause the jar to break/explore or worse may experience tiny hairline cracks, which we may not be able to see.

Think someone here ever posted tt her glass bottle explode in e freezer??

<font color="aa00aa">Rach</font>

Didn't hear from u regarding e baby cubes but anyway I won't be getting. I need something tt's portable as I bring Jed's food out. I need those w very secure lid so it doesn't pop open in my bag. Saw something over e net just now &amp; have wrote to them for wholesales pricing.

Goodness.. times flies when I'm doing work. It's already 6am. I better go catch a wink b4 Jed wakes up in another 1.5hrs time.</font>
-> Dr Ong Eng Keow
Hey mummies whose babies see Dr Ong from SBCC @ TMC, I understand that Dr Ong has started his own clinic at Mt A. Do u still bring ur babies to see Dr Ong for jabs and monthly check-ups? Any feedback?

Also, anyone has his new clinic's tel?

the new clinic is international child &amp; adolescent clinic. It's at #02-32 medical centre B, mt alvernia. Tel: 6255 5239

yup dr ong set up a new clinic with dr koh n dr vella. My gal sees dr ong when first born then after that brought her to the sbcc at amk and sees dr Koh. Her next jab will b at 1yr old and I'm likely to go mt a too. IMO, both dr ong and dr Koh also gd!
yah better b careful using those glass bottles. It's michelle who says her bottles 'explode' in the freezer.

<font color="ff6000">Hi to all new mummies in the forum!</font>
oh ya mine doesnt realy like sophie leh!! he is like kim, prefers his toes or soft toys. always suck his soft toys till wet wet! i always wash them every alternate days.

wah i cant stand this boy, been waking up screaming at least 4-5 times every nite for the past wk. each morn i wake up abt 6am to settle my boys and send them to school, i feel as if i havent slept a wink at all with the numerous times of wakings! poor me!!
morning mummies,
my boy has not poopoo for 4 days. im getting really concerned :| any mummies can tell me whether am i over paranoid?

And he hates his brown rice cereal haiz..i try to mix it with butturnut and carrot today and see how it goes..*cross finger* he will eat
rach> slowly lo. my boy last time oso dunno how to bite sophie. now he bites de legs, ears, head, mouth.

i oso nv use de yummie tummie. waste money. got 3 lo. den de glamourmom, i only wore 1, still got 5 unworn too. cos i really like black only. zzz

jenn> i think as long as dun freeze more den wat de container can hold, den de jar wun explode. i freezed too much milk, thus de container cracked =x

milkyway> lol. not exactly exploded. it's cracked, but de milk hold it tgt. must be de milk expanded. cos it happened immediately when de milk were freezed =p
Wah, 3 cubes for $8.90 is very very ex woh. Do they use organic food or not?

How about visiting some places at KL? Not keen to go to the city centre? Or a stopover at Malacca?

Hi ladies
I just gave birth to my baby boy on 3rd jan. Planned to breastfeed but unsuccessful - now on FM. Now I am trying to clear excess balance of the GNC Fenugreek (to boost milk supply) which I have no use for now. I have 5 bottles of unopened Fenugreek (expiring on July 2013) - this is selling at $29.50 each at GNC. I am planning to sell each bottle at $25 each. Anyone interested pls PM me.
