(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="119911">Xmasc</font>
Is your boy on BM? My boy sometimes poo poo once every 5 days. It's normal for total BF bb. But if u have already started him on cereal then should poo poo more often.
Xiaowei> ya he opened a new clinic with Dr Koh n Dr Vella.
I see Dr Koh at AMK SBCC n will follow him to Mt A. The new clinic number is 62555239.

Mt Alvernia Medical centre B

he started semi solid one week back, he should be pooing more often too. can hear him grunting..making the urgh urgh sound every now and then but no poopoo comes out.
Kam> it's 9 cubes for $8.90.
You can choose up to 3 different flavors,
so 3 flavors x 3 cubes each. Total 9 cubes.
Yes they use all organic except Peach cuz they can't get organic peach..
Jeni, ok then maYbe the citronella one. Btw when you apply it to bb's face how do you clean it off? So far I've been using water to clean her face.
Ya lor, so funny right. I can watch this video over and over and over again. Love them!

That day, my girl didn't poo for 2 days (she poos almost everyday). On the 3rd day, she tried hard to push but nothing came out, even when latching, can tell that she was trying to push hard. So what I did was remove her diaper, carry her over a potty with her legs wide opened and made ng ng sound together with her and encouraged her to poo. After a couple of minutes, the poo finally came out. Surprisingly it's soft stool, not hard one, don't know why so difficult to come out. You may want to try that if you haven't done so.
<font color="119911">Kam</font>
Gosh!!! Your kids are SO CUTE!

<font color="119911">Xmasc</font>
My boy will make urgh urgh sound too and fart VERY loud and smelly but also no poo. Not sure if it's coincidental but he didn't poo for 3 days and pooped after I fed him green pea puree.
My little girl has teeth already! I was quite surprised coz i thought they usually older before they have teeth.

itsy: its normal. my girl does the same she can go for days without poo n fart really smelly! :S
thanks for your advice. i will try out the potty

green pea puree..hmm maybe i give it a try too.

i tot 5 days is a bit way too long without poopoo.
Xmasc> my PD Dr Koh said TBF Babies can dun poo for many days... Record he has seen is 12days n still soft.. So it's fine..
Some mummies here says no poo=absorbed nutrients so maybe it's a good thing?? I dunno..

CB Calendula &amp; Aloe Vera Cream>
I got 2tubs each brand new.. Any takers..??
I've one each opened n still using for past 5mos..
Dun think need so many tubs...

Also have calming shampoo n body wash 17oz bottle..
Hi All,

Is anyone gonna go a Healthy Times Order soon? Going to Phuket with baby end of March and I need jars of food.

Also tested and thank goodness, I'm not pregnant because I can't afford it! *grin* I think I had a clogged duct, so lotsa massaging and pumping and I'm feeling much better now.
Foogo> retail price is $50??? I didn't know so exp..
Anyway the person got back with a very good price,,, can't believe such good discount...
PM me if keen..
so far for purees, i've only let my gal try organix brand twice. and the other 2 times so far i self-made the puree. i've yet to try the healthytimes ones. hard for me to tell u whether its comparable coz me also 1st time mum, but i guess if its all organic, it should be abt the same? for cereals, so far only tried happybellies and i bought organix but yet to try it. btw, the foogo food jar is quite small, abt 10oz only. maybe u might need a bigger one because your have twins. not sure if foogo has bigger size food jars though as i've not seen it before.

sayang your boy...hope his running nose goes away soon. how many portions do u divide the avocado into? i divided mine into quarters, after that i realise it cld be too much for 1 feed.

i thought if they say 'no preservatives' it has GOT to be no preservatives? else its like fraud isn't it. we pay a premium for these so called 'better' food leh. :p besides, this is sg, i'm sure ava has stringent standards and does perform checks all imported food?

your gal is so cute...laugh so loud. its really nice to see siblings play together like this. so sweet..your boy kept hugging his little sister.

yeah, the meat purees seems quite gross to me. i don't think i want to give my girl commercial meat puree. will make that fresh myself. wow...u sleep very late leh!
itsy and mama_to_6Js,
Thanks! Ya, her laughter is infectious! She is a very cheerful girl. HR has been a good boy and a good gorgor :) One thing he loves to do is to help me to wipe meimei's butt. XY is also a very active baby, wanna move all the time. Started to creep/crawl, though she is still not keen to be put on tummy or lying down. More keen to sit up and play. And she can stand by holding on the something already, can last for a minute.
Ya lor, if they said no preservative, then should be no preservative right. BUT my question is how could that be possible??? The home-made one we can only leave the puree in the fridge for 24 hours. How could those jar food be left on the shelf for months without preservative??? Maybe they sterile the food using UV or whatever method after the packaging??? I am just curious and 38 cos I am not going to buy any :)
actually sengkang not that far for me, but problem is...i cant take the bus with my girl. she cannot sit in the sling for long, hates it and will cry after a while. so whenever i'm out with her alone, i MUST push pram. so mission impossible for me to take bus with the pram coz got no strength to carry baby, carry pram and carry diaper bag! :p how abt meet tomorrow?
yes, i would think all food must be prepared in sterile environment...else thats a very scary thought :p so thereafter its vacuum sealed mah... thats why can only last 24 hrs upon opening the jar. u not 38 lah..lol...we're all concerned mommies and want to give our babies the best. don't get me wrong, me not encouraging commercial puree, but sometimes, i mean in my personal opinion, its abt balance, so we can still maintain our sanity! :p
Hi, tried supplementing my boy wif FM but he reject!
Tot can cut 1 pump since tbf for 6mths liao but now still gotta pump
any mummies feeding enfalac ha? Can i buy some for my boy to try? I open big tin of Nan ha n he refuse to drink!

i missed e babyfood spree..im interested in e foogoo!
rach> wow. than it's cheap. any idea how long dey can be kept frozen? cos not very convenient for me to go down there
<font color="119911">Kiki</font>
Tomorrow I've something on le. I understand cos I have to use stroller too and thus rely a lot on MRT. I wanna try using sling... mayb try later.
Michelle> ya.. Abt $1 for 1oz Lo.. Just warm it up. Mix n feed.. Technically one month.. So some mummies go there buy in bulk n return when finish..

Kaoz.. My boobs been very full these few days.. Rayanne can't empty each breast at each feed!!
kiki> they buy, prepare, steam, puree and freeze for u.. they need to pay rental, and labor...
so.. its just a convenient solution for parents who have no time to prepare loh..

Btw, Petit Bowl is situated next to taxi stand.. and they explained thats why parents would drive thru to pick it up and go off...
I think they can go to taxi stand to pass to u as well.. its just.. really NEXT to taxi stand..within 5m.. haha.. :p
yeah, i guess u pay for the labour.
but oh boy, compared to commercial organic puree, it costs like almost double based on the qty. how does the packaging look like, got photo? can show?
so can keep for how long if frozen?
Kiki, I find it quite worth it actually cause it's pure purée and it's organic and made fresh, I normally mix one pack with the rice cereal so practically my boy consumes one starter pack a week. I just went there earlier and bought brocolli, sweet potato and pear.
hi mums,

i just returned to work yesterday. i cried when i left my baby at the infant care centre yesterday. sob! baby didn't even cry... but mommy cried. having spent almost 24/7 with him ever since he was born... i couldn't bear to leave him.

anyway... wanted to get your opinion... expecially from those of you who pump at work... after i pump, i'd keep my breast milk in my fridge-to-go. but i'm wondering... having left it there for the whole day, when i get home, should i freeze it so it can keep longer, or should i just leave it in the fridge and consume within 48 hours? cos i do have a stock pile of frozen breastmilk, and can actually consume those first. those are frozen immediately after i pump cos i pump those at home. you think?
Kiki, I mix one cube of purée with his normal 1 meal of serving of cereal. About 3-4 tablespoon if cereal then mix with Ebm to the prefered consistency
Itsy, a lot meh? Erm but mine not the heapful tablespoon leh. It's the slightly rounded tablespoon

He's born in 16th sept. So mum will heat up a bottle of ebm, then mix cereal with 60-80ml of Ebm then balance give him the rest 2 hrs later but milk kept in warmer. Like that he can tahan for 4-5 hrs
Hi mummies,

have anyone tried feeding their babies water? I have started with FM cos my supply dipped drastically after I am back at work. So now I only latch in the morning and at night. I feel so sad that she cannot be on tbf till 6 months. My girls just simply don't want to drunk water at all. Don't know what to do now
Ian was born 14th Sept. I'm only giving him cereal on alternate day and so far only tried pea puree.. guess i should let him try more often.

Can kept the milk in the warmer for 2 hrs?? Wont spoilt meh?? I throw away the balance milk after 1 hr if bb cant finish...heart pain T-T
<font color="0000ff">storage bottles</font>
Thanks all mummies for your advice, actually am still contemplating whether to prepare and freeze puree as baby will be in infant care mon-fri....for those whose babies are in infant care, what solids are they given now? do you guys bring your own puree?

And now with Petit Bowl, am thinking might as well buy from them for weekend feeds, save on effort, save on grocery shopping, save on spending $$$ on blender, save on $$$ on storage container (all which i haven't gotten yet!)

<font color="0000ff">jen</font>
Jen, you start your own home made organic baby puree BP lah, then, all sept mummies will get from you liao!


my bb dont like water too...but he will pretend to drink but the water will slip out fm his mouth so i mixed water with my bm for him then he will drink but hor my bm becomes very diluted..
