(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

yes u r right. my hands r less tied now! can breathe easier at home haha... but my boys this yr p3 aiyo the workload so heavy i really pity them. they hv rugby trainings so many times a week after come home its shower, sit a while read papers then its non stop do homework until dinner then homework and assignment again until sleep time and i need to help them. so im still very busy!

rach & paige
ermm... actually i was thinking waffles for lunch :p if i eat lunch i can't eat waffle after that coz the waffles are huge! so its either waffles or lunch. :p

ahaha..u know what? u're rite! i think no toys can compare to mummy. my girl loves to touch, bat at and scratch my face!!! then she will laugh. poor me.

oh no... that sounds terrible and so scary! luckily your girl is ok. but i'm sure in the restaurants they don't serve distilled or mineral water but boiled water right? hmm.. maybe adult stomach is stronger.
wow til today u able to log in ah,, so bz ah...?

ur memory still very good leh. though u so bz, still can remember my boy hehe
ur bb is consider fat lioa..jiayu

still got rashes ah.. i now use avent cream on my boy, its works wonder, he cant use california bb , its will make his rashes worse.
Jassie (jas_soh) ,

my menses haven come too. i preggy during nov08 too

my boy is 4.5month old lioa..
ya really v busy!! u cant imagine the amt of time i spend driving various kids to various places everyday!!

ya adult stomach stronger. but our babies still v young so it pays to be more cautious lor.
so busy with work, and my 2 kids are sick! tiring tiring tiring...

me too, period just returns... very heavy flow. hi 5, similar to u, my elder daughter is born in July 08, and young son 9 Sep 09. so tiring to cope with 2 babies. how do u cope?
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">sandwich...</font>

yah.. additional $50 for all photos to be return in high resolution is very worth it. Where else can get such lobang wor?</font>
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">mamato6...</font>

Thank U!
My gynae used vacuum. Wonder when her head would be shaped back to the "normal".
Hubby always not ard.. Difficult to fix n appt when his co always make him fly at the very last min. This aftnoon call, at night fly that kind...
No choice.. So its only me n my gal n my mum lo; cos she chauffeured us there.</font>
wat a bz day at wk -_-" find it a chore to go pump, cos simply not enugh time -_-

no time to keep track of wat is de topic here. need more sleep n rest!!

bernice> seriously i oso dunno, i oso put inside de air dry bag n put into another ziplog bag, cos i find it unsterilised if leave in de open -_-

paige> keke. i m one of those few mums who feel happier back at wk =x my boy is cute n i love him. but facing him 24X7 is really crazy =x
<font color="0000ff">Rach</font> ya, i used to be a tidy and clean freak, married for 5 years already, i learn to slowly close one eye, now with baby must pretend not to bother anymore, if not i'll go bonkers!

<font color="0000ff">kiki</font> ok, i dont mind waffles for lunch
so sinful...haven't done this for a long time, last time in uni i can have one tub of ice-cream for a meal :p no hubby to nag...hahah.

<font color="0000ff">Jassie</font> I do read to her, put her in jumperoo, talk to her...but she's very clingy - which is sooo bad! if she doesnt see me around she will WAIL!...so, I have to put her in her feeding chair (can be recline) and push her there and there, eg., while i wash clothes in toilet and kitchen when i cook...
Oh does your baby sleep in the afternoon?
Thank God mine sleeps through the night since ages ago, can't remember, i think week 6, good and bad because initially have to wake up and pump because breast cannot tahan but now gradually breast getting accustomed to baby's night schedule

<font color="0000ff">mamato6Js, flower4</font> my baby also drool until she has rashes on her neck...was hoping that it will clear on its own but 3 days already and the rashes is not getting better...<font color="0000ff">flower4</font> what avent cream are you using?
bahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Have been trying to post here days before somehow got error. fingers crossed for this post to go thru.

re-hi after a long time..have yet to find time to catch up on almost a month's worth of posts.. argh. so the common topic now is puree? i came across AVENT's new product: combined steamer and blender. Costs 199. not sure if it is practical. heh. was actually aiming for this Beaba Babycook Baby Food Maker but it is not available here. and apparently the shipping from amazon costs 1 arm and 1 leg. haiz.

anyway want to vent something. going back to work on 8th feb. we took up empress's suggestion and got a helper$540 instead of nanny$500. still got to give allowance to empress and it's never enough for her. say not enough to cover tv license, electricity bills blah blah shit. so it seems i have to take over the house now?! coz she say she jobless this year. or rather, she dun wan to work as relief teacher anymore. haiz. everything she talk about is $$$$ and asking me to move out.

argh. coming to think of it, i only got 10ish days to train the helper as i am flying back to msia/brunei again on 31st til 5th feb. but she was able to rock my girl to sleep each time we were at the agency. guess it's due to her previous experience with a 3mth old bb. and any way to bring back my supply up before i go back work? i promise to be diligent!! help!!!

*currently latching every time. pump once a day slightly more than 150ml* My girl is about half to 1 month younger than all of you XD
me too me too! with #1, i was drooling over the beaba. :p when i saw the avent steamer-blender at robinsons (in Nov), i bought it coz there was a storewide 20% discount, so $160 in the end. robinsons also carried a similar one by chicco. for me it's definitely going to be very useful because i used to boil-and-blend, so that means from stove-to-blender. using this means less hassle. just steam, flip container over and blend. and because it's a small blender, i can make fresh daily (or every alternate day) can't wait to start weaning.

about increasing supply, a mum told me to try brewing my own fenugreek tea. just buy methi (fenugreek) seeds from the supermarket. very cheap (less than $5 for a bag) and available almost everywhere coz fenugreek is used for indian curries. she said it was more effective than taking the fenugreek pills from GNC etc... for her, results showed the next day! i haven't tried myself, so i can't say it'll be so effective for everyone though.

rayanne looks so steady in her walker! er, what's a wean machine?

bronchitis huh? poor thing.
must be very stressful for you too.

actually, i read that for pouches, we can use the cradle carry (lying down) position only for newborns until 4mths+, depending on how big your baby is. since the pouch is not adjustable, once they're too big, there's no space for them to lie down. since ours are ard that age already, cradle carry will be tricky. i don't think mine can fit in that position for much longer. i'm starting to use the kangaroo position more often now.

mama to 6js...
your oldest is really so sweet!
My no one is always on kangaroo post. Tried the sleeping post last time but cannot go in. As he grow, now even harder to put in. furthermore,he don like stroller. lucky he is light else I sure die.

Still thinking should I buy a new one?
I have 1 bb carrier but max 10kg. find it bulky.
heeee, i sneaked out of the house at 8.30pm to catch a 9pm show with hubby last night after the two babies turned in. passed the babies to my maid and tada!!!! a rare night movie treat for us after we had our babies!!!strongly recommended to all who want a good laugh relief===>3 IDIOTS! a very entertaining and yet meaningful hindi show! yeah, you must be wondering if got a lot of indians watching the show? yup, PLENTIFUL. MOSTLY IN CLANS. we even saw a pair of elderly indian couple taking pic in the tamp GV cinema! kekeke...

that is very interesting.... methi seeds ah? I shall see if i can find any. seriously seriously keen to try out... every dollar spent must be spent wisely now, esp with 2 kids and escalating expenditures!!!!! heee.... any other mummies try methi (fenugreek) and it works, pls share!!!!

yea, i can understand... my boy was so so so so clingy in the first 3 months too.. i put him down and he starts to wehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... buay tahan... then i cam across a book from the library titled The Fussy Baby Book and i am very glad to learn that clingy babies are clever and sensitive babies too.... if they are nurtured well, they are likely to become leaders of tomorrow cuz they are highly sensitive to human behaviour and connectivity of things! sounds complex but make loads of sense to me.

ehhhhh...you mummy of two, 13-14mths apart too??? =)

ya! having two babies is HIGHLY PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY CHALLENGING ESP WHEN THEY ARE THIS YOUNG! wah biang. talk about being sick... two weekends ago i was down with mild flu and then i passed on to my bf boy and then my girl. now both of them still having runny nose, though not too jialat... but when their noses get stucked and feel 'xin ku' when they sleep at night, my hubby and i have to each take one and pacify back to sleep!!! it's so much work and so little rest at night! how i cope?? take 1/2yr npl lor.. lol. can't help it. now surviving on 1 salary and have to feed so many mouths, including the maid. it's been really hard on hubby, but really bo bian.

ya, i know what you mean by being back to work and feeling happier! i was feeling the same when i returned back to work after i had my first one. i felt i was IN CONTROL OF MY LIFE again..kekeke...when you are a SAHM, your time flies so so so fast..and the worst thing is, you feel that you hardly accomplish anything at night. it gets worse when bb is after 5months, you start to work from meal to meal, i.e. during breakfast you start to plan what to eat for lunch for bb, and then for dinner, then back to following day's breakfast again... back to work sometimes DOES reinstill a sense of accomplishment! hee... have fun balancing ok?
i bought Fisherprice carrier for my first girl when she turned 1mos old in sept 09. i am still using it now and it extremely useful as it has 5 pts of attachment. there are two pieces, one harness to be worn by parent, and the other one where you put the bb in... it costs about 170~180 but it's very sturdy. we bought it cuz we liked the idea of fixing the bb in securely first before attaching the bb to our bodies, INSTEAD of sliding the bb in like BBJORN carrier... you may like to consider that. can carry bb till 14kg. my 17mos girl can still go in..her weight remain stagnant at 11kg from 12mos till 17mos.
Yes, I can imagine how busy you are with your handful...... I am very envy of you that you have so many children, and manage them so well. I wish (dream) I could have as many children as you, but this would never happen.

Haha, you very funny (and blur-ish) leh. EVERYONE in this thread got pregnant around Nov08 time mah, don't we, else we wouldn't be in this thread liao lo. What Jassie meant was her #1 :)

So sorry to hear that. Hope your elder get well soon.

My PD said MUST bring baby to see PD as soon as they start to cough or having running nose, MUST treat immediately, else very easy to lead to complication like bronchitis. Until babies are at least 1yo, we must NOT take chance, bring baby to see PD immediately if he/she is coughing/running nose.

That's how I felt (happy to be back to work) with my #1. But now for my #2, I wish I could stay longer at home, to spend more quality time with #1 and #2.

I (and hubby) used to be tidy and clean freak. But after having kids, couldn't be bothered anymore. Now that we get a part-time helper to come once a week, we just leave everything to her and close both eyes :)
Morning Mummies,

Another boring day at work

This month reali spent alot $$$ on my boy for his medical. He has a sensitive nose and having flue for 1 month plus. Consult GP 3x and 1x w PD, the medicine only hv slight improvement. Everday hv to vacum his mucous w a pump.Then brought him to chinese medical hall, he is better now...


i oso bought avent blender. Now, isetan is having 20% discount. i had bought him a potty, weaning set and training bottle. Great saving for me since he is going to start his solid food soon!
Hi michelle,

i received my HB cereals fm BP. How abt u?
i bought 4 tins but can oni start to feed in march and the expiry dat is in july hopefully can finish by then.

sayang.. i know how much it cost to bring bb to pd each time. each time consultation fees alone already about $40, not to speak about medicine or immunisation... we calculated and we were really pretty shocked how much much we spent on bb#1 when it comes to medical fees! luckily for me, bb#1 is rarely sick and i attribute to the breastmilk she drank in her first 5months+. hence i need to work hard hard to provide for bb#2 too... to save costs, we decided to bring bb to polyclinics instead... i know it's tough for working mummies to bring bb to polyclinics, but it doesssssssssss save hefty sum lei. e.g. i brought my boy to see doc for his runny nose last tues, it costs me a total of $8.50 for consultation + medicine only. $8.50! if i were to bring him to pd, it would easily cost me $48.50! just my two cents worth...

your PD's charges vy cheap. Mine was $130 w medicine. My bb is fully on breastmilk leh plus we feed him ba bao sun fm yu yan seng, he seldom fall sick, it's jus tt he got sensitive nose then lead to cold.
Hi berrypie,
Which isetsn did u get your combined blender and steamer from? I am considering getting one too.
Is the 20% still on? Is it only for card members or everyone can get 20%?
I received an SMS about tangs 15% discount but dunno whether they have and if it is still on.
May I know if you all wake your babies up in the morning or do u let them wake up on their own? Sometimes, Ian sleeps till very late, I dunno if I should wake him up or just let him sleep.

20% still on and its open to everyone. Bought a few bb stuff, reali great saving..better than KP.
i bought them at isetan scotts cos near my workplace.

For my case,mon - fri, i will wake my bb up for feed b4 i go work. Weekend, i let him wake up on his own.

you already packed off to Bintan already eh? hope your trip is fun-packed... yes, we are the best toy that our baby can ever have..

my gynae may be one of the cheapest around but still very pinching lei... the other time my girl had some 'fake measles' and saw pd 3 times and that cost us >200bucks.. call me stingy or whatever, but 200 bucks is enough for 1 week's grocery fees lei...like what my mil always say, "got gold hill also will finish". as much as possible, i want bb to only visit pd only for immunisation and not for illness.. :p

my two babies auto wake up after 12h of sleep..sometimes stretched till 14h, depending on the activities in the day time and the amount of afternoon naps they have taken... in average, every bb below 2yr of age should sleep a sum of 12-15h of sleep a day lo...
<font color="119911">berrypie &amp; Jassie</font>
Ian slept last nite at about 10:30pm till now. He usually wakes up at about 10:30am, that's y I'm worried why he's still sleeping now. Maybe cos he didn't sleep well last nite, dun know why he has been pooing in the middle of the nite for the pass 3 days. Changing of diaper disrupt his (and MINE) sleep. I hope he won't make it a habit to poo in the middle of the nite. Poo + air-con = very smelly!

I think I better wake him up.
yes, u are right. going to the polyclinic is a wise choice. do they still give priority to babies? if so, how long will this priority last? does it stop when they're 6 mths or smthg like that?

i know exactly what you mean! the first few times using the pouch, i really struggled when trying to SQUEEZE her into the pouch lying down. ended up sweating and cursing. the sitting position is really so much easier! i got a carrier too (ergo baby), but that's more for my hb to use coz he's 1.78m and i am only 1.52m. when he puts on the pouch, can only put tissue paper packet inside! if u say your bb doesn't like to sit in strollers, then you might want to consider investing in a carrier because as they get heavier, using a pouch will put a strain on one shoulder. structured soft carriers distribute the weight on both shoulders and some even distribute most of the weight around the hips so it's even more comfortable to use. (ergo baby carrier, beco butterfly 2 carrier, patapum carrier...)

hee hee... u bought the avent thing too? very cool right! i'm itching to use it!

like berrypie, i wake her up on wkdays and i'll let her sleep more on wkends. but even then, i won't let her sleep past 10am coz it just throws the entire day's sleeping schedule out of whack. :p and there might be a knock-on effect which might push her bedtime later and later.
10.30-12.30 is about 14hrs, and that is possible, itsy.. you probably might like to bring forward his sleeping hours to 9.30pm if you wanna make sure he doesn't sleep past noon? hee, sometimes my 17mos girl also poo in the middle of the night, dunoe why..i can't imagine myself doing that! lol.

my bb sleeps @ 8.30pm latest and sleep thru till will 7 or 8am usually. At least ur bb poo everday, my bb oni poo once every 10-14 days...abit worry. My friend said hv to teach him how to poo everyday. That's y i got a potty and gg to train him this weekend
<font color="dc143c">Top 100 Puree Book &amp; Wean Machine</font>

yayy!! my book has arrived today!! JUST!!! woohoo...
so excited to receive it....

and my wean machine arrived with my book!! heee..
now i thinking to keep the wean machine or not...

anyone wants?? Coz i've gotten a Braun Handheld blender liaoz... MMmm.....

ok on! we'd have waffles for lunch on tues. what time do u wanna meet? btw, i'd PM you my hp no. just in case.

if my gal wants to sleep late i just let her sleep until she's happy to wake up.

i'm done packing. excited and looking forward to go for my short trip! hope nothing bad happens after as in hope my girl won't fall sick or anything.
Just curious - if you choose to consult doctors at polyclinic for your kids' illness, why immunisation wants to be done at PD leh? Isn't it the jabs also a lot more cheaper at polyclinics? No offence, just curious......

For me, I only trust my kid's PD, and I will go no other doctors but him :)

my #1 goes to pd and my #2 goes polyclinic.. lol.... dun say i unfair la, just that i trust pd more than polyclinic in general and hence when my #1 came in 2008, everything goes to her. now with #2, feel more financially squeezed and more experienced liao, so go to polyclinic and do all the immunisation for #2 at polyclinic too.. best to have all immunisation done at the same place mah, if started with pd just stick to pd. if started with polyclinic, den continue with polyclinic lor.
OIC. It's not unfair lah. For first time parents, usually will choose PD lo. Then when have #2, cos already know more, so can go to GP or polyclinics to save some bucks. Make sense :)

When my #1 is >1 yo, I don't send him to PD for mild fever and mild cough, just let him fight with the bugs and recover on his own. Help to build up his immunity also (and save my $$).
<font color="dc143c">itsy</font>
i always let Rayanne sleep till she happy but she's been waking up pretty early lately..8plus...then i'll feed her...then if she sleeps back good... else i entertain her on the bed till 10plus...she probably fall back to sleep and i sleep as well.. LOL.

lazy mummy here... then we'll both eventually wake up ard 11plus...

her afternoon nap are never fixed..after each feed if she falls asleep then good..else gotta entertain her or self-entertain till next feed try see if she sleep lo..

no point to put her to sleep and pat..coz my Rayanne wont fall asleep that way...tried, failed n give up... she'll want to be carried if she's awake.. and maybe fall asleep...

blame it on me bringing her out too much loh..
but if i go out..she'll happpily sleep 70% of the time...nowadays she dun really KO for 4-5hrs straight when i'm out liaoz..will wake up a few times... check her surroundings then back to sleep...

but the good thing is she can sleep anywhere i am..as long as she's with me either in Pupsik or Manduca... lol!! :p
What's wrong with my boobs! These 2 days the milk refuses to come out! I dun think I have THAT little milk, so it must be my pump right? Hiaz..
jassie> keke. i think we juz need to go back wk to face pple who can communicate with us =x

kam> keke. now my boy much better. seldom cry, n i really wish i can spend more time with him. he so cute. morning wake up, he'll lie in bed till i say good morning to him, den he smile at me. after i carry him n try to latch him, he will find eagerly for milk. but i guess now he can hold his hunger better, so less crying =x

berrypie> i still waiting, cos still got to wait for the puffs too. keke. i bought 2tins, n 3puffs. i think i will start feeding him in feb instead of mar =x not going to wait for 6mths. 5mths is ok. cos my boy shows interest in food n now able to tell when he is full. he will reject the milk

rach> erms. ur book comes with the wean machine? how much u paid?
jul> lol. i can give u more milk =x now i very sian to pump, cos there is more than i need and i got no where to store. zzz
berrypie> yup. once start feeding solid, must start giving water too. maybe i start on 3rd feb when he is 5mths old. since he seems to like solid =p
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">Jul</font>
Have you been massaging them recently?
My BM machiam all kenna stuck all the way deeeeeep inside my boobies.
Have to trouble my Hubs to massage frequently so I won't kenna blocked ducts.
Then after massage, FWAH! Suddenly output increase loh.
