(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

your boy sounds like my girl alright! same! when i put her on my lap sideways to burp, she can really turn her head to her side just to see whats on TV! if i'm feeding her, most of the time i cannot watch TV, else she keeps turning her head, and sometimes will forget to suck!

really?? watch TV will cause daydreaming nextime? oh dear..ok, better not let my girl watch too much TV then! :p later nextime in school cannot concentrate. haha...

pacifers must change. i think its recommended to change every 3 months...just like the bottle teats.

initially i was using avent ones then i changed to nuk ones...the transition ok leh...no issue at all, my girl was willing to take both. i only used them during sleep time. i had 2 nuk pacifiers for 3-6mths. but i lost 1, so i opened my pack for the 6-18mths ones, its slightly bigger but my girl still ok will take it. it will affect speech nextime meh? :/ i didn't know that. should i stop letting her use the 6-18mths one then?? btw, yes, must steralise the nuk pacifiers. i usually wash and throw into my steraliser along with her bottles.

actually at 4 mths shouldn't swaddle baby already lah. should let her move 'freely' to explore and develop motor skills. she will then discover what her hands and legs are for. these days my girl very cute, will raise her legs up in mid air and stare at them. sometimes she attempts to grab them. i think soon she will bring her feet to her mouth to 'eat'!

your baby can crawl??! wow! thats fast!

paisay typo error, he trying to crawl and its does progress to reach for his item... forward & backward like tat la... then his backside high high...
flower4> lol. crawl?? mine wanna learn to flip back instead. not so keen on crawling

haha. mine oso can look like crawling. but nv really move much forward

sharon> haha. when urs finally learn to flip, i'm sure u pray he din =x

i still swaddle my girl.. but only when she wanna sleep. and according to books.. some bbs will need this swaddling till they are abt 7months old.. and its ok to swaddle (but only during sleeping time). I'm not using the first few years.. i'm using swaddleme by kiddopotamus.
crytalz> oo. i heard abt this swaddleme too. hubby's colleague told us we shuld use tat to tell bb tat it's bedtime.

ya... quite ex though haha but at least it will keep my ger warm....

can use that as a bedtime routine... but its up to individual as we have our own bedtime routine like bathing b4 sleep, on music, draw curtain... just make sure the bedtime routine is the same and ur bb will know its time to sleep.

hahahaha my ger nowadays oso just want to flip... its affecting her nap time... headache sia... hope this phase will be over soon! but when they learn to stand.. they will keep standing.. haha
milk bag,
I tried 250ml today, look unstable to me, If it expand wonder will it give way

Have u tried defrost the milk bag? Any problem ?
crystalz> lol. ya la. now at nite i getting headache. he keep flipping n than feel tired n angry, den i settle him n get into mood to sleep, he start flipping again. zzz

connie> ya. ling tried before. 300+ml is ok for her
michelle, kiki n crystalz :
Thanks for ur advice.i want to swaddle her cos she's a light sleeper.oso when her pacifier drops,she wakes up n end up flipping over2get it.oso quite true tat dis age is e period4em 2explore.must start fr young.

Crystalz- when u swaddle her,do u turn on e aircon?ooh e swaddle me brand is expensive.
<font color="0000ff">sandwich</font>
Need your advise. Think my girl may have developed eczema. Did Kaizer have that at young age? Would bringing her to the PD help? Do I have to bring her to PD to confirm if it's eczema? Or it's the usual cream that the PD would prescribe? Just apply calendula cream is suffice?
RE: pigeon fridge to go bag...

i find not as good as the medela carrier bag...

i tried using both for 2 different days same timing...
i put in at 7am and took out at 10pm
the medela one can last till 10pm ...
while the pigeon ftg only can last me till 6pm...
Bernice> I hv the 1st few years's swaddlers, after bb is more than 2 mths old, i din swaddle liao. If u want to try the swaddler, PM me .. Cant give u coz already told frd I'll be passing them to her

Mummies> Do u wake bb in the morning if she's sleeping past her usual waking time? My girl will cry if i wake her from her beauty sleep :|
The pigeon one is it the one with the 2 block of ice at the size? Found that one only convenient but not practical. The side opening will open and outside air enter thus will not last longer.

Hihi! thanks for the offer! don't wanna trouble you =) Is the 1st few years swaddle size small for your baby now? can still fit in? since ours were born around same time.
bernice> my bb is 61.5cm now, can only wrap this way
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">connie..</font>

so far so gd.. no issues.. but once the packs are frozen. DUN DROP THEM HOR.. i ever dropped 2 packs n they split a little at the side. </font>
Hi! Xmasc

I've PM u about join your Clementi friend for the playmat purchase. I want 2 pcs. Can u pls check your PM?

kaizer had it before he turned 2 months old. titus had it (less serious) before he turned 3 months old. yes bring to PD to get a topical steriod which can clear the spots within 3 days. i find that calendula cream helps to keep the skin moist (to prevent new outbreaks) but doesn't clear existing eczema spots at all. where are her spots? on limbs/behind ears/on face?

don't talk about milk bags. another parent in my boy's school dropped my avent VIA cup (from about waist level) and the entire cup cracked and 180ml of milk spilled out. i think i've only used that cup for over a week.

i am doing half swaddle like the picture cutedevil posted. my boy's slightly more than 60cm also.
<font color="dc143c">2nd Jab 5-in-1</font>
Rayanne went for 2nd jab yest..
got a little feverish last nite.. 37.8. gave a dose of paracetamol and ok liaoz... been fine since then..

but this time round i came straight home after jab.. never cheong whole day outside. hehehe.. :p

she slept for 1.5 hours on the bed on her own.. amazing.. and allowed me to do my things.. so last nite i got to sleep at a normal 1am... been sleeping at 3am for past 3 nites.. almost died lioaz.. so tired.
hehehe... :p

oh..she's 6.6kg ( i think net is 6.4kg without clothes) and 64cm. hehe.. at least she's progressing..
i dun on aircon.. cos my room very windy. but i still wrap her.. but i wrap with one hands out keke... at first the wrap can help to prevent her from flipping.. but lately no use liao cos she is stronger... so can flip even when she swaddle.. so now it act more like a 'blanket' for her.. hehe
Thanks for your reply. First on her face, and now on her limbs. I have the Elomet for my son, can use of my girl also? So sad, cos I thought BF can help to decrease the risk of her getting eczema. Who knows is even worse compared to my boy (he only got it at about 15 months). Even less motivation to continue BFing..... most likely going to stop it slowly after my girl starts on solid.
<font color="dc143c"><font size="+2">BABY CUBES HAVE ARRIVED..</font></font>

Those who wanna postage pls pay n provide mailing address.. i'm gg to post office before 2pm..

<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">sandwich...</font>

really ah? i tot cos i fill to its brim thats why no space for such "shock". so split wor..

must be really heartpain hor.. dropped by other ppl somemore...</font>
Thank you to all the mummies for answering my queries.

Michelle, sandwich,
think u'll be busy looking out for ur bb, once he learnt flipping...
my boy progress is slower than his sister, who learn flipping at 3.5mths...
tat's y i abit kan-jiong why he 4mths plus still no signs of flipping.

hmm just brought my boy for 4th mth jab yesterday. abit confused abt the 5-in-1 and 6-in-1.
I don't remember my 1st kid got so many jabs wor.
according to my boy's jab schedule, it seems tat he got to jab 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th mth... like practically every month ganna poke by needles...
Each child is different mah, no need to kan-cheong. My girl who is 4.5 months now also seldom flips (only did I think 3 times only till now). While her brother can already sit unassistedly at 5 months. My girl doens't even want to learn how to sit. Only wants to stand up.
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Babies flipping</font>

my gal at 4 mths 10days today till haven flip lo... she ever tried once where she managed to only turn to her side. will she even flip? i wonder...</font>
hmm, can skip step one ah? I mean dun learn flip and crawl, directly learn to stand and walk?

maybe bb likes to surprise mummies when we least expect them to do so... ha
Next is sit unassisted and crawling (commandor style).

Yes can skip flip and crawl. But as a parent, we should encourage and do our best to let them learn to flip and crawl. Every step of the development is important. Even my baby doens't like it, but I still make her sit and put her on tummy. She doesn't like it now, but baby is changing all the time, she might like it today or tomorrow. Don't put a label on your baby what she can do and what she can't, but to keep on trying on them.
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">snowyin...</font>

she better not flip n fall to the flr when i duno lo.. my mum say i ever disappeared while nappin on the sofa.. then finally found me under the sofa.. i fell but i didnt even make a sound.. thats what she said... hurhurhur</font>
ling> i tried. de 200ml bag tat i dropped oso leaked. sian. i think i got another 5-8packs in de freezer tat were dropped before -_-

sure will flip lo. my boy started turning to side since he was 3mths old. he sleep on his side though i put him on de back. den change diaper is a chore. now he know how to flip, worse. even bigger chore to change diaper

i tot my boy will nv know how to flip too. cos his hands olways block his flipping, den yesterday i help him move his hand twice, he finally learn wor. now he flips like de flipping king. at least 10times per day -_-" n he'll be damn happy n proud of himself. esp if i tummytime opp him staring at him -_-"

snowyin> haha. ya. bz looking out. but not so bad. cos his neck quite strong now, so he can support quite long himself. and now he know how to rest on tummy side. but juz tat he angry cant flip back so keep crying, den i'll have to go pacify him -_-

kam> all along my boy like tummy time. cos his daddy olways hug him to sleep, den he lie on hubby's body with his stomach to play before falling asleep
think u need so many cos u choose diff jab? my boy need 3 6in1, once at 2mth, 4mths n 6mths only. diff parents choose to jab diff things at diff time. so c how u choose which jab

itsy> hehe. mine got de crawling pattern, but cannot move. still crawling on the spot. he too greedy la. wanna crawl n flip back to his back at de same time. =p
u seems very experienced wor. u got how many kids?

ic... hmm, I din really choose the 5-in-1 jab wor... PD advise take which jab, I juz take lor. now that I realise some jabs can be combined, so tat bb dun have to get pain so many times... sim tia...
hairclips/ pacifier clips
who was the one who posted about clips ah?? interested to get some clips for my daughter as her dad refuses to cut her hair, so i want to clip her hair up! Front getting long...
oh and someone also doing clip for pacifier? cant remember who.....can PM me, please? i've had enough of her spitting her pacifier (fall on floor so yucky!) when we go out!
baby cubes> hey. check with u all ah. u all buy this cube to store hm made purees isit? was wondering if its meant to be used example i buy de heinz purees, den use de cubes seperate into de portion baby takes? or baby suppose to finish one portion of heinz in one feed? den i no need baby cubes le isit?

kam> ops. must b too blur liao

ling> will la. sure will flip. think it's a phase all baby goes thru. juz a matter of when. juz like bb calling mama. my boy haven learn too!!

snowyin> hehe. some pple advise tat it's better to take seperately, some advise to take tgt. for me i decided myself =p
banana puree> is this how i make banana puree? Peel a small banana and mash with a fork. During the first stages of weaning, add a little milk if necessary to thin down the consistency and add a familiar taste.

wat other puree is ez to make?
<font color="119911">How to puree baby food?</font>
Instead of buying a blender, is there a other ways to puree food? I have a "grinder", those used to grind ginger, can I use that?

My mum says last time no need to give puree, just give rice cereal then proceed to thicker rice cereal and then to porridge... she's hinting preparing puree and the 4-days allergy rule a waste of time. How? how? She's so going to condemn it too when I freeze puree in baby cubes!
Yes, that's right for banana puree. All no need to steam ones are easy. Definitely try avocado.

Commercial puree no need to freeze. Store at room temp. Use a clean spoon to scoop out the portion you need. Then re-cap and store.

For sure very difficult to convince the older generation. If your mum is the main carer, probably you need to respect her choice if you are unable to convince her. If you have time, make fresh puree everyday, no need to freeze, then your mum maybe can accept?
