(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font face="Calisto mt">shelled, He still needs help to search for the video on youtube. He can slot in the CD-Rom and operate the game or progamme on his own. He started with his V-tech laptop and gradually upgrade to my com. He reads in the morning and at night before sleep. He is not interested in Disney channel, only discovery channel. We only allows him to play on the com during school holiday or weekend</font>

<font face="tahoma"><font color="Ff3399">Michelle</font>
eh, sorry, missed out on your post to me!
It's exactly because I'm starting the biz that's why need to send J off to childcare. The biz already registered since 2wks ago liao. It's "legitimate business" hor.

I've been neglecting him eversince I started, and this isn't good lor. So thought maybe just send him off to CC and let him play with other kids and learn stuff at the same time. But I think I will miss him leh...
I thought of maybe enrolling him for full day, but whenever I free then I will just bring him home early to spend time with him lor.
Virus if really kenna then is no choice one lah. In any case I'm working for myself, so if he really sick and need to be sent home, I won't have problems taking care of him also. But of course I pray he won't catch any virus!

shelled> np. but will u be considered as full time working mum n able to get the full child care subsidy? cos it's pretty much diff from de subsidy for sahm.

considering u've been with him since he was born, sure will miss him ba. n ur time with him is not mths. it's yrs. true oso la. u still have another advantage over us. can bring him hm if he is sick.
Hi Moms, my lil baby has got the stomach flu this week. Had to sayang her the past few days.

This may seem silly but on average how often do your babies poop? cos mine used to poo about once or twice a day once she hit 2 mths.


where is Agape Little Uni and Cherie Hearts Preschool @ Infineon.

I suggest u start him on half day for 2 weeks to 1 month first then change him to full day... my #1 was sent in full day from the start and it was tough for him at 22months old.. then #2 and #3 went in half day first then converted...

In our email thingy, we have Bel and Emily whom sends their kids to YWCA too... maybe u can get feedback from them...
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">bbq98</font>

Don't worry about yr baby drinking e bld. There's no harm. Rem to monitor &amp; lower e suction for yr pump.

<font color="aa00aa">Blessed</font>

yes.. Jed is on multi-vits &amp; iron supplements as he's a preemie. Why leh?

<font color="0000ff">Shelled</font>

Happy shopping for CC... It's nt easy lor. I have been to a few sch last wk but no much luck too.

<font color="aa00aa">Steph</font>

Did U send me a request on facebook?</font>
<font face="tahoma"><font color="Ff3399">Blessed</font>
Shane really sounds very bright! Maybe if the opportunity arises, I would like to meet him someday.
My Joshua will look like an ignorant baby beside your Shane lor. The only "smart" channel he likes to watch is Animal Planet.

<font color="ff3399">Michelle</font>
I'm still trying to double confirm if business owner can get childcare benefits not. So far just kept reading that work for at least 56 hrs per mth then considered as working mom liao.
Must check on this some more lor.

<font color="Ff3399">Steph</font>
Agape little Uni is @ Upper Boon Keng there, near Kallang MRT Station. Cherie Hearts is at Infineon Bldg at Kallang sector.
I think you're right, start him on half-day first less culture shock. Thanks!

<font color="ff3399">bbq99</font>
Next time is suck money liao, not suck blood.

<font color="ff3399">Jen</font>
Sounds sarcastic leh... how to happy shopping for CC wor? So headache! And none of them provide sch bus! nan dao I must really go take my driving license liao?!

what business u doing? me also very keen to start business but haize... till now... nothing...

anyone received any updates on yummie tummies? It has been a very looong wait.....
ameda pump> seems like must change de valve every now than, esp when we feel de suction is not strong. juz changed a new pair of valve even though i c no cracks in de old one n can feel de suction is stronger

marie> my bb's poo still quite alot. seems like he is de only abnormal one. usually most pple by 2-3mths can dun poo for few days. but mine can still poo 4-5times a day.

shelled> ya lo. better to check. since de subsidy is good. would not have been able to afford to put my boy at infant care if not for de subsidy. haha. with 1+k per mth for infant care if without subsidy, i will faint =p

hollow> i have not even paid up for my yummie tummies order. haha. n have not gotten my refund for glamourmoms. lol. but shuld be i need topup for de yummie tummie, but no news yet =p
ling, thks for e clinic add.. will try to call tmr morning to make appt. Just wanna bring him for his injections...

err.. no one keen to take over my milkbags ar? Then I'll just get it and force myself to must use it haha

ever since brought a tin of FM.. hve been so lazy to pump liao haiz.. thus supply getting lower too.. n didi nwadays will sleep the e night so no more night pumping for me too.. supply really drop like mad.. but i'm enjoying myself much more as when bringing my gal out, I do not need to worry didi at home no milk to drink..

ok.. got 200ml liao.. going Zzz..

gd night ladies!
shelled: eh think you can solve the problem by asking the CC themselves if you are eligible for subsidy. I think they should be able to provide u with answer hur hur

bbq: Better take care o.. i did hear my potential babysitter mention that milk is made from blood too..

went to my senior's bb shower today. They had MELROSE buffet. Food is ok la just that a few items getting cold liao. Hur.

yawns.. go slp liao later still got to go work @ 8 am.. sob

ALL MUMMIES: weather getting cooler, pls take care of yourself and your precious ones!!!
Foldable mattress
Any recommendation?
Bb wailed and refused to sleep (as usual) .. hub woke up and said ‘Can you make her stop crying!’
I been pacifying bb since 8pm, hub played w bb for < an hr and told me to ‘take over’ coz he tired le .. as if i'm not tired, when he was playing w bb i was doing hse work hor *So angry*

Thinking of sleeping w bb in another room

Joint Account with Baby
Can open joint acc w bb yet?
yes, can open account for bb as long as bb has birth cert liao. but i think most banks only have trust accounts for this age, not exactly joint
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">hollow</font>
I'm aiming to get your business leh.
Dealing with mommy and baby stuff lor. Boring old me... The first batch of goods will be arriving this week, so I'll definitely let you guys know when it gets here.

I'm thinking of holding a "private" product launch &amp; demo for Sept MTBs if you guys are keen on it. Special prices if you guys wanna buy lor. More details on the product later... now hush-hush first.

I'm still waiting for my Yummie Tummie also! So far no updates since the last email saying that the order has been processed?

<font color="ff3399">Michelle</font>
How much is your infantcare after subsidy? I think still very very ex right??

<font color="ff3399">Steph</font>
Actually I don't think that's counted as "around" our area leh. Not really walking distance wor. But of course, if wanna walk, no one will stop me. Hahahaha.

<font color="ff3399">Gina</font>
I think self-employed quite tricky leh. I think best way is to call MCYS tmr and ask them lo. Like... how to prove i got work 56hrs/mth to qualify as "working mom".

Weather got cool meh?! Last 3 days hot like siaoooo. My boys had to hide in my room to nap cos got aircon. Otherwise they usually nap without aircon.

<font color="ff3399">cutedevil</font>
As long as bb has got birthcert, can open joint account liao.
Mine is not really joint acct, but what the bank calls "Trust Account" where I have my name and his on the account, but cannot have stuff like ATM card, iBanking, etc.
<font color="dc143c">Top Secret Maternity Wear</font>
anyone stil keen??

<font color="dc143c">jenifur</font>
my supplier is checking out prices first.

will let u all know if she returns with a good price.

<font color="dc143c">Michelle</font>
go out everyday really took a toll on me.. cannot make it..
back breaking from the slinging in pupsik..
tried manduca yest without the baby insert..it worked pretty well..
at least she slept and didnt wake up that many times...
think its more comfy for my little chubb girl.. hahha..

my girl at 11weeks stil poo 4-5 times a day...after almost every feed she'll poo in 30min..
i wonder the digestive system really so good or not..

<font color="dc143c">shelled</font>
haha..thanks for the title..
out everyday from noon to nite...
no time to come in forum..
once online got emails and stuffs to do..by the time i'm done with them, gotta handle the little princess..
or i'm dead tired to KO...

<font color="dc143c">cutedevil</font>
u can open acct since bb is born...i opened mine with OCBC.. ;)

alrite...time to sleep........... nite mummies...
yummie tummie
hmm.. Is there an email saying order being processed??? I didn't receive anything leh... Still waiting for my yummie too but mayb I no longer need it le... Anyone wants to buy fr me?
milkyway : I'm jealous!!! you don't need it any more!? sigh...

pam : haha. gave up and kiap-ed my hair up the next day. =) Thanks for the lovely colour too. I'm enjoying it!

shelled : private viewing please! with chocolates and champagne lagi better... =) Do you want to consider Elfa @ Serangoon for J? Very far I know, but I think I saw a schoolbus. I've been there a few times to assess it for infantcare, and the older children whom I've seen seem fairly happy.

Anybody else with a caesarean having difficulty losing the pregnancy weight? very sian to see this belly everyday. =(
just curious what is your daily diet like?? coz i read somewhere that baby will poo less if they absorb fully the nutrients from our milk. those that they poo out are actually the waste or non-nutrients stuff
shelled: Wah so exciting!!! ex or not?? Looking forward to know your "business"

michelle: U have not paid yet???!!! I thought supp to pay liao... and I paid for 6 pcs somemore!! 3 for my girlfriend.

Milkyway: Same problem as u.. actually intending to wear it during maternity leave, but now left only 1 month, and no news when we receiving... i ordered 3 pcs somemore... waste $$

Rach: Able to check with ur supplier on this?
<font face="Calisto mt">shelled, I hope the boys can meet. Shane do not have any friends except his classmate. He spends most of his time alone as we do not get to go out often. Usually is only to church, supermarket and children pool or playground in our condo. Before Ian comes along, we used to sneak out to Botanic Garden which is a stone throw away. Think the happiest time for Shane is when we are back in Taiwan.

jenifur, I wante Ian to continue with his vitamins. Can you tell me the brand of the multi-vitamin your baby is taking? Is this your first baby? How preemie was he? Who is his PD? Sorry for all the question.</font>
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">rach</font>
Wah, so busy until sleep so "early"?? You are becoming like me sia, night owl!

<font color="ff3399">angel</font>
Champagne arh... I don't mind leh! Moet hao bu hao?
But quite ironic to be selling nursing accessories then all drink champagne at private launch.

Let me go snoop ard about Elfa @ Serangoon. Thanks for the heads up!

If you're refering to that little blob of flab that sticks out just above your c-sec scar, it would take quite a while. Unless you SUPER siao on and go work out big time. I had mine for abt a yr leh. But then again, I really didn't do anything at all to try and speed it up. So if you put in some effort, maybe it'll disappear faster. It's called the C-shelf, by the way.

<font color="ff3399">hollow</font>
It's a gamble we're taking lah, to bring in a new brand of nursing accessories into SG market. But all businesses come with their set of risks, right? Just have to cross our fingers, and pray hard lor. If this brand launches well then we'll be bringing in other brands ofkids/moms stuff that are not available in SG yet. Have some shortlisted and we're in talk alrdy.

<font color="ff3399">Blessed</font>
Do you think you'd be able to make it for one of our gatherings? Then can let Joshua and Shane play together if they like each other.

Shane can teach Joshua how to use the mouse properly, and Joshua will probably just teach Shane to talk nonsense like "crab" and "hotdog".

For us, when we looked for the infant care (now childcare) for my #1, one of the most important things that we observed carefully is that the kids at the centre should look happy, like they enjoy attending the cc. To us, at this tender age, we don't care much about the curriculum, but it's to make sure he can spend his day happily at a happy environment with a group of friends. Other factors like cleaniness, food, teacher to children ratio etc, need not worry so much as cc is strictly controlled by MCYS, they can't run away from the rules/guidelines.

Pay a visit to the cc that your shortlisted, better to do it on the same day, you should see the differences.
hi mummies

wow so long i never post liaoz ..super busy

<u>Abt infant care</u>
my #1 went into infantcare at 2.5mth..now he transferred to childcare liaoz..he just turned 2 yr old in nov. Now my 2nd one going into infant care tmr orh.

To me, my experience says that loving teachers are very important. No matter how good the centre is in terms of processes or teaching methods, the teachers must love taking care of children. But also note the turnover rate in tis kind of centre super high. Plus of coz the cons is that ur kid will fall sick very frequently. My #1 got 1 period fall sick every mth. I almost went crazy coz I was heavily preggy that time also. Our way to solve this problem is bring him to see TCM which really helps to improve his immunity

There also trial session available for period of 1-2 weeks in infant care where u can also be there for like a few days to experience urself. Tmr my daughter going in, so i will be with her for first 3 days also.

but overall experience with infantcare has been great. My #1 learn alot of things in skool which i think a "stay at home" babysitter would not be able to teach.
<font face="Calisto mt">shelled, I will try to attend the gathering at Ion. It is very near my house so I might be able to sneak out. I am thinking how to cope with both on my own.</font>
Ivy Lam,
Totally agree with you. A good, loving carer is all what our kids need.

The infant/child care my #1 went to have very low turnover rate. For the past 2 years, only 1 teacher left. This is 1 plus point for the parents.

In term of falling sick, it's true that it tends to be more bugs flying around. But it's also depending on how strong the kid is. My #1 didn't fall sick that often when he was at the infant class, about the same frequency as those being cared at home. After he transferred to toddler class, he hasn't been sick at all.

If it's not because of the cost (ya, I don't get subsidy), I won't hesitate to send my #2 to infant care.
Just wondering... if I already get maid subsidy, could I also get infant subsidy. Was thinking when she's around 6 mths to send her for the half day programme.
Been MIA for quite awhile. How's everybody doing? Hope everyone is doing well! Finally have grown accustomed to motherhood life. Seeing your own baby smile seems to drive all weariness away. That's the power of love.

Childcare Centre

Would like to share some opinions:

My friend was a childcare teacher. She used to work at a Childcare Centre where all the lecturers put their kids at. She advised to take special note of the following when choosing a childcare centre:

1. Teacher-to-child ratio. Teachers will be able to pay more attention to each child's individual needs since they have fewer children to look after.

2. Selection of teachers at the Childcare Centre. Teachers should show love for the children and not work solely for monetary benefits. My friend was honest enough to share that she treated the children better when she was in a good mood. Hence, she advised me to put my girl at the childcare Centre on a half-day basis instead. Parents sometimes do not see the ugly side of CC. Some teachers are very smart. Knowing that some kids will complain to their parents about their teachers, the teachers will tell the parents about their kids' misconducts first so that the parents will not believe their kids when their kids complain to them at the end of the day.

Other factors to consider have already been mentioned by other mommies in the forum.

Hope this helps.
baby poo - My boy has only been pooing like once every 10 -14 days. But once he poos, its Power Poop, will sure leak and etc one..

Brought him to the doc and doc say its normal for breastfed babies to behave this way

Doc say as long as he is alright, drinks and pee normal.

<font color="9264ff00"> Jen</font> - Can you help check with your friend how much can she get the PlushPad for? Maybe we can get the deal from the lowest priced one? Hiak Hiak... save money for all of us... *giggles*

Thanks a lot.. *hugz*
sweetlittlebowtique> really envy u all with bb who manage to sleep thru de nite now. mine gets cranky at nite. now he prefer to sleep from 4pm n wake up at 4am. drive me nuts. juz cant seem to stop him from sleeping at 4pm -_-

cutedevil> lol. it's not a long term solution to move into another room wtih bb.

man are insensitve creatures. juz like last evening, bb was crying, den hubby tell me, can u take care of bb awhile, he say he headache n wanna sleep. deep in my heart i was thinking. u headache? past few nites bb wake up at 4am who take care of him?? i shuld be more tired cos i only sleep so little. grrs. den after tat i ignored him, den he realise i was angry over certain thing n start to get nicer -_-" sometimes men juz talk without thinking with their hearts

shelled> got many diff one. i bringing my boy to the govt one. much cheaper. after subsidy is abt 400 only. wah, there is one at my office there, after subsidy need 1k still. cos sch fees is 1.6k. de one at my hm is only 1k before subsidy, so after subsidy is 400 =p but i did compare de diffs btw this and another more costly one, after subsidy ard 700bucks, but this is better, cos deir enrolment number smaller n cleaner, but maybe materials used not as good as the other one. but than again, i was thinking at infant care, teaching materials not so impt yet. maybe child care i will consider another one

rach> haha. my boy seems to like de babybjorn carrier la. everytime he go out with us, he sleep inside, carry him out he gets angry n wake up -_-" so many pics of him sleeping in de carrier on hubby's iphone tat i m using now =p one day i upload =x

angel> reason y we think we dun need it anymore is becos soon we gonna stop breastfeeding in public, considering we are going back to wk, most of the time pumping liaos =x

hollow> cos got some stuffs from my glamourmom oos, so i getting prettymums to count how much i need to topup, till now she haven tell me how much i need topup, so i nv pay. n some stuffs from yummie tummie is no stock, but she say can juz order n she check if got stock, so still waitin for her news as to whether got or no stock =p
Steph> :p im now checking out the design of the plush pad. ha like every week we have something we want to buy.

Milkyway> my boy laugh out loud before while he is sleeping. that might be a nice dream so i believe they can have nightmares too.

Shelled> congratulation for starting a new biz!!! since its a new brand i believe there will be interestssssss! i want dark chocolate
Michelle> I tot that you were able to push back your baby's sleep time from 4 pm to 8pm yesterday? I wanted to ask you how you do it as my baby also sleeps at 7pm and wakes up at 5am. Sometimes she also wakes up at 3 or 4 am for a feed.

Any mommies have experiance on how can we push her sleep time backwards? I have tried bringing her out at 6pm for some gorcery shopping after reading that Melissa was able to push back her baby's sleep time after going out. But my baby just knocked out at that time no matter where she is. Not sure how or what should we do.

We bought the manucca carrier on Friday as hubby prefers such carriers over the MIM Sling which he does not know how to use it. He is pretty happy with it and baby just sleeps in it. She just doesn't like us to stop walking around.

Anyone has any idea when we will be able to get these too?
tlisa> ha. ya. possible. i push his sleep back my bringing him out oso lo. but hor. ur baby considered good le wor. sleep from 7pm n wake up only 3-4am for feed? mine is sleep le, but still wake up for feed in btw one hor.
cloudme> ya. my boy going to infant care on 1st feb though i going back to wk on 7th dec, cos infant care no place for him as of now.
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">Kam / Ivy / happymrskoh</font>
Thanks for the advice! All very valuable insights, I must say.

But I find it quite creepy that teachers will complain to parents first. Personally I would trust my own kid more than the teacher lor. Mostly cos I know he is an honest boy. Everyday when Hubs gets home from work, first thing he will ask Joshua is "Have you been naughty today?" And this boy so honest, he will actually say Yes if he's been naughty. Then kenna scolding from Hubs.

<font color="ff3399">Jul</font>
My long wkend no good leh. I slept less than I usually do! What the hell lor. And it's not my boys leh, they both slept early and very well this long wkend.
But ok lah, I shall count my blessings. I managed to go to KittyLab WITHOUT the boys, paktor paktor with my Hubs. Then managed to watch 2012 also. (Movie damn long, sit until backside pain. But nice show leh. TOTAL WORLD DESTRUCTION!!) OH, so nice to go paktor without the boys.

<font color="ff3399">Michelle</font>
Ya lor, the price difference can be very great hor! So far the most expensive childcare in my area is $1450 (before subsidy) and cheapest is $590 (before subsidy). Both are full day programs some more leh! Shocking difference sia! Naturally, the cheapest one is govt-based lo.

Huh?! The Yummie Tummie got items out of stock?! I hope it's not mine lor! Don't tell me I wait so long then no stock, I will be very pissy!

<font color="ff3399">prinzess55</font>
Thank you! Any specific brand of chocolate?
But wait a minute... if I buy chocolate for everyone, then end up nobody buys my stuff, then I 亏本 leh!!

<font color="ff3399">tilsa</font>
I think you already have it good leh. My boy sleeps at 9-10pm, until about 3-4am everyday. Very on time, just like clockwork! Yours at least sleeps much longer than mine!!

I actually suspect my bugger can go longer without feed, but is waking up due to "habit". Cos yesterday he barely napped except for 30mins when we were in church. Reached home immediately concussed. Last feed was 8.30pm, reach home 9.30pm, he slept alllllll the way until 5.30am!! 9 whole hours!!!! When he woke up also take the usual amount of milk (1 boob only). So I really think he's waking up in the middle of the night for the sake of waking up! Darn it. If he had his own room, I will let him wake at night and wince on his own until he goes back to sleep again! But now he's sharing room with us, my hubs gets a bit pissy if I try to let baby fall asleep again without feeding him. And if I shift him out of our room, I risk having him wake korkor up!

<font color="ff3399">rach</font>
Wei, you so busy still want to organise bulk discount purchase meh. Ask another mommy to coordinate with the BP seller lah.
You already contribute alot to the mommies in this thread liao, let someone else do it! Who's free??

<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">Michelle</font>
Then in between the time you go back to work and before your bb goes to infantcare, who will take care of him?! </font>
shelled> lol. ya. de price varies very greatly. depends on location too.

no la. i ordered de yummie tummie was oredi oos when i tried to select from the website earlier, but prettymum say juz order for me n try, so she haven got back to me as to how much i have to pay. =p

my dad will be taking care of him. he's retired. juz tat i dun wanna trouble him to take care of my boy long term ma. den on n off i will take leave to relieve him of his duties =x

my bb will be entering after new yr...

he goes to the same center as my elder gal...who is currently in the playgroup...
<font color="dc143c">milkyway</font>
wah... u dun need ur shortie liaoz ah???
i also ordered... hahahha....still fat..cant fit into prepreg clothes...

<font color="dc143c">Kris</font>
oh really???
daily diet?? no fixed leh..
i wake up bathe her and settle down is already 12plus 1pm.. then either i'll drink my glass of Enfamama or nothing till 3-4pm...
thats if i go out..then i'll eat outside food.... foodcourt stuffs.. dun ask me what.. i cant rem any now too.. hahhaa..

then dinner outside then come back???

so its like.. food..anything.. had a few ramly burgers last week...everyday 1 at nite..coz pasar malam downstairs..

so...my girl havent been absorbing any nutrients???

u mean u have a fixed daily diet ah??? man...

<font color="dc143c">hollow</font>

<font color="dc143c">shelled</font>
nah... i KO at 12plus last nite.. woke up with a painful breast.. so i pumped then went off to sleep...
if i like u, my HB would kill me.. he hates me on the pc...

hahaha..its the BP thats keeping me busy too.. wahhahahhaa....

<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">ION Outing @ Swensens</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">8th December, Tue, 2pm </font>


lost the list... too lazy to search one by one...
anyway.. changed date.. so some may not be able to make it or can make it already??

Please add in ur names!!

<font color="dc143c">tlisa</font>
glamourmom is by end of this week latest.

<font color="dc143c"> Glamourmom, BRavado, yummie</font>
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">puttin ur babies to slp...</font>

Any mummies care to share how u put ur lil ones to slp?

My gal needs to be carried, fall aslp liao.. then put her to lie on tummy to slp de..
she doesnt need her pacifier tho'(i tink she weaned it off a few weeks back; we give her also she dun want de) but this is not helpin in the long run. She gets shocked very easily.. so we cant put her on her back de..(the bean bag pillow dun work for her) a slight movement (she moves alot; so she moves slightly also will get scared by herself de)or sound can wake her up crying...

Can anyone teach me how to let her slp on her own? cos for now, if she dun slp with us carrying her.. she dun slp lo.. sigh~</font>

<font color="0077aa">Ling</font>
my boy same as urs... so now i swaddle my boy to let him fall asleep himself.. with him sucking the pacifier too.. he scare himself easily too n keep waking lo.. so buy a better swaddle cloth to bind him.. (my MIL spoiled him by not swaddling since 3 wks old... )
these few days he managed to sleep early.. yesterday earliest at 10.30pm...
swaddle, put bean pillow to "suppress", pacifier to suck (but must monitor the pacifier dun fell off at all times)
