(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

you very steady leh.. can wear high heels, carry baby & push stroller. Tat day i went to try a pair of high heel shoes.. can't even walk steadily in it, been wearing flats since jan till now! Need more practise to get hang of it. : )

jenifur/ prinzess55
The Plush pad is very nice!! expensive though. When outside, I have been using the changing mat given by hospital, as the changing mat is rather "short", i use 1 diaper as his "pillow".

melissa> haha. i oso been wearing flats since i knew i was pregnant. or rather hubby dun allow me wear heels since i was pregnant.

but slowly wear heels lo. den get use to carry bb with it =p
if you going to do a BP on this pad let me know k
Hey! I just realised that one of the mummies is my Secondary School classmate!

I only realised when she added me to facebook and I found her face to be very familiar. On a closer look I realised that we have a lot of mutual friends which further confirmed that she is from my school SHSS!!! What a small world!

But I don't know her nick in the forum. Hahahha.
HEheh I have recently become a silent reader, no contribution... cause whenever I want to post something.. BB cries... *faintz* so never was able to post anything successfully...

He's been fussing the whole afternoon today...

Now I going to bath him.. tada...
<font face="Calisto mt">I have not been able to post or read the thread. Shane is on holiday now and he is occupying the com all day long.

rayrachel, Shane is 2 years, 4 months and 1 week old. PD's recommendation is to use diaper cream as long as Shane is still wearing diaper.</font>
<font color="ff3399">Blessed</font>
Just very curious, what does Shane do on the com all day long?!
My #1 is 2 yrs, 5 months, 3 wks &amp; 3 days old today (according to his birthday ticker) and he's only started using computer last week. Still struggling with the mouse and cursor, actually.
erhs.. really no one today wor. haha. juz went shopping at jurong point since de last post i made n come back, still not much pple post =p
yeay.. finally my bb sleep early today... :p but in the living room :p
later moving him back to bedrm, i wonder if he will wake up and nt fall back to sleep again...

<font color="0077aa">michelle</font>
any gd buys in jurong pt today? :p
today went shopping at Orchard Central &amp; Centrepoint &amp; to see xmas lights.. a great family outing w/o mil finally. = P
bgt a fisherprice toy for baby.. showed him and he was quite fantastic with it though it's for 6mths &amp; above.

SHSS= St Hilda's Sec Sch?
heehee.. are you V****? i went to look at ur photos and you look v familiar also! You have short hair in sec sch? are you from 4F?
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">Any mommies here with older kids in childcare?</font>

I'm thinking of sending #1 into childcare in 2010, so hoping to get some advice on what to look out for, etc etc.
Thanks in advance!</font>

Yes... I used to have short hair in school and yes I was from 4F. You were in 4E or in my class? Hmm I don't remember must go home and take out the year book!
<font color="119911">Waiwai &amp; Rach</font>
Ok I've confirmed a stall with organiser. There'll be 5 of us. Me, Wai wai, Rach, my 2 other friends. So each of us just pay $10 rental
Start packing up all the things you wanna sell!
thanks for the link. cos i am also looking for an ergo insert, though camel isn't really my preferred colour, hee. i PMed the seller already.

by the way, if you're interested to get it from her too, you can get it first. cos my ergo's hawaiian and a green insert will be nicer actually.

some considerations for me when i enrolled #1 in childcare (in order of priority) ... distance from school to home/office, school environment, temperament of children, temperament of teachers, learning resources used, experience in dealing with allergies, cost, food provided at centre
<font color="dc143c">sotong_mum</font>
ohh okie... can..thanks.

<font color="dc143c">Gerald</font>
its possible if ur baby can sit up and drink... i've tried that with my girl before.. when she's fussing and nothing could please her.. i turn whichever way she wants..
hahaha... but to be tried at home only.. to messy to do it outside..cant see with the poncho...

<font color="dc143c">prinzess</font>
can try... how many wants the plush changing mat??
let u know the price once its out. :p

<font color="dc143c">Blessed</font>
oh... as long as wear diaper.. okie... can..

<font color="dc143c">Michelle</font>
hah.yah.everyone out shopping. i've been out like everyday for the last week...
now i'm aching everywhere..slinging my girl wherever i go..
at least at home she can be put on the cot or my mum carries at times..
and the most i'm just in front of PC sitting down..
last time came back my legs also sng, back sng, hands sng...

<font color="dc143c">itsy</font>
great... update me via email can? dun wanna flood here with our personal stuffs.. keeke.. :p
did i see someone mention my name?? hehe..

im from SHPS but didnt go on to SHSS.

ok gotta run along now. rushing to church later. hv a blessed sunday gals!
similar to sandwich, firstly, i only looked at centres within walking distance to my place thou many do provide school bus service now
then i went to the centres to take a look and talked to the teachers coz some of the centres may look good on paper, but if their teachers kanna sai then it's a no no for me. some of the teachers i talk to cannot even speak proper english
in the end, it's mostly gut feeling
it's best for you to go take a look personally
I just pumped out blood - fresh red blood and not pinkish milk. There is no pain and I certainly didn't over-pumped because I pumped only 3x for the past 2 days. Should I be concerned? It's blood and not blood tinted milk.
<font face="comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Rach

I've approached my fren for the plush mat price but if yr supplier wan to do then let me know hor. Den I wun bother my fren anymore</font></font>
<font face="Comic Sans ms">,<font color="0000ff">bbq98</font>

Have you been mis-handling yr breast? Few causes for blood will be sore/cracked nipple (nt likely for yr case), internal bleeding due to sudden increase of bld flow &amp; broken capillaries due to improper use of breast pump. Bleeding shld stop on it's own without treatment and you can still continue to express but lower yr pump suction.

BUT if bleeding continues for a few days, seek treatment from doc ya</font>
does baby get nitemares
tried getting my gal to slp at 11+ cos got home late... then she couldnt get into deep slp and keep crying loudly when she woke up from her slp with her eyes closed last nite. her hands and legs were also "flying" all over the place but her eyes are still closed... so end up carrying her and cuddling her till she finally got into deep slp at 1am. Then till now she's not awake yet!!! it's 8 and a half hrs of sleep already... the longest so far!!! wonder if i should wake her up for milk? but i just pump everything out not long ago...
Jenifur, I suspect it could be the latter because I have been missing one pump and I got engorgement which is very rare since I have always been very diligent in my pumping sessions. I shall keep my fingers crossed that the bleeding will stop. Thanks.
when i chose childcare for #1, i considered the school environment (bright? clean?), distance from home, cost, cirriculum, food, teachers... read up review from forum to short list then i went to see. my #1 is going to Cherie Hearts next month

thanks! keep me informed via sms / email
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">SHSS...</font>

Me too! Wat a coincidence. Was ever in 4F too but i doubt we're in the same yr...</font>
wow.. it's a small world!
Ling oso from SHSS.

I was from 4G. : )
but i was using my chinese name &amp; dun hv a christian name back then.
maybe we in the same class b4 in sec 1 &amp; 2? I was in 1E &amp; 2E... after looking at ur photos, i even remember talking to you b4! = D
jess> haha. good buys? no wor. juz went kiddy palace walk walk. actually wana buy some stuffs. but putted off by de q at de cashier. den main purpose was to go shopping at ntuc, bought a big container to put in freezer so i can stack de milk glass bottles up properly in de freezer. easier for my tracking of date n usage =p

melissa> haha. i oso brought my boy to orchard on fri. he was like a shuan ku boy. so facinated by de christmas lightings. keke. but than again of cos his shuan ku la. cos this is his first christmas =p

haha. i stop buying toys liaos. cos super alot of toys at my hm now for my boy. everyone like buy him so many toys tat his room is flooded with all de toys tat he cant even play yet =x

kris> haha. ya. super crowded at jurong point. would have preferred to go ard 1am instead. less pple. but main purpose of going out is so tat bb wun sleep so early. cos past few days he sleep at 5pm den wake up at 4am in de morning. yesterday good. made him go out, push his sleeping time to ard 9pm+ den he woke up at 9am today. but of cos in btw at nite he got wake up for milk n go back sleep. but not the kind of wake up n dun sleep one. drove me nuts for 3nites straight. img i sleep at 1-2am, he wake up at 4am. so i only got 2hrs sleep each day -_-

rach> keke. ok la. go out i only need push stroller. usually is hubby carry bb. cos my wrist not very good n cannot carry bb for long. hubby dun wan me injure my wrist, in case no one to feed bb at nite =p

shelled> hehe. i dun look at childcare but how i look for infant care is 1) infant care ard my place 2) teacher to infant ratio 3) infant care enrolment count 4) hygeine of de infant care centre 5) friendlyness of de teacher by observing how they treat de infants when de cry 6) wat they do with de baby when dey are there 7) experience in handling infants =)
anyone knows what the market rate for part-time bbsitting services? i just enrolled myself at BBDC and want to start lessons soon (in dec) but have to settle bbsitting arrangements first. most prob using back #1's bbsitter but now i don't know how much to pay her if i am only placing bb there on a part time basis.
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">sandwich</font>
Thanks for the pointers. So really have to go there and look-see especially regarding the teachers' attitudes/temperament. Then verbally ask them about the kind of menu they serve?

<font color="ff3399">Kris13</font>
That's the issue I'm having: No good CC within walking distance! One is really badly reviewed in the Boon Keng thread here in SMH, and the other one's environment is slightly run down and teachers don't speak properly.

My gut feeling says I will have to increase my alloted budget AND travel further to send #1 to a better CC. Unfortch, none of them have school bus facilities also. Pffft. Big headache sia.

<font color="Ff3399">Waiwai</font>
The one that has ok reviews within walking distance is bright, but also very warm! No aircon!! My #1 has a tendency to get heat rash, so I really not keen on enrolling him there leh.
There's a Cherie Hearts about 3-4 bus stops away at Macpherson area, and I was considering sending him there, but my Hubs ask me if raining how? I bring the baby along to go pick up korkor and all get wet is it?

<font color="Ff3399">Michelle</font>
I think I also have to look out for everything you're considering, and still must add on 1 more factor of what and how they teach. So frustrating! That's why I not keen to send him away to CC lah! This is like paying $$ to get more headache like that.

<font face="tahoma"><font color="Ff3399">bbq98</font>
Aiyo! That sounds so scary! You must have got a shock when blood starting filling up your pump bottle.
Please take care of your boobies and yourself, yah? </font>
if possible, visit the centre at least twice, and try to time one visit around lesson time and one visit around meal time to see what food they serve. you can ask to taste the food to see how salty it is. the school i go to claim that if food is too bland, the children won't eat.
<font face="calisto mt">shelled, Shane watches video on youtube and he also plays computer games. That is the only way to keep him occupied during the school holiday. Our boys are of the same age.</font>
Shelled,yes I was shocked to see bright red blood dripping into the bottle. I immediately pulled the bottle away and the blood dripped on my shorts. Machaim like menses stain lor. Anyway, I just pumped again in the afternoon and I got only pinkish milk and not blood. Hope whatever the cause is will heal by itself. Yesterday, I was latching my baby and my hubby came in to collect him. He saw blood stain on the napkin but we couldn't find where the blood came from. So my baby had literally sucked my blood!
Hi, just wanna check any of ur babies have reflux problem. Mine will never fail to puke out some milk while burping. She cries alot during burping too. Stress! Any solutions? Does gripe water help?
try not to lay your baby down immediately after a feed so as to allow the milk to flow down. if you're bottlefeeding, baby might be gulping too fast on the teat..check to make sure you're using the correct teat. if bf, i'm not too sure.
i've been giving my baby gripe water since wk1 and so far, the only reflux (they were scary!) happened when he was over-fed. hope it helps =)

<font color="blue">
Hi ladies. Don't mean to intrude on your discussions..I'm letting go of some of my baby stuff (including twin pram, cots, rockers, shoes, play yard, baby gym, head support). Do take a look at my thread and PM if you're keen. Thanks.
Thread: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449183/3301924.html?1259461683

Merry Xmas!
It happens to me before too. It could be your nipple skin is broken. Let your breast rest for about 1-2 hours for the time being. And when you start to pump, do not use too high level to pump.
juz back fr ikea shopping, cos my parklon mat is comin n it has arrived. de courier guy disturbed my shopping at ikea =x

parklon mat> got my mat. so far so good. not much creases. juz tat dunno y no carton box. only got carrier bag. will check with seller. but so far so good. bb dun quite like de mat though, cos practically he is facing upwards, so nv really c de design yet. but he is ok to lie dere =p

sandwich> keke. bbsitter below my hm again? maybe one day can meetup with u. lol =p

shelled> keke. working mum got more subsidy for govt. maybe u shuld consider registering a biz n c if u qualify as a working mum? ya. if really intend to send ur boy to child care, den much see wat n how dey teach lo. for me i want my boy to learn to interact with diff pple, so will not be afraid of strangers. n ya, sending to care centre got headache of him catching virus fr other kids.

but with ur #1 at childcare, u will haf more time for ur #2 n biz =p

bbq98> really no need go doc to check regarding ur blood milk? actually fr wat i know milk is blood from mummy. but how exactly all dese happens i dunno =p

strawberrystars> mine will not only puke when burping. sometimes even 1hr after feeding he will puke too. dunno where de milk come from. but all dese dun happen when he sleeps. or maybe juz i nv notice -_-

so now i try not to feed bb too full, but feed him more regularly instead. but tedious n got to put up with his crying n screaming after unlatching him

U got see the email thread that the "Boon Keng mummies" were discussing about before?

Ur side there got CS which CMI, then Bestcare which environment is quite good but it didn't really suit me, then got YWCA that my boy's in... Ur side still can go Elim Church there right?
<font face="tahoma"><font color="Ff3399">sandwich</font>
Hmm... Yes, that sounds like a good plan. Must know what my kid is eating (or not eating) in childcare. I think every meal my boy sure bug them for soup!

<font color="ff3399">Blessed</font>
Shane can operate the computer himself?? I must say I'm really quite shocked at how PC literate he is. I'll admit I've been trying to keep mine AWAY from computer and electronic games. We don't even want to play Wii when he's awake and around, cos we don't want him to have that habit. Meanwhile he just either reads, watch Playhouse Disney, or plays with toys. Next time he'll be so suakoo compared to your boy! I'm such a bad mommy.

<font color="Ff3399">bbq98</font>
My hubs say your boy training to be vampire by sucking your blood. Now that Twilight series very popular mah, so he's vampire wannabe.

Jokes aside, I hope the bleeding stops soon, wherever it is coming from. So scary lor.

<font color="Ff3399">Steph</font>
I went to read that thread lo, that's how I double confirmed that CS is no good. Alot of mozzies, high staff turnover rate, teachers somewhat bo chup, etc.
Elim has no childcare services, only nursery/kindergarten and it's not the church we're going to, so I'd rather not even if they had CC.
Bestcare is waaaay out of my budget. If I've got that much to spare, I'd rather send him off to MindChamps @ City Square!

So far I think I've got send him off to somewhere further away like Agape Little Uni, YWCA or Cherie Hearts Preschool @ Infineon. Will have to call each one up and arrange a look-see lor.


<font face="tahoma">Wei, this week long wkend so everyone go holiday huh? Really is quiet until unbelievable lor.
Even our resident poster Rach also very quiet wor!</font>
