(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

I only like the pink, girly furniture! Think the room is way too big for a nursery. Just need a cosy small room with enough space to crawl around then can already!


Hai hao la.. Mainly, i bought 3-6 mths as advised.. cos bb grow very fast.

Ur hubby bz.. my hubby not in sg.. so i make the call lo..

oh, of coz not everything is all white, but basically the furniture are white lor.. and yes, of coz splashes of pink... probably the cot sheets etc. and oh...the storage cabinet is white, with some pink n red.
the wardrobe for clothes is all white though...

u might need a few pieces of NB or at least 0-3mths bah... 3-6mths, the size might be too big for new borns. but yep, they'd outgrow really fast! so dun get too many.
now i'm thinking of painting the walls pink too!!! i love pink as well.. but i hope to have a boy next preg. Mayb paint pink first then got boy then say hor...

tot of yellow too.. and orange.. and someone even suggested purple!! i dont like purple..

princess, u only gain 4kg so far from ur start? i've already gained 7 kg from the start!!
Wah... the baby's rooms u gals posted are all so cheem one. Seriously, I cannot be bothered to do all these. Also, trying not to spend too much $$. Have spent a lot liao on my own clothes & maybe some Babylet's stuff (but have to admit mostly my own clothes lah :p)

I hope I dun gain 4kg every mth man! *cross fingers, toes, & hair*


I also quite close to overweight BMI one. Already not slim, still gained 8kg. Hiaz.. And I nvr drank any of those weight gain mummy's milk either *sulk*


My face also round round one. And I used to have a skinny face lor!


LTNC! I had a great time eating & walking ard, just relaxing & not having to face the rubbish at work. So sad when I had to come back to reality! haha
I went to KPO a bit bit.. U gals bot a lot of babymall stuff yeah? Esp ling, $100 worth! Whew! haha makes me itchy to buy too.
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><u>Babymallonline Spree Update</u>

Batch # 1 - Ordered, under processing.

Batch # 2 - Pending more orders to hit USD150

<font color="0000ff">Itsy,

I've got yr transfer of $20.12 and hv updated my spreadsheet. Tks

<font color="aa00aa">Milkyway,

I've got yr transfer of $54.11 too. Tks

<font color="0000ff">Ling,

I've got yr revised order &amp; updated but hor e Moo-vie Star Baby Bodysuit no stock for 3-6M, either 0-3M or 6-9M leh. Let me know yr decision</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Princess,

I can also meet you @ Tampines Central but will hv to wait till either end of May or early Jun.</font></font>
<font face="Comic Sans Ms">Yesterday's thread moved very fast hor. I go out for a afternoon nia, missed so much.

Both my calf muscle are aching now.. I didn't walk much yesterday leh.. went to meet some supplier @ PS den went Spotlight to shop was so tempted to get e material for my sewing &amp; knitting project. *hee*

<font color="0000ff">Sandwich/Corsage,

Thanks for yr compliment. I've always luv crafts like knitting, cross-stitch etc. Next attempt will prob be sewing. Trying very hard to persuade DH to get me the Brother Embroidery Sewing Machine. But tink hv to wait long long woh.. DH said if he can buy his Audi RX-8 den I can get my brother machine

<font color="aa00aa">Jul_04,

Welcome back!!! U mus b super-charged now after yr holiday.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Rach,

Glad u enjoy yr anniversary dinner @ Dallas. 2nd flr very nicely renovated rite.. so nice to be e only couple tere

<font color="aa00aa">KiKi,

Yupz.. e swelling on my finger didn't go down
. I still can 勉强 wear my ring lah but DH said no point lor. My wedding ring cannot re-size too so DH said will buy another for me after I officially close factory.

I used to knit for my DH when we were in Taiwan. But gave up since he also dun really wear, now all hanging in e wadrobe. Find it more fruitful to knit for my DD</font></font>
Good morning everyone

Your hubby is funny - what WOULD you do if your son wants a tattoo at a young age? Haha - although I don't think decor of bedroom would cause that effect!

You're right - I've always wished we can have more space around here! But I suppose we can to adapt just like we've always have, and still have something nice. Your daughter has a pink room? So nice!

kiki &amp; Jul:
Yeah, they are meant for inspiration only. I don't think most of us would actually go all the way to do up the nurseries like that! Too much effort and $$!!

Those flowers look painted! But you can also do something I have done before. Cut up nice fabric in shapes you like, and stick them on the wall using corn starch
It does not damage the paint and you can pull them off anytime by wetting the fabric!

Actually I like bright colours like orange too! Someone gave me a baby cot bumper and comforter (no idea why a comforter is needed here though!) in nice bright oranges and yellows. I think it is cheery

Oh those embroidery machines are soo soo ex
I suppose if you decide to get one, you can run a mini biz! hehe Then can recoup some costs
Will be sending you an order list soon. Thanks so much for collating. I hope I'm not buying too much =P
Hey Kiki,

The only stuff I bought for my bb is the cot. I bought it during the new mums fair at expo. The 4-in-1 baby cot comes with mattress, bedsheet set, pillow, bolster and a melody mobile at $359 (If I recalled correctly). Light wood in color.

I found this website that offers baby cot at 20% off. Not sure if the price is before or after discount. Maybe you would like to check this out or can wait for the mothercare fair.

Regarding the flower painting, maybe you can look at those decor wall stickers. They have nice design and also easy to DIY.
Take a look at gmarket.com

Happy browsing!
hi all...
i'm on mc today... think i'm a bad employee... but super pissed off with work yesterday and i need to cool down so decided to call it mc today so that i can rest at home lor..

i want to be happy and not let unhappy things affect my bb... been telling bb sorry that i was angry yesterday and i told her i want her to be happy... feeling so much better today... i made the right choice of not going to work!!

hope the working mums have a gd day at work...
i think pregnancy has really made me less tolerating and more complain-sive... but i don't know how to control.

just hope all these will go away soon...

Im dun tink u'll continue to put on 4 kg per mth la.. Dun worry.. In Japan, u just enjoy urself, so puttin on wt there is understandable. In sg, u'll be working also ma.. I tink as long as bb is alright and gynae says ur wt gain is ok. then its ok de. Dun worry ya?

Dun worry! I guess we're all like that. Mood changes fast and very emotional for my case. Esp, when hubby is not with me, I tend to cry easily.. Sometimes i will even tink if he misses me or not. Tho' I know its ex to call back daily, I hope to hear his voice everyday day. If he doesnt, I'll get upset and my mind will start to go wild.. Just hope he comes back soon. Miss him so much!
Hello everyone!!

I'm looking for changing mat for travel &amp; home usage. Or maybe get a diaper bag, but not too ex.

Any website got sell diaper bag or changing mat ? Know you shop alot online haha
^5!! sometimes just need to get away just to stay happy...

understand ur feelings when hb is not around.. for me even with hb around i can still emotional for don't know why. when is ur hb coming back? tot 2 wks? should be more than 2 wks already rite?

whats with men and cars? keke... maybe its like women and clothes/shoes huh? 'cept theirs much more ex! :p but that brother sewing machine is indeed quite ex.


you like diy-ing things? i do too... when i got inspiration. haha... hmm... cut up fabrics, sounds interesting, never tried that before. but fabrics on the wall, wouldn't it kinda collect dust? i've a dog that sheds quite alot. so probably fabric not feasible for me.


oh hello!!! how have u been??? long time no see. i was thinking your nick rings a bell, then i remembered who u are. hee.. preggie hormones making me forgetful sometimes!

thanks for the links, yep, i think i'd wait till June for the motherhood fair.
jenifur, I want to join in the spree too!! How do I do that? Sorry. Have been out of the post for a while.

Btw, I find your name familar. Were you previously from Jul '07 batch?

Ya.. with hubby ard alr emotional.. without him ard, its worse lo.. Ya.. it coming to 3 weeks le. His co last min ask him to stay for another job. One of his colleague insisted that he doesnt want to stay and they deduct $1.7K from his salary. Hubby say he is there to earn more money de.. if kena deduct lidat, super bo hua.. so he stayed on lo. He say it should be another 10 days but i dare not put too much hopes on it. in case of any last min changes.. I lagi sad..

when's your hb due to be back? dun think too much k? i'm sure he missses you very much too. but he got to work mah, so boh pian.

hui chern,

normally diaperbags come with the changing mat inside. that day i was at Spring maternity getting some clothes, and my hb who was waiting for me was fiddling with a diaper bag. he said its quite good, alot of compartments inside, also the flap is like a changing mat. but he didn't look at the price, so i'm not sure how much, maybe u'd like to go there and take a look.
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Corsage,

Tt's wat I tell my DH but he said consider 1st...

Sure will wait for yr list</font>

<font color="aa00aa">mademoiselle80,

No problem. Just email to [email protected] when you are done shopping.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Milkway,

Not bad employee lah.. just not super ONZ only. By taking a rest today, u will b more productive tmr mah

<font color="aa00aa">Hui Chern,

I ever come across but duno where *hee*. Let me go search den post here k</font>

<font color="0000ff">Ling/Mamato6Js,

I've rec'd yr transfer. Tks
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">lilac,

Spree Details belows. I'm not from Jul'07 thread leh but I find yr nick familiar too *hee*</font>

Site : http://www.babymallonline.com/

Exchange rate : USS$1.00 to S$1.55 (excess if any will be used to offset international shipping)

International Shipping Cost : CGW Shipping Charges will be apportioned based on qty/value/bulkiness

Payment to : POSB Savings 194-73291-0

Order Format (Email to [email protected]):

Email :
Collection :

Item #1
Item Name :
Url :
Size :
Quantity :

Price in US$:
Price in SG$: (US$ x 1.55) = S$

Your total no. of items:
Your total purchase amt in S$ </font>
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Ling,

U sure u wana get nappy cloth?? I bot some during my 1st pregnancy but end up also nv use. TBF BB poo almost after every feed leh..

Take care of BB also no time already, still wana wash e nappy</font></font>

I also tot of using fully diapers. Then my mum told me to use nappy.. she say better. I also duno. Maybe i buy some then use nappy liners lo. At least wont stain that much.
Personally I also bought nappies but never end up using often. The nappy liners gave my boy a rash even when it doesn't come in contact with his bum.

If you want something reusable and easy to wash, I'd recommend BumWear: http://www.bumwear.com/

It's more expensive than regular nappies, but a hell lot easier to wash, more absorbent and easier to wear on baby. Plus, no leaks ever!

your mum that generation will surely tell u nappies are better because during that generation, they all use nappies one.

so far... i get wide-eye response when i mention to anyone in that generation i dun intend to use nappies and gonna fully on diapers. keke... the following are the reactions i experienced.

1) u crazy ah! diapers very expensive u know! bankrupt lah. :p

2) diapers will cause rashes leh... cannot everytime use diapers.

3) babies will feel very uncomfortable and hot with diapers, then u get a crying baby all the time.
Glad you are better today. It is natural to get moody when pregnant - I've been getting more grumpy recently too. Hard to control. Enjoy your day off

Your husband is away? Poor you
It must be very hard. My mum used to share how my dad was away when she was pregnant with me too, and how she went to the hospital and gave birth without him around. I'm sure your hubby can be with you when the time comes though! Take good care and relish the fact that you're a loving couple despite the distance

My friend just sent me this link for baby playmats. This brand supposed to be good. Am thinking whether to get now or later.
For changing mat, I recently bought the inflatable one from Ikea. I think it cost S$10
Yes I like DIYing things. I get cravings to DIY sometimes. haha ;) For the fabrics I only tried small pieces of birds - so far no dust collected. I think somehow the corn starch makes it dust proof or something. heh. But nowadays there are a lot of wall decals to choose from too, like what midori shared

I think I will also only use diapers. A bit afraid of laundry loads for nappies

Thanks! Yea.. I love and miss him so much and it can be really hard for me to be away from him esp at this pt of time. Feel so alone most of the time. Yah.. i told him by hook or by crook, when i deliver, he MUST be there with me.

It also took me quite awhile to remember those nicks, Rach is the easiest to remember hehe =p Ya, been busy with my work and also need to plan for my next working trip (Indonesia) in the 2nd week of June. But I really hope not to go....cos of the swine flu spreading around. Sometimes, really have no choice...haiz..=(

Re nappy cloth - maybe can just get one pack first just in case you might need it for other uses - e.g. blanklet or use as a protection to prevent baby from contacting with dirty surfaces.

yep, wall decals are very nice too. i have some put up in my hse. i diy-ed one before too (below)... but later didn't really like it so i took it down. unfortunately, i think my painter 'cut corners' when he painted my hse (talking abt this, i'm damn pissed!) so when i took it down, some paint peeled off along with it!

i never really have a skinny face unless i am very sick... LOLS!

Oh! Really!! Can no problem... thanks so much... i will go see see... hahaa.. most of you girls purchase what age group??

my hb not only busy.. is extremely BUSY!!!! sigh... very lonely and sad.. i have been feeling so unhappy not only because he is not by my side always..
