(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

juz wondering...

how many of you here intend to let baby sleep alone in nursery (or their own room) from day 1? or do u intend to put the cot in the mbr?

i'm juz worried my gal will grow up with the habit of always wanting to sleep with us. so wondering if i should start 'training' good sleeping habits from day 1.
Hi everyone!
The tag blanket looks really great! Would take care in choosing the fabrics to make the blanket cos there have been tests that show presence of poison in clothes, eg formaldehyde, pesticides etc. Even in children's clothes! And they can even affect the hormone production in the child! GOSH! Better buy textiles that come from ecological sources, especially if the babies put that in their mouths.

Hi Jul,
Welcome back! Don't worry about putting on 4kg the last month. A number of us have the same experience here too.. hehheh
kiki Babylet shd be sleeping in this small bedroom by himself. My bedroom has no space to put the cot anyway.


I was still so yaya payaya abt putting on only 4kg for 20 weeks, then suddenly another 4kg! Faint!

so your dh agrees to do so? my dh like wants to put the cot in our room. while i feel that bb can start from day 1 in her own nursery. but i think if sleeping in nursey, its best to put a baby monitor in the cot. i'm trying to convince him though.... hee..
gosh I'm getting fat ;). I have issues turning! I'm really starting to feel the extra weight. Sigh. Still kinda able to go jogging but I'm gonna start swimming more instead.
was also lamenting about my weight gain last week. Until the 21st week I also gained about 2+kg. Then week 21 and 22, I gained more than 1 kg per week! Was so horrified! Anyway, must relax, maybe it's a growth spurt, maybe it's water retention! Hopefully this week I won't gain so much! When is your next doc's appointment? Enjoyed your trip?
Read that it's probably easier in the beginning to put the baby in the bedroom instead of the nursery. It's much more convenient to bf the baby at night and you can just lie in bed and bf. Haven't decided what to do yet cos I would like have a proper nursery instead of having baby furniture all over the place
Have you decided what do buy for the nursery? Have been making a list of furniture to buy but I realised the baby doesn't really need it but it makes the room look nicer! Must really budget!
hi mummies...
sometimes really cannot take pregnacy coz it make me feel such a weakling.. cry too easily.. get frustrated too easily too many things u can't do u can't eat u can't this and that... then worst still need to work... how miserable... face those idiot pig bosses whom think pregnancy is easy.....
Ops complaint too much again... That one more added to the list.. complains never end...

hmm...yeah, i guess it'd be easier in a way if the cot's in the mbr. but my gal's room will be juz next to mine, so... its not that bad la.. hehe..

yes, we're in the midst of doing up the baby's room. bought some furniture for the room already. dh insisted on the nursery furniture to be white, coz he thinks looks sweeter for a little gal! i objected saying that little gal won't realise what is white or sweet until much later but mommy here got to do the cleaning and wiping and maintenance. but in the end, gave in to him.. since it makes him happy. keke... so now the cot (which we havn't yet bought) also has to be white he says!

oh dear.. i thought these emotional thingys are suppose to subside after 1st trimester? take it easy ya...

baby cot lor... there's 2 kinds i think. those convertible ones and those that cannot be converted, which are usually smaller in size i think.
Relax! It's like that one lah! I'm quite relaxed usually but recently I get very easily irritated by people and things. My stupid dog just decided to jump into the pond for a swim and now he is complaining that he is wet and cold. So I told him.. Too bad! You want to swim, you also take the consequences..hahaha. Deep breaths! It's the hormones.. silly things happen and silly people exist... and so do silly dogs actually
ur swelling didnt subside ar... hmm.. i hope mine will... will transfer u the money tonite okie?

i take off my ring everyday at home, so one day if it really cant squeeze in then i will stop wearing

u'r back!! we tot u like japan so much that u didnt want to come back!

Weight gain,
i have gained 4kg from my 4th to 5th month!!! damn scary and i wonder where did i gain at.. i suspect its my thighs cos they really are huge now.. even hb is commenting on it.. quite depressing leh.. haha... think i better work really hard after birth to loose the fats... doubt it's water retention to me on the thighs..

dont worry, i'm still getting very emo occasionally too and hb can't help much.. haha

so busy today.. can hardly have time to go get drinks and toilet break!!
Hey! I was also thinking of white furniture. Actually I wanted to buy a blue cot, blue changing table andd a blue wardrobe but I'm hoping the next one is a girl leh! Then it's too boyish. Thought white is good cos I can put blue carpet, curtains bedsheets or blankets for boys, and later pink (hopefully
) for a girl.

Your hub is quite colour coordinated hor! My hub is more like, never mind one lah, the baby also cannot tell! haha
hi hi

ya i do know of the things happen but it is juz tiring at times and can't help juz can't stop COMPLAININGS....
The battling between the brain and heart is so so hard!!!
Hope to pass it over soon...

yep, white is versatile, but so is brown...or teak kinda colour. i feel its more lasting than white, coz white, if dun maintain religiously will easily turn yellowish over time. thats why i was so reluctant to get white furniture.

Din think Hb cares haha. I wun be getting BB monitor, coz Babylet will be just next door. Door wun be closed. Shd be ok. Dun wanna spend the $100+ on BB monitor leh. Been spending too much recently.

I wun have furniture for babylet. It's just a spare half room that I have left from my walk-in wardrobe. Intend to get some plastic Toyogo chest of drawers for his clothes & toiletries. And put the cot my SIL gave me. That's abt it. Haha my babylet sounds very deprived hor? But no money to spend on all these lah. So save $$ to buy mummy clothes! haha


U jog??? I do zero exercise hahaha.


Haha trip def good ( dun need to work mah). But went with ILs, so diff from gog alone with HB. Sort of need to defer more, & also take care of other pple. But still good lah.

Only regrest is that I din manage to get anything from 100yen shop or to buy some foodstuffs back hehe.

Huh! At least u only gained 4or 5kg so far. Me gained 8kg liao. Horrified when I saw 62kg on the scale!!

Me & HB also the nvm kind. My BB room isn't so much a BB room but just a spare place to put his plastic chest of drawers & cot :p


I did like Japan a lot! Eat & eat. A bit cold except the last 5 days, but it was great getting away from work! haha

I also have huge thighs & hips now. Even my "tiny for my size" ankles are getting chubby *hiaz* Only consolation are the boobs hee.


I heck care liao. I must have drunk 10 cups of tea a day in Japan. Also ate raw fish, lots of miso, basically anything I wanted to do or eat, I did & ate. I feel a bit guilty sometimes, but I figured better to make myself happy than to get the blues! I am a bad mummy lah :p
Wahahahah Jul i know that feeling i already drink many cold drink hahahah...
it juz that at times too long of battling inside myself i juz need a break bah...
maybe due to last MC i try to be more careful... during my first pregnacy i was on strict discipline.. i can total never touch watermelon or cold drinks But this time round seem so bad.... as compare lar.. can't help comparing human nature...Ops sorrie complains again!!!
kiki and delfine,
me and hb also thinking of wat's a suitable colour for the bb's room... i was thinking of painting both pink and blue... so both boys or gals also can... but hb think it will look weird.. white seems a little boring... but i think furniture if white still okie.
yah the only consolation is the boobs... but i think it will shrink after we stopped breastfeeding.. keke.. i've gained 7kg from the start!! i'm only 21wks!!
Talking about stress, I still don't have a place to stay and my in laws are great but still...sigh.

I only jog cos I used to jog a lot before I got pregnant, I don't think it's good for everyone. The additional weight is starting to hurt my knees and hip but I'll miss it. I need to start my prenatal yoga soon, it's a bit expensive.

your doggy sure sounds notti! but mine's no better, if i had a pond, i'm sure she'd go jumping and swimming in it everyday whether i like it or not. :p the last time my hb bought her to his friends place, she jumped into ppl's pond and apparently killed some fishes in the process. so paiseh!
Hi everyone, wow, I can't keep up with the discussions already!

About the Taggies, yes I suppose we should use good quality and safe ribbons etc. Honestly though babies would put anything into their mouths unless they are trained not to do so, so I'm not that bothered ;P But I do make sure the ribbons are very secure so they don't fall out!

Doing up a nursery: I plan to have our baby's cot placed in our MBR for the first month (just for convenience), and later moved into a seperate room with a baby monitor. Will see if this works out

Your HB is so cool with his preference for having white furniture! My husband is not bothered about these things. heh. I suppose you can always repaint them if they turn yellow?
hmm.. i tot i gained alot of weight alr. When u ladies were only gainin like 1-3 kgs, I alr put on 4kgs at the end of 1st trimester.. Up to date, i've gained a total of 5kgs ba. Prob cos i lost some last week due to the dreadful fever. Some ppl also has commented that my tummy is small for 22 wks..But my gal has gained more than 100g in that week, so i tink should be ok lo.

i think u got mixed up, its not kiddo's hb its mine.. keke...

cool? ha! mustn't let him hear u say that, least he gets all big headed and thinks his idea always very brill. well...yes can paint i guess if it turns yellowish, but i seriously doubt he will do it.

woo.. but i hope the weight gain for me stays put or go slow slow.. im on the heavy side de. I dun want to me gaining to much. BB gain can le.. haha
Hmm... i have gain about 4kg so far... i think the sudden increase is lately only... my baby weighs only about 319g... have no idea where the weight gone to... i think my baby is averge weight too? i have no idea at all...

U helping to consolidate all of our orders from that website and then send to them? so we pay to you and collect from you instead? The prices online is in USD? How to convert to SGD then? Is it cheap to buy from this website? :)
hmm.. so far we gain about how much is the norm during 2nd trimester? is it we gain much more during this period? 3rd trimester is wk29? 3rd trimester will still gain weight?

yea.. jenifur is doing the spree. We pay n collect from her. Prices in the web are in USD. To me, I tink its quite cheap as compared to those in shopping malls.

Here's the details for e babymallonline.com spree.

Exchange rate : USS$1.00 to S$1.55 (excess if any will be used to offset international shipping)

International Shipping Cost : CGW Shipping Charges will be apportioned based on qty/value/bulkiness

Payment to : POSB Savings 194-73291-0

Order Format (Email to [email protected]):

Email :
Collection :

Item #1
Item Name :
Url :
Size :
Quantity :

Price in US$:
Price in SG$: (US$ x 1.55) = S$

Your total no. of items:
Your total purchase amt in S$


Haha I dun even battle. I had a mc in May, but I think I am very nua lah. No discipline. At first will kancheong abt Baylet, now like everything also complacent liao :p I also drink a lot of cold drinks leh!


Why not yellow walls?

Haha I am amazed at my 80C now. So deprived hor? hahaha

ling, princess, milkyway

I think u gals will prob gain mre coz u were slim to set out with mah. If overweight, they will strictly control ur weight if not can get disbetes, high BP etc etc lor.

I think 0.5kg to 1kg per week is supposed to be norm.
True that white furniture will turn yellow fast. Aiya, I only care about it looking nice for the time being only..haha.

Haha.. your dog sounds like a handful also! Mine is super crazy! He even dived into the pond to pull out the water lilies and has been eating all the flowers around the pond. So pissed off with him already. After that he smells fishy.. GROSS

Don't worry! It is quite impossible to gain 4kgs every month till Sept right? I say that to console myself too.. hehheh.

Baby pink and blue? Quite colourful! Can't really imagine, but really depends on the shade of the colours. Was thinking of leaving the walls white and then pasting wall stickers. Save time to paint..hehheh
Actually I think the idea of putting the cot in the MBR is the most cost efficient method. Sometimes I wonder if it is worth the effort and money to set up a nice nursery. Babies suck your money!!
woah. so like that i might gain even more since now i only in wk 22... still have so long more to go.... -.-" wondering the weight gain goes to who now... some of my friends say my face so damn round... originally my face already is round one liao lor.. then some say i flabby... sad leh.

and lately i really super emo and moody.. sigh..

so i just see what i want then i let her know? and then tsf the SGD amt to her? by when i have to let her know?

welcome back! how was japan? i totally love japan! i can shop from morn till nite myself. hubby not welcome to shop with me! hehe...

i also put on quite a bit lately even though ppl still commenting my tummy still small. i still tryg to keep to my 2kg per mth gain leh. i dunno if can make it not!

oh why white huh? u shld see my gal room! its all pink and so sweet!! im now tryg to tempt my gal to sleep in her own room with a new flexa bed. she just refuse to sleep wo me by her side.
Oops! hehe, I got mixed up alright! heee

Yup - the only thing is I'm afraid of is that the baby will disturb my husband's sleep! Esp since he has to work after maybe 1-2 weeks leave? Or maybe his snoring will wake the baby. hehe

I have been really cranky lately too. Shorter tempered and looser tongue when irritated. Not a good thing

Some baby nursery photos if anyone is interested:
Now you've got my nesting instinct on high gear.. haha. Very nice photos! Was wondering if I have the patience to paint the walls so nicely.

If I had a girl, something like this would be cool.

For boys..a rockstar baby room!

Hub said, don't cry when your son asks you if he can get a tattoo at a ripe age of 5

Ya.. just see what u want then tell her. She will tell u when to transfer the $ in SGD to her. I duno when her 2nd spree will last till.. but asap ba. I tink it will end when it reaches USD100 or 150 if im not wrong. My order alone is ard USD 50+ le. Collection i not too sure.. u gotta check with her. She's got a few locations but all in the north if im not wrong.

I was slim during my wedding in apr last yr.. then i put on alot during my 1st preg. I was alr close to overweight when i started this one. I'm the type who puts on weight very easily, I gotta watch my weight too.. cant put on too much.
woah! you bought so many? :) you bought mainly what sizes?

I thought of showing my hb and see if he likes any but my hb too busy and wun hv to time to see... ):

nice! i like the gal's room. but unless u stay in a big landed house, there is no way u can devote a room that size for a baby's nursery here in cramp lil singapore!!
