(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="dc143c">Ling</font>
within 3 days ba.. that time i told them to deliver week after to coincide with Foogo and the rest... so they took a while to deliver.. i dun wanna choke up my living room..

haha.. participating in sprees are so fun lo...

oh.. you can try to ask if can split the orders to 2 location... if lets say among ur mommies there's another minority group staying away from BEdok...

that time we had $750 orders.. so i asked to deliver to 3 place.. though each place is less than $250.. only my place had like $400..the other 2 were like $100plus &amp; $90plus..

so u can try asking...

In the end we sent to BEdok, SK &amp; Yishun.. hehe. :p

Rach and Ling, I also haven't touched the entire box of HT stuff that I bought, except the maple teether. That is very nice! Makes me want to eat Mac hotcakes.

My babies have been drinking milk and eating porridge so I wonder when I can feed them all the cereal and jars.
I still hv 2 and half boxes of cereal left and 4 jars. I'm giving up on making pea purée after I finish the frozen peas. It's just too troublesome!! At least it's easier to make other purees. :p

I feed my baby cereal for breakfast. For lunch and dinner porridge mixed with purée. And a fruit purée like apple for dessert.

so sure can finish the jars and purée.
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">rach...</font>

oh really??? Okok.. I will try ask.. Cos sheryn placed an order with me as well n she's stayin in the west. See if they can accomodate or not. It'll definately be best this way. Her orders are relatively big too.

<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">bbq...</font>

the maple teether nice meh? I tried it myself.. ermz.. not to my likin.. hurhur... Jaelle also not really into them. </font>
Ling, I like leh. It's the one called arrowhead of something.

Potbelly, I already put like 5 things in their porridge so there is no need to add the puree. BF is a good idea. Thanks.
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">bbq...</font>

oh.. then I tink its different liao.. I got the other one.. Maple biscuits for teethers.. nt the arrowroot cookies..</font>
<font color="dc143c">Ling</font>
yah u can try to ask...

<font color="dc143c">potbelly</font>
i've made so much puree and replenishing them that i got no chance to feed the baby jars...
hahha....and if bring out, too much for one feed also leh....so waiting to bring to HK in june.. wahahhaha... by then no frozen puree gotta eat bottled ones... :p

<font color="dc143c">Ling, BBQ</font>
Oh i also tried the maple teethers... ermmm.. a bit bitter bitter leh..
ahahha.. not so nice.....

BBQ, so young can eat arrowhead meh??? i cant rem if i bought that.. coz its all in a BOX! (can u imagine how much i bought...) and its under the dining table chucked away... hahaha....
but i tot only after 1yo then can eat... keke...

<font color="dc143c">Im going NOVENA</font>
at about 6pm.. Anyone need me to pass anything please SMS me...
Ling, it's arrowroot ah? Hahaha, no wonder I thought it sounded weird. Rach, I broke it up into pieces and feed them. It melts easier than the gerber puffs.
bbq,hahaha.. ask the doctor to arrange the sucking phlegm machine to suck la. aahaha. not the pd to suck.

think is a long tube kind of suction tat suck bb phlegm one..
Rach, im so envy of u, soo free one.. i try to be insurance agent like u , but see the M5 exam, sooo many rule &amp; regulations, i sian 1/2..
my son forehead oso will have Dr Ong say its will disappear when he reach 2 yr old.

he say is birth mark. duno is it true..
Now caden sometimes will try to sleep face down and I observe he likes to sleep side ways, last night he is able to flip tummy to front! we were afraid he will suffocate so we bring him to sleep on our platform bed. The last few nights, he will at the edge of the bed in the middle of the night tummy down, one more flip he will be on the floor! heng we manage to catch him on time! the other night i dont know how his legs was on top of my pillow and head on top of my hub pillow! how he manage and also one more step he will be on the floor! i just wonder how he can go across our heads!
Hi Mummies,

Anyone thought of putting your child in PG when they turn 18th months? Any good PG to recommend?
Hi all mummies in the east (bbq,marie,angeline,xiaowei,mmt6j,tlisa etc.),

I had missed the bjg class last Sun (as my son is sick) at Thomson and intended to go this weekend but was told that the special rate is not applicable unless i form a new class. I had called the bjg at Kembangan Branch and they are willing to extend the same rate to me w/o having to form a class of 4. So those interested can call them directly to make an appointment
flower4> erms. think now my baby's phlegm gone after he finish his dose of antibiotics. threw de remainder down the rubbish chute =p

but i think now he having a flu. faints -_-"

babiesmeme> dun worry. think most babies like to sleep face down. according to pd, for babies with sensitive nose or flu, dey usually sleep like this. my baby oso sleeps like this. flipping from tummy to front? my boy have been doing this since 4mths+

where is the veins? my boys one are on his forhead area too. i think babies skins are thin, tat y can see the veins easily. n if they are fair, it juz makes it more obvious. so dun think too much

btw, my boy's pd is oso dr terrence tan. n i would say he's a very observant pd. so if he did not mention anything, i believe it shuld not be any prob and will not need to be concerned over it

nan> haha. my boy is oredi in ifc. so at 18mths he will auto "grad" n go into playgroup =x

thx 4 withdrawin my ht order n sorry 4 e trouble. Went cityhall jalan jalan ytd n decided to grab frm carrefour. Thk more convenient for both of us.. Heng u've oredi gt enuff orders to proceed w/o mine. Paiseh!!!

Aniwae mommies fyi, somes flavours of baby jar n cereals nt available at e suntec carrefour.. Wan to get brown rice cereal n mixed grain n chicken stew jar.. Dun hv.. =(


thanks for helpin me to email Ling!
oh yah, past by tis gym at marina sq n got this birthday bash brochure. Whoa $758.00 for a party there.. Nt incl meals n party favors pressies etc.. Ex hor?!?! Was thkin hw to celebrate my chloe's 1 yo birthday. Mommies what are u all planning ar? So headache!!! :p
<font color="ff6000">Shipping of bulky items</font>

Anyone keen to share shipping space? Literally SHIPPING from US. I wanna get new stroller and car seat. Looking for ppl to share the space but it will take a few mths so not for those who need the items urgently. Shipping cost will be so much cheaper than vpost and good if u wan to get bulky stuff. Got 1 fren who is keen. Anyone keen here let me know also
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">sheryn...</font>

its ok... no worries... I was abt to try ask if they can split delivery as rach has suggested we can try since our combined orders quite big. One to my add n the other to yours. She managed to split to 3 diff addy previously; her orders are huge also la.. But nvm la... hai hao minusing ur orders we still can meet the $250.. but still waiting for 2 to confirm bef I order... =)</font>
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">rach...</font>

ur really temptin me to get something from VS wor... I've eyed on a swimsuit for v long... but price v ex... over US$100... i still bu she de buy... hmm....</font>
i just start my son on antiboitic, he got fever last nite so must be infection lioa..

glad to hear ur son is better now, flu now? sigh... i feel i waste $$ on infant care, pay 1month but i think he been absent for almost week plus already

MUmmies, i feeel so tired of FEEDING MY SON Cereal, is like i have to force him to eat? duno isit now he unwell he like tat...
any mummies like me have tis problem, trying to force cereal on bb?

how to feed babies cereal hassle free &amp; easily, any tips?

my boy always hold his lips tight tight whenever he see cereal is coming, but mouth open willingly when see water coming.? why ah? he can know how to spoon feed food already leh.. like i give his favourites fruits he will keep coming to the spoon?

isit cereal not nice or he get tired of cereal already?
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">rach...</font>

just checked again.. the one i want ships on 5/5. U go ahead ba... USD 134 aft 30% also USD93.80... plus shipping... still not cheap also.. haiz.. </font>
sheryn> think ht brown rice cereal quite easily available. one of those i can find in ntuc =p

i oso dunno wat to plan for my boys bdae. hubby say baby will be too small to understand anything. but most likely i will try to ask my aunt to lend me her hm to throw de party there. but not sure if it'll be ready than. shuld be ba. now renovating her place at thomson =p

flower4> haha. this morning seems like no flu. no more whizzing sound when he sleeps. but he's gettin real fussy. have been waking up at 5am on sat n sun. spoilt my wkend -_-

haha. my boy oso absent from ifc pretty often even though i'm paying too. but bo bian la =p anyway i dun mind. cos when my parents not wking, i rather send him there than to ifc wor =p

i only need to force my boy to eat sweet potato. he dun really like it. tonite i'm trying pumpkin porridge. hope he likes it. my mum's cooking. while i order dominos
hi everyone

so tired these few days. sam is sick n has been waking up in the middle of the nite to cry n cry. sigh.. i suppose he's in discomfort coz his nose is blocked.

he has been drinking less milk. guess it's the blocked nose again. eating wise.. can still sort of eat. but i dun dare to feed him too much, in case he pukes. he merlion-ed his milk twice yest n once tdy. n ge din even drink the usual 180ml, only ard 120ml. still can merlion like waterfall! worse thing is, he puked out all the meds

n he keeps rubbing his nose n smearing mucus n saliva all over. the rashes on the face are getting worse.

sigh.. think we'll bring him to the pd again 2moro. so tired...

u aim tt swimsuit relli ex!! Hee muz b veri nice..

michelle mwerkz

yeah xtra has the brown rice n multigrain.. Wanted to get together frm carrefour cos got 10% for everyday card.. But no stock..the more i buy the more savings but wasted.. Must b kena snatched up by ppl le.. Hee.. Nvm i bot a pack of HB multigrain frm rach to try on chloe.. Mayb tts gd also.

whoa so shiok can hv new place to celebrate ur bois bd. Hb hv to prepare 1-2k for chloes celebratn le.. Thkin of buffet at chinese gourmet buffet jp. Whoa suddenly forgot the name for it.. Bad memory! At least no need to clean up by ourselves after buffet.. Hit hit butt can leave le.. Lols.price abt the same as neo garden menu too. Might as well. Fondant cake ex hor??? Anyone got lobang?!?!? =p
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">sheryn...</font>

em.. i like! but really v ex... if i still working, i sure buy! hurhur

HT Brown Rice gets snapped up v fast de.. so if see, dun delay to grab it lo...</font>
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Hi Mummies..</font>

Anybody interested to take over my tin of Happybellies Brown Rice Cereal; just 1 tin?
I've ordered this from Jenifur's recent spree Batch 3. Should have arrived the USA addy n waitin or its way to sg le...
hmm... i ordered before knowin that actually Jaelle dun like...
I've also ordered the multigrain for her to try this time... see if she can take it or not..

SGD$5.55 before shipping. If any of u interested, do let me know hor? Or I'll have to tink of other alts to get rid of it le...
I saw HT brown rice at Plaza Singapura Carrefour. Was there getting FM cos of the discount. Have all the baby jars there too

haR~ OMG shd hv gone to the one at Plaza Sing then.. Argh!!! ok.. Wait for current HT Stock to run low first.. then I'll go to the one at PS and stock up again.

Thanks for the information~

Let Chloe try a whole jar of 113g Sweet Potato with Apple as one meal today. She can finish.. I thk she likes tt flavour
Try more tmr.

<u>Just one Question.. do you all warm up the BB Jars before feeding? As in like put in warmer to warm then feed or just feed straight from the jar? </u>

I'm stl waiting for my aunt to bring her Not-in-Use Small Slow cooker to my place so i can START cooking porridge for the notti ger to try. The other day I made porridge but its over the stove. whoa hv to keep standing there to stir n stir n stir to make sure it doesnt CHAO TAR lo.. No time!!!

Sept Babies Playgroup
1st May is my "Together Anniversary" leh.. dunno if can join u ladies or not.. KIV first ok?
jul> ops. sounds like wat my boy went thru earlier. think pd will advise to use neubiliser liaos. cos oral medication oso vomit out

sheryn> hehe. my boy prefer brown rice more than multi grain. but than again. my boy is eating happy bellies. but he seems abit bored of puree liaos. so now trying diff food for him. like purees n porridge.

hhaa. mine oso no need clean up. my aunt got 3maids. so basically i juz need to bao angpow for them. dey will do the cleaning up =p ops. tat's wat i do most of the time when i borrowed her place =x but than again, shuld i mafan her =p

usually fresh from the bottle puree i will not warm up. but if put in fridge liaos, den i will warm up
Fitti sales at NTUC. S$21.75 for 2 packs so the price is less than S$11.00. Not sure when end.

Did u add anything into the cereal? I ger take cereal fast if added pear or vege.

Ling - I emailed you, upped my HT order, I have meetings from 10am onwards, so hope to hear from you before that.

Can't find at Giant, NTUC at Pasir Ris nor Simei, grrr!
Hi everyone, just want to check when you start giving baby porridge? at 6 months? was thinking of starting at 9 mths cos that when PD said can start giving animal protein but some people say must start at 6 mths if not not enough nutrients. So how to do porrdge? buy the brown rice powder at ntuc to do?
can any mummies tell me whether you gals are still using baby carrier for your baby?

My baby weights ard 9.5kg and i wonder is it really too late to get one because majority of it holds up to 12 kg only.

Can give me your views?
can understand how tireed you are. Cayden just recovered only...anyway i went to the Chinese Sinseh you recommended and he says my wrist is quite badly injured..worse than urs...is super painful lor.

<font color="ff6000">puree</font>

heh heh so proud of myself. made lotsa puree the past 2 days! i have sweet potato, carrot, pumpkin, spinach, broccoli, apple and peas now! finished all my stash of fresh fruits n veg except apples and peas cos i dun hv any more containers! but i do agree with <font color="ff6000">potbelly</font>, peas are so ma fan! every pea is filled with ai xing man! hubs saw me so ke lian n helped me ytd. but the pea puree look so pretty!
