(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font face="Comic Sans ms"><font color="0000ff">KiKi</font>

Some PD recommend to lightly steam e fruits till bb is 8 mths old. This breaks down e fibers and sugars in e fruits thus enabling easier digestion in bb's immature tummy.

This again depends on individual's comfort level. There's no no life threatening health risk if you feed raw fruit, worse scenario if any is some digestion and tummy troubles aka cranky bb.

I personally find lightly steam fruits easier to blend though.

If you want yr avocado to ripe faster, tie it in a bag &amp; leave it outside instead of yr fridge

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="-1">Ongoing Spree/BP

<ul>[*]HappyBellies Cereal &amp; Organic Puffs Spree - Collecting Order here <LI>Orajel Baby / Toddler Toothpaste Spree - Collecting Order here <LI>Leapfrog DVD Spree - Collecting Order here[/list]</font></font></font>

Hi All Mummies,

I'm a March Mummies. Any of u using tollyjoy detergent (Powder type)? Interested 2 buy at a cheaper price? i had 9 boxes on hand to sell. Kindly PM me if you are interested. Thank you
<font color="119911">Jeni</font>
Sorry I dun get you? "order again when the orders are collated"? You mean I collate first then order? Minimum is 12 pack, I'm getting 5 packs, u taking 4, so left 3 packs.
oh i meant order to ur house like last time is it ok?
think i take 5 packs. see whether others want or not...
hoepfully can order by Mon evening.
Hello all! Have been away for 2 weeks. The hottest topics are still fitti and purée??!!!!

Wah, think you were really bad luck to be caught. You should appeal all the way! The TP shouldn't post that I thier website if they can't exercise flexibility at all! Maybe the one caught you doesn't have a kid and so not understanding :-(
try appealing with what they state in their website "excercise flexibility"

my #1 had diahorrea after eating raw apple at 7-month, but was ok with steam apple.. though she didn't really like it. me too, still dropping hair
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">rach...</font>

ok thanks! Have tt $11 to u le. Ref: 2738209739.
Just let me know when the loot is in. I'll arrange collection from u...</font>
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">jolimilk...</font>

no prob... but now it does seemed a lil weird... haha.. ordering the same thing but from 2 diff ppl.. lolz..

its ok la.. no worries.. do let me know when i need to tt n when it arrives.. or will COD be possible? Btw... besides PL.. any other place i can collect from u ma.. im at bedok.</font>
Jul, I recommend using either a handheld blender or the 'magic bullet' blender that u see on tv.

Someone was commenting on freezing avocado... it's perfectly fine to freeze avocado. It just doesn't look pretty after thawing as it turns brown (think it's the iron?). But apart from looks, it's still fine nutritionally. I freeze pureed avo in ice cube trays then mix and match with the other veg cubes. U shouldn't give the same food for more than a week as that sensitizes the baby to it.
jolimilk> my boy had jaundice for 1.5mths wor. n my office many fridge, 25floorsX2-3fridge. keke. so nv afraid no fridge to use =p

jenn> wah. let baby cry all de way? so unfeeling leh. sometimes baby dun like sit in car seat, i oso carry one -_-

btw, let me know when u r organising spree for desitin =p
oh no...ok, thanks for tell me..think i better make sure i steam/boil the apples then. wouldn't want my girl to get diarrhea. sigh..u also dropping hair? for your #1, do u remember u drop hair till when ah? i'm worried at the rate my hair is dropping, will go botak or not???! plus my hair is long, so after washing hair and comb will tend to pull so alot of hair comes off. its so scary. freaking me out! feel like cutting my hair short but so heartpain also, don't know will take how many years to grow back the same length.

yeah, i heard from jenifur that avocado will turn brown but its ok to consume. read that can add some lemon juice to prevent browning, but don't think baby can take lemon juice at this age rite? do u know if its ok to freeze banana too?

hi and welcome to sept moms!
<font color="119911">Jeni</font>
Yap, I'll order to my place and you guys can come and collect. U want 5 x L size? I'll place order on Monday
Kiki> ya brown can still be hard.. So u can imagne frm ur green to brown to very brown takes a few more days..

Jen> I only know put outside ripes faster, didn't know can tie in plastic bag even faster..
I know keeping in fridge slows down the ripening process.. Hehe...

Thanks for the tip..

ling> thanks.. Will let u know when it is delivered..

Fitti at Yishun>
I have 2-3 packs to share if anyone wants..

Once this batch arrives.. I'll have 8L n 3XL on my own in total..
<font color="ff0000">BABY CUBES</font>

anyone still keen??
Need MOQ 38. One carton..

If I can gather 30 then I'll order..

PM me pls..
i accept PM leh...
still got to wait for xmasc see she wan to order or not.
wah rach u stock up XL already ah so fast? should i order some XL too in case...baby only 8.2kg leh.

kiki drop hair is natural leh..everyone say got drop hair,.me too...some say drop til 10mth or so leh....but think now slightly better alreadym, 4-5m is worse stage i think

last nite cudn't sleep till 230am again. think it's reluctance to let the weekend go. coz come mon.. no more hubs


yeah i was lazy to wash, assemble n figure out how to use blender. but i think i'll make apple puree n freeze for the next 4 days' use. tired of failing at puree-making

potbelly burp

hallo n welcome
Kiki thanks

parmelia I have 2 other friends who gave birth on exactly the same day as our babies! Must be an auspicious day for giving birth. Hehe

Rachel I'm interested in the cubes. Will pm you.
Kiki, it's advisable to hold off citrus fruits until after a year old. It's also ok to freeze bananas. Alternatively, u can put them into the fridge when they reached the right level of ripeness for up to 6 daays. Their peels will turn black but their flesh is still ok. unpeeled bananas in an airtight plastic bag in the fridge will last even longer. I got all this from my baby food bible heheh... Ruth Yaron's Super Baby Food. highly recommended!!!

my baby's born on 6 Sept. Just started solids yesterday but he doesn't seem keen
Totally different from my 1st kid who took to solids immediately and ate everything. They both started around the same age.. When is everyone's kids born?
sorry for the late reply! was trying to get my neighbour. Yes she wants 2 pack. She will let me know tomorrow morn what size. I will pm you tomorrow morn for the size she wants and her contact.

Thanks for waiting for me!
Hello mummies! Greetings from Penang

<font color="0000ff">Rach</font> Sorry, just managed to settle down and check email,surf etc., hehehe....hubby just went back to Spore so now less running around doing touristy things, getting his fill of penang food....
Yes, your NUK pacifier cap can fit my STARLIGHT but you must cap it the other way round.

ITS SO RIDICULOUS! i could not find any PAMPERS ACTIVE here in Penang!! ARGHH!!!

I'm so relieved &amp; relaxed now...have my mum and dad to entertain, feed, play with KAte, make mashed sweet potato (might ask them to make avocado too since there are so many disucssions on avocado) for her, feeding her etc...i just need to concentrate on stuffing my face with food!! yum!

Oh no, i miss all the happy bellies spree...
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Kam</font>

Welcome back. I'm sure you had a great trip in Ipoh ya.

<font color="aa00aa">Bernice</font>

I just cut up e fruits &amp; put either into wok or my electric steamer to steam for bout 10 mins or till tender.

Buzz me when you are back from yr trip ya

<font color="0000ff">Itsy</font>

Sorry just saw yr question to me bout e puffs &amp; meltz. I'm abit confused nowadays as there's a Jeni here.. I tot yr question was to her. You can feed Ian puffs when he is able to eat lumpier food &amp; mash food with his gums.

<font color="aa00aa">WaiWai</font>

Ya.. told my DH to continue appeal... I'm nt gng to give in

<font color="0000ff">Paige</font>

wow... you seem to be enjoying yrself ya. How was yr trip to colmar tropical?

My happybaby spree is still onz... closing tmr. Let me know if you wana tompang.</font>
thought M'sian don sell Pamper active. HB being shopping around but nvr saw it.

Put this statement in the appeal letter and shoot back
As per your FAQ below :
If my friend has a kid who is below 8 years old and they want to hitch a ride in my car and my car has no child seats, will I be penalized if I were stopped by TP?
All private vehicles that come with seat belts will have to abide by the seat belt rules so if you have a child below 8 years old travelling with you, you will need to have a child seat for him. <bold>Generally, our officers will exercise flexibility if such rides are infrequent and on ad-hoc basis. <bold>However, if the rides are frequent or regular, it is advised that you discuss with your friend on investing in a child seat.

Not sure how to bold text.

Car Seat
If all kids need to have car seat then very few ple can sit in the car already. I have 2 bb, need 2 chair seat. Then the back cannot accommodate anymore pax. How to go out. They don expect every family only 2 bb 2 adult. Gvt is encourage birth rate, those have 3 bb no need outing liao/
itsy, not sure if boy allegic to fitti... i need monitor the situation for 1/2weeks first..so probably can't order liao...unless can wait for 2 weeks later....promotion til 31 Mar. but if got others want first, then u can order for them.
thanks...sorry for the troublesome.
rach, how do u defrost the baby cube? i dun use microwave?....also can just use it to store in fridge right for blended veg?

sorry need your advice again. When i heat the frozen puree, do i have to heat till it boils but b4 that we need to thaw first right?
<font color="ff0000">BABY CUBES</font>

I've placed order with supplier cuz only last carton left.
If I dun get it then gotta wait till April.

So.. Mummies who have PM me previously pls make payment asap to secure ur orders.

It'll be delivered to mr these few days then can post out liaoz..

<font color="ff0000">CLOTH BOOKS</font>
supplier says by we'd afternoon latest to finalist orders..
So I can still take in orders till tue 10pm.
Check www.funwithbabies.multiply.com for details under photos..

<font color="ff0000">HAPPY BABY CEREAL, PUFFS &amp; MELTS</font>
Order placed last nite. Ordered extra too..
If any mummies missed deadline n still want, check with me on stock availability..

Thanks Mummies!
Jeni> just take out frm freezer n steam it or warm it up with food warmer or the bottle warmer...

as told by the lady at Petite Bowl at United square..
I you heat up the frozen puree with microwave, no need to heat to boil. Just make it warm enough for your/baby liking. No need to thaw first if you use a microwave.

I started solid with my girl about 1 week ago. She is okay with rice cereal (Nestle). Over the weekend, made pumpkin and sweet potato puree for her. She doesn't like pumpkin, but okay with sweet potato. In general, she doesn't (as of now) take solid as well as my #1. I take it easy, hope she is still willing to try out all types of food.
<font face="Comic Sans ms"><font color="0000ff">Berrypie</font>

I will remove from freezer to thaw overnight then warm up using warmer. If use stove, jus warm up, dun need to boil

<font color="aa00aa">Kam</font>

Holiday is always fun but short rite

<font color="0000ff">Rach</font>

How much is e baby cube?? I'm considering to get 1 more. Running out of container for my puree

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="-1">Ongoing Spree/BP

<ul>[*]HappyBellies Cereal &amp; Organic Puffs Spree - Collecting Order here <LI>Orajel Baby / Toddler Toothpaste Spree - Collecting Order here <LI>Old Navy Spree - Collecting Order here <LI>Leapfrog DVD Spree - Collecting Order, refer to here[/list]</font></font></font>
My boy eating plain porridge now. he quite like it though its plain. hahaa..

this morning i change clothes and wanna go buy breakfast. my mom was carrying kriden and i told him "mommy go downstair yahh" then he cry lor.... then i walk back he quiet... i walk away he cry again... walk back quiet. he wanna follow lor... go take his stroller then he happy and smile. =_=

last week saw my hubby's colleague son (8months) eating chicken wing... quite impressed leh. kekee. i didn know small boy can eat tat. =)
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Kam</font>

Yr gal same as Jed... he dun really fancy pumpkin, kept pushing out w his tongue. So I told him if u dun eat, u will hv to go hungry cuz mummy nt gng to increase yr milk. He seems to understand cuz after tt he kuai kuai eat.</font>

Question, I'm trying to slowly reduce pumping, now down to 3 times a day, think my period is coming too, sigh.

So my question is that my right boob is hurting like crazy and I'm feeling nauseous, anyone experience that when trying to stop breastfeeding?
